jinggongmachine · 2 years
What Are the Advantages of Modern Polyurethane Sandwich Panel Line?
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The production line of polyurethane composite insulation board is the mechanical equipment for mass production of polyurethane composite insulation board, which can effectively improve the production efficiency and better improve the production efficiency. What are the advantages of polyurethane composite insulation board production line equipment.
 1. The process of the composite insulation board production line of the polyurethane sandwich panel production line
 Polyurethane sandwich panel line refers to a complete set of production machines, with a very complete production process, plays a very important role in the production process, and improves the production efficiency. The polyurethane composite insulation board is composed of upper and lower colour steel plates and intermediate foamed polyurethane. PU sandwich production line can complete the proportional mixing process of the social batching centre or factory online at one time and can provide a good production process, thereby producing distinctive high-strength, energy-saving, green and environmentally friendly building boards.
 It plays a very good favourable factor in the provision of building raw materials and greatly promotes the better development of the construction industry. The production line of polyurethane composite insulation board is mainly suitable for the production of polyurethane composite insulation board for construction.
 2. The application advantages of polyurethane composite insulation board production line
 Polyurethane composite insulation board production line equipment is a set of uncoiling, continuous curing, cutting, packaging and other functions, with a very high degree of automation, and performance is also very stable, with high production efficiency, to the production work faster to bring favourable factors.
 The automatic control system of the PU sandwich panel machine is very significant. It is controlled by advanced computers, which makes the adjustment of the whole line parameters more convenient, thus effectively ensuring the stable and efficient operation of the polyurethane sandwich board production line. Therefore, the polyurethane sandwich panel line is widely used in modern society, which can greatly improve the environmental protection performance of the construction and HVAC industry, and has a very good role in promoting the better development of the society.
 It can be seen that the polyurethane composite insulation board production line has brought great convenience to our lives, and our material living standards have been well improved so that we can enjoy better living environment conditions. Of course, when selecting a polyurethane composite insulation board production line, we should also consider whether the polyurethane sandwich board production line can save costs and produce high-quality boards.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
Forming Steps and Forming Advantages of Color Steel Roof Tile Forming Machine
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Color steel roof tile roll forming machine has a beautiful look, convenient construction, rapid, maintenance-free, and other qualities, therefore it is widely used in the color steel plate industry, steel structure industry, building construction industry, and other industries and enterprises. The following manufacturers of color steel roof tile roll forming machine will offer the color steel roof tile roll forming machine equipment forming steps and benefits to everyone.
 I. The forming steps of a color steel roof tile roll forming machine
 The color steel plate enters the color steel roof tile roll forming machine and is pressed into various types of plates using various types of pressure rollers. The color steel roof tile roll forming machine then shears the plate and processes it into a suitable plate for usage. The color steel roof tile roll forming machine may be used to decorate the roofs and eaves of a variety of structures.
 II. Color steel roof tile roll forming machine benefits
 Color steel roof tile forming machine offers rich color, long service life, corrosion resistance, maintenance-free, simple construction, low weight, and other features. It may be classified into three types based on its application and articulation methods: common lap type, buckle cover type, and nibbling type.
 Material: hot galvanized steel plate, aluminum galvanized high-strength steel plate, etc. Color steel roof tile roll forming machine With the advancement of color steel tile application, many major industrial and mining plants, warehouses, steel structure roof frames, and huge equipment now utilize color steel tile or color steel plate, making our lives and the look of buildings more colorful.
 The above is the color steel roof tile roll forming machine manufacturers' introduction to the forming procedures and benefits of the color steel roof tile roll forming machine equipment; for more information on the color steel roof tile roll forming machine equipment, please visit our website.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
Regularly Clean the Cold Roll Forming Machine
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Regular cleaning of cold roll forming machine is extremely important to guarantee the normal operation of cold roll forming machine, and then too cold roll forming machine key parts of lubricating oil, oil is also very important to ensure the normal operation of cold roll forming machine. Oil is also extremely crucial for the main sections of the machine with lubrication.
 1. Maintain the cold roll forming machine on a regular basis
 When a cold roll forming machine has a problem, it must be stopped and the power turned off immediately, and then the machine must be overhauled by specialists, and the cold roll forming machine problems must be resolved before it can be used again.
