jockandreil · 5 years
Prompt: Andreil softly showing affection in public and the foxes loving it is my weakness!
the thing is… andrew and neil are very particular about any kind of public display of affection, but it’s so fucking hard to keep their relationship private when the media won’t get off their backs and the foxes are… well, the foxes
• it all starts w a bet, as it always does when it comes to that family of morons
• allison says something about how she never saw andrew and neil showing affection towards each other and nicky and matt go ABSOLUTELY BANANAS when they hear that because neil is all over andrew all the time and andrew absolutely loves to be close to neil and HOW DO PEOPLE NOT SEE IT?
• and allison is like nah-uh, they are too private for pda and tells nicky and matt that she’ll give 100 bucks to any of them who gets her any proof of andrew and neil being touchy or soft or anything of the sort
• matt goes all giddy and nicky fucking puts his stalker goggles on (aaron wants to die and kevin wants to kill everyone)
• then it begins
• allison gets a text from nicky 20 minutes later w a picture of andrew and neil standing in front of café in the middle of campus, talking close to each other. neil’s pinky is linked to andrew’s, and andrew has a hand tucking a strand of auburn hair behind neil’s ear.
• the next day matt sends her a voice memo of andrew and neil speaking to each other in russian and a caption: ‘i put it on google translator!! they were planning a date :O”
• when she’s lying in bed with renee talking about how they ripped 200 bucks off of her in less than 24 hours, renee just laughs quietly and brushes her nose against her girlfriend’s “babe, you can be very oblivious when you want to. don’t tell anyone this, but neil’s phone password is andrew’s birthday. i saw him typing it in the other day. he’s very sweet”
• 2 hours later she gets a video from aaron w the description “you are fucked and owe me 100 bucks”. she plays the video and it’s literally andrew helping neil with his weight training at the gym, and they are talking and neil is laughing wildly at andrew for some reason she can’t discern
• the next day, renee texts: ‘sparring today :). he’s lucky he has such a thoughtful nurse’ and a picture of andrew drenched in sweat with a very concerned neil examining his bloody knuckles. 12s later renee sends a selfie smiling contently without a single bruise on her face (yes, allison is in love w a woman who can kick her ass)
• kevin sends her a video of  andrew helping neil strap on his exy gear before a midnight practice drill
• dan tells allison about neil asking her for milk one morning while wearing andrew’s jersey and acidentally calling andrew ‘drew’ in front of her
• nicky and matt are in pure glee and allison thinks she might have to declare bankruptcy soon
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jockandreil · 5 years
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all for the game: name meanings 
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jockandreil · 5 years
umm hewwo maybe (for the drawing prompts) the tfc girls? yknow alison. thighs. and stuff
anon ur so fuckng valid
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jockandreil · 5 years
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have a renee doodle bc i love her and u should too
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jockandreil · 5 years
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Just us.
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jockandreil · 5 years
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ANDREIL WEEK → day seven: free day
Hopefully, Andrew would figure it out eventually.
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jockandreil · 5 years
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139% but in color
Bruised knuckles and old shirts
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jockandreil · 5 years
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jockandreil · 5 years
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just some andreil
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jockandreil · 5 years
Everyone pictures Kevin as this spineless and defenceless person who can’t stand on his own two feet for a second and as a hyper-disciplined exy player always disappointed in the shit his team pulls, especially at the start of the series.
And like, yeah, he was worried about getting back to his old self and practicing as much as he could and frustrated with himself and his team’s performance and he was super disciplined.
But Kevin Day also regularly got into fist fights with Seth on the court. He was a violent physically fight your own team instead of actually practicing or playing disaster just like the rest of the Foxes. He fit in as a Fox so much better and faster than anyone would have expected.
Kevin fears the Ravens and Moriyamas and he fears Neil’s father who he watched kill a man for the Moriyamas, but he is not a coward. He canonically chose Andrew to protect him from himself so Andrew wouldn’t let him go crawling back. But that doesn’t mean Kevin fears everyone. He will gladly pick a fist fight with big angry Seth on the opposite end of the court from Andrew and would from the start of the series.
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jockandreil · 5 years
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My girls at exy practice 💕💕💕
I recently made a Twitter this week! Follow me @ttamiaoo
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jockandreil · 5 years
so this is what i understood of andreil after reading aftg
andrew: no one likes a smart mouth
neil: but you do
neil, internally: omg he didnt deny oh god i really love him, i love him im really the luckiest fuck in this world huh, andrew loves me and i have a fucking family and exy and-
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jockandreil · 5 years
i know that it’s a popular headcanon to say that andrew and neil get married (if you think they’d get married at all) just as a practicality so that doctor’s have to let them see each other and tell them what’s going on in the events of either of them being hospitalised, and i get it. that would for sure be a factor.
but for two people who never imagined living beyond their mid-twenties (or less) let alone finding someone to share their life with, who never got to experience family in the way they should have growing up, who’ve learned trust and intimacy in stops and starts and found something within each other that neither of them ever imagined they’d have, i sort of think that the main reason they’d get married is simply because they love each other, and because they want to.
i’m not saying they’d be flashy about it or anything, but considering one of them has grown up being moved from foster home to foster home, and another has spent so long on the run looking over his shoulder, i think they’d want to make the home they’ve found in each other as official as possible.
i don’t know, i think they’d get married just because they can.
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jockandreil · 5 years
for the kiss thing: renison + 10?
10. ‘You nearly died’ kiss
hey fun fact this gave me an excuse to write something i’ve been looking for an excuse to write for ages (the riot scene from a renison pov)
tw for semi-graphic violence/fighting
Stepping out of the Binghamton stadium, Allison figured a chainsaw would’ve been required to cut through the tension in the air, but it was still a shock how quickly shit completely hit the fan.
The crowds were an angry ocean, swelling and churning with anticipation and energy, slurs and heated words being tossed around like flotsam and jetsam. She figured it was only a matter of time before someone started throwing punches, but Allison at least hoped the team would manage to make it to the bus and get out of dodge before that happened. 
Her heart was in her throat, her pulse thrumming so loudly she swore she could hear it over the sounds of the angry crowd. She held her head high as she walked, set her face in an indifferent scowl, knuckles going white around the strap of the bag on her shoulder; if she showed any fear it would be like an invitation for the waves of anger to break all over her.
The forty-foot walk felt like a mile, but Allison could see the horribly fluorescent paint of the Foxes’ bus. A fraction of the tension in her shoulders started to ease, and then — and then everything was chaos.
Keep reading
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jockandreil · 5 years
Neil, at some point in the future: 5 years ago today I married my best friend :,)
Neil: Andrew was kinda bummed about it but me and Matt were drunk and thought it was funny so
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jockandreil · 5 years
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mobileheaders.gif ✨✨
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jockandreil · 5 years
it’s now been over a decade since kevin beat riko and took back his game. he played pro and then for court for most of those years but finally retired from playing exy when he felt it safe enough that it wouldn’t endanger his deal with ichirou. he now has such a rich, full personal life that exy was only one facet and it’s not such a big deal. sometimes he helps out coaching local little league teams. he hasn’t had a drink since his last year at psu. he just got his 10 year aa chip and he keeps in his pocket at all times. he is happy
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