johnd89 · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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johnd89 · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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johnd89 · 12 years
Love, we all want it. We all have a sustain feeling in our souls that make us yearn for it. Yet more often than not we fall into the wrong kind of love. Not to say that there is another kind, but we have manufactured in our minds a commercial love. It comes and goes like the wind. And like a strong wind it has the potential to destroy complete foundations, laying them flat on the ground. Jesus has come that we may know the real love. When we learn to identify ourselves in Him His true love begins to unfold before our eyes. We no longer feel the need to identify ourselves with the world, leaving behind all the baggage it tossed on our backs through our our struggles. 1 John 3:16 (NIV) "This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ Laid down His life for us, and we ought to do the same for our brothers." The first thing this passage tells me is that it's not about us. It's not about you and it's not about me. It's all about him, it's always been about him. Someone has paid your way to a painless life, a new life, completed by His sacrifice on the cross. The things we "love" will soon fade before our eyes, then where does that leave us? God's love sustains. It's Was, is, and will be, forever and eternity. We aren't promised safety in this world, on the contrary we're promised persecution, hurt, and betrayal, yet all for His name's sake. For Him who loves us so boldly to take up the worst of all punishments on a wooden cross before a huge congregation to complete a full pardon for all our past, present, and future sin's. That's true love, personified in Christ Jesus. And that love is worth guarding.
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johnd89 · 12 years
God and gravity...
It is calculated intellectually and through years of study and experimental break throughs that everything, through gravity, pulls on itself in such an indefectible fashion resulting in a stable environment for me and you. Issac Newton could best be credited for these astonishing discoveries. One man's gift to see things in a broader perspective lends us the opportunity to marvel at his creation on a deeper level.
As I wonder about the significant effects gravity has on everything I also began to marvel on the moons gravitational pull on the waves of the ocean. Trillions and trillions of pounds of water being pulled violently everyday as a result of an intricate system of gravitational laws. This blows my mind leaving me speechless at the foot of it all. But as I dabble still through all of this amazing information a few questions begin to surface as a result of my greater interest and love for God, and I’ll begin with a few points of clarity to justify the title further. Gravity as we know is obviously invisible, but we can feel its effects on us. It’s an impeccable force that keeps us safely in the comfort of our homes, our vehicles, or even when we decide to at  the very least defy gravity on a trampoline in our backyards. It’s invisible and it affects our everyday lives. This I will use to relate to God’s pull on our lives to serve him.
Gravity would serve as the intermediary force between us and whatever else is pulling at us. In the same fashion I believe God pulls at our lives, He pulls at out lives day and night, though Here the intermediary force would be grace, mercy, unconditional love, forgiveness, hope, comfort, peace, and last but not least creation. I'm gonna use creation because the initial discussion is on gravity, hence creation.
Properly extolling God's creation paints a new picture for us is a different aspect of God's character. We then find Him a loving God, yet still capable of great wrath. We marvel at the morning sunrise as we dig our toes deeper into the sand in recognition of his great power. We marvel at a glorious arrangement of lights and can feel his making us want him more. It's at that captivating moment where we feel the tug at our hearts, the call to live for more, ultimately to live for him. We can’t see Him, but we can sure feel Him. We feel and know He's there in a tough situation, we feel Him as we lead a brother or sister to Christ, and we feel Him during the devastating effects of a broken heart. When we acknowledge his power and majesty we grow in affection towards God, and the end result is beautiful. As you stare off into the sunrise and witness his creativity, he admires you as his creation. And glory is lifted to the throne. Christ rejoices in his being glorified. The same we rejoice in his creation thus resulting in a deeper stronger faith in him. We marvel at the sight of his glory and we leave with a joyful heart. Creation could simply be said to exist for the sake of his glory. Is it too hard to believe that God meant for everything to look beautiful to us? I find quite the opposite to be a favorable gift for my life. What I mean by all of this, is to help the reader, you and I, to see and marvel at God's gift of creation to us, or simply to help us grow in affection towards Christ through understanding of his character, creation, and reason. I hope iv'e succeeded to some extent. Thanks for reading :)
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