johnhatesyou · 5 months
hello, tumblr
i heard about tumblr before, although i never really knew what it was about. i think it was around 2015-2016 when it was the peak of tumblr era. id like to think i was a part of it. mostly because i saw a lot of stuff shared over other social media platforms that actually came from tumblr. but i never really got onboard with it. mainly because i did not have a reliable device back then. i was struggling with junior high, which in itself will keep you occupied.
anyway, now im living on my own, have my own job, and i also have a reliable device! i was able to buy my very own phone and laptop! so i thought: "hey, why don't i give tumblr a try?". im not sure if im doing this right. i hope i am. please help me...anyone. tell me if im not doing it right. is that weird?
from my understanding, this is like a blog. so im gonna treat it as it is. im just gonna go ahead and write down the most random and mundane thoughts i have. maybe share a little bit of my deepest darkest thoughts and fantasies? who knows? im pretty sure the people here aren't judgmental.
a little bit about myself, im 22yrs and i have a corporate job. im not gonna dive into my work but just to give you some context, i work in training. basically we train new hires. its stressful, yeah. and i don't really like interacting with people, but i guess i have mixed feelings about that too. i love my job and the people i work with. i know it sounds cliche and cringe to say that my workmates are like family, but trust me they are. the culture of work that we have is amazing. its not toxic and its not draining. the people i work with actually makes work more bearable.
i love to read books and going to cafes, watching movies, music, going to the beach and up the hills. i live on an island so the beach is pretty much accessible. i get to cross a bridge to the main island to go to work.
don't really have much to write about for now. honestly this is much better than keeping stuff i write in my documents folder on my computer.
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