loveamirleo-blog · 4 years
Final Report: Networking Blog
The marketing Seminar course played a significant role in my education process in the Strategic relationship Marketing program. In this course, there were a lot of different speeches and seminars by marketing professionals that each of them was like a valuable experience for me. Learning from other experts was always one of my interests through my education. I believe if someone has done many different challenges in a specific area, they will have many stories for you to get insight into the depth of those areas and deliver their strengths to you and show you the opportunities. Moreover, listening to an experienced person can teach you how to find your weaknesses and it helps you to find a solution to eliminate them. So, I would like to say thank you to my dear professor Michelle that invited those experts and professionals to our class for us to get benefit from their knowledge and connect to them to build our strong network at the end of the semester.
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First of all, when I started my way to become a strategic relationship marketer, I had a big fear of how to build my network in the industry. As an international student, it is always a fear of how to contribute with others in English, and what happens when they understand the language will be our first challenge to communicate. However, in this course, while I wanted to ask or communicate with any of the guests, they were so humble and open to understanding our question and they did their best to give un the answer that we were looking for. That was one of the lessons that I have got from this kind of class. The lesson was that as a Marketer, we should always find a way to communicate and never hesitate or fear about language or any other challenges. There is always a way to communicate and we just need to find it.
Secondly, connecting to the people that we believe they can help us to grow, the second action is asking as many questions as possible. The more you ask the deep you understand. So, I started to find the guests on other platforms like social media and LinkedIn to stay connected and always ask them for a virtual meeting when I need support.
Last but not least, it is so important to see your future in someone else and ask them are they happy about what they are doing or not. In another word, before you experience everything in a career, decide to answer this question that is this career fit for you, and do you love this career. To find the answer you need to listen to the speakers' points deeply to understand different aspects of each career and make sure that is that job features and tasks enjoyable for you to do or not. In this course, I have achieved a lot of ideas about what exactly I want to do after graduation from this program. On the other hand, it helped me to find a proper place to do my co-op semester based on what career I like to have in the Marketing industry.
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Part 2
Based on the findings and learning from the professor and seminars in this course, I started to make my network as a marketer and planner for a dental institute to do my coop and get hired after graduation. Then I started to make a relationship with their business advisor and manager to express my interest and find a proper position for myself in their organization. After having a meeting with Mr. Hanif I found out they have started to publish an international magazine for dentists all around the world and they need a person to assist them to come up with strategies to make every dentist become their loyal customer and get the membership for their magazine. Also, after the pandemic, they need someone to plan some special events and seminars to engage with the professional dentist all around the world.  So, based on what I have learned from this course I ask him to take part in their virtual seminar to express my ideas and they see my potentials and let me do my coop in their organization. Now, I have got the confirmation from them and I will start my coop in the Confidentist organization. Also, before I start I offer them to take part in the magazine project as a volunteer and present my skills and strength to make them sure about choosing me for that position. All of these actions I took to connect, make relationships, ask for job title, offering volunteer position was based on the tips that I had learned from this course especially the guests.
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The guest that I have learned a lot from was Kareem Perez That the main tips that I have learned from him were:
1. Always be passionate about what you do 2. The more you ask, the more you learn 3. Be positive and make your community 4. You need to have a personal brand to express your skills better
Also being a volunteer and attending to Confidentist Organization learned me:
1. How to work in an academic workplace 2. How to run virtual meetings and make everyone connect and bring something to the meeting 3. How to listen to everyone and gather data to make a solution for each issue. 4. How to prepare my material and have my findings understandable for all around the table
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10 Tips that I have learned from this course:
1. Always get to know your audience 2. Don't come with problems, come with solutions 3. Get benefit from communication with others 4. Data is a vital tool, use data to find the best solution 5. Decide your big goals to small ones and achieve them one by one 6. Always have scheduled for your goals 7. Search before you go to a meeting 8. Count your small successes 9. Decide to find your weaknesses and switch them to strength 10. Find a way, or Build it!
Thanks Amir Mohammadzadeh
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loveamirleo-blog · 4 years
Journal #2
Today I had the pleasure to get benefit from an inspiring person named Kareem Perez. He is a passionate person about communication, presenting, and networking with as many as possible. In the beginning, with those characteristics of him, I started to attend his presentation word by word due to the common interest that I have in my personality.
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Kareem has been working with many different Marketing firms all around North America and he has great experience in coaching, monitoring, and motivating people through his expertise. He is a leader that always focuses on boosting the energy of his team by helping them through digital marketing.
His key factors of being a successful digital marketer were his passion for networking and sharing experiences and make a strong community at the end of the day. He started his journey by doing lots of volunteering, and getting to know more successful people and get inspired by them. He has established his community named The Tech Effect to connect marketing experts business owners to share their experiences to make plenty of bridges in the industry. 
