jigento-archived · 5 years
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                 𝚆𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜,                𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚠𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚞𝚝𝚢 𝚠𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜.                   𝚂𝚘 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 !!                                             Indie Kazuma Kuwabara                           From Yu Yu Hakusho                            Adored by Jason                             est. Jan. 2017
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jigento-archived · 5 years
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thesis stuff under cut 
Keep reading
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jigento-archived · 5 years
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so thesis… ?
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yeah– i did that. 
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jigento-archived · 5 years
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             don’t worry ! don’t worry !               thesis is going to be turned              in on friday and then i’ll               remake this blog, move over,              and i can get things going               again !! <3
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jigento-archived · 5 years
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       hey friends, guess who i miss. 
                      hint: it’s kuwabara, i mean who else would it be. 
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jigento-archived · 6 years
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           i’m not dead ! (but i feel it)
           anywho-- i’m still planning             on remaking kuwabara and            starting from scratch-- i’m             just in the process of editing            my thesis film so i can get            out of here and actually             graduate. 
                              in the meantime, you’re welcome to                                friend me on discord, follow my twitter,                                or follow my kuwabara-centric twitter                               if you’re down for all that. 
                             discord is jason the biggest gothest dad#6465
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jigento-archived · 6 years
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happy birthday my dear sweet boy
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jigento-archived · 6 years
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                  hey friends, i know it’s been a while. i’ve been working                   on thesis projects and film projects with some friends                    of mine for their comedy channel-- i’ve been working                    on bettering myself through conselling as of late to                    get through a few things and to get into a better frame                    of mind for most things and, for the most part, it seems                   to be helping out, which is super good. 
                  at some point, i’m going to remake and archive this                    account to get things going fresh. it should be at some                   point. 
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jigento-archived · 6 years
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               i want to come back. i want to write.                  i want to do fun things and i want to                  be proactive but at the same time it’s                 really hard to motivate myself to do                  much of anything these days. 
                i’m seeing a therapist to work through                 some personal things but it’s not doing                 much to help me feel energized or                  bubbling with creative energy. 
                i’m sorry i’m such a downer and i don’t                 post anything fun here anymore. 
                 i want to be better. 
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jigento-archived · 6 years
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this has nothing to do with this blog or any kind of personal  shit, i just want to scream about something have no place  to scream about it. 
so-- online ARG’s are probably the most brilliant things i’ve seen in the last four or so months and, i’m not joking when i say this, but if there’s anything that can display all manner of creativity and storytelling genius, it’s ARG’s. 
if you’re like ‘what the fuck’s an ARG’ it basically stands for Alternate Reality Game. what most people do is they utilize social media platforms (Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Vine, Snapchat, Facebook, etc) and they actively post as if something about their reality is off in some way. most of the time there’s some kind of paranormal or distopian/apocolyptic theme. the ones i’ve mainly seen have been uncovered footage-esque in delivery with the added bonus of twitter posts to accompany youtube uploads. there’s one that is strictly twitter, and some spill over multiple platforms and accounts. 
the goal of most, if not all ARG’s, is to give the illusion that whatever’s being posted is happening in realtime in a real and believable setting. the people that follow can actively interact with those running these accounts as if they were real people and real individuals who can tell the story firsthand. you are part of their story as they tell it to you in bits of evidence and content that you can pick apart however you want to find the meaning and the contents of the story. 
it’s something that feels like years of planning would have to go into, especially things like the slenderverse ARG community that employees at least four different groups of people across the east coast to fill in story gaps, interact with other characters otherwise limited to one group’s story, and to make the whole thing seem like multiple groups of people experiencing the same reality. 
it’s fucking awesome. 
i’m a slut for crossovers anyway so to watch one series and then jump to another without realizing they happen in the same universe and interact is just-- creative GENIUS. that’s only the case with a handleful of slenderverse accounts though that deal with slenderman and his ability to control and destroy. 
there are others that are video game theories brought to life in fanmade video games that you can play and interact with. there are twitter accounts that document survival in a world where the sun has actually burned out leaving nothing but eternal darkness and creatures, almost alienlike, that stalk the earth for survivers. there are animated short series that break the fourth wall to tell dark and twisted stories. there are random videos that detail a universe where the world undergoes a nuclear war and the early morning television programs are the only things that give you insight as to the state of things. what really caused this apocolypse? was it nuclear weaponry? was it the moon? what caused the world to just up and die? why are there pre-recorded warnings playing at 3am on this community news channel? 
it’s the feeling that these things could potentially be set in a real time and place, these events could be real in an alternate version of the life we live in-- that really make them worth the follow. it’s a form of storytelling that make you feel involved. you feel like you’re invested in the world because you, yourself are a part of it. 
i can’t stop watching all of these because the stories are riveting and keep me on the edge of my seat while at the same time making me question the validity of what i’m seeing. it’s all fantastic. i emplore you to check out stuff like this if you want a somewhat immersive experience with fantastic storytelling.
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jigento-archived · 6 years
* ahem *
K U W A B A R A  
m u c h
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jigento-archived · 6 years
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           uh.... tf is this dark blue shit ? 
           y’all won’t give your populous             what we ask for but you’ll give             us dark blue shit-- 
                                 mmhmm cause that                                  makes sense. 
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jigento-archived · 6 years
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               i miss being here.                 i miss writing with friends                and reading replies that both break my                heart and inspire me to keep writing. 
               i miss coming online after a long day and                having something to get back to and something                to continue. 
               i miss connecting with people and having fun. 
               happy 3am. 
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jigento-archived · 6 years
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 ya boi done finished his thesis shoot  today which means that i can write  more and do stuff for me ahhhhh
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jigento-archived · 6 years
[ @jigento ]
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“Listen… Before you chew me out for disappearing again, lemme explain over some shakes. Deal?”
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               ‘ and what makes you think shakes are gonna do anything ? ‘                   they sure were tempting though, even if the anger over being                  left on his own still burns as radiantly as his spirit sword. 
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jigento-archived · 6 years
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             ‘ come on... cut it out... i’m tired of the tickling... ‘ 
                       hands grab at his arms, rubbing the sensation of chills                         continuing to run through them. god, couldn’t it just                         stop ? for five seconds even ? 
                                                    ‘ there’s a lot going on in here... ‘ 
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jigento-archived · 6 years
[Holds the other’s hand when they think the other won’t notice]
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                ‘ the fuck you doin’ ganging up on her like that !? ‘ he’d gone inside                  to grab the two of them some juice and when he’d returned-- hell. 
                  it was only a matter of time before those dipshits from around the                   corner showed their faces. it wasn’t exactly a secret that he and ann                  were hanging out-- a little more so on weekends and free days. that                  aside, it was almost guaranteed that they’d show up to speak their                  opinions on the matter. it came in the form of cornering her, talking                   above her, and proceeding to get a little too close for comfort. 
                  knowing her, she would’ve taught them a lesson or two, but, seeing                   as these were his problems normally, why would it change now ? 
                ‘ all i’m hearing from you guys right now is a load of horseshit. so what--                  we hang out. i’m a thick guy, she’s a model-- what’s that got to do                   with anything ? she lives in a nicer place than i do, great-- big deal.                   you’re just pissed cause-- ‘ 
                  his words catch. 
                  a gentle squeeze of him alerts him to her presence there, her delicate                  hand intertwining her fingers with his own. she was right, he should                   just back off. things were taken care of. 
                ‘ --cause we should be on our way...  ‘ 
answered for: @conflovers
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