jobsacademy1 · 3 years
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jobsacademy1 · 3 years
Cybersecurity as a Career Path: All You Need to Know
The ongoing pandemic changed life as we know it. From businesses going completely online to schools, colleges, and offices choosing to operate out of homes, nothing is the same as before. While organizations adapted very well to these changes, almost immediately, they faced one challenge that posed a considerable threat to operations – cyberthreat.
In a recent study by ISC, it has been found that even with COVID-19 slowing down businesses, companies are set on hiring highly skilled professionals in various job roles in the cybersecurity segment. So, if you are keen to encash this golden opportunity, you can take up the career path of cybersecurity and unlock various opportunities that the niche has to offer. And on that note, we, at JobsAcademy, a highly trusted ethical hacking training institute, have brought forth for you today a detailed insight into everything you need to know about the cybersecurity industry and how to kickstart a career as a cybersecurity professional. Read on.
Understanding Cybersecurity
While everyone talks about cybersecurity these days, not all of them understand the basics of the profession. So, in this section, we will define what is cybersecurity and outline some of the reasons why it is such a rage in today's world.
Simply put, cybersecurity practices and tools help organizations safeguard their networks and work processes against cyberattacks like ransomware, malware, phishing, Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), Zero-day exploits, etc. These threats affect businesses and organizations across the vertical, including government set-ups, finance, hospital, and even small businesses and individuals. To identify potential threats and in order to thwart them, businesses need skilled professionals like engineers, pen and security testers, analysts, etc., to help form a threat-mitigation team.
Source: https://blog.edx.org/cybersecurity-career-guide
Why Do Companies Need a Robust Cybersecurity Framework?
Work-from-home setups compromise security: As we mentioned before, the biggest concern for companies is the lack of robust security checks at their employees’ homes. And cybercrooks are very good at misusing this opportunity. As per a study, 32% of companies are worried that home-based devices can’t hold strong against malware attacks.
Simple firewalls aren’t enough: It is no longer enough to install antivirus software or put up a firewall. As more and more people turn to secure ways of working online, cybercrooks are also advancing their game. Advanced threats and emails that don't look like phishing emails are very common these days and compromise your system the moment you click on them.
Bottom line: Cyber threat is looming over all of us. The only way to safeguard businesses is by building a strong team of cybersecurity professionals. At JobsAcademy, we offer the best-in-the-industry certification course in ethical hacking and cybersecurity, i.e., Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), to help you reskill and upskill yourself in the latest technology and skillset that the top companies are looking for in their cybersecurity specialists.
Read More : https://jobsacademy.co/cybersecurity-as-a-career-path-all-you-need-to-know/
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jobsacademy1 · 3 years
Google AdWords – A Vital Tool to Make Your Business Grow
As telecom and digital technologies become faster, smarter, and more accessible, more and more people embrace the internet and the World Wide Web for even everyday chores like grocery shopping, ordering food, and catching up with family and friends.
If you are a business owner in today’s time, you probably know how important it is to expand your business online. While word of mouth still remains the best form of marketing, it is no longer the fastest or most efficient way. So, what is? It is digital advertisements.
Source: https://www.wordstream.com/how-to-use-google-adwords
Digital Ads Take the Lead in 2021
Within just the past decade, digital advertising has transformed from a very niche subject to something that is not only mainstream but the biggest crowd puller. Today, it is almost a 225-billion-dollar industry. Of these, Google AdWords has a 41% market share of the total ad spend of all digital ads.
In 2021, with a year already lost due to the pandemic, businesses are unwilling to leave anything to fate when it comes to reaching the maximum customer base and converting them into leads.  No wonder, small or big, every business is turning towards Google, the world’s favorite search engine, totaling the current count of websites to a whopping 2 million!
However, just like any other ad campaign, running a digital ad is also about finding the sweet spot between target audience, crisp messaging, and spot-on ad targeting. If any of these go wrong, it derails your entire marketing budget and ROI. So, in this blog today, we, at JobsAcademy, a well-known digital marketing training institute, will take you through the basics of running a successful Google AdWords campaign that will actually help you make more money than you spend! Stay tuned.
A Primer on Google AdWords
AdWords by Google is the world’s biggest digital advertisement marketplace or platform, which allows businesses to put up their ads on the search engine. It is, in fact, the most popular way to run Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns having the potential to bring solid sales for any business. Think of it as the world’s most valuable billboard that offers the highest visibility of ads to a vast pool of customers.
