joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
Magazine Explanation
For my magazine, I went with a theme or at least attempted to go for an alternative magazine focused on college life. For the magazine cover, I decided to keep it simple. I felt that I could give the idea that the edition of the magazine focused on senior year, which is why i chose the picture of students throwing up their caps at graduation. The content of my spread revolved around places that college students can travel to without breaking the budget. I felt that this was a relatable topic for college kids  especially since summer is approaching and college students are always looking for fun places to go for spring break. 
For the spread layout, I decided to line the pictures and text in a horizontal format so that readers could read each detail from left to right. Also, I felt that having everything move horizontally allowed me to make the pictures a bit bigger and not run the risk of  having negative space on the page.  I wanted to have some color in the background, so a chose a light blue tint because I felt it added more to the spread, without conflicting with the rich colors of the pictures.
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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The reason I chose to focus on water for the snackable graphic is because I felt that it was the aspect of my infographic that would be easiest to highlight information about. Also, I chose water because I have always heard how water is beneficial to your overall health, but not how it can help specifically with allergies. 
It was hard to find a graphic to put the text on to due to copyrights so I feel that it lacked creativity, but I still feel that it was able to get the point across. I chose to make that background a light blue to offset the the color jug. Also I felt that adding color to the background gave the graphic a bit of flavor. I was trying to go for the layout used for nutritional  facts on the labels of food and drinks hence why I put the information in a list. In the outline, I stated that I would have 4-5 facts but was only able to fit three.
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
Snackable Outline
Objective: To illustrate how water can be an essential part of helping with seasonal allergies.
I. Background
     a) Artboard would be a plain color that is slightly blue-ish
     b)  On top of background layer would be a plain jug of water that takes up majority of the screen
II. Text
    a) Top of jug would contain title of what the graphic was going to be about 
    b) On blank space on front of the jug below the title, a short list of 4-5 facts that explain benefits of drinking water.
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
Infographic Details
The reason that i chose to focus on allergy remedies for my information graphic is because I felt that it was useful information that people viewing it can informed about or practice themselves. Also a someone who suffers from seasonal allergies but hates the way the medicine make me feel lethargic, I figured it would be good for me to find things in nature or natural remedies that alleviate my symptoms without the side effects.
For the design, I wanted to keep it simple, but have enough color to keep those viewing wanting to read the graphic. I felt that the cartoonish approach that I took made it less formal but more fun and appealing to the eye. Also, since a lot of people can relate to having seasonal allergies in the spring, so I chose to add grass, white clouds and bees flying in between the information. Furthermore, I wanted to include general facts about allergies so put that information on the far left so it did not take away from the what the information graphic was supposed to be about.
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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Info Graphic Draft
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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Color Scheme for Infographic.
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
Infographic Outline
I plan to make my infographic about the top homemade remedies that could help with spring allergies. Some of the remedies include Tumeric, Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt, Steam, Homemade Trail Mix, and Water.
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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My mood board is a collection of all of the things that I love and are inspired by. I chose the landscape of a city in the first photo, because I love the energy and excitement that the living in busy places brings. As a 90′s child, the hip hop fashion of that decade still influences the fashion choices I make and the two women wearing the staple bamboo hoop earring represent that. In the top right,coffee beens represent my energy, I am always on the go and it feels like I always have long a To Do list. The flowers symbolize my love of nature and beauty. As a child, I had done ballet and even though I stored my shoes away, I am still captivated by the art. Furthermore, the gold balloons for me represent my love a good party and just letting loose and having fun. On the bottom left, the record store expresses my love of music and passion for discover new artists and genres. Lastly, the gold grill symbolizes my inner rebel, and my tendency to sometimes break the rules.
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
Who Am I?
I am a person that is open to learning about the world around me and gaining an understanding of different places, people, and cultures I had once never known. As some who considers themselves an ambivert, I love to be able to be a part of big crowds and lively places, but I also enjoy the time I have in solitude to reflect,think of new ideas, and relax. Experiencing bullying throughout childhood has allowed me to have a strong sense of self and to be accepting and welcoming of all people. I consider myself to be passionate and I become fiercely dedicated to pursing goals I have set fourth for myself. Furthermore I love all forms of art, and I am find myself constantly inspired by the ways that art forms create dialogue, connect people, and bring color and life into the world.
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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Mood board layout
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joidevivre11-blog · 7 years
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