jimmyjimmy5 · 2 months
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Like and reblog if you are baby, babysissy, Femboy, or diaper lover 🚼🍼🥰🎀🤱🌹💋👶
Liken und rebloggen Sie, wenn Sie ein Baby, ein Babysissy, ein Femboy oder ein Windelliebhaber sind 🚼🍼🥰🎀🤱🌹💋👶
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jimmyjimmy5 · 2 months
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jimmyjimmy5 · 4 months
I wanna have my big privileges taken away by a “real adult”
Please please please, hear me out:
🍼Every time I try to talk, shush me. Grown ups get to talk, not babies. Gently put my paci back in my mouth and smirk at me.
🍼Always treat me the same way no matter who’s around. Babies don’t get any dignity, so why should I?? Your friends, my old “big” friends, your family, it doesn’t matter. Let the grown ups do the thinking.
🍼Hold my hand everywhere we go so I don’t get lost, and hold it so tight it hurts when I try to let go. Embarrass me and scold me in public, make it clear to everyone that I’m not an adult worth respecting.
🍼Check my diaper no matter where we are. Out at a restaurant? Pants down around my ankles anyway, grown ups need to check thoroughly after all. We have friends over at our house? I shouldn’t be wearing pants at home anyway, no cover at all for my diaper. Mommy/daddies precious little one isn’t allowed to hide their pissy pampers, no matter who’s over. No dignity.
🍼Refuse to leave me alone in the house. 26 years old? No, I’m 26 months old you assure me, I can’t be trusted alone. You’ll hire a babysitter to watch me, and they’re to be treated with the exact same respect I would treat any other grown up. Who cares if they’re “younger” than me? Babies who aren’t potty trained don’t get to complain about who’s in charge.
🍼Set firm rules, and when I break them, punish me. Follow through, all the time, always. I want you to put so much fear in me that I’m conditioned not to break your rules. Make me sleep outside like a dog. Rip my pampers down and spank me so hard I cry. Slap me and laugh at how weak I am and how I can’t fight back.
🍼My phone?? Nope. That’s for grown ups. I can have a “pretend” phone instead (it’s just a bright piece of plastic with fake buttons) who was I gonna talk to anyway?? I can’t even spell, I’m just a stupid toddler.
🍼Schedule play dates for me with other Little’s. Humiliate me in front of them, and encourage them and their caregiver to laugh along with you about how pathetic I am. “Oh sweetieee, did you piss your pants again?? God, I can smell you from here EW” orrr “sit down little ones it’s time to eat! Yep, you can have a slice of pizza honey absolutely! Not my little one though, get into your high chair so I can give you your nummy nummy baby foods!”
If you wanna act like a baby, you’ll get treated like one.
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jimmyjimmy5 · 4 months
Full Infant Immersion Steps for Beginners
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Hey guys!  Okay so, I know in the past I’ve talked big about my ability to regress someone just through interaction, which *is*  true to some extent as I’ve experimented with getting Baby C. in the right head space. However, I’ve also found that sensory is a powerful thing, and even in diapers there are definitely limits to how long I can keep him in that “desired” state of mind just by sweet talking him.  - Adults have responsibilities that stress them out, it’s just a fact of life. And their brains will do anything to be in control of it to stay ahead of the noise. - So one of OUR responsibilities as their Mommys/Daddys/Caregivers is to not only make them feel vulnerable, safe and carefree, but also take away their control so that they couldn’t tend to “the noise” of nagging to-do lists even if they tried, even if it’s just for an evening or a few hours. This is very meditative and healthy for Littles, who I’ve found tend to be perfectionists in their real lives.  - Now you’re probably asking how do you get them to stop focusing on what’s around them? To deprive them of their senses and dexterity of movement. I know it can sound cruel, but I’ve found it’s actually the best way to get them to calm down.  - What you’ll need: 1. Something to keep their mouth shut. We use thin silky mask that covers his entire face with a zipper over the mouth that I can use to hold a pacifier in place. You can also use a paci gag or just a pacifier with some packing tape (be careful to avoid the nose and don’t use too much. The #1 goal is for your little to be comfortable but unable to talk and only able to make moaning noises.  _ 2. Something to impair their vision. We use a thin silky mask that does not obstruct his breathing. You can also use a basic sleeping face mask. I do not recommend rubber or silicon masks but that’s up to you.  _ 3. Something to impair their hearing (optional) - earplugs. Which can really make them lose touch of their surroundings and make it so they can only understand bits and pieces of what the “grownups” are saying. This is a powerful tool.  _ 4. Restraints. Footcuffs, handcuffs, etc, but definitely get some that are comfortable to wear and give them some wiggle room. These can be applied and removed when you need to move the baby from the bedroom to the living room floor to play, to the table or highchair to eat, etc. As long as the mask and sensory deprivation tools stay on, they should stay in the same state of mind.  _ Bonus: Kneepads. These are great for crawling around painlessly. Insisting they crawl during regression time is a nice trick, but it’s harder than you’d think! The temptation to stand up is strong so putting kneepads on are a constant reminder of what is expected of them. You can also apply a light restraint like a soft cord tied around his feet to limit his range of motion if he were to try to walk but has enough give to allow for crawling.  _ Enjoy! 
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jimmyjimmy5 · 6 months
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I create a rules for DD/lb in several categories. I would appreciate any feedback. Wrninig !!! My english is not very good :D !!! I hope you like it at least a little bit
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jimmyjimmy5 · 7 months
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jimmyjimmy5 · 8 months
My sissy boy last night
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jimmyjimmy5 · 8 months
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“Not such a big bro anymore are you?”
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jimmyjimmy5 · 9 months
Diaper discipline for your partner when you’re not ready for 24/7
Many couples I speak to the diapered partner has a desire to be forced to wear 24/7 but either this isn’t practical in their lives or their partner isn’t ready to get that involved yet.
So I wanted to put together a short guide on how you can implement diaper discipline and forced regression in a ad hoc and none full time way.
With 24/7 diaper wearing the discipline & domination parts come significantly by you removing their toilet privileges in a near total way which results in it being the discipline they need. If you’re instead only going to make them wear on an ad-hoc basis then you need to make some changes.
First although they’re going to be wearing a lot less you need to be more involved when they are wearing. Secondly it has to be unpredictable for them. And finally it should be more intense than 24/7 wearing to make up for the reduced regularity of it.
I did this to my partner before we decided 24/7 was the right path so here as some tips to get you started.
Look for opportunities to make them wear diapers where it will be more embarrassing while still protecting their privacy
- Going on a day trip? Surprise them by diapering them in the morning and packing a diaper bag for them to carry.
- Long drive? Thick diapers are required.
- Staying with friends or family? Diaper them up for bed!
Force them to use their diapers
- Once or twice a week force them to mess their diapers with the help of suppositories, enemas or laxatives.
- Use locking clothes or diaper covers to prevent them from removing their diaper so they have to use it.
- Lock the door to the toilet in your home
- Don’t give them permission to use the toilet in public
- Make them lose control in a semi-public way. You don’t want to expose others to smelly diapers but giving them a suppository and sending them to get groceries or go out for a walk is a favorite of mine. Or hand a suppository for them to insert at the end of a meal out or when on a drive and still an hour or two away from home.
Take control of their first diapering, checks & changes
- Surprise them by walking into the room, with diaper supplies in hand, and diapering them there and then.
- Tell them that they can’t ask for checks or changes and do these yourself
- Check them in a physical way, making them drop their pants or lift skirt
Vary the amount of time they’re diapered
- Sometime it might just be overnight
- Other times enforce 24/7 diapers for up-to a week
- Don’t tell how long each session will last
Throw in extended 24/7 periods
- Going on a 1 or 2 week vacation? Surprise them by diapering them and telling them that you’ve packed no underwear for them.
- Got a quiet month at home? Tell them you’re going to test them being diapered full time for a bit
Make it more embarrassing
- Tease them when they’re diapered
- Threaten then with being made to wear 24/7
- Force them to use their diaper in front of you
- Make them have their diaper exposed in the house or enforce abdl clothing only
- Don’t change them until they leak and then switch to thicker diapers
- Use more babyish diapers or make a male partner wear girly diapers more
Combine diapers with other humiliation elements:
- Male partner? Dress them as a girl when diapered
- Use bondage alongside their diapers; restrain overnight in a spare bedroom, use a straightjacket & suppositories to make them feel helpless, shackle their ankles to their desk in an exposed diaper while working from home, use locking onesies and covers regularly
