jmthegreatsposts · 5 years
Guardians of the Afterlife
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I was at the park, one morning taking a stroll. I happened to find a diary on one of the benches. It was colorful and vibrant.
It had a note stuck to it that said, "My heart belongs to someone." I couldn't help but be curious, so I picked and up and started reading it. Bits and pieces of a stranger's stories, sounding so tragic I couldn't help but feel a little distraught.
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Moments later, the diary was whisked away from my hands.
"Reading someone's diary is wrong." she said on soft voice and angelic way of tone.
I saw her eyes with great irritation then suddenly she stabbed me in the heart. At that moment my life in the afterlife began.
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I eventually came to in a desolate battlefield, with mounds of dirt and spoils of war as far as the eye could see.
The only thing that broke the deafening silence was this girl fighting a monster. It towered above her with bloodied claws and a desperate look in its eye. The girl, however, had hair that was dyed a deep red, and an expression that was bold and brave. She had a weapon far too large to be a gun clasped in her hands, using it to battle the demon.
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I ran as fast the wind could blow to avoid getting involved. The demon swung its claws at the girl, tearing open her stomach. I hear her scream in pain and it stopped me in my tracks. I double back, outside of the demon’s field of vision to try and intervene. I couldn’t run away when I could do something.
The girl gets tossed onto the ground, nearly facing her death. The demon raised its claws once again to deal the finishing blow, but I sneak at the back of the demon to struggle him to death
After the tussle, I approached the girl helping her to stand up. We hid ourselves beside a giant tree so that the girl would have a rest. She used her healing potion to her wound and minutes later she slept, it’s already dark then I took two stones to be rubbed to create fire for the cold weather.
The girl woke up then she said, “You’re a brave man for confronting a demon.”
Then with pride I simply smiled to her saying, “It was nothing.”
Then I was about to leave even I don’t know where to go
She asked me “Are you lost or just new to the afterlife”.
I don’t know what to say since I don’t really know what’s happening. I simply smiled at her without telling a word. 
“Come and join the T.S.A.D.” she said with a tone with confidence
She was looking at me pleasing my heart to join their group. I really need to think about it since I’m lost and I don’t have any clues to solve this mystery.
I answered, “Yes, I’d like to join the T.S.A.D.” I paused, before continuing, “What does it stand for, though?”
She said “The Society Against Demons”, she said that “In the afterlife or purgatory we need to fight demons, because demons will do their best to get your soul or bring you to hell”.
“If you want to leave the afterlife, you’ll have to graduate from the School of the Everlasting.” She continued. “Souls in purgatory go through study to atone for their wrongdoing when they were alive.” After graduation she said “The soul will leave the purgatory then they will go to the Elysium”.
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After an everlasting chat with the stranger I started to ask her name and ask more question to solve my problem here in the afterlife.
I asked, “Can ask your name since we talk like there’s no tomorrow” the girl just smiled at me like the quarter shape of the moon.
She said “My name is Yuri I have been in the afterlife like about 2 years I think”.
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She continued our conversation with a question “Now that you know my name can I ask your name?”
I can’t really answer Yuri since my journey in the afterlife has just began and also there are many mysteries to solve. Eventually the sky was filled with glowing, lovely and delightful stars. It’s time to hit the deck since it’s already late.
Yuri and I slept beside the giant tree while the winds are whispering to our ears giving air that maid our rest cozier and comfy.
Sooner or later I woke up still the stars are just lying in the sky glowing and so beautiful. I saw something weird from the stars, every time I look into the stars it goes brighter and brighter and my vision suddenly was whitish that I can’t even see Yuri or anything.
After few seconds I was riding a train full of people like living in the real world. People are having a chit chat, phones are ringing and buildings all around the places. When I look at the mirror of the train I saw something unexpected.
I’m wearing a stethoscope and a name plate. I remembered that I was a doctor of the hospital near the town. In just a second the train lost its control and all the people were screaming and you can hear the cry of the passengers.
Blood was flowing around the train some did not live some was stuck inside the train including me and some travelers. I helped the travelers some suffered bone fracture and some are in critical state. Many days have passed help was not reachable we need to think of something to be alive. We reserved our water and food but it’s not enough to help all the passengers.
