johngill1776 · 4 years
Someone needs to let the Unibomber loose.
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academia must be destroyed asap
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johngill1776 · 4 years
People think their ancestors were stupid. They think everything they did was arbitrary and that the current generation is the first one to actually think things through. 
So they do stupid shit like trying to maintain “poly” relationships or “healthy” cucking or never getting married and having children and then they’re shocked when they end up miserable because they never considered that maybe their ancestors produced all of those “arbitrary social constructs” for a reason; that maybe literal millennia of human life had taught people that certain ways of living are inherently superior to others in terms of their emotional, spiritual, and material benefits.
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johngill1776 · 4 years
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johngill1776 · 4 years
Road piracy is punishable by death.
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johngill1776 · 4 years
A keyhole garden is a round garden bed with a compost pile in the center. The garden has a notch in the front, so gardeners can easily add to or turn over the pile. Featuring a drainage layer, a soil layer, and a planting area, keyhole gardens combine all the necessities that plants need to thrive.
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johngill1776 · 4 years
I get so incredibly angry seeing article after article talking about the horrible unemployment, poverty, and social suffering that people are experiencing in the US and elsewhere “because of COVID-19,” when that’s a patent fucking lie. People are unemployed and impoverished because their governments have forced them to shut down and kicked them out of their jobs. What we’re seeing happening in America right now is not the outcome of a horrible disease, this is the outcome of government intervention and abuse of power.
This novel coronavirus did not force us out of work and isolate us from our friends, families, and neighbors. Our governments are doing that. I’m not saying that serious precautions shouldn’t be taken to prevent the spread of the disease, but I’m of the apparently radical belief that forcing people into poverty and despair is not a good trade off for supposedly “flattening the curve.” They’re lying to us when they say this is the best and only way to keep people safe and healthy. And they’re fucking getting away with it.
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johngill1776 · 4 years
I don’t get why people surrender freedom so easily. I never want to be a bug eating slave tracked like a dog.
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johngill1776 · 4 years
2020 anthem
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johngill1776 · 4 years
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johngill1776 · 4 years
RESIST (not like pussy trump resist like King George resist.)
Good afternoon please enjoy this fun and not at all horrifying video of a WHO doctor casually discussing removing your family members from your home to protect people from coronavirus 😃😃😃
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johngill1776 · 4 years
Resist to the fullest.  If they mean to have war..give them war.
How many times are we going to just let this happen? What can I even do right now to protest this state overreach besides complain about it online to an audience who already feels how I do?
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johngill1776 · 4 years
You’ll have to pry them from you’r local politicians cold dead hand.
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johngill1776 · 4 years
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johngill1776 · 4 years
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johngill1776 · 4 years
The project would “turn the smartphones in Americans’ pockets into pandemic tracking devices,” the story said.
The Journal called the joint effort, “an unprecedented collaboration between two Silicon Valley giants and rivals,” and said it wasn’t coordinated in advance with the White House.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔
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johngill1776 · 4 years
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
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johngill1776 · 4 years
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