jonerys-unites · 5 years
Thank you so much! The jonsa charity drive is actually what led me to this page, I think it’s so wonderful what both fandoms came together to do!!
Same! It was (and is) wonderful seeing fandom communities make a difference.
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jonerys-unites · 5 years
Hello! im doing a uni project on the positive and negative aspects of online fandoms and was hoping to use game of thrones as one of (or main im unsure atm) my examples. i was wondering if youd mind if i used this campaign as an example of the positive affects fandom can have?
Of course! It’s touching that you want to use our campaign as an example. We’re proud of how the Jonerys community came together for a good cause. But this isn’t the only charity campaign that’s made a difference in this fandom. The Jonsa community also ran a successful charity drive. It may be worth highlighting this campaign alongside ours to illustrate how fan communities can organize to help worthy causes around the things they love.
Good luck on your project! 💯
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jonerys-unites · 5 years
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For the Jonerys Charity Auction on Tumblr by @jonerys-unites
❤❤❤Also Happy Valentine’s Day ❤❤❤
Second slot won by @biddy-bidbid (you sneaky good soul I don’t know who are you but you waited way to much for this and I hope you like it)
I wasn’t satisfied with the result so I kept redrawing here and there but eventually I had to upload it 😅 this pose was surprisingly difficult, still not satisfied with certain parts but ooh well there’s always room to improvement💪🐏
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
Of flesh and magic
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For the Jonerys Charity Auction on tumblr
Requested by: @ktwrites​ (I’m sorry for the delay honey, I added some words just to erm… ) I hope you likey
And so, as easy as breathing, she found herself approaching him.
She could sense the danger, the pull, the dizziness in her head at the sudden nearness.
With no effort, she could touch him now. The air in the cave became suddenly warmer, or was it her skin answering the ancient call he provided?
She knew he was in a difficult position, she understood better than most what did it mean to protect people, and yet everything would be so much easier if he just…just…her eyes fell on his lips, then locked on his eyes.
And he was there, watching her with those pools of…was it sadness? maybe resignation, having once more to remember his position. But on top of those emotions *gods his eyes, so genuine and open*, she saw a straining, battling restraint too. Oh…that was a surprise…because even if she more than once sensed his gaze on her figure, she never had a chance to be near him as such, to feel his gaze as if it was caressing her skin…That sent an unwanted thrill through her spine, yet another since they entered the cave.
a sudden need to touch him, and for a second she wondered what could happen if only - and then her hand was on his cheek. Damn. How did that happen? 
He shuddered, exhaling a harsh breath. She wanted, needed to move her hand away, but he came to help, placing his hand on hers.
Such a warm sensation, like feeling Drogon’s scales under her.
Maybe it was the cave, maybe this place, so cramped and impregnated with magic was working on their minds.
Maybe this was not real.
She surely felt like she was floating. His broken breaths came in waves. His eyes locked on hers. Dark want mixed with awe. If this was magic, she could surely be greedy, just this time. 
Like a drunkard, she approached his tense figure. She wanted to feel more of him, and so her hands started a slow, light exploration of his chest. She felt the expanse of his shoulders, the muscle beneath all those layers..so many of them, she realized she couldn’t feel him properly with all that leathers and steel.
And so, she started to loosen every belt and knot, tentatively, not knowing where the next one was. He was so near…his scent making her dizzy…
He broke the unsteady rhythm of their breaths.
“What are You doing, Your Grace…” a wary, yet deep note in his gravelly voice. He knew all too well what she was doing. And if he truly was a maid, then she could show him some things, nothing bad, just to ease the tension…
“Sometimes we just do what we feel…Jon” oh she could really enjoy this, through the fog of her mind she could so easily picture him loosing himself while she rode him wildly.
Another shudder, his chest expanded. His leather tunic discarded at last. Now he was so much more touchable…her hand went flat on his heart.
Her eyes locked on the movement, then they followed his lips as he licked them, providing moisture on his luscious mouth.