Some died because of dehydration they were dry as the dessert that destroyed their lungs. I was so devastated seeing someone who is suffering without any help is the most painful thing that can a doctor see. After another day no one can move everyone was so dehydrated and hungry, you can hear their cry of hunger.
The passengers screamed for help and they shouted “Please help us have pity on us”.
When I realize the end is near for me I remembered a card inside my wallet for donating organs. I asked all passengers to writer their names in the card. So if all of the passenger will die at least someone can give lives.
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A noise was heard by a passenger like a bulldozer making a path to save us. Suddenly helped came to the other survivors but for me it was too late.
I woke up with tears flowing to my eyes. In my mind it was full of mixed emotions.
Yuri woke up and asked me “What happened are you okay”?
I answered her “I remembered who I am and regained all my memories in the land of the living”.
She asked me “So can I ask what’s your name”.
I replied “My name is Arima a former doctor who helps a lot of patients”.
I finally solve one of the problems here in the afterlife so the next challenge to me is meeting peace and my road to the next life. So Yuri and I went to the School of the Everlasting to study and learn. She introduced all of the member of the T.S.A.D.
She introduces all the members first is Fujimaki the planner, Hideki the side kick and Yui the helper. Other members are new they also contribute work against demons. Lastly she introduced me to their leader but before that.
She said “The leader of the T.S.A.D Sakura”.
I was stunned when she introduced me to their leader because she’s the who stabbed me in the heart. I was really angry when saw her face.
Sakura said “It’s nice to meet you welcome to T.S.A.D”.  She also apologizes what happened from before. I easily forgive her and we became best friends. Months have passed I have been studying hard in the School of Everlasting with sweat and tears I did my best to graduate. I always go to the headquarters to see Sakura to give myself a motivation.
Sakura and I were peanut butter and jelly since we were inseparable, we always talk to each other and bond a lot every class was finished. After a year the candidate for graduation was announce I was the first to be called as a member of the graduating team.
When the day of graduation is coming a member of T.S.A.D. was scared and nervous he told Sakura to prepare for battle since the demons will collect souls in the incoming graduation ceremony. All the T.S.A.D. members trained hard like no one can train before.
The day of war is coming all were prepared for battle and all students carried guns and weapons to protect their soul and the school. The portal opened then all the scary, fanged and violent demons entered the afterlife. A lot demons was furious to bring souls to Tophet.
The war was bloody but I made sure that all souls will enter Elysium. I helped Sakura to fight against the demons and I’m always by her side to protect her. Gun fires everywhere the weather was dark and dull. Days have pass Sakura made a plan to make the demons leave, she made a giant gun to blast it all to the demons. After blasting all the demons at long last the war was over.
The war was over peace overcomes hatred and the graduation ceremony is under way. The graduation ceremony ­­­­­was held in the gym twenty students graduated including me. One last time I looked at Sakura’s face. Then the graduation ceremony is over all the souls left going to Elysium. The afterlife was at peace and all is in silent mode
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Sakura and I took a walk before I leave and go to Elysium.
I told her my feelings “Sakura since day one I want to be with you, please come with me in Elysium”.
She replied, “I can’t go with you”
I replied “why not I will always protect you forever”.
She replied “I can’t because I just want to thank the person who gave me a heart”
I replied “I don’t understand”.
She said “In past years Kami ordered me to leave after life and go to Tophet to save souls. She added “I just want to thank you since you gave me a heart when I was in the living world”.I was crying the like the rain poured and I replied “Promise me someday we will see each other again”.
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She was also crying and she replied 
“Someday We will”. Then we hug she left and we part ways.
She left me a note “Promise me believe in your heart”. 
By: Juan Miguel La Madrid inspired with story of Angel Beats one of the best anime in Japan
Credits to: Google images and Google GIF
#CreativeWriting #ShortStory 
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jmthegreatsposts · 5 years
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Some say that dark clouds will try and interrupt the stars from shining, but the stars will keep shining no matter what.
