jiparkminie · 2 years
There's so much hate. Directed towards me. From me. This isn't me. I'm so broken and I'm so lonely.
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jiparkminie · 2 years
I think something's wrong with me
I don't feel loved
Am i loved?
Maybe i need some reminding. Or maybe i need constant reminders.
I'm just so horribly sad and envious and angry and broken
And i have to raise a small child while dealing with my sadness
Who am i even? Take away ethan and i dont know i am. Just someone who cooks well.
If he stops calling me mama, then who i am?
Im just watching life pass me by
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jiparkminie · 2 years
Every day i fade a little more
I barely recognize who i am
And if asked what I like about myself, I take so long to answer because I don't know what that is anymore
It's awful and consuming and unsettling
An enigma
I'm too tired to even try
But i need to try harder at most
Even though it's hard
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jiparkminie · 2 years
I shouldn't have done this
I should've said yes and pushed for it
I shouldn't have carried
Then maybe i would be in a much happier place
More fulfilled instead of stuck here with so much regret
It's glaringly obvious that I treat him like because he reminds me of what I lost and what I could have been and what I could have had
I am happy when I see him and when i see him laugh
But there are times when it's overwhelming and I wish he wasn't around then maybe i wouldn't be feeling this way
I haven't felt free in a while
I feel caged and sad
I've been giving and giving and giving and my cup is empty
I have no love left to give
Not even to him
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jiparkminie · 2 years
Happy looks good on you
Won't you smile for me
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jiparkminie · 2 years
i watched you catch fire
come on
watch me burn
watch me erase
watch my pain
go up in flames
i watched you catched fire
i struck the match
drunk on caffeine
of this feverish dream
you bastard
you dont even remember
you just deleted me
and now im full of wonder
if you still know me
like i how i know you can run
drop that pole
then actually fucking fly
all the right words
but dropped when it got too hard
i watched you catch fire
because i was flaming
my life was flaming
and you didn't want any of it
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jiparkminie · 2 years
i watched you catch fire
come on
watch me burn
watch me erase
watch my pain
go up in flames
i watched you catched fire
i struck the match
drunk on caffeine
of this feverish dream
you bastard
you dont even remember
you just deleted me
and now im full of wonder
if you still know me
like i how i know you can run
drop that pole
then actually fucking fly
all the right words
but dropped when it got too hard
i watched you catch fire
because i was flaming
my life was flaming
and you didn't want any of it
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jiparkminie · 2 years
is this my in between season
or a prolonged season of waiting
just waiting
not exactly living
riding it out
the wave
it blurs
the horizon
the place where the sky meets the sea
and the sea meets you
where sun blinds me
and your rays are scorching
is this my in between season
it's incredibly still
void of ripples
but it blurs
it really blurs
can we go right back to the start
remind me to take photographs next time
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jiparkminie · 2 years
manic and exhausted. february is exhausting but not like how january was. it's a different flavor. a different color.
black and blue?
maybe it bleeds maroon.
it's anxiety in guise of rest.
struggling to find a way to waste my time.
borrowed time.
have to find a way to soothe this bundle of nerves.
to detangle it only to have it tangled again.
i feel like i've spent the last 4 years just waiting
not even patiently
waiting for a chance to just live again
to fulfill my dream and to provide better
to feel independent and that i've got this figured out
it's blurred
it blurs
it'll stay blurred
will it?
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jiparkminie · 2 years
You're like heavy sunshine
It hurts my eyes. It burns me. It gives me life. Gave me life. How are you doing.
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jiparkminie · 2 years
my first love was a boy who played guitar.
backstage, he cheered us on when we did a run through of our set.
we found it strange that this boy suddenly started clapping. this stranger helped make us feel at ease. it was one of our first gigs outside our school.
we needed that. i needed that.
my first love wrote songs impromptu whenever i was sad. he'd pick up his guitar and strum three chords and make up lyrics on the spot.
he'd sing to me when i was crying and it wouldn't solve my problems but it would make me smile.
it's funny how at 32, i still have the same problems from when i was15. just amplified cause im an adult with a child. stuck. irrevocably stuck. helplessly stuck. all karma. all bad karma. happening again and again. or is it one long episode of bad karma that just won't fucking leave.
won't you just kind die for me while i kind of stare at you again.
it's not that i want that back. i just want that semblance of who i was, so happy and bright eyed at 15 or even at 18. not this watered down version of me at 32. jaded and angry and sad and unhappy. moody. upset. angry. taking it out on my son. i stopped being kind. im not even kind to myself anymore.
i remembered you because aurora played and it painted the silence outside but the anger inside. it was a nice time. i'll always remember 2005 as one of the happiest years of my life.
relieved of emptiness. bled and breathed the air. on and on and on.
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