 2. Regularly clean the cold forming machine
 The maintenance of a cold China roll forming machine is actually rather straightforward, as long as we do frequent inspections. Each cold roll forming machine inspection cycle time will be different. For example, cold roll forming machine blast machine guard and blade, impeller and directional sleeve, the wheel of these small parts are more prone to wear and tear, so cold roll forming machine inspections are carried out every day to Four inspections.
 The above is to clear the importance of the introduction to cold roll forming machine, which you users and businesses must follow in order to ensure the normal usage of cold roll forming machine efficiency.
 With the corporate spirit of "innovation, excellence," and "professional, focused, technology," Zhejiang Jinggong Science & Technology Co., Ltd has globally advanced core technology and more than 50 years of experience in producing special equipment. We collaborate with renowned Chinese institutions and colleges under the corporate spirit of "innovation and excellence" and the business philosophy of "professionalism, focus, technology, and leadership." Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any support.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
What Will Affect the Number of Passes of a Cold Roll Forming Machine?
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The growth of the steel construction industry, metal processing business, and other industries has benefited from the creation and usage of the cold roll forming machine, which has substantially enhanced production efficiency.
 What variables impact the number of cold roll forming machines? The number of cold roll forming machines is a significant component in determining its quality. We've gathered here to try to figure out what's going on.
 1. The design concept of the designer of the cold forming machine plays a decisive role in the number of passes of the forming machine
 According to the customer's experience or the degree of conservatism, the designer of a cold roll forming machine may increase the number of passes, allowing mishaps to be corrected in real time.
 2. The number of passes of the cold roll forming machine is affected by the thickness of the material.
 Many people feel that the thicker the material, the more channels are necessary; however, this is a one-sided approach, because the current cold roll forming technology is relative in this regard.
 3. Due to the low configuration, a higher number of passes can lower the pressure of cold roll forming machine equipment.
 When the material is thin, the number of channels can be raised to minimize the likelihood of creating waves, and the number of channels on a cold roll forming machine can be increased to reduce surface scars.
 The following is an overview of the parameters that influence the number of passes on a cold roll forming machine; if you have any further questions, please contact us and we will address them one by one.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
What Factors Will Affect the Efficiency of the Cold Roll Forming Machine?
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The usage of a cold roll forming machine is quite popular since we can't change the shape of some metal plates until we use a cold roll forming machine, so we use it more frequently. However, we don't know what variables will effect the cold roll forming machine's efficiency.
 1. The elements that influence the cold roll forming machine's efficiency
 More variables impacting the efficiency of cold China roll forming machines, such as erroneous use of the technique, usage for too long, cold roll forming machine standby time for too long, and other causes, will lead to a considerable reduction in the cold roll forming machine's service life.
 2. Difficulties with cold roll forming machine efficiency will result in failure.
 Cold roll forming machine exporter also want to warn you that if the efficiency of your cold roll forming machine is harmed, it will not only result in a sharp decline in efficiency, but it will also increase the likelihood of your cold roll forming machine failing. As a result, in order to guarantee that the cold roll forming machine is utilized properly, we must operate the cold roll forming machine appropriately in order to prevent the cold roll forming machine's work efficiency from decreasing and becoming unusable.
 Zhejiang Jinggong Science & Technology Co. is responsible for the above material.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
Process Characteristics of Cold-formed Steel Processed by Cold Roll Forming Machine
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Cold-formed steel is different from hot-rolled steel in that it is formed by bending in a cold state and without reducing the cross-sectional area.
 1. Classification of cold-formed steel processing technology of cold roll forming machine
 The roll forming process of cold-formed steel can be divided into four types, namely single-piece forming process, coil forming process, continuous forming process, and combined processing process. On the cold roll forming machine unit in industrial production, any process is divided into three stages: the blank preparation stage before forming, the forming processing stage, and the finished product finishing stage.
 2. Different forming process characteristics of cold roll forming machine
 The blanks entering the cold roll forming machine are sheets cut to a fixed length, and the formed cold-formed steels can be collected and bundled out of the factory without shearing.
 Compared with the continuous process, this process has a higher forming speed, which can reach 180-220m/min, but the required forming tools are more complicated, and the geometric shape and dimensional accuracy of the product are poor. The equipment of the single-piece roll-type cold forming unit is simple and the investment is less.
