jisungsblkgf · 3 years
they look like they are about to start singing punch
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
The Keemstar Jonghyun Situation
I have come back to make this one post to ask something of you.
I will fill you in on the situation:
- This very distasteful youtube channel called void (@/voydage on twitter) made a diss track alongside Keemstar (an idividual just as distasteful overall) against kpop stans. Kpop stans are annoying and constantly try to cancel people for any little reason, but this is not why it is wrong.
- In minute 3:05 they decide to use SHINee Jonghyun's suicide as a way to 'roast' kpop, because agencies don't treat their idols right.
- While this is true, using a man's suicide
- Idols have n o t h i n g to do with these kpop stans. No idol is to blame about the way their fans behave, it's not something they can control, and the fact that people can't grasp that is beyond me. You didn't roast kpop stans. You made normalized and made a very serious issue seem like something vulgar.
- This idol has done nothing to this youtuber, and because he doesn't like kpop stans he decided to disrespect Jonghyun even after his death, going as far as not even bothering to learn his name and calling him 'Kim' when he tried to release an 'explanation' on his twitter (click here to see said video) to try and get away from all the people who were calling him out.
- In that twitter video he explains that he was calling out the industries and then proceeded to say that kpop stans can't take criticism. However, what he forgets is that criticising the companies and the industry that we ALL collectively hate and constantly call out, is not a jab at kpop stans, it's not a diss at kpop stans, it is in fact SIDING with kpop fans, so his explanation makes no sense and he clearly just wanted to spark a reaction, which he did.
- On top of that, in the diss track in question and in this particular part, they use a picture of Jonghyun plus two pictures of his funeral, one of his casket being carried and one of people mourning him.
- As if it already wasn't distasteful anough to try and get clout and profit, and trying to get some 'sick bars' out of Jonghyun's death, they put pictures of his funeral in the video.
Jonghyun's death is to be respected and not to be used in some low life's sick disstrack video.
After all this being said, I ask that you report this video, for the explanation above. There was no reason to mention his death, or to show pictures of it, it's ridiculous, disrespectful, and they should know better.
Suicide is a huge problem in this industry. Don't let people step all over it as if kpop idols don't deserve as much respect as your loved ones. Idols are people, their lives and deaths are to be respected. Thank you.
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
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kim yugyeom x reader.
genre: angst
tw: mentions of ghosts / wandering souls, death, car accident
words: 1985
You tossed and turn in your bed. You can’t remember when the last time was since you had gotten proper sleep, but you honestly didn’t mind anymore. You felt like a soul-less human being who’s just waiting for their body to give up.
And the wandering soul in the corner of your room didn’t like that. He sighed and sat on the corner of your bed which made you sit up to look at him.
“I hate seeing you like this,” Yugyeom spoke with evident pain in his eyes. Never in your whole life did you think that you can see emotions on ghosts, but there it was.
“I miss you.” You replied while fighting back the tears that’s building up in your eyes.
It’s been two years since you lost the love of your life. He was involved in a car accident after the engines in his vehicles started malfunctioning, so he lost control which led to a hard impact on a concrete wall. The doctors tried their best to resuscitate him – you saw that. But it was no use since they couldn’t get a heartbeat anymore.
“I’m always here, (y/n).” Yugyeom tried to take a hold of your hand but once again it didn’t work. His hand passed by like cold wind and he sighed.
“But I can’t physically feel you anymore.” You smiled bitterly.
After the night of his funeral, you woke up in disbelief when you saw a ghost-like figure of Yugyeom standing in front of your bed. You gulped but he just had a smile on his face. Turns out, it was your boyfriend’s soul wandering the earths. He came directly to you and never left.
“Go to sleep, my love.” He whispered, ignoring the stinging pain in his heart from your last statement. And you know you hurt him, so you nodded and laid back down. Thankfully, you finally got to slumber this time around.
