jordanfinney0-blog · 5 years
Keto Diet Work
Diet And, just as important as avoiding a number of foods that can aggravate the inflammatory condition, is to include in the diet options that can accelerate the healing process. Check out what these gastritis foods are and how to include them in your diet menu.
Acid Foods x Alkaline Foods
According to their pH, foods can be divided into alkaline and acidic. The gastritis diet should contain a 4: 1 ratio of these foods, ie about 80% of your diet should be alkaline foods.
Examples of alkaline foods: brown rice, banana, carrot, quinoa, avocado, cucumber, pea, pumpkin seed, kale, and parsley. And contrary to popular belief, lemon is also an alkalizing food that can be used to reduce stomach acidity and soothe the pains of gastritis.
Acidifying foods include sugar, cheeses, Alpha Femme Keto fatty meats, black tea and coffee, chocolates, butter, alcoholic beverages, white wheat flour, cookies, pizza, and fried foods.
Foods That Worsen Gastritis
Alpha Femme Keto Acidifying, the foods below should be avoided - depending on the severity of the condition, they may not be completely eliminated from the diet for those with gastritis, but consumed only sporadically.
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