jisungyah · 3 years
okay but i thought this was a really good part .. ssoooooo  🚀
Dream State - 9 : ANSWER TRAITORS
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Let’s be honest Jongho .. all the NCrackheadsTzens stink of jealousy. Getting friendly too quick and even flirting with each other really gets people closer together, especially these crackheads but anyways.. 
You may pretend to hate each other but you know that actually makes you more attached to each other.. stop with your hard to get games, you ain’t fooling anyone.. 
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MarkHyuckneck first interactions: 
wee woo weeee woowo wee woooo what is this mess??? do parody accs and rp accs really act likethis? maybe? yes? it could just be them .. but i’m living for it
pt.8 < Masterlist > pt.10
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
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jisungyah · 3 years
Dream State - 22.5 : Fake Jongho
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Twins : 
WAIT I thought Jongho said his ‘friend’ went to Seoul Uni.. then how can he be at the same party as the others .....?
Guess Wooyoung wasn’t the only one who wanted to keep his identity hidden .. either way they both have some explaining to do
pt.22 < Masterlist > pt.23
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
A/N Guess who passed their exams ... i thought i’d have this finished already before going into my last year of college but i guess we’ll see also other news... i might have a gf now .. who i based Kneecap Jaehyun/Gyu on 
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jisungyah · 3 years
Social Media Woosan AU: 
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc.. 
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? 
- Intro + Profiles
- 1 : Vore?
- 2 : lOve
- 3 : Making Friends
- 4 : Exclusion
- 5 : h word - 5.25 : babie - 5.75 : ‘daddy’
- 6 : Enter San 
- 7 : Caffeinated traitor 
-8 : Hwa’s you know what.. ᕙ(◕_◕ )ᕤ
-10 : Oncoming CHAOS
-12 : Let’s get married !! 
-13 : Are you seeing this???
-14 : I…….
-15 : Don’t Get Kidnapped
-16 : The Betrayal 
-17 : NCT2020BRO
-18 : BESTEST FRIEND  -18.25 : ECPLAIN  -18.75 :  THE DADDIES
-19 : Type of Drunk?
-20 : Two-Timing
-21 : Small Talk
-22 : Hooong
-23 : loading…
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jisungyah · 3 years
Dream State - 22 : HoOoNG~
“That was unessarily loud” Hyunjin stated, hands clasped to his ears looking up at Wooyoung from his seat on the floor. 
Wooyoung saw San gulp, eyes still staring back at him. He didn't look back to Yeosang who he heard taking a sip of his drink a little too loudly.
Hyunjin's hands left his ears, now supporting him up instead as he stared at Wooyoung, his mouth agape waiting for some explanation.
Stupid, Wooyoung was stupid, he was embarrassed and felt guilty because he got caught. A palm raises to cover his face he couldn't believe he thought he could get away with some stupid plan.. it wasn't even a thought out one, he just wanted to avoid San.. he didn't even know why? only the reasons he made up for Hongjoong and Yeosang.
"I'm Wooyoung.." he let out a sigh before continuing "..the same Wooyoung from the Haechan Neck account, I didn't want to tell you at first cause it's embarrassing honestly.. being known as ‘the flirt’ online would ruin our first impressions..but lying about it is probably worse but, I just panicked.."
Wooyoung had been keeping eye contact with San through the whole confession, practically pleading San to forgive him with his glassy eyes.
"it's okay I get it.. to be honest, I kinda knew you were Wooyoung um.. I was just waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to say it I guess..", the eye contact was broken for a few seconds as San tried to consider his next words, once connected again Wooyoung's eyes were starting to fill with more tears, "Really it's fine! we all have an online facade.. right?" San nods to himself and turns to the two others for a little help.
Yeosang was kinda thrown off by this reaction from San so he kept quiet while Hyunjin reassured "RIGHT! if you're hyuck's neck maybe we could be moots! you wouldn't happen to know King Xiaojun... "
Wooyoung was not expecting the conversation to turn to Hyunjin admitting he was an 18+ RP account. As Hyunjin rambled about his account being worse in ways they couldn't imagine, far worse than just flirting as a parody account, Yeosang nudged Woo as to say 'I told you so'.  
"you know since we're all friends and this has kinda cleared things up.." Yeosang started.
"Okay but I'm seriously really sorry, that was stupid and I don't wanna blame alcohol but I get more obnoxious when I'm tipsy.. and I was even panicking before so-"
Yeosang rested his hand on Woo's shoulder to calm him from babbling further.
"tsk Wooyoung obnoxious?" Hyunjin let out, laughing to himself while taking a sip of beer, when he finished he realised the others hadn't reacted. Maybe the alcohol was getting to him already. "woah. Wait ! that sounded offensive.. I meant like you're really not obnoxious if we're talking 'obnoxious'? we're talking Minho"
"So we're all good? Wooyoung you don't have to keep apologising, stop worrying about it" Yeosang reassured, hand now wrapped around Wooyoung's shoulders. San giggled at Woo's little pout and if Wooyoung's heart wasn't fluttering already it was racing now. "May I ask ..? did you do the same to Yeosang?"
"Well.. no Hongjoong got to him first"
"No !Yeosang !"    "Bitch I know what you look like!"    "BITCH?! I didn't even know you could use that word!"
"Oh.." San seemed to be a little disappointed but no one seemed to notice, Woosang busy teasing each other while Hyunjin laughed at their banter.
"But wait, how'd you know I was Wooyoung? I mean like Haechan's Neck.." Wooyoung inquired turning back to San, sitting up fixing himself after sending Yeosang into a laughing fit with tickles.
"I recognised you from a photo you sent in the group chat"
"w-what?! which pic?"
"When you announced that you went back to your natural hair..? It was only half your face but.."
"Idiot, you sent it to both group chats" Yeosang finished Wooyoung's sentence beginning another set of laughter for himself. Wooyoung gave a glare as a first warning, then raised his hands to his friend's waist threatening Yeosang with more tickles which got him to shut up immediately.
"But I was really doubting myself.. added up though. You and Yeosang, Seoul Uni.. but.. didn't you say to Min you weren't coming to the party?"
"We forgot about Min!" Yeosang exclaimed.
Thanks to San's question Wooyoung was reminded to check his phone, silently asking the group with his pointer finger up to excuse him for a moment as he scrolled through the 'PARTY' group chat’s messages. The others quietly waiting for some update on their mutual friend.
"He seems pretty content with Taeil"
Yeosang gave him a stern almost threatening look, "Twice, you said you'd be there for Min"
"Fine.. what do you want me to say?"