She asked for help then, her gaze finding his eyes, pleading. 
What she found there was enough to send jolts of excitement through every limb of her. His eyes were dark, so much darker than usual, two whole worlds of emotions staring at her, his body impossibly close. She could feel a nervous energy all around him.
He leaned into her…those lips so tempting…his forehead touched hers. His nose brushed hers, back and forth, and this almost broke her. 
That was the most tender gesture anyone ever did to her. And they were still on safe ground.
“You have to stop now…Your Grace”
Maybe not so safe…honourable, comely King…
“I’m not doing anything…here is -” she tried to minimize, but he broke off
“You’re driving me mad” 
And his eyes locked on hers and she couldn’t possibly resist anymore, her hand flew to the back of his neck, pulling him to her, guiding him where she wanted him.
Their lips crushed, a delicious thrill down her spine at the sensation, his lips moulding on hers, this sullen King shocked at her bold action. 
I’m having none of it.
She opened her mouth, and started to tease his lips with hers. 
A sudden intake of breath and he came to life.
His heat engulfed her, his arms locked her hips, like he was afraid she could float away at any moment. And his lips, oh his magnificent, delicious lips, they were courting her, caressing her then assaulting her.
Restrain was forgotten and so his tongue took possession of her open, inviting mouth. She could feel the soft texture exploring, testing, and she gave in kind, battling with him for dominance.
He was all around her, his body covering hers, deep shudders emanating from him. She was grateful for his arms around her, cuz she was sure she would’ve collapsed on the ground any time now.
A hard plane behind her back and she found herself pinned to an irregular wall of the cave. He broke the kiss only to check on her a moment, dark pools of want boring through her. New wetness between her legs.
Then he leaned into her, pangs of pleasure at the feeling of the effect she had on him. He pressed his bulge on her, while venturing on her neck and lavishing her sensitive skin with his wet lips. Ah. Her back arched and pressed decisively on him.
So that was it then, a spark, and he would ignite like a bonfire. 
She couldn’t have guessed, or maybe she was so sure that she needed to try it. She wondered if he would take her right there, with ancient souls witnessing their coupling.
She couldn’t bring herself to mind honestly. Her legs were already open for him. Her riding pants a pool on the floor.
His hips snuggled on her core, hard tighs touching hers. It was a bliss feeling all those new inches of his body, but at that moment everything she could think of was grinding herself on him, feeling his muscles tense like a bowstring, feeling his hot breath against her…
The next assault of her mouth was savage, his tongue invading hers with purpose. But she wouldn’t relent, and she bit his lower lip, gaining for herself a rough moan of pleasure.
Her neck was his next objective, and when he found her pulse his tongue started to draw crazed circles around it. Pure bliss. Her hand fisted his tunic, tried to bring him even closer. She moaned.
Damn. That broke it. She felt the moment when he came back to reality. If he was tense before from his excitement, now he was for a whole other reason.
He stayed close though, like he feared to break the moment. He wasn’t watching her…was he afraid she would punish him? Northern fool.
She had to reassure him, so she caressed his cheek, wanting to see his eyes. When his gaze met hers, she wanted to kiss him again.
Gods the way his eyes talked. Save me they said, a lost soul in a sea of restraints and duties. Her kin. 
She couldn’t resist so she tried to bring him close to her again. But he resisted, his eyes evading her again.
She felt hurt then, unjustifiedly, because she knew what was restraining him. Or so she thought. 
His eyes shot up to her again. Mesmerized, she could see his laboured breaths. He licked his lips. Exhaled. His hand finding her cheek and caressing her so tenderly.
This was the second time. They had just kissed, he had shaken her and ravaged her mouth. And yet he treated her more gently than any other man in her life. She wanted to cry. 
She had to watch away, lest he would misunderstand her tears.
But then he turned her head to him again, and stared at her with eyes so deep, resolve pouring from them. “I won’t make love to you here”
She wanted to hide her frustration, but he caught her eyes again. He smiled the sweetest smile “Not the first time” he added. 