- Chastity! Lock them up while diapered and experiment with pegging
- Butt plugs? Going out but don’t want them to mess? Plug them up.
- Role play. Nurse & patient or teacher & school boy/girl work great with diapers
- Pull ups or abdl underwear when not diapered
Use forced regression alongside diapers as much as possible
- When at home and in diapers they should not be dressed as an adult. Onesies, shortalls, exposed diapers, baby dresses, etc…
- Use pacifiers and bottles regularly
- Make them wear a bib while eating. Or step things up and feed them yourself
- Tell them they’re a baby, only babies wear diapers, etc
- Turn a spare bedroom into a nursery simply by replacing the sheets, adding some plushies and keeping a few piles of diapers and supplies visible.
How much and when?
With all of these ideas to try the question comes up of how often should they be diapered and how do I decide when that should be (especially if not a natural mommy/daddy).
As a minimum I’d recommend they’re diapered 25% - 50% of each month. In terms of deciding when you should make them wear, I used to do this at the start of each month and week.
At the start of the month I’d look at our plans for the coming month and see if there were any big events to add diapers to. These for example might be a vacation where they could be diapered 24/7, a weekend away, day trips, etc.
Then each week I’d decide how to get 2-3 days of diaper wearing in. Normally this would involve at least a full day at the weekend as well as some nights and maybe a day when he was working from home. Try pick a mixture of at home and in public diaper wearing time.
For forced messing I’d think when would be best for this. A weekend day at home works well especially when using laxatives where the effects can last a while. Suppositories are easier to plan around and can be inserted as part of a diaper check.
For the rest feel free to plan in as much or little detail as you like but keep it a secret from them. I started with very detailed plans which became less detailed as a gained confidence in the mommy dom role.
A tip from me is I setup a separate calendar on my phone to keep track of when he should be diapered and used a simple code to keep it discrete, naming the calendar “chores”:
- cook = they’re diapered
- garbage = forced messing
- clean = diaper change
- break = diaper check
- Etc…
The beauty of this is I could have notification reminders on for all of these and it doesn’t give anything away even if somebody sees it. In the early days, these reminders for me to check and change him were very helpful.
Finally, remember when doing this that you want it to be embarrassing & inconvenient for them some of the time. With diaper discipline and forced regression it won’t work if it’s always fun for them so plan accordingly.
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jimmyjimmy5 · 9 months
Helping your partner go 24/7
We’ve talked quite extensively about the benefits in having your partner wear diapers 24/7 (or as close as possible) for their mental health and your relationship.
But getting to 24/7 or having diapers as their default underwear isn’t super easy especially in the first few weeks. Many people reading this will have tried 24/7 and managed a week or two before it fell apart or watched their partner say they want to try 24/7, start and then silently let it slip away a week or so in.
This is where you as a partner to a diaper wearer can make a critical difference and ensure it’s a success in the long term.
But first some hard truths about 24/7:
- It would sometimes be a lot easier for them to not wear a diaper
- It add extra planning and inconveniences to trips out of the house
- Sometimes things can get smelly or embarrassing
- Throwing on underwear would be quicker when they’re in a rush
- They will sometimes not want to wear a diaper or feel shame/regrets about the whole 24/7 idea
So how can you help?
Internalize the idea that they NEED to wear diapers and this is a PERMANENT thing.
If you’re hoping this is just a phase and don’t really want them to succeed in going 24/7 it most likely won’t but your relationship will likely suffer as a consequence.
Also try reset your expectation of them to being that they wear diapers all the time and they need them to avoid accidents.
Provide consistent encouragement, especially in the first month
It’s extremely likely they will be feeling worried & anxious about how you are finding them being 24/7 and will be plagued by all the fears they’d had growing up about having these desires.
Being silently ok with it isn’t enough and they’ll probably just assume you’re hating it & them. So make sure to provide encouragement to them for wearing and using their diapers.
There are several areas of encouragement to provide:
1. Acknowledge their diapers as being normal.
Tell them you’ve laid out a fresh diaper for them in the morning, ask if they’ve packed a diaper bag before leaving the house, ask if they need to order more diapers or if you should pick up more baby powder when shopping.