Woosang seemed to have a private conversation to themselves before Wooyoung was focused on his phone and Yeosang turned to question San, "Wait, Min said you weren't replying to him? and you haven't been active on the group chat"
Wooyoung whispered something being Yeosang's pick-up line, Yeosang ignoring him keeping his eyes on San like he was in trouble.
"I was busy being lost.. and classes and when I wasn't in class Seonghwa kept me busy" a gulp preceding San's answer.
San seemed to retreat a little to himself, head down unable to make eye contact with Yeosang which caused the latter to feel guilty.
"Sorry, of course you were.."
"To be fair we both were busy with each other too" Wooyoung said to ease the atmosphere, finally putting his phone back in his jacket's pocket.
"Well that's cause you wer-" Wooyoung knew Yeosang was going to make fun of his panic about San and the party, swiftly interrupting with another apology.
"Sorry I- .. We-we're all over the place but I just didn't want Mingi to feel alone or left out, so I um pretended I was busy with an assignment than coming to the party so he could text if he felt lonely.." Wooyoung explained.
"Oh .. that's actually really nice of you..."
Wooyoung didn't mean for anyone to feel guilty but that's how San felt now, knowing he was doing what he didn't want anyone to do to him to one of his best friends.
"I mean Wooyoung doesn't seem like the one.." "Wooyoung is just that nice" "-the kind to lie out of malice! he even taught me that phrase"
Hyunjin and Yeosang accidentally talked over each other but Hyunjin continued anyway, starting to become less aware of his surroundings. He was swaying side to side to the faint music, eyes closed barely open when he responded to the others.
They kept the conversation going, allowing some time for Woo to reply to Mingi and trying to distract Hyunjin from drinking any more. Soon their hyungs gathered with them, Hongjoong tried to slip away for Wooyoung's sake but Woo caught him, it wouldn't hurt they'd be leaving soon anyway.
Although Hongjoong couldn't even introduce himself before San announced that they should get going, saying it was getting late for a school night and Seonghwa wasn't in the best state either. Hongjoong seemed to match Hwa, their few more drinks than what they planned beginning to show some effect on them.
They exchanged goodbyes before introductions could take place, San and Minho helping Seonghwa stand straight, his arms around their shoulders, getting hold of him before he could flop down on top of the boys on the couch.
"Hhhow much longer you guys stayed? we-we we can have fun by ourselves"
Minho noticed Hyunjin's state which was.. pretty drunk for Hyunjin, he left San with Seonghwa while he tried to pull Hyunjin away to leave with them. Wooyoung didn't notice San already leaving with Seonghwa, preoccupied with a whining Hyunjin trying to get away from Minho's arms.
"I'll help you out with Hyunjin if Yeosang is alright enough to get Hongjoong" Wooyoung offered.
"awwhhhh Wooyoung-ah don'tlet-let- don't be such a killjoy cause of Minho!" Hyunjin grumbled escaping from Minho, only to stumble into Wooyoung's arms, face pressed to his classmate's chest causing him to giggle.
"Seriously Hyunjin, how's Kami gonna react seeing you like this?" Minho sighed finally trapping him.
"Ff*ck.. I forgot"
"You're not sleeping over, I'm surprised you didn't get a curfew"
Hyunjin stopped squirming, trying to get himself together when he remembered he'd be returning to his parents in his drunk state.
With the help of Minho and Wooyoung, he made his way down the stairs safely with Yeosang and Hongjoong following behind them, conversing about nonsense until they reached the bottom.
By the time they got down, Seonghwa was free from San's grip trying to make himself comfortable on the side of Minho's car, even after San offered his shoulder as they waited for their driver.
Minho took care of Hyunjin the rest of the way to his car, a few more waves goodbye before the 'Just gotta TOUCH' boys were all seated in the car.
San now in the passenger seat, Minho still the driver ready to take the boys home safely. The other two boys sharing the back seats, leaning on each other still somewhat awake but on the verge of sleep. Hyunjin trying to sober up before being dropped home to his parents but the alcohol in his system tempting him to a short nap. Seonghwa was out of it only half awake because he had some thoughts to discuss with the boys.
The trio left behind began their walk together after seeing Minho drive off. Wooyoung taking over Hongjoong duty knowing Yeosang's stop was only a five-minute walk away, although with their current pace the time could be doubled.
Wooyoung didn't know whether it was Yeosang slowing down in consideration for Hongjoongs drunken state or because he also wanted to enjoy more time together, even if they technically weren't alone. He appreciated it though, the dark night allowing stars to glow through even when the city lights fought against their shine. Setting the mood..
The odd car passing by allowing a flash of light to hit Yeosang, who was shielding the light from the slowpokes. 
The short distance they travelled so far was mostly filled with silence and a few grunts from Wooyoung struggling to keep Hongjoong up because he was distracted by Yeosang.
The few street lights they walked by flattered Yeosang's features with its warm rays, catching him in the process of thought.
Wooyoung was getting used to Joong's weight over his left shoulder. Yeosang suddenly turning back after taking in the stars, causing Wooyoung to trip on his step.
Yeosang meeting Wooyoung's admiring eyes as he looks back to check on the two. "You know you don't have to walk me back, maybe I should be helping you get Hongjoong back to yours"
"No we're getting-" "No no we'll get you back safe first!" Hongjoong speaks up, whispering a sorry for interrupting Wooyoung. "We're getting you safely back to your dorm, we can just take the bus from your place to ours. I can handle Joong"
Yeosang seemed to take their answer but then a smirk played on his lips before mentioning, mostly to Honjoong, that San was still looking for accommodation.
"Yeah I know Yeo.. I was in that conversation with you" Wooyoung tried to dismiss it.
"Yeo?" Both older males asked at the new nickname.
"What? you both call me Woo?? its just a nickname"
"huh, I like it.." Yeosang blushed on top of the residual tint of the alcohol in his system. He never really had nicknames from friends mostly just family but he was called "sangie" or "sang" and although Wooyoung had texted him the nickname before, it felt different hearing it out loud.
"Does that make me Hong?"
Wooyoung giggles at his Hyung still under the haze of alcohol, eyelids half open and sporting a small pout.
"hehe yeah, that makes you Hoooonnngg~" Messing with the pronunciation of the new nickname earning a disgusted judgemental look from the now called Hong. [like how he said in the one ep of ateez salary lupin]
"Soooo San..??" Yeosang starts up again after a few giggles from the '99 liners at Hongjoong's reaction. The trio now continuing their journey after their short pause.
