jomarr76 · 6 years
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172K notes · View notes
jomarr76 · 6 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
5M notes · View notes
jomarr76 · 6 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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4M notes · View notes
jomarr76 · 6 years
Start reblogging the money blessings post…
If you haven’t already done it…. Go hit that reblog button. Do what you have to, just do that too.
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Like seriously. Just find one and reblog it real quick. I post a couple yesterday and put into the universe that I actually wanted it
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Only been at work for a couple and I get this at as a tip! (tips ain’t normal at ALL in here)
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Come on now!!
Let it work for y’all too
371K notes · View notes
jomarr76 · 6 years
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When you get dressed and know you can’t take too many steps or you’re gonna go popping out...lol
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jomarr76 · 6 years
Reblog if you need this energy
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671K notes · View notes
jomarr76 · 7 years
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Some days I do and when I do.... I’m all in... #42isprimerealestate
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jomarr76 · 7 years
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Just because it is what it is and I am the king of me... #blackhistorystartswithme
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jomarr76 · 7 years
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Where is it written that in order to retain a youthful spirit as you get older, that you have to resort to acting like you did in your youth... The beauty of growing older is that if you want to retain a youthful outlook and a youthful spirit, you can do so without reverting to type... I, for one, can appreciate the vigor and vitality of someone in their twenties without trying to dress or party like one... At 42 (yes I said it) I can look back at my 22 year old self and mentality and say I’m glad for who I was but even happier of who I’ve grown into... If you get to be my age, NOT look like what you’ve been through, be happy...cause LORD knows I’m glad... #42yearoldchronicles
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jomarr76 · 7 years
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2M notes · View notes
jomarr76 · 7 years
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
2M notes · View notes
jomarr76 · 7 years
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Knowing your worth is all the confidence you need... you call yourself a King or a Queen then act like it!!!
0 notes
jomarr76 · 7 years
Start reblogging the money blessings post…
If you haven’t already done it…. Go hit that reblog button. Do what you have to, just do that too.
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Like seriously. Just find one and reblog it real quick. I post a couple yesterday and put into the universe that I actually wanted it
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Only been at work for a couple and I get this at as a tip! (tips ain’t normal at ALL in here)
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Come on now!!
Let it work for y’all too
371K notes · View notes
jomarr76 · 7 years
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I’ve heard some pretty interesting things about life and how life should be lived.... All I can say is EnVogue said it best “this is your life you’ve got to live it your own way...”
0 notes
jomarr76 · 7 years
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Hmmm the last day of 41.... just when I got comfortable wearing you around I have to put you a way... I will remember the fun times and lessons learned but thankfully tomorrow I have to move on... #42in24hours
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jomarr76 · 7 years
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When you decide to suit it with a compromise but you’ve compromised nothing
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jomarr76 · 7 years
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If you KNOW ME, then you know my struggles and why each birthday is more than a blessing and a gift... each day of my present and future birthdays is and are opportunities to say live your life to the fullest because you only get ONE (that you can recall and leaves a mark)... and to say DON’T TELL ME WHAT GOD CANT DO! On Saturday I will be 42.... now just to start from the middle cause the beginning is too long... I was diagnosed as HIV POSITIVE on my 27th Birthday.... 3 months later I fell (literally, and don’t sing “here i come to save the day...” inside family joke) into a coma from which the doctors told everyone I wouldn’t wake... When I did wake the doctors said he can’t live alone and he shouldn’t work... he has an enlarged heart with fluid on the heart... he’ll need a new heart in about 7 years... he’ll have to walk with a cane... But nevertheless I left South Carolina to come home to family and be comfortable.... the minute I got home EVERY OTHER WEEK i was in the hospital with a fever of 102 or higher... I spent my 28 birthday in the hospital (i was there from 1/14-2/20) at which point a hospital worker told me that I was being transferred to the Broadway House so that I could die comfortably (don’t believe me ask my mother and my aunt Nette)... But on Saturday I turn 42... I work, I have no cane, I’ve never had open heart surgery, and Y’all because a host of family members and friends wouldn’t allow me to feel sorry for myself... the even told me if i wanted to give up then give up because they had enough strength and love to fight for me... I say all this to say what I said yesterday... as opposed to wishing me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY... which I’m thankful for your wishes,take some time and live your life without worry for how others feel about your life... live your life knowing that you are loved and just as my friends and family had enough love to pull me through... Just as my cousin may she rest in paradise Jameica used to tell me, “God gave me an enlarged heart because he knew i had so much love to give” So I have enough love for you just take from me what you need then pass on what you can do without... Thank you for reading and I love you
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