My journey in the tenth grade was like a rose, beautiful but full of thorns. It was during this grade level where I encountered a girl who would make my journey worth living in tenth grade. She would ask me to smile no matter what, giving me sticky notes filled where she would write something inspirational, but life was not so great at that time. My road was full of obstacles but I believe that problems are just temporary. Tiny was an optimistic and confident girl, her goal is to make her friends smile no matter what would happen. After weeks of class, I started to make friends and those who are called friends became my best friends until now. These best friends of mine became my barrier to help conquer my problems, becoming my shield and sword. Months have passed however, I began to felt this weird feeling, that my emotions are getting mixed up when I'm with Tiny. So, I decided to ask my buddies to help me with my problem. My friends made me realize that I have a special feeling for Tiny; my best friend Darryl specifically told me that I needed to tell my feelings before the end of tenth grade. I agreed with them, believing that opportunities can be like a blink of an eye - something gone in an instant, so I just had to do it or I might never have the chance again. 
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On the twenty-second of March, I decided to write her a letter about my journey with her and it also talked about my feelings for her. I wrote a total of 15 letters all addressed to her, consisting of poem and short stories. My friends and I planned everything for my confession, that I would confess my feelings at the side of the chapel. I felt scared but it needed to be done, so I told her that I liked her because she supported me and didn't give up on me. However, things didn't go as what I hoped for. She smiled, but shortly after apologized and said that she was not ready for any relationship at that time since she was studying. I am a fighter, so no matter what would happen I will fight for it. So, I told her that I can wait until we are in grade twelve, hoping she would be ready by then and possibly accept my request. She told me that it was my choice if I would be willing to wait for her. I decided to test my luck and wait for her since I really liked her that much, and I continued my journey in senior high school as a humss student while tiny continued her journey in senior high as a stem student 
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As a lover I will climb up mountains, I will swim the deepest ocean, I will run ten thousand kilometers just to wait for her. Months passed I continued to write short stories and poems about and for her. Suddenly it felt like a lightning struck me when I’ve heard a gossip about her already "meeting" her prince charming. I didn’t really believe the news because I had faith on her and I promised myself that I will be strong no matter what. We didn’t see each other much in eleventh grade since our schedule was hectic. Then Paolo, my best friend since grade eight, told me that Tiny and some guy she knows started dating. This was when I decided to talk to her to clear the situation. Little did I know that this was the start of my heartbreak. She told me that I was not there for her, and despite what she said I remained determined and told her that I would always write and give her poems so that she could remember me even we didn’t see each other. However, what she told me next hit me like a truck. She told me I was too late and somebody owns her heart. That moment destroyed my heart, like someone ripped it out me and tried to bring it back but was now lifeless. It was devastating to have one-sided love. That situation destroyed my perspective about writing, I thought that writing will help me win her heart but it didn’t; all of my efforts wasted because of what happened. I decided not to write anymore because I thought that writing is just a waste of time and effort. 
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After a month I was still sad and I always thought about her and I couldn’t move on. However, after each passing day I felt like something is missing in my life. I then realized that writing helped me approached her and gave me a chance to express my feelings. So, I decided to write love stories and created poems about rejections, to help me move on from my past. I kept writing and writing until I go numb on what happened to Tiny and I. So even before entering grade twelve, I was really excited to have two writing subjects. I would have creative writing with Ms. Jade, who is so gorgeous, talented in writing, and her imagination is amazing. I also have Creative Non-fiction with Ms. Aly, a beautiful and caring woman, her writings and lessons are the best and she always helped me improve my writing style.
A new chapter will open for me, leaving the dark clouds and the sun is shining for me. Writing helped me move on from happened, I've created my own stories which the couples in my stories got together and made their own happy ending. Yes, I'm a rejection, Yes I'm a failure, but that experience helped me make my own stories and poems. I've learned how to express my feelings through writing and widen my imagination. I would always tell myself my own quote "Rejection can lead you to acceptance, acceptance can lead you to learning." This a new chapter for me, and I will do everything to improve my writings skill and develop it so that someday I can be a professional writer or journalist. As Bryan Hutchinson, the author of "Writer’s Doubt" once said, “It’s not too late to write your best story.”
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By: Juan Miguel La Madrid 
#CreativeWriting #Craft Essay
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jmthegreatsposts · 5 years
The person I admire most (Among Jose Lacap) ❤
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Among Lacap is a tireless server of God. Even he is already 70 years old he always makes sure all the altar servers are smiling. Even he is an old timer, he still continues to spread the good news of our salvation. He always smiles to his parishoners and he always makes grat jokes. So among Joe, thank you very much, even you are already serving a different parish, your everlasting service will not be forgotten.
By:Juan Miguel La Madrid
Credits picture: Google images
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