jonathan-novak-blog · 11 years
I mean the place, I still haven't met anybody. It'll probably stay that way for a while, I guess. John, nice to meet you too Kara
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So this is Spellman
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jonathan-novak-blog · 11 years
Thanks.. I'm John, nice to meet you
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So this is Spellman
Indeed it is. Welcome!
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jonathan-novak-blog · 11 years
I uh, thanks. It's really nice. Spellman, I mean
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So this is Spellman
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jonathan-novak-blog · 11 years
So this is Spellman
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jonathan-novak-blog · 11 years
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"Another head aches, another heart aches. I’m so much older than I can take and my affection, well it comes and goes"
Meet Jonathan “John” Novak
Jonathan Novak, the heir of Novak Enterprises and the son of one of the wealthiest men in the world. People assume many things about him at first sight: he’s probably an asshole, sleeps around, drinks, smokes, and spends money like there’s no tomorrow. But really, John’s the complete opposite. Growing up with his single mom in Virginia, Jonathan was raised to be humble and hardworking, to never take anything for granted. He was raised to be a gentleman, to be kind and brave. To be nothing like his father. But at the age of 15, his mother died of breast cancer and left a very devastated John alone with his father inside a very big mansion in New York. He was never the same after that, the golden boy barely cracked smiles and he was never able to look at women the same way again. After that he grew up under his father’s cold and distant care, never receiving or giving any sort of kindness and love. He became a respected, bright young businessman, with hundreds of women chasing after him and thousands of people wanting to work for him. But what John really wanted was to be left alone to his own thoughts, to go away and try to be happy again like he once was in his humble little home in the woods of Virginia. 
John’s Rise & Fall
Hard-working, easygoing, kind hearted, sweet
Doesn’t handle feelings well, impulsive, self-critical, kind of promiscuous 
High hopes and big dreams,
He started writing down his dark, sad and lonely thoughts when everything got too overwhelming for him, when the death of his mother weighted too much on his shoulders. Eventually John became depressed. He was a teenager with a dead mom, an uncaring father and all the money in the world, so his depression took him through many rough paths. After a while he started publishing small articles in newspapers under the alias “John Smith” while his father trained him to be a businessman so he could eventually take over the company. When his small articles became quite famous around the city, he confessed his passion for writing to his father and made a deal with him: He would go and take a Writing major in Spellman University and try to make something out of himself. If by the end of the school year he didn’t, he would have to entirely give up writing and work for his father in Novak Enterprises. 
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