It is a Pay Per Click (PPC) bidding platform where advertisers pay Google to showcase their ads to a set of people. Businesses can choose specific keyphrases (popular searches that link to their service or product), bid on them, and try to be on top of the search ranking for those key phrases or words.
While the AdWords platform is like an online auction, there is one significant difference between the two. In AdWords, the highest bidder is not the winner every time. Other things like quality of ads, relevance to the key phrase, image to text ratio, no click baits, etc., are essential in determining the ad ranking.
We, at JobsAcademy, can help you gain an insight into the world of digital advertising through our Certified Digital Marketing Professional course. Powered by Go Daddy, our digital marketing training course covers every aspect of the Google AdWords platform in great depth. Participants gain the skills and tricks they need to design and run profitable Google Ad campaigns in just three months. Sign up today and get lifetime placement assistance via the esteemed 2Coms Group.
Why Run a Google Ad Campaign?
Simply put, Google Ad campaigns are needed to give your business the digital edge! Google Ads are the fastest way to increase website traffic in the current SEO scenario. With over 2 million registered websites, Google is the world’s largest online marketplace. And if your brand is not visible easily, the chances are that you are gone for good!
If we talk of short-term campaigns (a new feature or product launch or the next big event you are organizing), traditional SEO and SMM offer a limited advantage. This is where hyperlocal, targeted Google Ads sweep the floor.
Let’s talk numbers, shall we?
Brands that use Google display ads get a 200% increase in ROI, meaning for every $100 spent, they earn $200 from ad leads.
Over 80% of companies choose Google AdWords as their preferred platform for PPC campaigns.
70% of customers say that they are likely to buy a product via retargeting campaigns.
All these numbers show that in today’s age of digital ads, Google AdWords is the unerring winner. Thus, companies are always looking for experts who can optimize their campaign efforts to maximize profits. At JobsAcademy, an initiative of the 2Coms Group, our Certified Digital Marketing Professional Course will help you stay on top of things.
Top 3 Reasons Why you Should Include Google AdWords in your Marketing Budget
Here, we have listed out 3 of the biggest advantages of using Google AdWords for your business growth:
Outrank competition on the biggest digital marketplace
It is a fact that people prefer to buy only those products or services that they can find easily on the web. Since Google is the world’s biggest search engine with over 74 billion search hits, having a solid presence on Google is synonymous with success. Additionally, Google’s ad policies allow businesses to pay to be on the top of the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) for as many keywords as they want. And higher ad and page rank not only means better brand awareness but also translates to more direct sales.
Source: https://firstsiteguide.com
Give an ad push to your short-term campaigns
While organic SEO and Social Media Marketing (SMM) certainly work for long-term goals, there is no beating Google AdWords when it comes to short-term campaigns. Platforms like Google AdWords Express allow you to run aggressive PPC campaigns that give immediate results, which is not the case with SEO or SMM.
The best way to understand this is by considering SEO to be the one taking care of your future and search ads to be the immediate crowd puller. So, it is wise to have a healthy mix of both, and it is called Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Source: https://www.oberlo.com/ecommerce-wiki/search-engine-marketing-sem
Schedule to deliver ads at the right time
When it comes to digital marketing, timing is of the biggest essence. Even if you have the best ad copy and the right bidding strategy but if your timing of ad delivery doesn’t align with the best timings according to your TA, it is of no use. To that end, Google AdWords has two life-changing features – scheduled delivery and retargeting. It helps to make sure that people with the right intent (purchase, knowledge discovery, etc.) see your ads at the right time.
Source: https://retargeter.com/what-is-retargeting-and-how-does-it-work/
Have you noticed how ads from food delivery websites become frequent during lunch hours? Or how you see items on your Amazon cart everywhere on the internet? Well, that’s the power of retargeting and scheduled ad delivery.
Summing Up
“Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” — John F. Kennedy. While this quote holds for every facet of life, it is probably the best definition of digital transformation. And the fact is that though everyone is talking about it, only a few are truly able to adapt to this transformation. Those who can are sure to see a massive increase in their brand visibility and yearly profits. So grab the opportunity now, and join the digital transformation to benefit the most from the same. Sign up for the Certified Digital Marketing Professional Course at JobsAcademy today and say yes to a fulfilling career as an AdWords specialist.
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