johngimmy · 11 years
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If it was easy everyone would do it! #motivation #success #inspiration #entrepreneur #quote #motivational #relentless #greatness #gentleman #dreams #sensdumonsieur #heretoinspiree #grindgallery #ericthomas #lesbrown #studying #workhard
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johngimmy · 11 years
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johngimmy · 11 years
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johngimmy · 11 years
My First Project(s) - Get Started
Over the past 6 months, I've been working "hard" to getting my tech ideas into fruition. Boy, it's a LOT of work. 
Game Mob
The first product/site I started is called GameMob.com. It's a mobile gaming reviews and news site that looks to take this industry seriously. Mobile games were deemed as time wasters, crappy controls, etc, but with handheld devices evolving and the growing of developers crafting amazing games, I felt like building a platform to promote and discover quality games. 
What I Learned: Sometimes you have to make quick decisions and so we did. We decided to outsource the development to a team in India. Problem was, lack of communication and understanding of our goals. Also poor build quality. Although, we're certainly not satisfied with this product, I felt that pulling to trigger to get the site up and running was the best choice. Remember, even if your product is not 100%, get it out there and test the idea. From here, with a small investment, we found a solid following and learning how we can improve the site in our upcoming website. It's going to be great. 
Gimmy It!
We're on the brink of launching a video giveaway platform, basically to help YouTubers create and manage effective giveaways to their users. Rather than having entrants go to your various social networks to join, we built a tool to bring it all in one place so that they go to ONE destination outside your video and apply. It's very simple and intuitive. 
In the back-end, users can collect e-mails, track their progress via analytics, and select the winner of only the VALID entries. 
What I Learned: Validating an idea is very important. Before we finished all the back-end stuff, we simply tested a giveaway with Gameloft by leveraging our Game Mob brand. It worked really well and Gameloft shared the link with a bunch of fans. This gave us some validation on the effectiveness of this giveaway.
Overall, the key is to get started early, test things out, fail, and learn. I can't tell you how invaluable this experience was. If you don't know where to start, start by building trust with others and creating your own products by the skill you have. Remember, even if you don't have design or development skills, you can either outsource or learn on your own. Do not always count yourself out as someone without skills. 
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johngimmy · 11 years
The Purpose of Creating a Journey, Not a Job.
I'm not looking to sell anything. But rather, create tools and experiences. 
When we focus so much on the money, we lose site of the value we actually provide. In the long run, the more value you have on a personal and professional level, the better stability you will own throughout your entire life. 
The world is rapidly evolving, are you keeping up?
No longer are we all stuck in our small towns and must find a job in the area in a field that we studied. Nowadays, your education background for the most part, is useless. Sure, there is education required for special occupations such as being a doctor. 
However, becoming an artist, a programmer, a business owner, a video producer, any thousands upon thousands of other positions are available if we invest in ourselves. 
As long as you are constantly learning bearing in mind that in order to succeed will truly take a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, you will succeed. 
If you bear in mind that being uncomfortable is an opportunity to learn to become comfortable will make you that much better, enjoy the ride. 
I really have no idea where I'm going with my first post but hopefully it leads to some sort of inspiration. Everything you do, whether it's working out, starting a business, following your dreams, just remember that every day your focus should be on getting better rather than being good. If you're not good at something right away, take some time to practice and eventually you will get there before you know it. 
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