No one talked to you in university. Ever since Yugyeom’s tragic death, you cut off everyone in your life and no matter how hard they tried to reconnect with you, you shut them off every time. The pity stares and comments never ended but it’s not like you care.
You walked silently to your lockers to gather the books you needed for your morning classes. You paused to smile at the polaroid sitting at the front of your locker – it was your high school graduation and the both of you had the biggest smiles while hugging one another. Oh, the things you’d give up just to hold him like that once more.
The bell rang which disrupted you from your thoughts. You shut your lockers and proceeded to your first class. You sat on the very back where no one could bother you, as usual.
“Good morning class. We have a new student, please introduce yourself.” The business professor spoke, and you stared at the man beside him. He had a laptop bag hanging on his right shoulder and he was dressed neatly.
“Hi. I’m Jinyoung. I transferred from Oakley University.” The young man spoke with a smile on his face the whole time.
You were so lost in your thoughts about him that you didn’t notice him taking a seat in the vacant chair right next to you. He flashed you that smile once again, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
Yugyeom found himself in the same situation again. He was battling with the light that was trying to take his soul back to where it belonged, but he refused to do so. And each time it gets harder and harder to fight back.
But he couldn’t leave you. So, he poured all the energy he had left, and the light eventually disappeared once again. He didn’t know how longer he could fight – he was getting tired, and he knows it’s time to go.
The thought of leaving you behind – the woman that he fought for, prayed for, and loved the most scared him. Although he knows that the current situation you have would never work. He was just a soul – he couldn’t even touch or hold you and that pained him.
You don’t know what happened and how it happened. But you were in a café with Jinyoung and you two are sharing a conversation. There was just something about the man that you can’t afford to say no to.
You also couldn’t help but notice the smiles that your old friends and acquaintances were flashing your way. Maybe they’re glad that you’re finally opening up again to someone.
“So, for the business proposal, do you want to be partners?” Jinyoung spoke and quickly brought your attention back to him. He was slicing up the bread in front of you while he asked.
You smiled at the gesture. Yugyeom used to do that for you all the time.
“Why not?” You looked up to him and flashed him a genuine smile. It’s been a long time since you last smiled like that and you were having hundreds of multiple reactions in your body.
As the days passed by, Yugyeom couldn’t help but notice that you started going home late and he could feel an upbeat vibe from you – which was unusual.
He hated to be selfish, but he started to hate the way you were happy without him. But he didn’t tell you that cause it took you two whole years to be where you are right now, and he couldn’t take that away from you.
You lost so much in your life after his death. You stopped being a social butterfly, you stopped being the top of the classes, you stopped being the light of the party, and you stopped … loving. He knows you tell him a thousand times a day that you love him, but he felt otherwise.
He was just a soul and your love language is physical touch. He started thinking about all the things he took away from you and the guilt started consuming him.
Maybe it was time to stop fighting with the light.
You bid goodbye to Jinyoung’s friends as you both left the restaurant you just had dinner in. Ever since you met him, you were slowly getting back into life and you were scared. The last time you had control in your life was before Yugyeom died and that was a long time ago.
The car ride on the way home was silent. Jinyoung could tell you had a lot on your mind, and he let you be. You just watched the buildings and fixtures that is passing by as you contemplate about whether you were ready to get back on track or not.
Jinyoung insisted that he walk you to your apartment door and you couldn’t say no. You shared small conversations as you walked from the parking lot up until you reached the front of your door. The both of you stopped and he looked at you.
With the sincerest eyes and voice, he spoke, “I’m falling in love with you.”
You opened your apartment door and saw Yugyeom staring at you from the living room. You open your mouth to explain but he spoke first, “My time’s up, love.”
You were confused as he walked closer to you. He flashed a smile before speaking once again, “The light has been coming to take me for a while now, but I always fought back just to stay with you. But it’s time for you to be finally happy again.”
“Yugyeom, is this about Jinyoung? I swear … I don’t feel the same way.” You spoke as the tears flowed down your eyes. You were scared to lose him. You already lost him once and it would crash you to lose him again.