2. Provide praise for wearing diapers.
Tell them that diaper looks cute on them and that you’re glad they’re now wearing all the time. Check they’re wearing a diaper when they get into bed or when you leave the house and say something like good boy/girl for wearing it. If you see a public restroom or have to go yourself mention that they’re lucky they’re wearing their toilet (this makes my baby blush)

3. Provide praise for them using their diapers.
Talk about the state of their diaper in a positive way for example saying “I’m glad to see this diaper held all of your pee ok” or “remember you should just let go straight away now you’re in diapers”.

Messy diapers will likely cause them the most anxiety so be extra aware in those situations and don’t just ignore it. If you detect a messy diaper acknowledge it with something like “Is that a messy diaper I can smell” or “I think someone might need a change” it can be slightly embarrassing but just saying something shows that you’re not surprised or annoyed they’ve messed.

If you haven’t noticed a messy diaper in a day or two, ask them if they’ve need some help to use their diaper and tell them explicitly that you expect them to use it for everything. Administering a suppository to help force the issue can also be a great way to show you’re serious.

4. Assure them it is discreet.
A fear when wearing diapers 24/7 is other people noticing as often they’ll be wearing in public more than before. Provide simple assurances that their diapers are discreet and that even you struggle to tell.

Even an obvious diaper bulge to you would go unnoticed by the vast majority of people so a small white lie to give them confidence will help a lot even if you can just see the outline of it. Interestingly the more confident they are the less likely others will notice as they wont be touching their bum etc out of fear it might be noticeable.

5. Make it clear this is permanent 
Them wearing diapers 24/7 is now the new normal and you should make sure they know you’ve accepted and expect that.
Talk about diapered plans far into the future, for example if you have a vacation coming up in a few months mention that you’ll need to make sure to order enough to last or discuss if shipping diapers to the hotel is the best option.

Start discussions with confirmation of this reality, e.g. “Now that you’re going to be in diapers for the rest of your life…
…maybe we should convert the guest room into a changing area”
…lets look into laser hair removal for your groin”
…we should order diapers in bulk”
…I’m going to throw away your old underwear”

Tell them things like “It’s funny to think you’ll never use the toilet in the house again” or “I’ve got used to the fact you’re now always going to be in a diaper”, or “I wonder how long it will be before you lose control at night and in the daytime”