 The coil forming process is the same as the continuous forming process, the difference is that the tail of the previous roll of the strip is cut and butt welded with the head of the next roll of the strip during continuous forming so that the blank strip continuously enters the cold roll forming machine for forming. The bending machine is used for forming; when the coil is formed, the head and tail of the coil are not welded, and a single-coil is fed and formed. The product quality of these two processes is better than that of the single-piece molding process. However, the equipment is more complex, generally equipped with cutting shears and butt welding machines, and sometimes loopers to ensure continuous operation. These two processes require fewer bending holes, and the forming speed is related to the cutting equipment behind the cold bending forming unit and the cutting speed of the equipment, generally 30-90M/min, and some cold roll forming machine units reach 100-250m/min.
 The combined machining process is used to process cold-formed steel with specific requirements, such as high-strength cold-formed steel, closed-end welded steel, heat-treated cold-formed steel, periodically corrugated plate, punched cold-formed steel, etc. The equipment of the combined processing cold forming unit is complex, including a straight seam welder, butt welder, press, roll punching machine, roll grooving machine, coating machine, shearing machine, and heat treatment equipment.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
Why Can't the Cold Roll Forming Machine Be Overused | How to Avoid Failure?
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We believe that everyone now has a certain understanding of the cold roll-forming machine. As a commonly used product, the cold roll forming machine can be said to be used very frequently, but do you know that the cold roll forming machine cannot be used excessively? How should we avoid the failure of the cold roll forming machine? Let's find out together with us.
 1. Why can't the cold roll forming machine be used excessively?
 The manufacturer of the cold roll forming machine tells everyone that if the cold roll forming machine is used excessively, it will cause serious damage to the various parts of the cold roll forming machine, and once the parts of the cold roll forming machine are damaged, the cold bending forming machine will fail and cannot be used, so we should use it moderately when using the cold roll forming machine.
 In addition, as much as possible to carry out certain maintenance of the cold roll forming machine, to avoid damage to the cold roll forming machine caused by excessive use and there is no way to adjust it.
 2. How to avoid the failure of the cold roll forming machine?
 The manufacturer of the cold roll forming machine tells you that the cold roll forming machine is likely to fail in the process of use, especially if it is not used correctly. Therefore, to ensure the use of the cold roll forming machine, we can correctly use and regularly maintain the cold roll forming machine.
 Correct use can ensure that the cold roll forming machine will not fail due to operating errors, and regular maintenance can ensure the service life and working efficiency of the cold roll forming machine. Therefore, the two complement each other, which is of great help to the use of the cold roll forming machine.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
The Characteristics of Cold-formed Steel in Cold Roll Forming Machine
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Ⅰ. About cold-formed steel processed by cold roll forming machine
 The steel production method is roughly divided into two categories: hot working and cold working. Cold-formed steel is produced by cold working. Cold working includes stamping and drawing.
 The cold roll forming machine processing cold-formed steel refers to forming on a cold roll forming machine so that the strip is continuously passed through the 3-20 slurry cold rolling mills arranged in series, and the forming process is performed in turn, and the finishing is rolled to the required shape.
 Compared with hot-rolled steel, cold-formed steel is often a variety of varieties with smooth surfaces, thin walls, and unique shapes that cannot be produced by hot-rolling. This kind of steel has the valuable advantages of lightweight and economical use, so it is a variety that has developed rapidly in recent years.
 Ⅱ. Characteristics of cold-formed steel processed by cold roll forming machine
 In addition to cold-formed steel for general components, auxiliary steel for decks, and steel for guard plates, there are many types of steel. The characteristics of several of these steels are described below.
 When cold-formed steel for ship structure is used as a building material, it has the following advantages:
 1. The properties of steel can be reasonably utilized when designing the section shape. Compared with the previously used hot-rolled profiles, the properties are superior.
 2. It has the advantages of being lightweight, high section performance, and less steel used. Material costs and basic engineering costs can be saved.
 3. It has the advantages of being lightweight, easy to carry, and easy to assemble and operate on-site. From this point of view, the construction period can be shortened.
 4. It has earthquake resistance, durability, and high stability in the event of a fire.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
The Production Standards for Stainless Steel Composite Panels Processed by Cold Roll Forming Machine
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Ⅰ. The thickness dividing line of stainless steel processed by a cold roll forming machine is different
 The 1987 standard stipulates that the total thickness is 20mm, the 1997 standard stipulates that the total thickness is 25mm, and the processing method of thicker steel plates is refined.