"We said we'd do interviews sooo.." Wooyoung hoped his mention of their plan would prevent Hongjoong from thinking about just giving San the spare room.
"San..? but Seonghwa said-oh wait yeah we can get San an interview! he seems nice I mean we just goddamake sure he leaves the nsfw stuff on Twitter"
"pffft-" "JOONG!"
"I thought it was Hong!?" Yeosang blurts while laughing
San content staring out the window watching the street lights go by but he notices Seonghwa from the rearview mirror pouting. A small smile on his lips with his tongue peeking out trying to take a quick picture while the older had his eyes closed from drink and tiredness.
"Y'all didn't get to meet Hongjoong" he whined a little like a disappointed child when he saw San facing him. San is quick to take the picture and drop his phone but not quick enough to turn around before Seonghwa's eyes are fully open.
"Sorry Hwa-hyung, but I'm tired and you didn't seem to be handling the alcohol well" San spoke with a faint but reassuring smile before turning back to sit in his seat properly.
"San was the only one to not meet Hongjoong, and me and Hyunjin were literally right there" Minho added, trying to make Hwa less frowny-faced.
"Correction, Hyujin and I."
"Oh just shut it Jin and focus on sobering up before we get to your place, your lucky enough I'm giving you extra time heading to Seonghwa's first"
Hyujin is now sat straight, rolling his eyes at the driver sat in front of him. "Oh San! did you know Joong and Woo have space? maybe they can take you in" Hyunjin suggested while brushing his hand through his hair gathering himself together, it would only last a bit longer before he’s feeling woozy again.
"They do? but .. I don't know I-I don't wanna be taken in like a-a a stray cat.."
"I mean you're not far from one" Minho commented flashing San a smile before quickly turning attention back to the road. San was always compared to a cat sometimes even to his own cat by Mingi and his parents. He didn't know whether it was because of his physical features or personality, maybe even both? But he was surprised and flattered that Minho noticed since he had three cats of his own.
"I-I didn't mean for it to sound like that! what is wrong with me today ahhhggghh"
"you're literally always like this?" Minho replies when he spots Hyunjin throwing his head into his hands in an exasperated manner.
Seonghwa was mumbling something about Mingi and Yeosang in the last few minutes of their drive. He didn’t form enough coherent words for the others to make sense of it. 
They finally reached the house. San was glad that Seonghwa’s aunt was already asleep but kept the door open for them. Somehow San manages to help Seonghwa into bed and takes off his make up, not bothering to try changing him into PJs. He also ends up charging Hwa’s phone and setting an alarm for him before he takes care of himself. 
San plops himself on the bottom bunk of Seonghwa’s older cousin’s bunk bed staying in the room across from Seonghwa, for now at least. Bringing the nearest plushie to his chest to cuddle that night San also picks up his phone to check up on the others. 
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Pan ic : 
Well the jig is up! don’t know how far pretending to be jongho wouldve gone anyway..
also didn’t Hong say something about not drinking too much earlier and he’s going home like that?? i think seongjoong bad influence on each other but wooo ooo WooSang going strong ... for now 
pt.21 < Masterlist > pt.22.5
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
A/N if the hyung isnt always accurate its because they are close friends and dont say it often.. also its been awhile .... college was hard second semester soo i didn’t get a chance until recently sooo sorry its very late 
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jisungyah · 4 years
No one cares but I’ve been really stressed with college lately .. we’re gonna pray that I passed sem 1 ., I’m really trying to manifest a pass rn ..
And well I’ve also been super lonely .,,, lockdown again is not helping it ...
I used to be able to make friends easily enough even tho I thought I wouldn’t ..
Something about naturally just saying hi and complimenting someone while waiting outside a class .. or randomly sitting next to a stranger you’ve seen around and decide to now get to know them or atleast just their name .. like just as a friendly face to see around town or campus or something ..
But trying to make friends through online classes ain’t it and soo not the same ...
But idk let’s get it? Let’s try get through it ! We can do this !
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jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 21 : small talk
“You’re already one of my best friends... it’s why I tell you things I can’t tell Joong” Wooyoung confessed. The melancholic moment made the two share a smile, Wooyoung earning another pat on the back from Yeosang.
“It’d mean a lot more if I had some real competition” were Yeosang’s last words before he manoeuvred the younger in front of San.
Dimples coming to show when San looked up about to stand and introduce himself.
Not a word said and he was cut off by Hyunjin.
Hyunjin was then interrupted by another character
San felt out of place as the scene occurred within the small group that gathered.
"H-" "Hey-" "Yeosang! W-" "YAH! Kim Hongjoong! ... hyung"
Wooyoung felt cornered in the situation, his crush that he hasn't even met yet, was about to learn his identity before he was supposed to. Hyunjin and his hyung didn't know that though he couldn’t blame them and he knew the reprecussions of this ‘plan’.
But he just panicked not thinking when he blurted out his roommate's name. It was embarrassing but he was relieved that he didn't gain too much attention.
"You think just cause you added hyung, I won't scold you later?" Joong asked, confused at the sudden outburst.
" No.... I'm sorry... but we made a promise remember!"
"I know.. I know! I just wanted to say hi to Yeosang" Joong sighed, waving back to a smiling Yeosang, who's one hand was waving while the other held Wooyoung's. Joong gave a look but quick to shake his head telling himself not to think much of it.
"Kim Hongjoong?" Seonghwa repeated, noting the boy's appearance before he was able to walk away.
Joong heard the faint call and turned back, biting his lip glancing around for who called him.
"Um we met earlier ! thanks for getting me to the lecture theatres"
Hongjoong smiled recognising the cute boy he helped earlier. The two introduced themselves formally to each other and got to chatting, forming a group when Minho and Hyunjin joined them.
Wooyoung and Yeosang were left with San, who paid most his attention to them. Eager to introduce himself finally but unable to start. San ended up just gazing at Wooyoung who stood directly in front of him, Yeosang keeping him put by their connected hands.
"uh.. San I'd like you to meet my friend" Yeosang broke their trances, pushing Wooyoung to speak up but San used this opportunity.
"Hi ! I'm San.. from Busan, nice to meet you !" "Uh hi ... Hi San um I'm Jongho" "lovely name"
Yeosang tried to hold his giggles, "oh dude, he's flirting" from Mark Lee replaying in his head made it difficult.
Before Wooyoung could reply, Hyunjin had turned to join them. Wooyoung excused himself to the bathroom, not wanting to reply because he didn't know what to say anymore and he didn't want Hyunjin to get any closer to exposing him.
