jokerofficial · 14 days
If the Joker dies I can make this into a memorial page... Like those Michael Jackson "he's still dead lol" things. If he lives I suppose we proceed as crazy (trying to poison his margaritas but somehow straight draino does nothing to him)
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jokerofficial · 24 days
Uhh not anymore 🙄
I'm sorry for being competitive about my space on the joker bed but it's like if you were fucking your boss for a promotion and he gave it to a FUCKING PODCASTER?? I hope he dies at this point
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jokerofficial · 24 days
I'm sorry for being competitive about my space on the joker bed but it's like if you were fucking your boss for a promotion and he gave it to a FUCKING PODCASTER?? I hope he dies at this point
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jokerofficial · 2 months
He was throwing up so I made the logical assumption. My bad. It was blood anyway. Like a lot of blood, tons and tons of blood. I think he's just maybe dying or possessed by demons.
Oh shit did one of you actually knock the Joker up
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jokerofficial · 2 months
Oh shit did one of you actually knock the Joker up
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jokerofficial · 2 months
Where's that video of the military dude shooting then running away gayly. That's how I feel about handling a gun. Red Hood is gonna be shooting at us and I'll be like teehee stoooop omg stooop !! Like seriously stop
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jokerofficial · 2 months
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jokerofficial · 4 months
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jokerofficial · 4 months
Hiiiiii cam did joker like abort that thang or is plan joker baby still on??? -Mac ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ < me attacking you if you don't answer
I don't know where plan Joker Baby lies on the project board. I think it got shelved cause he couldn't decide on what the gimmick would be?
Right now we're trying to make sure all the new recruits actually know how to use weapons. Great news for y'all!! They don't
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jokerofficial · 4 months
Hey it's Mac again do you think if you tell him we're (the kids these days) calling it a "jabortion" he'd think it was funny and do it?
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jokerofficial · 4 months
People hate when the joker is a bimbo. not me, I get you boss.
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jokerofficial · 10 months
I actually don't know yet. Maybe it has to do with the Jokerbaby Clone idea? Which I thought like, someone else would be handling. Like a certain morally bankrupt billionaire with multiple genetic engineering ventures.
As far as I know, Pyg just kinda... Mutilates people? Which I guess is a common interest between them.
Sighs. I'll do some recon for y'all I guess.
Sorry I keep reblogging stupid posts on here. I have more time to blog now that bossman's giving all his time to that Pyg mf. Ohh he's great at sewing faces to people's faces. Whatever. Anyone could do that 💥💥🔥💥🔥🔥🔥💥💀💥🔥🔥💥💥💥🩸🫀🔪🔪🩸🫀💀💥
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jokerofficial · 10 months
Sorry I keep reblogging stupid posts on here. I have more time to blog now that bossman's giving all his time to that Pyg mf. Ohh he's great at sewing faces to people's faces. Whatever. Anyone could do that 💥💥🔥💥🔥🔥🔥💥💀💥🔥🔥💥💥💥🩸🫀🔪🔪🩸🫀💀💥
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jokerofficial · 10 months
we’re you born a misogynist or do you think society (porn) made you that way?
society (porn)
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jokerofficial · 10 months
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jokerofficial · 11 months
Amazing how about 15 minutes maximum of planning goes into anything the Joker does and he still keeps getting away with this shit.
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jokerofficial · 11 months
I need to make a running list of the shit this guy says. He started quoting Willie Nelson then I think got distracted and talking about Human Centipede but like I think he thought those two were somehow still related to the original topic in a way I can't really decipher.
He's got that "I'm Mr. Sterling's right hand arm... Man." effervescence
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