 Ⅱ. The production standard of stainless steel composite panels processed by cold roll forming machine
 Stainless steel composite cold-rolled sheet steel processed by cold roll forming machine has broad application prospects in light industry, food, construction, decoration, welded pipes, and other industries. Before this, there were no special national standards and international standards in the world.
 In 1997, based on the enterprise standard of this variety of Taigang, the first generation standard of China's stainless steel clad cold-rolled sheet "GB/T17102-1997 Stainless steel clad cold-rolled sheet and strip" was formulated.
 1. The shear strength specified in the 1987 edition of the national standard for the production of stainless steel composite panels is not less than 147MPa;
 2. The national standard for the production of stainless steel composite panels in 1997 version 1, 2 is not less than 210MPa, and the third is not less than 200MPa;
 3. The 1997 version of the national standard for the production of stainless steel composite panels is higher than the 1987 version, and the Japanese standard stipulates that all levels are not less than 200MPa;
 4. The determination of the lower limit of strength can not only be based on the base layer but also can be calculated by a specific formula;
 5. The test of the impact energy is added, and it is clarified that the composite layer does not need to be tested for impact energy.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
The Springback of Bending Parts of Cold Roll Forming Machine
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When cold roll forming machines process, the problem of spring-back after bending often occurs. We will analyze the measures for the spring-back of the bending parts of the cold roll forming machine in detail.
 Ⅰ. What is the spring-back of the bending parts of the cold roll forming machine?
 Plastic bending, like all plastic deformation, is accompanied by elastic deformation. When the bending deformation is over and the bending part of the cold roll forming machine is not affected by an external force, the elastic recovery makes the angle of the bending part and the radius of the fillet of the bending part inconsistent with the shape and size of the mold. This phenomenon is called the spring-back of the flexure.
 Because the spring-back directly affects the dimensional tolerance and shape tolerance of the bending parts of the cold roll forming machine. When designing the mold, the spring-back value of the material is taken into account in advance, and the size and shape of the working part of the mold are corrected.
 Due to many factors affecting the rebound, it is impossible to give accurate data whether it is theoretical calculation or empirical data. Therefore, after the data is generally given, it needs to be corrected in the trial mold, and then the correct die size is determined.
 Ⅱ. Measures to reduce the spring-back of the bending parts of the cold roll forming machine
 Bending parts have shape and size errors due to spring-back, and it is difficult to obtain qualified bending parts. Therefore, measures to reduce the springback are taken as follows.
 1. The design of bending parts
 Improve the design of the bending part to reduce the spring-back. It can be pressed and strengthened in the bending area to improve the rigidity of the bending part, suppress the occurrence of springback, or select materials with stable mechanical properties and small fluctuations in sheet thickness. Also try to avoid the selection of a excessive large bending radius.
 2. The craftsmanship
 Corrected bending is used instead of free bending, and the material hardened by the cold forming machine must be annealed before bending.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
The Good Market Development Prospect of Cold Roll Forming Machine
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In recent decades, cold roll forming machines have gradually been widely used in various fields, opening up the market due to their unique and superior performance.
 Ⅰ. The importance of the quality of the cold roll forming machine
 With the rapid development of the steel industry, cold roll forming machines have gradually replaced hot rolled forming machines, etc. Therefore, the market development prospects of cold roll forming machines are very good.
 There are many products of the cold roll forming machine in the market, and the competition among enterprises is fierce. However, enterprises of the cold roll forming machine should focus on product quality, rather than relying on blindly low prices to win over customers and occupy the market.
 Ⅱ. The advantages of the cold roll forming machine process
 With the continuous development and progress of science and technology and the scale of various industries in society, hot rolled forming machines have been difficult to adapt to the production of profiles and steels with uniform wall thickness and complex cross-sectional shapes, but cold roll forming machines can solve this problem.
 The smoothness, appearance, size and other aspects of the products processed by the cold roll forming machine can be adjusted according to the needs, and the cold forming machine also has the advantages of less investment and flexible production.
 To sum up, the cold roll forming machine has developed into an indispensable product in the market, and the market development prospect is good. The cold roll forming machine produced by Jinggong has excellent performance and quality, which is the first choice of customers and friends. If you have any need, please feel free to consult us.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
Operation and Maintenance of the Cold Roll Forming Machine
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Cold roll forming machine is widely used in the metal manufacturing industry, mainly for metal forming. The use of cold roll forming machines has brought very favorable help to the metal forming and equipment manufacturing industries.
