jokes4brooke · 8 years
What’s Ian’s favorite soda?
Mello Nello!
That’s so bad, I’m sorry.
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
Communism jokes are not funny!
Unless everyone gets them.
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
What do you call porn on the international space station?
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
Congratulations to the true winner of the Presidential Election!
The voyager probe, flying away from Earth at an estimated 62000 km per hour.
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
I ran into the back of a dwarf’s car. He said he wasn’t happy.
I said “Well which one are you?”
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
My math teacher called me average.
How mean!
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
What are the strongest days of the week?
Saturday and Sunday. The rest are weekdays :)
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
Hey Honey!
I hope you like these jokes :) I can’t stop thinking about you and I wanna wake you up with a surprise, so enjoy!
I love you more with every day.
Thanks for making me feel like a prince,
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
You're my best friend Brookie
I'm sorry things aren't perfect right now. I'm really sorry that you aren't feeling your best, and that we miss each other so much. I promise you that we're both going to do so well and be amazing together. We always are. You're the perfect girl for me, and I'm going to be the best guy for you by any means necessary. I hope this makes you feel better, and I'll hopefully add more tomorrow to make you miss me that little bit less. I love you with all of my heart, Ian
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
And the award for best neckwear goes to....
No way! It's a tie!!!
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
Why would Ian not want to get to the other side of a body of water when his girlfriend told him not to?
He'd have to cross a Brooke to do it!
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
Why would anyone take a bet about how much Ian loves his girl?
They know he has a good Brookie!! Like bookie. I'm sorry. I love you
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
When counting down, I can't stand negative numbers.
I stop at nothing to avoid them.
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
I don't always tell dad jokes...
But when I do, he laughs.
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
A sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer.
The bartender says, "sorry, we don't serve food here."
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
I got fired from the orange juice factory.
They said I couldn't concentrate.
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jokes4brooke · 8 years
My friend keeps saying...
"Cheer up man, it could be worse, you could be stuck underground in a hole full of water" I know he means well...
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