Promise. This was a promise from his part. And the honourable King in the North couldn’t break his promise, she knew it. 
“I’m relying on your words, Jon Snow”
She couldn’t bring herself to watch away, briefly wondering if she could bring him to kiss her again, just briefly, nothing more. Missandey’s distant call of “Your Grace” effectively saving him from her assault.
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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The final piece i owed for the Jonerys charity drive for @mhysaofdragons!!! :) This fits in with the “cuddling” prompt. It’s a scene from the newest chapter of her fic Say You’ll Remember Me  (which i love so much btw). Go read it if you haven’t already! also give her some love cause it’s her birthday today!
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow Additional Tags: Smut, Their version of flirting, takes place in 7x05, Canon compliant until then, then we get sex, and feelings, Jonerys Unites Summary:
With their advisors away, Jon and Daenerys walk the line of their growing attraction.
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For @tomakeitbeautifultolive
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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My @jonerys-unites charity art for @repeat-script . Thank you once again for patience and for the opportunity to be a part of this ! I hope you like it ;) 
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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Commission for @notpmahalem, thanks for bidding for my work in the Jonerys Auction!
Work based on her fic Between The Raindrops on Ao3. It’s amazing read so check them out :)
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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Jonerys cuddling under his cloak. @akutori auction commission from the Jonerys charity fundraiser 🖤
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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Another one of those @jonerys-unites auction pieces. This one is for @semperty and they requested the “Dany meets Ghost” prompt.
 (if there was any prompt that i was super nervous about getting it was this one… and man did i struggle. I probably restarted this pic like 3 times and honestly i’m still not satisfied…. but tbh, i’m not sure I can do much better with this one?? I don’t draw animals like…. ever….so ya that was a challenge. LOTS of reference.)
I tried to make this scene similar to when Jon met Drogon because honestly I couldn’t think of any better scenarios. Please ignore how god aweful the godswood tree looks *shudders*. Also, I hope i got the ghost to Dany ratio correct… @ladyofdragonstone and my husband gave me some feedback on the matter, which i’m thankful for.
OKAY i’ll stop now with the self-deprecating and say I hope you like it @semperty !! :)
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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This one is for @ktwrites. She won one of my 3 slots at the @jonerys-unites charity auction. She asked for the “Targlings” prompt :) 
Colouring is really not my strength so please forgive me >__> I hope you like it regardless! It’s supposed to look like a family portrait or something haha. 
(Note to the other winners: I’ll be uploading the other 2 pieces over the next few days..)
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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My piece commissioned by @xxthewolvenstormxx for #JonerysUnites!! It’s lovely seeing the fandom together for this wonderful cause. 
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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Snowstorm on Ice! for @notpmahalem | Based on @jalenmara‘s fanfic ❄️🔥
I’m so sorry this took quite a while but I’m finally done! I had so much fun drawing this and I hope you like it!!! ❤️
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Ghost (ASoIaF), Drogon (ASoIaF), Rhaegal (ASoIaF) Additional Tags: The SC3TP that was promised, The Broship we all need Summary:
In which Ghost learns that pack comes in all shapes and sizes.
Written for Jonerys Unites, word whoring purchased by the lovely and gracious @aweseeds!  ENJOY!
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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♥ A gift for the lovely and talented @akurotori  - who was kind enough to place a bid for the Jonerys Unites charity initiative (over at @jonerys-unites !) ♥
(Psst - It’s not to late to donate!)
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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My @jonerys-unites charity art for the amazing @daenerys1417 !! (thank you for your endless patience and kindness!!) 
Inspired by her DELIGHTFUL high school au fic (more specifically from chapter 15, go check it you won’t regret)
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jonerys-unites · 6 years
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Jonerys | Modern Royal AU
For @aweseeds Thanks so much for the donation, dear! Contributor to the @jonerys-unites charity graphics drive.
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