“You do. I know you do. You’re just holding back because I’m still here. But (y/n), you deserve to get back the life you lost because of me.” Yugyeom responded and he was crying now too.
“We both know this set-up is never going to work. We’re both too caught up with each other that it took us two years to realize that.” Yugyeom started wiping off the tears in your face which took you back – how could he be possibly touching you?
He laughed at your confused expression, “It’s my one last wish before I go with the light. To touch you one last time before I leave you forever.”
The sentence shattered your heart, but you were realizing the truth in the words he spoke.
“This isn’t going to be easy. We’ve been each other’s backbone since we were children. All my life was about loving and taking care of you and I’m thankful for that. But as for you, your life isn’t over yet.” Yugyeom took hold of both your hands.
“You deserve to love and be happy again. I held you back from that and you weren’t yourself for the longest time. It’s about the time that people still in your life get that back.” He rubbed his thumb across your hands which was a gesture that you missed so much from him.
You were going to miss that, and you were thankful to feel it one last time.
“Okay, Yugyeom. But can you hold me to sleep one last time before you go into the light?” You asked through the sobs and he nodded.
So, there you were, you both laid in my bed with his arms around you. He felt like a cold wind, but you didn’t complain. This was the one last time before you have to move on with your life without the man you’ve known to love even before you knew what love was.
“When you wake up, I won’t be here anymore, love.” Yugyeom whispered into your ear and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“If you ever miss me, just look up in the night sky and if you see a star that’s shining so bright, just know that that’s me looking down on you from up above.” Yugyeom spoke once again which caused your tears to fall.
He shushed your sobbing before continuing to speak, “I know it hurts to be watching the night sky without me,”
“But the day will come that it would start hurting less because you’re bound to make new memories with the next man in your life.” You felt the pain in his voice.
“I won’t ever forget about you, Yugyeom.” You reassured him.
“And I won’t ever stop loving you, (y/n).” He spoke one last time before hugging you even tighter. And you fell asleep just like that.
Waking up was the hardest part. You cried when you couldn’t feel Yugyeom’s hands around you anymore and the thought of never seeing or touching him again didn’t help with the sobs.
You lost track of time, but you were taken aback when a light shone upon your room. It was already dark, and the binding light was shining so bright that it made you stand up and open the balcony door.
You were in awe when you saw a star that standed out – it was the brightest one in the night sky and it was shining down directly at you. You knew it was him and you smiled as the tears fell down your face.
The star blinked three times right in your face and you smiled as tears rolled down your face.
“I love you, Kim Yugyeom.” You spoke to the star as it continuously blinks.
The star suddenly shifted it’s brightness somewhere else. You followed its light and as you look down to where its shining at, you saw Jinyoung waving at you at the front of the building with your favorite pastries in his hand.
You look up to speak to the star once again, “And I’m finally ready to let go.”
The star blinked one last time, and you watch as its brightness fade away until it completely vanished in the night sky.
It’s time to be happy again.
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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4M notes · View notes
jisungsblkgf · 4 years
he gives out photocards of himself!!! IM DEAD
this is the card he throws to the survivors after he moris them
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435 notes · View notes
jisungsblkgf · 4 years
Guess who got locked out of their tumblr??
I am back bby!!
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
hey bestie🙈 are u disconnecting naughty?
lmao no I just need to finish school... I have chapter 1 finished but not edited and chap 2 started... I can probably post it by Saturday 
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
the way middle school me was whipped lowkey still am
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
the way I love nct but I felt like I was in the sat again trying to understand this
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“The moment when the wave of dreams meets the wave of reality. Awakening from a dream, means your wish becomes reality. Through the new journey hoping that the world relates and understands. And resonates with our universe. Now we become one.”
