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Self Portrait- Graphite, Indian Ink and Shellac. Hey! So I havn't posted anything in months, I have been drawing loads and developing nothing. Hopefully that is to change shortly... I'm using this as part of a poster for the London Transport Museums competition for 'London Spaces' (im focusing on the dog track in wimbledon.) so yeah, more to come! oh, and ive been in Japan so stuff to come from that. peace y'all
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Snap of me with my work in the degree show last week.
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Greyhound racing 
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Old textile factory in Bedminster, Bristol.  
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Break A Lead’s indiegogo campaign is a go go! Please follow the link below and donate, or share to your friends so we can have a spectacular show in the summer! http://igg.me/at/breakalead2014/x/7533524
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Hiding from deadline week problems.
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I am rapidly trying to put together a zine of my reportage work from Nobel  for a hand in on tuesday.. Here's one of the crowd and stage that  I havn't posted before.
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Watch out! Triffids use injured victims as bait. 
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Reportage work for 'Cooking converse' a talk with with the elderly of Knowle to see how eating habits can be improved on a low budget, and to ask what needs to be done in the community to improve the availability of fresh food. - Set up by Fair share
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Quick drawings and quick conversations at the live drawing wall.
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 More reportage work for Bristol food connections. The teepees in Queens Square on an extremely grim Saturday.
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Little taster of some reportage work I have been doing for Bristol Food connections. There are lots of food related events happening all over bristol this month; myself and a number of other illustrators are covering the events. These guys waiting in line at the ice cream truck stood out to me.
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Richard Mosse - The Enclave
Went to another really cool exhibition the other week at the Photographers Gallery in London, Richard Mosses' work from the Congo really amazed me. Shot in infra red film.
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Here they played out their peaceful lives Innocent of the litany of excess and violence that was growing in the world below To live in harmony with the spirit of the mountain called Monkey was enough. 
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Another drawing from the nobel peace prize concert .Moving letters into place on stage.
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Russian tanks in Crimea
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Peter Doig - 'Early Works.' 
I went to Peter Doig's free exhibition 'Early Works,' at the Michael Werner Gallery last week. It was brilliant, he has such an interesting style and his early work is still amazing.
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