jonryanfmp · 3 years
City Inspiration
These were places I looked at for inspiration to my city, there would be hundreds of roads like spaghetti junction and lots of Japanese like buildings only taller to a similar scale of New York, my thinking was that the city would be a futuristic Colchester because of how rapidly it’s growing.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
Rage 2
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Rage 2 is quite drastically different in tone to the first game. Whereas the first game was quite dark with only occasional moments of humour Rage 2 is more over the top gore shouting the words yeah when you blow something up, the game also runs an entire open world with zero loading screens and the whole time you think this is huge! The city is actually all the same locations but now with neon and vegetation, so more of a post apocalyptic cyberpunk. 
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
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Rage is a post apocalyptic open world first person shooter released in 2011 by id software, I thought I would bring this game up as I do feel it’s relevant, the main thing for me is seeing the empty city which was clearly once a filled future as it is similar to what the concept of my animation was. There are sections with mutants that genuinely creeped me out.
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I do also like the rustic look to some of the buildings and how the towns are being surveyed by Drones as it is how I imagine the future.
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There are also the many overlapping roads which I always love seeing in a futuristic city.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
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This was supposed to be David saying the word what however it ended up looking like he was just opening his mouth in readiness to eat something.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
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This was an early walking cycle I made, I think that it is smooth and does look like walking, but it was a bit too much like creeping for what I was planning for the scene when David was walking down the city.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
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This was David crossing his arms after being informed the restaurant was letting him go.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
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This was an early car animation, I got concerned when animating however I am very happy with the outcome as it does look like a car driving down a road up to the camera.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
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These were key frames for a gasp that would happen to a character who would be saved by David and I think that I did nail the over exaggeration in getting the look almost as if the character had been stretched.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
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This is my early now scanned walking loop, I think that when you see it clean and always in the same place it really makes a difference.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
City Scan
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This is a clearer scan so you can see it without things like shadows and creases getting in the way. I would obviously need to clean up the shadows, but I think I get the idea across.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
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Blade Runner was released in 1982 and it was the first film of its kind. Before Blade Runner every science fiction film was depicting a life in space with robots and how everything looked bright and hopeful with the discovery of aliens and what there was beyond the stars. Blade Runner on the other hand was depicting a futuristic city along with corruption and a much bigger emphasis on advertisement and how people are trying to prosteticly alter who they are. It’s much more believable and along with the neon and giant buildings it leaves an impression on you.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
The Last of Us
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The Last of Us is probably one of the best games to have ever been made, this is because of the writing which makes believable characters who you believe in and want to see get through this. The zombies of the game are actually based on an infection that happens to ants where they begin to form a fungus that will effect the brain, so it is a new take on the zombie virus theme. The game also feature these zombies who have spent a long time decomposing which are called clickers because they evolve to click and gain better senses which makes them terrifying. The world also has things like film posters and houses with diary's and pictures which makes the world believable.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
Fallout 76
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One game I played a lot during the early stages was Fallout 76 and I wouldn’t bring it up but I do feel that it links to y brief partially because it is set in a post apocalyptic world. Everything in it is rusted or broken and it leaves you with an idea of what the world was like before. The game is full of mutants and toxic radiation, but occasionally you can wander into an area that is then full of scorched and as you have to run it can give you 28 day’s later vibes.
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The game also has quite a big emphasis on survival as if you don’t go out prepared you will be struggling which was something I wanted to show with David but in a smaller scale.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
David in colour
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I tried to do a photoshop of David in a similar style to how they coloured the characters in ghost in the shell with shading, it’s not perfect but it gives and idea of what the animation would have looked like.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
Rough colour idea
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This was a quick thing I slapped together on photoshop but it gives you an idea of what the boss would look like if he ever got coloured in.
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
This was an attempt at a downward stab it looks okay but would need improvement. 
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jonryanfmp · 3 years
This was a basic walk loop I did based on a tutorial I found on YouTube. I think that there should be an additional frame before the end of the loop.
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