"Haha sorry, he's a little shy.." Yeosang explained. San said he understood as Hyunjin came, about to ask where Wooyoung was running off to. Yeosang stepped in to stall for his friend, distracting the two with conversation.
Wooyoung locked himself in the bathroom, quick to his phone, replying to Mingi, venting in the FULL SUNS NECK CULT and asking Joong for help.
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- [ *finishing not “finding what you’re typing” ]
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- [^‘i just *met him’ ] [ ‘can’t fail our *leader’↴]
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Wooyoung stood hiding next to the bookshelf San was staring at earlier. Trying to take in Gyu's advice, even though he knew he was gonna mess up either way.
He cautiously approached where he left the three, no sign of Hyunjin, Joong was really doing him some big favours tonight.
Yeosang and San had sat back on the couch.
"uh sorry about that" 
Yeosang scooted over creating a space for Wooyoung between him and San. Wooyoung was hesitant but didn't want to seem rude, accepting the seat between them. "it's okay!" San reassured. 
Yeosang couldn't stand the tension. Wooyoung was clearly uncomfortable, making San feel uneasy but he tried his best to engage with them both. 
Small talk.. even though Wooyoung wanted to avoid the cliche but it was refreshing speaking with San face to face. Maybe this is what Gyu meant. It felt familiar but also a little tedious, he practically knew all of San's answers.
 Slowly the boys became more relaxed as their conversation progressed, the two best friends almost slipping up with twitter and names multiple times. San didn't seem to mind, simply joining in their laughter when they made a look at each other everytime they almost made a mistake. 
They eventually got to talking about a shared interest, Monet the impressionist artist. Yeosang seemed invested in the artist but had no clue who exactly this Monet was. He was more so content at the progress the two made at getting closer, friendship wise but also physically, Wooyoung might as well have been on San's lap. They were all too busy and happy in conversation to notice that Hyunjin had wandered back to them.
"Hey guys ! Wooyoung ! I'm surprised you aren't hanging with Hongjoong tonight" Hyunjin remarked, no space on the couch so he opted for the floor seating himself infront of them. 
Three pairs of eyes widen at the name, Hyunjin couldn't help but mimic them wondering if he said something wrong. The second Wooyoung met San's eyes he reacted under pressure and drink, shouting "I CAN EXPLAIN".
Real Talk : 
Fake name, and the best you could do was Jongho?1/1 
also markhyuck 2017 summer fight still the biggest mystery of the kpop industry but.. 
seems like wooyoung is also asking for a lot of favours tonight too.. i think he’s gonna have to do better than just explaining.. and maybe he should stop digging a hole for himself.. it’s embarrassing 
pt.20 < Masterlist > pt.22
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n this took forever and might not be the greatest..  i still haven’t gotten all my sem 1 assignments done.. but this was nice to do over the holidays.. even tho i definitely didn’t get enough of a break but hope you guys had good one and Happy New Year! 
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jisungyah · 4 years
“Confidence isn’t walking into a room with your nose in the air and thinking you are better than everyone else. It’s walking into a room and not having to compare yourself to anyone in the first place.”
— Unknown
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jisungyah · 4 years
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219K notes · View notes
jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 20 : Two-Timing
"Fashionably late as always"
San looks up from staring at the tassels of the carpet adorning the wooden floor, Hyunjin was finally with them.
"It's not my fault that my lectures run late this year, I ran here once we got let out! Just to see Hwa and Sanni !"
Minho shook his head at the wink Hyunjin shot to the two. San and Hwa again stared at the boys quarrelling over the drink Minho prepared for Hyunjin, deciding he didn't deserve it after the wink.
Seonghwa having to stop the push and pull game between them, not wanting to spill the drink especially when he was in the potential splash-zone.
Hyunjin moved to sit beside San, in the empty spot Yeosang left him, finally able to take a drink without Minho harrassing him. Seonghwa to the other side of San was about to ask how Hyunjin's class went but wondered about the missing boy first.
"Where did Yeosang go?" 
San just shrugged, taking a gulp of his own drink. Looking around the room, not exactly searching for the stanger he now knew to be Yeosang... yet still referring to him as Cafe_Jae in San’s head.
"Yeosang? why does that sound familiar?" Hyunjin inquired, being the only one to not have met him yet.
"Mingi and his caffeinated friend"  "Ooooooooh"
They continued to chat amoungest themselves, San piping up the odd time. His mind wandered back to his phone.. twitter.. but he didn’t want to look anti-social. If he wasn't thinking of twitter, he was fixated on finding Yeosang. Thoughts filling his head with questions on why the boy left, feeling the guilt because maybe it was his fault for not paying attention to him. 
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Wooyoung and Yeosang were both huddled over Wooyoung’s phone in a corner. The owner of the phone sighing after sending his last message, turning to Yeosang to apologise. 
“Sorry! WooSang time now! but i’ll probably have to check up on him again..” 
“Like Mingi said ‘don’t worry about it’ but now I think about it, you’re really two-timing us right now.” 
Wooyoung apologised continuously, setting off another laughing fit from Yeosang. “It’s not like that! I swear! you know that! Yeosang I-”
The boisterous defensive apology was halted by Yeosang with his hand gestures as he finished his breathless laughter. 
“It’s okay really, I’m just messing.. but.. um... you need to come with me!” 
Wooyoung slightly confused, tables seem to turn on him when Yeosang started pulling him somewhere, stunned look plastered on Wooyoung’s face. 
Although San kept to himself for a while, spaced out for the most part, he was able to see a familiar face in the crowd. 
From across the other room, looking past the doorway, he saw Yeosang smiling brightly leading someone over to them.
San, not wanting to look weird, glanced around trying to seem interested in the bookshelf he could see from the other room, even if only the top shelf was visible to him. Only after he already shared a shy smile and second of eye contact with Yeosang. 
He was glad that Yeosang had someone though, he wouldn’t want anyone left out, excluded like he felt sometimes. 
Wooyoung could tell Yeosang was taking him back to the couch he sat at earlier. As they got closer he knew why. Eyes widening when he recognised the boy with a slight smile staring back at Yeosang, who had come to a stop.
“What’s wrong? why’d you stop? I’m not one to literally drag someone, unlike some people” 
Wooyoung couldn’t focus on Yeosang’s questions, large eyes still fixed on the seated boy, uttering “that’s San isn’t it?” 
Yeosang nodded, tugging on Wooyoung’s hand to continue. Which Wooyoung did. Following but he wasn’t really thinking properly anymore. Silently freaking out while Yeosang spoke, “I kinda wanted it to be more of a surprise but seems like you fell for his looks?” 