 The use of cold roll forming machines is inseparable from maintenance. The following cold roll forming machine manufacturers briefly introduce the use and maintenance methods of it.
 1. Every operator is required to operate in strict accordance with the operating procedures of the cold roll forming machine.
 2. Before each start of the cold roll forming machine, lubricating oil or grease should be added regularly, fixed-point and quantitatively according to the requirements of the lubrication chart. The lubricating oil or grease used should be clean and free of precipitation.
 3. The surface of the cold roll forming machine should be kept clean, and the rust prevention work should be done regularly.
 4. Regularly check whether the V-belts, handles, knobs, and buttons of the cold roll forming machine are damaged. If they are seriously worn, they should be replaced in time.
 5. Regularly check and repair the switch, insurance and handle of the cold roll forming machine to ensure its reliable operation.
 6. It is strictly forbidden for non-designated professionals to operate the equipment in the cold roll forming machine, and it is usually done when people leave the machine and stop.
 The above 6 points are given from the cold roll forming machine manufacturers, which briefly introduce the use and maintenance methods of the cold roll forming machine. For more information about the cold bending machine, please click to view our website for details. If you have any need, please feel free to contact us.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
Precautions of Cold Roll Forming Machine Operation
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As cold-formed steel processing equipment, the cold roll forming machine should be operated with more attention. Cold roll forming machines are very popular because of their high working efficiency and low noise. Because cold roll forming machines are widely used, it is necessary to pay attention to the operation of cold roll forming machines. Therefore, today we will introduce you to how to operate cold roll forming machines safely.
 1. The cold roll forming machine should first adjust the pressing speed according to the properties of the material to be processed and the processing curvature, which can prevent the workpiece from breaking and splashing during processing and causing personal injury.
 2. When the cold roll forming machine is operated by multiple people, the foreman must direct the processing parts when they advance and retreat, so that multiple people can cooperate closely and move in the same way to prevent hidden dangers caused by insufficient cooperation.
 3. The height of the notch of the cold roll forming machine should be selected to be equivalent to about 8 times the width of the plate thickness, so as to ensure that the workpiece can enter smoothly.
 The production efficiency of the cold roll forming machine is very high, but more attention should be paid to the operation of the staff in the production, so as to ensure the continuous improvement of production efficiency.
 Zhejiang Jinggong Science & Technology Co., Ltd. has international advanced core technology and more than 50 years of experience in special equipment manufacturing, cooperating with universities and colleges. If you have any needs, please feel free to consult us.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
Jinggong Will Share About the Knowledge of the Operation of Cold Forming Machine
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Before using the cold roll forming machine, it is necessary to inspect and prepare all parts and important parts of the cold roll forming machine equipment. Only with perfect protection can the production efficiency and speed of the cold roll forming machine equipment be guaranteed. Another important thing is that the operation of the cold forming machine must ensure the cooperation of equipment and personnel.
 1. When using the cold bending forming machine, first check whether the upper die and the lower die are firmly matched, and check whether the positioning device meets the processing requirements.
 2. Before using the cold forming machine, be sure to return each part to its original position, and let the machine idle for 1 to 2 minutes to ensure that there is no fault before proceeding to the next step.
 3. The operation of the cold forming machine is under the unified command of one person to avoid confusion caused by many people.
 4. Each operator of the cold forming machine must be proficient in operating skills and be able to deal with any emergencies. The company must provide regular training to employees.
 The most important thing in the operation of the cold forming machine is to pay attention to the equipment and operators, which is the premise of ensuring production efficiency. We hope that what we have compiled for you can help you.
 Zhejiang Jinggong Science & Technology Co., Ltd. has internationally advanced core technology and more than 50 years of experience in special equipment manufacturing. With the enterprise spirit of "innovation and excellence" and the business philosophy of "professionalism, concentration, technology and leadership", we cooperate with well-known domestic institutions of higher learning and institutions of higher learning. Welcome to consult.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
The Classification and Characteristics of Roll Cold Forming Machine Units
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Since the seventies, with the development of cold-formed steel production, roll cold-forming machine processing equipment has a series of improvements. Some set up presses for pre-forming before the roll cold-forming machine, some also include punching slot, top heat, punching, tempering, welding and other processes. With the reform of the process, the cold roll forming machine unit equipment composition also changed.
