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For those of you who are just getting out of a class or work and feel tired and are considering not voting because of the long lines, please go vote. Hillary Clinton only has a four point lead in poll forecasts and that falls within the margin of error. If you think your vote doesn’t count, remember that in 2008 Obama won North Carolina by two votes per precinct. Your vote matters. Bring a snack, charge your phone, and go wait in that line to cast your vote!!
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Thank You President Obama!!!
Just over 8 years ago, while sitting in my apartment in Philadelphia, I watched as the race was called and Senator Barack Obama was elected President of the United States of America. This was the first presidential election that I was eligible to vote in, and it was for an African American.
For the last 8 years it has been a pleasure to see how President Obama, and First Lady Michelle Obama, have elevated the office of president, and first lady. He has operated with dignity and grace, without personal scandal or indiscretion. First Lady Obama has been a role model for all young women, not just black women. I will gladly teach my two-year-old daughter about Michelle Obama as she grows up!
Each time I watched President Obama speak I felt a sense of pride. To see an African American occupy the highest office in the country, the most powerful position in the world, was a consist reminder of what is possible!
Now, 8 years later, we sit on the eve of a presidential election in which Barack Obama is not on the ballot. For many millennials, this is our first time voting for president without Barack Obama being a candidate.
In this, President Obama’s last day as the reigning winner of the most recent presidential election, I have mixed emotions. On one hand, I am grateful for the opportunity to witness history, greatness, and class. I am proud of President Obama and proud of First Lady Michelle Obama and their family.
On the other hand, I am saddened that his eight-year term is coming to a close.
President Obama has set the bar high. The next President will have a tough road ahead of him or her.
Regardless of your political views, we can all celebrate the tenure of President Obama and cherish the time we had under his leadership!
Thank You President Obama for teaching us all that we can rise about the attacks and keep moving forward.
Yes We Can!
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it feels like doomsday, but we’re actually getting much closer to a president donald trump. a lot of swing states are now leaning his way for the first time. not because most people agree with his ideals, but because of weak turnout of democratic voters. so:
VOTE! Find out where and how here: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/commit/locate/
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Person: You always so quiet
Me: Bitch idk what to say
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I would just like everyone to know that Mike Pence supports gay conversion therapy and says that he will stop funding HIV medication and put the money into gay conversion therapy. I’m not the biggest fan of Hillary, but if you don’t vote or if you vote third party, people will die. POC will die when they are deported and segregated. Gay people will die when conversion therapy is funded. Women will die when Roe v. Wade is overturned. The only group protected is rich, white men.
Please, please vote Hillary. For my sake and everyone else’s. I’m terrified.
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Omg “two moms at brunch”
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This is a plea to those in the US on tumblr about election night:
If you can, please, for your own safety, stay home.
Regardless of who wins, there will be violence.
If Hillary wins, then all the violence Trump has been encouraging will come to a head. His supporters have already said they believe the system is rigged, and there is a growing movement to “take up arms” and “fight back” if Trump loses. This is especially important for those of you in smaller, more rural, white-dominated communities. Trump supporters are plenty there, and as someone who lives in one, I can tell you the chances of people having guns on hand are very high.
If Trump wins, then all of his ideas about “law and order” being enforced by self-policing neighborhoods and his terrifying ideas of vigilantism being an acceptable form of law enforcement could come to fruition. People will most likely be protesting if he wins, and there is a heavy chance that Trump supporters may decide to shut these protests down with violence. They may decide to get a jump start on kicking people out of America. They may decide to commit hate crimes because Trump being elected reinforces their belief that violent rhetoric and actions against minorities is acceptable.
This is not an exaggeration. There will be violence on Tuesday night. There will be hate crimes. There will be people hurt. Do absolutely everything you can to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
Sound extreme? Well, listen up.
I want to stress something to everyone on tumblr who is voting for the first time, or is too young to remember previous elections: the violent rhetoric around this election is NOT NORMAL.
Previous elections have never had this strong of a group of people declaring they’ll secede if their candidate loses. Previous elections have never had violence encouraged and stoked by a presidential candidate. Previous elections have never been this tense, this scary, this pivotal.
This election has been violent, and the results on Tuesday night will either push Trump supporters into thinking their violence is acceptable, or push them into fighting back against what they see as a “rigged system”.
Either way, please look after yourself Tuesday night, especially if you are a minority and/or live in a conservative, white-dominated community.
Please reblog this so everyone can see it. I never ask for reblogs, but this is extremely important for people in the U.S.
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He’s not called the Golden Maknae for nothing
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i respect everyones opinion and political views but if u voted for trump here on this day today unfollow and block m
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How to feel like an angel
-wear rose face masks -moisturize your skin -use sugar scrubs -paint your nails a pale pink -listen to new music -curl your hair -bat your eyelashes softly -bake blueberry muffins -wear satin dresses -burn lavender scented candles -buy yourself roses
And over all take care of yourself, you are ethereal, you matter.
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do we know who the president is yet
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what a cute lil dumpling
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