The comment snapped Wooyoung out of his daze. Stopping once again before getting to San, only three more steps away. A pull from Wooyoung back from the doorframe making it four. 
“If you think this stupid crush Is JUST about his stupidily cute little face You’re WRONG! You don’t know how much his words have an effect on me and not because he can be the biggest fxckboy ever as Mark but he’s also like the sweetest living being ever! I swear I’m not that conceited!” Wooyoung whisper-shouted his defence away from San, almost having his back to the boy. 
Yeosang gave a small chuckle then getting serious, inching his face closer so Wooyoung would focus on him, hands on his shoulder so Wooyoung would calm down a little. 
“Are you this defensive with all your friends? like before I was only messing, and it’s okay I- well I don’t exactly understand..how you could crush- but i’m trying to get it and help you cause we’re friends, right?” 
San found it incredibly awkward waiting for Yeosang to join them again, anticipation for the introduction of their friends but they kept stalling. 
Now right in front of him, just having to cross the doorway with a few more steps but they kept whispering to each other. Anxiety growing in San, both boys seem to also be avoiding his gaze. He didn’t mean to stare while they discussed but he was running out of things to seem interested in. 
Telling himself that he shouldn’t be anxious. The marginally smaller boy with black hair, wide twinkling eyes, dressed similarly to San in all black, standing next to Yeosang, seemed more scared. 
“PARTY” [-quote from Adore Delano] :
Not much of a party so far, kinda disappointed but I mean at least there’s drinks and snacks? 
When are these two actually gonna interact outside of twitter?? I’m losing patience.. should I get involved to get things rolling?
pt.19 < Masterlist > pt.21
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n bad news might have to keep this au on hold for a bit because assignments and such with college atm... but i’ll try my best to update when I can ! 
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jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 19 : type of drunk?
Minho had just picked up the two boys. Hwa riding shotgun, San in the back as he drove. He was a better driver than San was expecting but was still cautious, not wanting to disturb him. 
So he was forced to quietly sit, mindlessly going on his phone since Seonghwa didn’t seem to be paying attention to him. San thought maybe he could ask Mingi if something happened. Mingi, who was clearly active on twitter, didn’t respond though, also avoiding him.
Although he did expect it from Mingi, San felt worse than when they’d leave him for their roleplay accounts. “Uh... Sanni you okay?” Hwa asked, looking into the rearview mirror to check on him. A simple nod came from San, a glimpse into the mirror to make eye contact but Seonghwa was quick to look away, like he was trying to hide something. 
San could sense Minho knew something was off about Hwa as well, a puzzled look sent through the rearview mirror confirmed it.  
“Are you.. okay Hyung?” 
Seonghwa gave a rushed nod before returning to his phone to type a message, possibly to Mingi. San knew it wasn’t a tweet because he had notifications on for all his friends’ accounts. 
The two roommates began their walk to the party, at most being 25 minutes away if they took their time. Joong was warning Wooyoung about drinking too much, the younger arguing that he wasn’t even thinking of it. 
Other than that short conversation, Joong noticed Wooyoung was quiet. Not like his usual self, who would’ve been the one pushing the other out the door, getting hyped for the party. It was weird but what made it concerning was Wooyoung seeming nervous and jittery.
Past parties he would get pumped. Although he didn’t have people he considered to be his friends he was quite the social butterfly, friendly and enthusiastic. Even before alcohol was involved. 
Joong thought maybe it was because Yeosang was around, almost forgetting about San. ‘Would Wooyoung really be this panicky over someone on the internet?’ he wondered, deciding to ask Wooyoung directly. 
“Where are we meeting Yeosang exactly?” they were about halfway to the venue now. 
“Um.. I just said we’ll see him there” 
“okay... what about San?” 
Wooyoung forgot that his roommate knew about San being in Seoul. He tried his best to think of a reply, not wanting to seem suspicious or something.
“We don’t even know if he’s coming to the party...Yeosang just said he was in Seoul” 
“With that tone, I’m pretty sure you’re lying.. I’m guessing he goes to our uni too?” 
“Yeah ... and that’s all I know can you stop asking about it now?” Wooyoung tried to speed walk away from his companion but he was caught by the collar of his jacket, bringing him back to the same speed as before. 
“We did say we were gonna talk about this later and-”    “You asked about Yeosang not San?!” 
Joong could tell Wooyoung was more apprehensive about San, when before he was just annoyed by Hongjoong’s speculations about his relationship with Yeosang.  
“Well I think this is about San now...” a hand now wrapped around Wooyoung’s shoulder, waiting for him to confess as they continued their journey side by side. 
Awkward silence filled with light radio music accompanied the rest of their drive. Until the three ‘we gotta TOUCH’ boys finally arrived to the venue. Surprising to them the party was a lot quieter than they imagined. 
“Maybe we’re early” Minho remarked, stepping out his car after checking the time on his watch. 
It had just turned 6pm yet no party seemed to commence. Minho stared up at the apartment block waiting for a sign, ‘did we get the right place?’ he thought turning to the two still in the car. 
Seonghwa joined Minho outside, San left in the car to watch them through the windows. He saw someone approaching from the right, long blonde hair with dark roots, the boy dressed simply, black jeans and a mustard cardigan. 
The stranger bowed to his hyungs, shyly greeting them. Minho speaking to him while Seonghwa was signaling for San to come to his side. 
San took a deep breathe in, “Here we go” to himself after he exhaled. Preparing himself for the night, stepping out to cling to Seonghwa. 
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Ten minutes of what could’ve been peaceful walking, instead was Wooyoung confiding in Joong about San. 
He was smart about it though, not mentioning the full details, like his crush on San. Only admitting it would be weird to meet the person he’s been flirting with all this time, how that could ruin their first expressions of each other. Hongjoong seemed to agree and believe his words. 
Now coming up to the apartment block, they created a pact. The terms being they would leave each other alone during the party, minimal interactions. Joong also wanting to spend time with Yeosang but Wooyoung persuaded him. 
Quiet, as they made their way up the flight of stairs to the party. The faintest sound of music was heard as they ascended. Wooyoung could already tell the party was arranged by ‘the snobs’ from the arts department. 
Arriving at the door, they both shook hands sealing their agreement before entering. Heading in different directions as soon as they stepped through the doorway, greeted by the people around, Wooyoung recognized some from his classes.
 He knew Hongjoong had his own friends from his music course, seeing his white-haired friend find his way to Byounggon.
 Now not having to worry about his hyung, Wooyoung was set on finding Yeosang. 
