jongupxmi-blog · 5 years
Have you ever killed anyone? If not, do you think that you could?
TW: mention of murder, child pornography and torture
it was common sense that jongup would have to use the gun he got when he joined the mpd at some point. he just had hoped to not have to use it that early on in his career.
slowly he nodded, leaning back in his chair and ignoring the way his leather jacked squeaked and how the chair groaned as he changed his position, "i did have to kill someone but i really was forced to it. he tried to attack me. it was self-defense."
thats what he always tried to tell himsel. 'self-defense'. bullshit. jongup had just panicked because some dude he should've arrested for child pornography stomped towards, threatening him, rumaging in the pockets of his jacket as he told jongup what he'd do with his eyes when he cut them out of his face and that was the point were jongup had panicked. he had believed what the man had said, he thought he was going to be brutally tortured so he pulled the trigger. three times. and then he just watched the man go down. his partner, who still was alive at that time, reassured him, that it was a normal reaction. self-defense. but jongup knew it wasn't.
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jongupxmi-blog · 5 years
(Honesty Hour) Seriously, what’s the most illegal thing you’ve ever done even if it's not on the books?
the thing about becoming a cop is: that you have to have a clean record to be able to get accepted into the police academy. and the thing about growing up in a family filled with cops was that there was not one single moment where jongup even had the chance to think about some sort of crime. when he saw something he wanted, he asked his parents and if they said no, he had to live with it. it sucked, jongup had to admit that. especially when you are in your rebelious teenager phase and you can't even dare to talk back to your parents.
"nothing. the only thing i ever did was breaking and entering but that was for the job. took too long for back up to arrive and the search warant would've taken hours.", thinking back to that day, he didn't even feel bad about breaking that door and his wrist, "didn't like the thought what those fuckers would do with their kid so i just stormed in alone. captain wasn't that happy with it so i was stuck behind the desk for a while..also because i broke my wrist breaking that door open but it was worth it."
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jongupxmi-blog · 5 years
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This is a honesty ‘hour’ for everyone that actually extends to two weeks! You’ll be able to reblog this meme for fourteen days starting today, but feel free to continue answering memes after that if need be. Go wild with them and have a good time!
Keep in mind that you can ask questions that might be difficult for a character! Or even ask questions that you nor your muse would normally ask. Remember, they have to answer them! It’s just up to you to decide whether it affects them in canon-verse (none of the answers are public knowledge unless you want them to be).
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested in receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it, too! You’re welcome to skip over this if you’d like to; it’s by no means mandatory to reblog and participate. Most importantly, though, have fun!!
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jongupxmi-blog · 5 years
welcome to murder inc, friend! i hope you have lots of fun with everyone around here! also i thank you for picking up one of the former b.a.p members
[watch jongup putting a stop to this because he a good cop lol already had some fun encounters and am ready for more also you're welcome??idk i myself am hyped to have jongup lol]
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jongupxmi-blog · 5 years
((Welcome to the darkside--and as always we have cookies! No but seriously welcome to the RP and I hope you enjoy your time here.))
[dark side pfff- jongup is one hell of a good cop! but thank you so much for the welcome!]
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jongupxmi-blog · 5 years
look at me, being ready for this, ye! i hope everyone is ready for this good boy. i have plots and headcanons prepared and also more about him and a small part of his backstory. if you want me to drop by in your ims to plot just like this and i’ll make sure to message you, as soon as possible!
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jongupxmi-blog · 5 years
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