You’ll like notice a positive improvement so assure them you’re happy they’re now 24/7:
“Things have been better now your always in diapers so I’m glad this is permanent”
“I can’t imagine you without diapers now “
“I’m keeping you in diapers from now on, I hope you know that”
Be prepared to “force” them to wear
I can almost guarantee that one day you’ll see them putting on underwear instead of a diaper or realize they’re not diapered when they should be.
Do not be silent. Tell them in no uncertain terms that they need to be wearing a diaper and to get changed immediately, ideally take them and diaper them yourself.
Equally something might come up where they ask if they can not wear a diaper. Maybe you’re going out for the day or some other activity where diaper wearing will be more inconvenient. Push back heavily on this unless it was a pre-agreed exception and tell them no, they must be wearing a diaper.
The other high risk time is post orgasm especially in male partners. The low following this is prime for feelings of shame and regret, so even if they don’t say anything make sure to put them straight back into a diaper and provide positive encouragement about their diaper wearing.
Be prepared for challenges
While you’re both getting used to the new reality of 24/7 it’s very likely some things might go wrong.
Their diaper will probably leak at some point onto clothes or furniture, try laugh these off and learn from them.
Their messy diaper might cause you to react instinctively in a way they perceive as disgust and cause them to feel ashamed. Counter this quickly by apologising and assuring them you do want them to use their diaper for everything.
They might forget to bring a spare diaper with them on a day trip and need to change. Ideally you should approach a problem like this with the mindset that they need diapers so just changing out of it isn’t an option. Go into a drugstore with them and buy some more diapers to wear as a temporary measure, the embarrassment of this will likely help you both make sure a diaper bag is always with you.
Normalize diaper wearing in your house
Now they’re diapered 24/7 and the expectation is they need diapers and use them, it shouldn’t feel hidden or secret.
A dedicated changing area should be setup with lots of diapers and changing supplies on display. Invest in a diaper pail / genie to make disposal easier. Hang up their ABDL clothes in this room. Empty their underwear draw and replace with diapers.
A spare bedroom can often be converted for this purpose. Design it in a way so the room can be locked or items easily hidden if you have guests.
Buy a diaper bag and have it packed and ready to use for any trips out. This can be a real diaper bag but for more discretion a small backpack can be used, ideally buy one that’s more juvenile than a plain black one.
Add a mattress protector to your bed to protect against inevitable leaks.
Convert their wardrobe to suit their diapered status
Early on after making the switch hold a fashion show where they try on their clothes while wearing a thick or wet diaper. Anything that doesn’t hide their diaper well put to one side to go to goodwill.
Next go shopping while they’re thickly diapered to find new clothes which work well. General rules are darker & loose fitting bottoms hide diapers well and dresses and skirts are great for women. Overalls can be super cute and combined with onesies for discrete abdl wear. Longer tops can help hide the extra padding around their bum.
It also might be worth expanding your ABDL clothing for use at home so they have a full wardrobe of options to wear daily.
Get involved
The best way to show your support is to get as involved as possible in their diaper wearing.
Ideally try take control of their checks and changes when you’re around. If you’re uncomfortable with messy changes that’s ok (but honestly they can be the most intimate and positive events if you’re willing to try).
Pick out diapers for them to wear if say you’re not around to change them into a fresh diaper in the morning. Browse and buy new diapers for them. When shopping add diaper/baby supplies without comment such as powder, rash cream or more ABDL items like a kids no spill cup or a cute teddy.
(Side note of one of the things I did which made my partner incredibly happy was coming home from a normal grocery shop with a toddler plate and cutlery set and telling him I thought they would be cute for him. Later he told me this made him feel so accepted and loved 🥰)
Pack a diaper bag for day trips or help him pack enough diapers and supplies for a vacation. Try make this as matter of fact as possible, “Do you think these diapers will be the best for daytime”, “Have you packed your swim diaper”, etc.
Be involved in dressing them with a view to not hiding their diapered state at home. At night especially they should always be in ABDL attire which makes it obvious they’re diapered and in the daytime where possible too.
I do believe that most 24/7 diaper wearing should be combined with ABDL activities as well. At a minimum use ABDL diapers and clothing with pacifiers and bottles used where possible. But definitely experiment with things like crawling, bibs at meals, holding a bottle for them and feeding them. Baby talk can also be a lot of fun to tease them with.
Other related articles you should read:
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jimmyjimmy5 · 9 months
Some Mommies and Daddies still let their regressed little ones cum...
They just make sure it's as humiliating as possible.
You can't let them think this is an adult privelege, or that it makes them in any way mature.
All the parenting blogs have suggestions:
🚫 ban them from using adult words to describe it (call it special snuggles, or silly spurts) .
🎶 Make them sing nursery rhymes, or childish songs while they are doing it.
🪫set restrictions on using hands or vibrating toys. Make them learn how to hump.
🫣 have them do it with an audience. Either Mommy/Daddy's friends or their former peers.
🧸 Pick out a special plush for them to make 'special feelings' with.
⭐ Track their 'GooGoos' on their diaper training chart, compare notes with other parents.
👀 make them do it in the living room or in a public place. Ensure that they don't have any privacy.
⏲️ Set time limits, take away sticky time if they go too long.
😵 Make sure their diaper is heavily used before granting them permission. To associate pleasure with full diapers
Any permission you give as a parent to a regressed 'child' should be designed to reinforce their infantalization.
Any 'sexual experience ' they are allowed to have should be as far away from what real adults do as possible.
After all , all the parenting blogs say so....
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jimmyjimmy5 · 9 months
I want to be immersed in the unfair aspects of being a baby.
The hours spent in the playpen with nothing but baby toys. Mommy was extremely concerned when she saw that the toddler toys you were playing with were rated ages 2-5, and since then your playpen has been filled with soft sensory toys that encourage exploring texture, sound, and other play more fitting for a 12 month old.
Meal after meal of jarred baby food of every type, only ever washed down by the blandest of baby formula on a strict bottle schedule. The airplane game was fun when it was applesauce and baby oatmeal, but mommy and daddy have been insistent about "growing your palette". Chicken and gravy, green beans, turkey dinner, have all become frequent staples in your new diet.
Television for toddlers for when your very good, being made to sing babble around your paci and clap your mittened hands to yet another episode of the wiggles, or worse yet cocomelon.
The 12 hour minimum sleep schedule that has you in your crib half of everyday, swaddled tightly on your back like a newborn for naps and early bedtimes, only ever interrupted for your late night feeding of formula.
You wanted to be a baby, but you should be careful what you wish for.
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jimmyjimmy5 · 10 months
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Such a Naughty little one. 
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jimmyjimmy5 · 10 months
What helps him get into little space
Calling myself mommy Petting his head Rubbing his bottom Changing his diapers Giving him rules Telling him he can’t use the potty Public diaper checks Telling him it’s time to nurse Talking baby talk to him Watching cartoons Giving him a baba Putting his pacifier in his mouth Being silly with him/playing with him Giving him raspberries on his tummy and nibbling his thigh Telling him he’s too little to do things Wiping his face for him Cutting his food and feeding him Taking him to the park Letting him play with toys Dressing him especially in cute clothes Snuggling with him
I love doing all these things. I guess that’s why I’m his mommy abdennis
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jimmyjimmy5 · 10 months
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jimmyjimmy5 · 10 months
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jimmyjimmy5 · 10 months
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