Before he could, Hyunjin entered gaining some attention. Unexpectedly the ‘prince’ came from behind Wooyoung, to speak to the startled boy. 
“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you Wooyoung.. it’s good to see you! how have you been?” Hyunjin started after a small giggle at Woo’s surprised reaction. Wooyoung gave a plain “good and you?”, while trying to escape Hyunjin’s conversation but Hyunjin followed beside him. 
“I was wondering what English classes you’re taking this year? maybe we’ll see each other around?”
Wooyoung gave a patient smile while answering the questions, still on the look out for Yeosang. 
Once Hyunjin got his response he excused himself, leaving Wooyoung’s side with a pat on the back. Wooyoung kept his eyes on Hyunjin, seeing the boy dashing to his friends, surprised to see Yeosang sat at the couch Hyunjin was approaching. 
Yeosang stood from his seat once he noticed Wooyoung staring back at him. They were reunited with a hug, rushing into each others arms with wide smiles. 
“You could’ve texted me! I was starting to think you got kidnapped, which is more of a possibility at this time of night” 
“Pfft .. you’re starting to sound like me now, but I’m here now!” 
Yeosang paused for a second, eyebrows raised when asking, “and who was your friend you were talking to?”, his straight face quickly faded to a mischievous smile. 
“Not a friend, it was just Hyunjin”
“I remember you calling him royalty” 
“Why? are you jealous?” Wooyoung returned a cheeky smile, nose scrunched, face nearing the other’s, who giggled with embarrassment while shaking his head to reply. The drink in his hand threatening to spill due to his movement. Wooyoung noticed, helping Yeosang steady his hand by holding it. 
When Yeosang calmed he was still tainted red, hands touching, his only thought was hoping people hadn’t noticed his awkward-self. 
Hands still held, Wooyoung pulled Yeosang along to the kitchen to grab a drink of his own. 
“So tell me what kind of drunk are you? I need to know before I start hanging out with you all night” 
“I won’t get drunk, it doesn’t seem like the party to get drunk but if you really need to know... I get quite giggly? and kinda touchy”
Wooyoung gave a quick wink as a response after pouring his own drink. Yeosang a bit panicked, pushed him away playfully at the gesture. 
“and for your info, the snobby class reps from my department organized this, that’s why it seems more like a formal event than a college party.” Wooyoung told, taking a sip of his drink, beer was provided but he indulged in some cheap white wine, noticing Yeosang had some. 
“Ahh...” Yeosang nods as they began walking around the somewhat crowded apartment to find a vacant area. “What did you do with Mingi by the way?” Yeosang whispered in the others ear. 
Wide eyes from Wooyoung in reply, quickly getting on his phone, first checking his notifications. 
Woosang Hours: Open 
Will the WooSang hours last tho?? i suppose we’ll see.. 
feeling like many secrets are being kept, and not only by Wooyoung.. 
such a mess already and we haven’t even started the real drama..
pt.18.75 < Masterlist > pt.20
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n i’m lowkey stuck cause of school work getting in the way of my creative/crackhead ways of thinking but we’re getting through it! also can’t wait for halloween, i’m not doing much but wouldn’t facetime and some netflix with a whole group be fun... i might be dropping some hints soon too.... oop
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jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 18.75 : THE DADDIES
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[ “Jelly xP” is actually supposed to be by Cafe_Jae/Yeosang, sorry]
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[ ‘something’ not snitching oml, seriously sorry for the autocorrect typos..]
Wooyoung is freaking out clearly… but atleast we have the daddies??/ if any of the other ships don’t work well… atleast Joong and Daddy Jae are lowkey an old married couple at this point. 
and the rest of the parodies have something in common… if requoting their parents counts… also competitive for the bestest friend title … it’s not a competition guys..
 anywoo.. let’s get ready for that party 
pt.18.25 < Masterlist > pt.19
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n extra post.. mayhaps a little rushed but it still makes sense soo… anyway i’m off to my korean lecture soon… seriously if you guys have any comments or anything send them my way… or even if you wanna be friends.. 
also the ‘how it started  how it’s going’ tweets are really killing me.. 
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jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 18.25 : ECPLAIN
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Dodaddy REST : 
Seonghwa almost as slow as Joong to things but… he also isn’t really part of that circle so i guess we can leave him off…
but also YeoSan?? what’s Mingi up to??? i love how the rp accs are clueless too but lowkey stalk the crackheads (aka the parodies)
pt.18 < Masterlist > pt.18.75
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n we tired.. but we have some parts coming up .. also if i said typos were on purpose… would you believe me? cause some of them actually are! and some are just autocorrect being stupid
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jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 18.75 : THE DADDIES
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[ “Jelly xP” is actually supposed to be by Cafe_Jae/Yeosang, sorry]
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-[ “can’t get rid of us” not “can get rid of us”
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-[ “yes to meeting ***” not “test to meeting ***” 
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[ ‘something’ not snitching oml, seriously sorry for the autocorrect typos..]
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Wooyoung is freaking out clearly... but atleast we have the daddies??/ if any of the other ships don’t work well... atleast Joong and Daddy Jae are lowkey an old married couple at this point. 
and the rest of the parodies have something in common... if requoting their parents counts... also competitive for the bestest friend title ... it’s not a competition guys..
 anywoo.. let’s get ready for that party 
pt.18.25 < Masterlist > pt.19
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n extra post.. mayhaps a little rushed but it still makes sense soo... anyway i’m off to my korean lecture soon... seriously if you guys have any comments or anything send them my way... or even if you wanna be friends.. 
also the ‘how it started  how it’s going’ tweets are really killing me.. 
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jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 18.25 : ECPLAIN
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- [ ‘not like you use dodoyoung as your main anyway’ not ‘you use dodoyoung as you it main anyway’
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Dodaddy REST : 
Seonghwa almost as slow as Joong to things but... he also isn’t really part of that circle so i guess we can leave him off...
but also YeoSan?? what’s Mingi up to??? i love how the rp accs are clueless too but lowkey stalk the crackheads (aka the parodies)
pt.18 < Masterlist > pt.18.75
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n we tired.. but we have some parts coming up .. also if i said typos were on purpose... would you believe me? cause some of them actually are! and some are just autocorrect being stupid
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jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 18 : BESTEST FRIEND
San and the other members of ‘Just Gotta TOUCH’, that he now knew to be Hyunjin and Minho, and of course Seonghwa, stayed to have coffee together. 
Sat at one of the campus cafes, they shared events from their day. Having some quality time together, finally off of their phones. 
