jjjwolf · 8 years
I think since the first semester is over I’ve now really entered college. Honestly, its a bit underwhelming. Not that its not great, I promise it is, its just not quite the 24/7 academic and regular party. The classes are all interesting as well; and yet as a whole through the week I find myself as bored as in high school. I guess that’s just how it goes. 
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jjjwolf · 8 years
Once here
I realize exactly how many mistakes I made (academically). Some were just blatant mistakes that I’m going to need to work to overcome, and some worked out and landed me here. Example A is Chemistry. I wrote about how I took it at UMA, which helped me get here, but academically here it was a near complete waste of time. On the other hand there is Calculus, which I took and have now completely forgotten, and also didn’t report it. Which means effectively all of that work was useless (although I’m hoping it will come back to me). 
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jjjwolf · 8 years
Classes have begun....
Although its still shopping period at Harvard, classes have truly begun. I have work for Spanish, a problem set for CS 50 (computer science), and Physics... well, its physics what do you expect? And yet I still had time to do laundry for the first time at college. Its more difficult than you might think, trust me. Looking forward to joining some extracurriculars, but how to choose which ones?
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jjjwolf · 8 years
Dances and such
First chance dance was last night (whatever that means). I won’t give too many details, but it was a blast; danced with friends and made some new ones. Wrapped up late, but there was still time for me to meet some Harvard Law students (upperclassmen and grad students have been appearing). Hung out with friends today, met some kids from BC, and enjoyed another meal at Annenberg. Looking forward to an uneventful evening. 
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jjjwolf · 8 years
eventful past few days but nothing planned for today except some social events later tonight. Woke up late, went to Staples, and am now trying to plan what classes to take. There are endless options. 
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jjjwolf · 8 years
Second day of camp
because lets be real. Orientation is basically camp. I’ve already heard a couple people refer to the next week or two as “Camp Harvard”, which is pretty spot on. We go to talks, make friends, and eat food, as well as have meetings planning for Camp Harvard to end. 
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jjjwolf · 8 years
and so the blog begins
when better to start blogging than at the beginning of the college journey. 
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