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
not me mixing up Hendery and xiaojun for like the 90th time. I meant Hendery. I know the faces I can tell them apart I havent associated the names yet hehe  I think white people being offended is odd but their business. I personally dont know why they'd be offended. you can point out something is wrong with out taking offense to it.  when they pick and choose what groups to be offended by, they just wanna hate on a group and use black pain to justify it.
I understand second guessing your language skills. I am the child of immigrants and im learning a 3rd language right now. But I think it would have been more productive to just ask for a suggestion on how to rephrase or even just an explanation. I think anyone would be willing to help you accurately represent your message. Ive learned perception is reality. its more about what the brain received than what it was actually given. language is nuanced and some times we nonnatives say sentences that are more loaded than we know. and your original posts was that.  again I dont want to believe you are a racist. I want to believe that you havent used English in the context of race enough so you sound racist. 
Not only are you not that bright but the fact that you kept that post up shows how racially insensitive you are. Kpop is built off black culture specifically and if you have a problem with that you should check yourself
What exactly is your problem? Where do I mention particularly black people? Since when are culture and race the same thing? Pretty sure not all people of color share the same culture. My post was alluding to the fact that not everything you see in k-pop that was taken as an inspiration from another culture has to be taken as mockery and offense. Key words: NOT. EVERYTHING. If you didn't see it, I'm sorry, can't help there. I kept that post up because I know many people have understood what I meant. I have no problems with 'k-pop was bulit of black culture' that obviously heavily influenced american music scene but if you think koreans should know black culture in and out, them being a relatively homogeneous society, never really mixing with any other race, you need to check yourself. Whole world is not to worry about colonization/slavery past and what white people did in the past. Should they know some stuff, yes. And I'm sure with years it will get better and better, people will learn and know where things come from and what they mean, as we have also seen in recent years, idols apologizing and understanding the issue that they didnt know of before. But my point stands not everything thats inspired by different culture is mockery.
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
when i tell you these men are beautiful
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MAMA Awards Red Carpet 💚
Credits: MAMA on Twitter -A🐰💜
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
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God tier. MAMA20 - Jackson Wang
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
y’all why are all of my first biases here?? i think i have a dancer kink 👀
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mama 2020 ♔ triangular fight
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
can we never stop talking about this pls
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resonance poster edition
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jisungsblkgf · 4 years
the things is you as a voice outside the courthouse don’t have to be there. you don’t have to scream. you can learn from both sides with saying a word. how are you even hearing us if you are screaming? all the people who are outside screaming do make it harder for the people inside. how are we supposed to hear each other? how are we supposed make sure we’ve looked at everything? there’s too much screaming. tthe people in jury know more facts about the case than the people outside.
i mean look at xiaojun. how are black nctizens supposed formulate a true response to him that is fair when non black nctizens tried erase it all? so now black nctizens want to unstan we can’t do anything but that.
black people don’t want to cancel their faves. we want to hold them accountable. we just aren’t able to bc there are people screaming outside.
Not only are you not that bright but the fact that you kept that post up shows how racially insensitive you are. Kpop is built off black culture specifically and if you have a problem with that you should check yourself
What exactly is your problem? Where do I mention particularly black people? Since when are culture and race the same thing? Pretty sure not all people of color share the same culture. My post was alluding to the fact that not everything you see in k-pop that was taken as an inspiration from another culture has to be taken as mockery and offense. Key words: NOT. EVERYTHING. If you didn't see it, I'm sorry, can't help there. I kept that post up because I know many people have understood what I meant. I have no problems with 'k-pop was bulit of black culture' that obviously heavily influenced american music scene but if you think koreans should know black culture in and out, them being a relatively homogeneous society, never really mixing with any other race, you need to check yourself. Whole world is not to worry about colonization/slavery past and what white people did in the past. Should they know some stuff, yes. And I'm sure with years it will get better and better, people will learn and know where things come from and what they mean, as we have also seen in recent years, idols apologizing and understanding the issue that they didnt know of before. But my point stands not everything thats inspired by different culture is mockery.
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