 The Soviet Union and Japan divide the cold roll forming machine into two types according to the process: continuous forming machine, roll cold forming machine and single-piece forming machine.
 1. Continuous cold roll forming machine unit
 The characteristics of this type of unit are that the coiled strip is used as the blank, and the coil head and tail are sheared, butt welded, straightened, and the strip loop storage device is used in the feeding stage of the continuous cold forming unit;
 The blank strip is continuously cold-formed by the forming machine, and the finished product is cut to a fixed length by a flying shear or a flying saw when the material is discharged. The product quality of this unit is good, the production efficiency is high, and the metal yield is high.
 2. Cold roll forming unit
 The characteristics of this type of unit are that the coiled strip is used as the blank, and the single coil is formed. In the feeding section of the coiled cold bending forming unit, there is only an uncoiler and a straightening machine.
 Its equipment is simpler than the continuous cold forming unit, and there is no butt welding machine and looper. The equipment of the discharge section is the same as that of the continuous cold forming unit. The product quality, production efficiency, metal yield, equipment quantity and investment of this type of unit are between those of a continuous cold-formed forming unit and a single-piece cold-formed forming unit.
 3. One-piece cold roll forming machine unit
 Its characteristic is that the coiled strip is cut to a fixed length by a fixed length before the roll-type cold bending forming machine, or the original inclined plate of the fixed length is transported by the unit. The blanks are fed into the forming machine one by one for single-piece forming. The equipment of this unit is simpler than the above two, and the investment is lower, but the quality of the product is poor.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
What Are the Precautions for Using the Rockwool Production Line?
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What should be paid attention to in the use of rock wool production line? Rock wool is a kind of insulation material with no toxicity and rich raw material resources. Many consumers don't know much about rock wool production line equipment, and they don't know much about the rockwool machine, such as its output and price.
 1. Detailed inspection is required during the use of the rock wool production line
 When we use the rockwool machine, we must first test run it to ensure that there will be no accidents when the mechanical equipment is officially put into use. Therefore, we must carry out detailed inspections on each part when testing, so as to reduce the occurrence of faults when using it.
 2. The use of rock wool production line requires professional supervision
 We must have professional staff to supervise the process of using the rockwool machine, so that we can check whether the quality of the products produced is problematic, and we can also know whether the rock wool production line is qualified and whether there will be any problems. If some abnormalities are found when using the rock wool production line, work must be stopped for repairs.
 It should also be noted that if you do not know how to operate the rockwool machine, you should read the manual more and follow the above steps step by step.
 We have more than 50 years of experience in the production of special equipment. From here, you can purchase high-quality rock wool production line equipment. We have strong financial strength and capability to ensure that the processed rock wool equipment meets the needs of most customers.
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jinggongmachine · 2 years
Requirements for Processing Profiles of the Cold Roll Forming Machine
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1. What are the blanks of the processed profiles of cold roll forming machine?
 The steel blanks processed by the cold roll forming machine include plain carbon steel plates, high-quality carbon structural steel plates, low-alloy steel plates, stainless steel plates, coated (plated) laminates, etc.
 Coated (plated) steel plate includes painted steel plate, PVC coated steel plate, plastic coated steel plate, organosol coated steel plate, propylene-based plastic coated steel plate, vinyl chloride coated steel plate, vinyl plastic coated steel plate, galvanized steel plate, tinned steel plate, chrome-plated steel plate, nickeled steel plate, etc.
 2. The blank material of the processed profiles of the cold roll forming machine
 The material of the blank depends on the use, shape and specifications of the cold forming sectional uranium. With the development of the processing technology of cold roll forming machine in recent years, high-strength steel plates can be heated locally or as a whole for roll forming and the tensile strength limit of the plates can be greater than 60 kgf/mm2. The roll-type cold roll forming machine, which is generally not heated in the past, requires that the tensile strength limit of the blank is below 60 kgf/mm2.
 For the cold forming sectional steel that needs to be welded after it is formed in the cold roll forming machine, no oil is allowed on the surface of the blank during welding, otherwise the welding quality will be affected. For cold forming sectional steel with complex cross-sections, the yield point of the blank is required to be low, and the crystalline structure of the blank should not have free cementite, otherwise cracks and surface pits will occur in the bending part.
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