After their brief coffee date and before their departure from each other, the four friends tried to arrange their plans for later that evening. 
“I have one more lecture at 5 to 6 soooo.. if you want I can just meet you at the party!” Hyunjin said as he led the group to the old gates that San entered through earlier. He was informed that those gates weren’t used as the main entrance anymore, more-so as a shortcut for students to get into the city centre. 
“Where did you guys get accommodation? I can drive us if we pick a time?” Minho suggested, once they made it to the gates but not leaving campus just yet. 
“Do I even trust you as a designated driver?” 
“San ! we won’t be drinking much anyway! and we’re staying at my mom’s friend’s place” 
San felt guilty at Seonghwa’s words. He wasn’t able to find his own accommodation, knowing that he did procrastinate on it for too long that even Mingi said so.  
“I should really find another place tho, I feel bad” he spoke up again. Hyunjin placed a hand on his shoulder, “I saw some places on the bulletin board if you’re looking, living the college life with roommates would be fun”
Minho gave Hyunjin a questioning yet disgusted look, Hyunjin replying with a mouthed ‘what?’. The Busan boys turned to each other confused, not wanting to interrupt. 
“You say as the one that still lives with his parents”
“I didn’t wanna stray too far from home !”
“Scaredy Cat!”
“Atleast I’m not one of your cats, God knows what you feed them..” 
“Hey! I treat my cats well! What about Kami !? he like hates you !”
 Their little argument went on for a bit longer until Seonghwa broke it up, saying they should get going so Hyunjin could prepare for his class. It would still be a couple more hours away, Hyunjin whining at how they were leaving him already. 
They talked out their meeting for the party before actually leaving him, Minho then offered the two a lift which they accepted. 
Yeosang was already done for the day at half past three. 
As they walked, Wooyoung played ‘Walk You Home’ from his phone like he promised. They shared more about themselves, speaking about their music taste apart from NCT. 
The walk was peaceful but it quickly came to an end. 
Just as the lyrics of ‘Walk You Home’, Wooyoung wanted to sit at the benches they passed and chat with Yeosang for a little longer. He also knew that they’d see each other later at the party to continue their conversation, so he left Yeosang at his accommodation. 
When he knew his friend was safely back, Wooyoung carried on the rest of the way alone. 
He admired the slowly changing trees along his path back. The wind picking up some of the already fallen leaves, fluttering in the opposite direction to Wooyoung. He told himself to take a mental note on the weather, it was getting colder but the sun still provided him some heat.
This could only be the perfect weather for long coats and sweaters or if you’re Wooyoung, bucket hats and oversized hoodies. As if he didn’t wear those any time of year anyway. 
Reaching their dorms, Hongjoong sat at their shared living room waiting for him. “So have you thought out your outfit for tonight or were you too busy flirting with Yeosang?” Joong greeted once he saw Wooyoung enter the room. 
“I may have had some ideas while waiting for Yeosang, why? do you need help picking?” 
“No I just don’t want you wearing pajamas so you can jump into bed, the moment we come back” 
Wooyoung rolled his eyes, entering his room with Hongjoong following behind. 
“I was thinking a blazer and jeans but now-” 
“You trying to look smart for Yeosang?” Joong interrupted, looking through Wooyoung’s closet, clearly judging his clothes. Wooyoung let out an exaggerated sigh before crashing down on his bed, the elder was quick to start piling outfit choices on top of him. 
“Tell me what’s really up with you and Yeosang” Joong asked, stopping his actions of stacking clothes on Wooyoung. He looked down at the younger waiting for a reply but got nothing only another frustrated sigh. “Well are you gonna tell me, or am I going to have to do my own digging?” Joong was now seated at the edge of the bed next to Woo, still staring down at him. 
Wooyoung sat up to face him, “Since when were you so interested?”
“Since you started acting weird? Don’t make me become the annoying pushy friend, on top of the mom friend!” 
“Isn’t that part of being the mom friend” Wooyoung gave a smug face causing Hongjoong to push him playfully, “you know what I mean”. Laying back on the bed, not bothered getting up from Joong’s push, Wooyoung commented “Well I do know you haven’t been acting yourself either” 
“Yeah cause you’re being weird! and I don’t know how to cope!” 
“Like I said I-” 
“Don’t tell me you’re fine when i know you’re not !” Hongjoong retaliated, picking up the clothes off of Wooyoung to place them towards the end of the bed. 
He then pulled the younger to sit up so they could start having a proper conversation. 
Although Joong wanted to talk about Wooyoung’s feelings, whether it was stress, anxiety or most likely another crush.. Wooyoung knew how to change the subject, asking about their roommate situation. 
They had rented an apartment with an extra room and although they were both financially stable to pay for rent with just the two of them, Joong wanted to have someone else around. 
It was more so for Wooyoung to have company. Joong would be working late and staying back on campus for assignments. He knew Wooyoung would offer to stay in the library to come home with Joong, like they had arranged last year but Hongjoong wouldn’t be around for much longer because of graduation. He wanted Wooyoung to meet a new friend so he would have someone during his final year while Joong would most likely be starting work. 
Hongjoong forgot the purpose of their conversation, telling Wooyoung how he put a notice on the campus bulletin board. He also mentioned someone from his class already asking about it and how he came to the idea of holding interviews for their potential new roommate. 
Wooyoung nodded along pretending to be interested. He just needed to waste enough time before getting ready for the party. 
“Anyway I was asking-” 
“I think we should ask Jongho about his friend? maybe they're still looking for accommodation? but also we should probably be getting ready? well it seems like you’re already ready.. maybe I’ll just ask the GC what I should wear?” Wooyoung prompted, rambling but he hoped Joong would read past it. 
“Fine, we’ll talk about this a different time...” giving up the talk, Hongjoong left the room. Wooyoung quick to jump into twitter once he was gone.
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Whats up?: 
well something is definetly up with san .. and he also doesn’t seem to wanna talk about it but Mingi has his suspicions!
but also Seonghwa soo late to the Woosan agenda like...
pt.17 < Masterlist > pt.18.25
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n anywooooooo i’ve started to use that more again but just the usual chaos i guess... but i also did this really late soo hopefully it’ll be okay and ages well when i check on it in the morning for mistakes cause my head ain’t right after reading it over 3 times already... okay i should stop rambling like woo too but.. hope you like it 
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jisungyah · 4 years
So people have been saying that moles are where your soulmate kissed you the most in your past lives???
But when I was younger my dad said that my moles near my eyes say that I’m very emotional and tend to cry??
sooooo my brain was like what if you were really emotional in your past life and are stronger now because your soulmate used to kiss the tears away??!??