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One of his considerable features is he always motivates and advises people to have a personal brand. As he mentioned in the presentation, let people get to know you deeply before you start a connection to them. Everyone has their brand and they need to create in and introduce themselves by that. So, he started to run many Personal branding and LinkedIn workshops to share this idea to many people.
Based on his passion for digital communication he found that in the current COVID situation, digital platforms are playing a vital role and it is an undeniable need of everyone at the present.
During his virtual presentation, I took some keywords and explanations that I need to keep in mind from now on. Those tips are as below:
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 1 Never hesitate to as questions Asking questions expresses the level of your interest in the subject and the more you ask the better you become familiar with the subject. Also, in digital marketing asking questions is like collecting data and data is the significant part of digital marketing
2. In the way to success, there are lots of failures ���Rome is not built in one night” after his explanation about how many failures exist in the way of becoming successful marketer I remembered this sentence and felt more confident about giving a try in the industry to get the lessons even if I fail at the end
3. Think and move out your comfort zone  Opportunities are always out of your comfort zone, if you get out of it you'll find them
4. Get to know your strengths and weaknesses then start to improve them  The key factor to become successful in finding a way to switch your weaknesses to your strengths and never have a fear to face them.
To sum up, This presentation was so valuable to me because Kareem's personality and interests were so close to mine and I have got many lessons from his presentation.
 Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed!
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loveamirleo-blog · 4 years
Journal #3
Journey mapping plays a significant role in marketing strategy. That is so important to search and research different customers' personalities and come up with a relevant journey map. This can lead to customers' satisfaction and fulfill their needs when they face with our products and services. There are touchpoints and pain points that we should find it in our customers to improve and eliminate to get a better result in customer satisfaction.
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Based on the last speaker's (Brian Walsh) speech in the marketing seminar class, it is vital to think beyond the customers' needs and wants and get insight into their demanded needs to keep them happy about the service and product that they receive. Brian told an inspiring story about a kid that had fear about the MRI machine and how he started thinking about eliminating this issue. The story made me think deeply about different kind of needs in the society that sometimes is covered and you should dig into the depth of the need and find out how to make it better. If a kid has fear of using MRI machine, it means there are lots of kids in the society that suffer from the same experience and creating a persona for that group and following a journey map can easily give us a solution to eliminate the customer issue and make customer satisfaction. According to his variable experiences in the marketing industry ( working for Cisco, McDonald's, Allianz and Air Canada, etc.), he decided to make the situation convenient for those kids who had this fear. His golden strategy was coming up with a customer journey based on the specific persona to put himself in their shoes and see how can he switch it from an issue to an opportunity. 
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As I understood from his speech, it is very important that whenever we face a customer issue, do not find it a big problem, however by making a customer journey mapping we can drive it to an opportunity.
In conclusion, there were a lot of valuable thoughts in his speech about different aspects of marketing ( especially journey mapping) that I found them so useful in my future projects and I understood why this topic exists in all the courses of B409 program. Now I am looking at COVID-19 as an issue in the industry and based on journey mapping in different industries, I am looking forward to finding different ways to eliminate them in my projects.
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loveamirleo-blog · 4 years
Journal #3
Journey mapping plays a significant role in marketing strategy. That is so important to search and research different customers' personalities and come up with a relevant journey map. This can lead to customers' satisfaction and fulfill their needs when they face with our products and services. There are touchpoints and pain points that we should find it in our customers to improve and eliminate to get a better result in customer satisfaction.
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Based on the last speaker's (Brian Walsh) speech in the marketing seminar class, it is vital to think beyond the customers' needs and wants and get insight into their demanded needs to keep them happy about the service and product that they receive. Brian told an inspiring story about a kid that had fear about the MRI machine and how he started thinking about eliminating this issue. According to his variable experiences in the marketing industry ( working for Cisco, McDonald's, Allianz and Air Canada, etc.), he decided to make the situation convenient for those kids who had this fear. His golden strategy was coming up with a customer journey based on the specific persona to put himself in their shoes and see how can he switch it from an issue to an opportunity.
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As I understood from his speech, it is very important that whenever we face a customer issue, do not find it a big problem, however by making a customer journey mapping we can drive it to an opportunity.
In conclusion, there were a lot of valuable thoughts in his speech about different aspects of marketing ( especially journey mapping) that I found them so useful in my future projects and I understood why this topic exists in all the courses of B409 program. Now I am looking at COVID-19 as an issue in the industry and based on journey mapping in different industries, I am looking forward to finding different ways to eliminate them in my projects.
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