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jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 17 :NCT2020BRO
After finishing their snacks, the two decided to have a tour around the campus. Walking around campus, Wooyoung made sure to tell every detail about the buildings so Yeosang wouldn’t get lost next time he or Joong weren’t around.
They made their end at the benches lining the path towards the main lecture theaters. Yeosang would have most his lectures there, including his next one.
They sat at the third to last bench, Wooyoung not wanting to go inside yet or “get too close to the snobs”, who would be waiting right by the doors. During this time Yeosang finally got him to check twitter, he also had some unread messages from Joong that took his curiosity.
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- [you probably get it at this point, but timeline pics read from bottom to top]
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Wooyoung didn’t dare look at San’s message, thankfully he wasn’t active anymore or Yeosang would’ve said something. 
“You didn’t check it did you?” Yeosang’s voice startled him. It had been quiet between them. Comfortable silence as they scrolled through Twitter separately. The occasional snicker, giggle or nudge of the shoulder to share a funny tweet. 
“No not yet” Wooyoung replied, ready to slip his phone into his pocket but Yeosang caught his hand. “You better check it before I go in!” Yeosang glanced towards the entrance, slowly letting go of Wooyoung’s hand. “But would you walk me to the room? I don’t wanna get lost in there” he finished. 
Smiling up at him Wooyoung took Yeosang’s hand in his, “of course, you baby!” 
“Oh I’m the baby? Mr sleepy after hot choco?!” Yeosang retorted. Their faces scrunched up, peering at each other teasingly.
When suddenly they heard..
                                                “NCT 2020?!”               
             “What’s Mingi talking about?”                              “New Members??”
                                        “Are you seeing The Crackheads?”     
 “Wait, if we call them The Crackheads then what do they call us ?” 
                          “Would Baby Jisung have to change brand to Jisung Hyung?” 
 At the last comment, Yeosang let out a gasp along with “OH MY GOD! They-”. Panicked, Wooyoung pulled Yeosang down with a hand over his mouth before finishing his sentence. 
He saw the approaching figures on the other side of the bench, the tree branches and shrubbery shielding them from the others’ view. Yeosang was almost buried in leaves when he was dragged down, but instead he fell on top of Wooyoung. 
San from the other side, just out of his lecture, heard Yeosang’s gasp. Asking if anyone heard but Minho left it to ”weirdos on campus”, telling him not to mind it. Quickly changing the topic to a party happening that night, specifically for students like San and Seonghwa to meet friends and get to know Seoul life. 
The group walked away, Wooyoung was glad that they didn’t seem to question Yeosang’s exclamation. He let out a sigh, only now noticing the boy whose back was against his chest grinning up at him. 
“You hide from others often?” Yeosang asked as he stood up off of Wooyoung’s lap. Wooyoung shook his head as his friend helped him off the paved ground, “Yeah usually alone, and stop using your flirty tone!” 
Yeosang could see him slightly pouting again. 
“Well you’ve got me around now anyway” he reassured Wooyoung while helping him dust off the back of his jeans. 
“It’s much easier hiding by yourself or even behind Joong”   “Isn’t he smaller than you?”    “Exactly! No one would think I’d be hiding behind him!” 
Yeosang laughed at Wooyoung’s thought process as the latter began pulling him along by hand. “Come on let’s get you to class, baby” Wooyoung mentioned casually after checking the time on his phone. 
“I see what you’re doing” 
“What? Flirting with you because I’m awkward but also taking you to class cause you asked, we’ve kinda already been through this” Wooyoung stated walking ahead faster, practically dragging Yeosang. 
“You’re trying to get rid of me without talking about why you hid in some bushes from people.. potentially named San” 
“I doubt it.. one of those people were definitely Hyunjin and for your information he’s like royalty here, do you really think someone like that would be involved with parody accounts?” 
“He was totally a rp account, when they referred to us as crackheads?!”
“No! Stop it and focus on your math class” 
They were already in the building, taking a turn to the left with Wooyoung still leading. “You’re forgetting, I think purposely.. that you have to check the group chat before i go in” Yeosang stopped, pulling Wooyoung back with little force. 
Wooyoung stumbled backwards slightly, he turned to face Yeosang who held a stern face. “Fine.. but you’re going to be late” Wooyoung sighed. 
He took his phone out as Yeosang replied with “then we won’t be breaking my trend of today” 
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Once Wooyoung caved in they were stood outside Yeosang’s lecture hall, most students already sat inside. 
“San left Mingi in Busan?!” Wooyoung whisper-shouted more so to himself, typing a response to his long-distance friend. Yeosang nodding saying “Yes and he was looking for you too! you can’t leave Min alone like that even if you can’t interact with San!”.
At that moment Wooyoung felt a bit guilty for being a little selfish that morning, because what if San got kidnapped or maybe Hongjoong got to him first...
Wooyoung was taken out of his thoughts when a classmate passed and greeted him. Yeosang gave a questioning look when Wooyoung returned a small wave and smile. 
“I’m friendly with people but no friends, she’s one of the snobs anyway.. now get to class! I already checked like you wanted”   “But-” 
Before Yeosang could argue or say a goodbye he was pushed through the doors and into the closest seat by Wooyoung. He escaped swiftly, leaving Yeosang alone to try focus on his lecture. 
Waiting outside the lecture room, peering through the window of the double doors, Woo could see Yeosang on his phone. Checking the groupchat knowing that’s exactly where he would be active. 
Wooyoung cringed and hoped that San wouldn’t take much notice of Yeosang’s message about him worrying about San not being active, potentially lost on social media not finding his way back to their groupchat cause he thinks woo is weird.. 
Although the message was uncalled for and highly embarrasing cause it would be something he thought of.. he would cut Yeosang some slack because he found Mingi supporting their soulmate agenda, which he loved but wouldn’t admit. 
Still Baby: 
NCT 2020 IS COMING and i don’t think anyone is ready and will they even be able to talk about their favs now that they’re all mostly back to school ??
What grade is baby jisung even in?? like kindergarten?? 
But also doesn’t someone else seem a little quiet on the we young gc... maybe he truely did get lost in the internet too
pt.16 < Masterlist > pt.18
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n guess whos back in college and stressed with online seminars... but anyway this morning i saw another toe parody come up for wooyoung soooo i guess the crackheads are out and about on twitter still.. anyway it might seem a little rushed ... cause i’m hyped on coffee and well want to get this moving before i start getting assignments.. hope it’s still good enough to read tho.. 
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