jordiecolorsthings · 8 years
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EISNER 2016 AWARD TALK: Huh? What? How is this possible?
I don't really use my Tumblr these days but here we go: Yes, I'm sappy. I have to write a formal thanks. Thanks so much to everyone who supports my work, who talks about colorists in interviews and reviews. For those who voted for me, I don't understand your kind of crazy but I am excitedly thankful. The nominees are inspirations, too cool for school. Laura Allred, a coloring queen and one of the nicest people I have ever met - I love her. Dave Stewart, an actual Eisner King and again, one of the nicest people I have ever met. John Rauch, his style is so unique and amazingly beautiful. I think he will have many years of nominations and wins to come, I'm glad the industry is finally honouring his amazing abilities! And lastly, Bettie Breitweiser, an inspiration, a kind-hearted person, a friend and ridiculous hard worker - I love her and I really hope to be applauding her in the near future for taking home all the awards she's nominated for. Thank you for doing all the amazing work you do and thanks for always being nothing but sweet and kind to me, you're all legends. And thanks to the readers, writers, letterers, production folk, editors and artists I work with. I think this year's Eisners show a significant change in the possibilities of representation. I'm looking forward to all of us pushing and then leaning into these amazing new opportunities that will create new voices and give voices to those who previously went unheard. We can do it, we are a wonderful community, I believe in us. It's a special time in comics and I am so extremely happy to be involved and proud to be part of it. And thank you to Declan, he is an inspiration, my advisor, my partner in crime, my everything. Thank you to my flatter who stays up with me through the night helping me with the rough deadlines even though he could be enjoying newlywed life, David Cooper. Thanks to my family who support me endlessly with their love and enthusiasm for what I do. And thanks to the women in this industry that inspire me to be a better person and to be vocal about what's important to us today not just as creators but as women. I love all of you. Now let's get a drink!
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
I’m not crying, it’s just been raining on my face.
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Green Leader, art and story by Daniel Warren Johnson, colors by Matt Davis
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
How To Interview A Woman
I’m in the middle of press for No Mercy’s next arc (Issue #5 drops on 12/9/15, kids, give me your money) and by and large the interviews have been a lot of fun. Nice people asking smart questions. But then…
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le sigh.
So, y’know, I dragged his ass to the curb like he was yesterday’s garbage.
Then I thought, maybe there are people out there who need a little refresher course on how to interview a woman. Friends, shall we offer some pointers? Please feel free to add in your own suggestions – I come to this as a cis white chick so there’s a whole bunch of stuff I know I’m going to miss. 
1. Do not treat her existence in her chosen industry, in which she is obviously quite successful (unsuccessful people don’t get interviewed, yo) as a novelty. Just because you don’t read / listen to / watch the work of women, PoC, queers, etc does not mean it doesn’t exist. She is not a woman in comics. She is a WRITER or ARTIST in comics. She is not a woman in music. She is a MUSICIAN in music. The fact that we are here, and are female, is! not! news!
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Neko Case FTW
1b. Seriously, the “what’s it like to be a woman in ____?” question? NO. NOPE. DELETE. NEVER ASK THIS. After all, what’s it like to be a man in journalism? Is that an interesting question? 
1c. “How did you get into ___?” also needs to be retired, for everyone. C’mon, you can’t think of anything better? (Also when you follow it with the “what’s it like to be a woman in…” question, it takes on a nasty shade of “hey, little girl, what are you doing HERE in this MAN’s world”, even if you don’t mean it that way.) 
2. Of course feel free to ask us if we’ve experienced inequality in our profession / lives, but a) ask us directly; b) bear in mind we’re going to open up a lot more to someone of the same race / gender / orientation; and c) respect us if we say we don’t want to talk about it. 
3. Don’t ask us about our genitals, or our sex life. Basically, think to yourself, “is this a question I would ask The Rock?”
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You want to know WHAT?!
3b. Golden rule: if you wouldn’t ask The Rock a question that you’re about to ask a woman, don’t ask it at all. 
4. Commenting on our fuckability, our clothes, or what we ate for lunch is generally discouraged. When you write an article about an extremely successful female cartoonist in your newspaper, and your lede is about how she seems too cute to be a cartoonist, or her elfin blonde hair, but nothing about HER ART, please know we are all making voodoo dolls of you and stabbing them with every available sharp object in our houses. “But what about women in entertainment, who market themselves on their looks? Aren’t they fair game?” Well, at this point I’d like to turn over to my esteemed colleague from Barbados:
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We are not things to patronize and comment on. I know it burns you that we’re more successful than you are so you itch to put us down, but maaaybe if you hustled as hard as you hated, you’d get somewhere. Cheers!
5. If we call you on some questions that we prefer not to answer or feel are inappropriate or poorly phrased, this is not the way to respond: 
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Because then you have to go explain to your editor-in-chief why your interview was cancelled.
And hey, women are half the population. We’re everywhere. We do everything. Always have. We’re also all really different and unique, so sure, some women may be fine with very intrusive questions into their sex lives and appearance, or OK with being treated like some exotic curiosity who has been led into the Royal Geographic Society by the Great Explorer. But some may just be too inexperienced or too embarrassed or too shocked to turn those questions down. The rest of us, though, we’ll drag you to filth.
If this is a lot to understand, please remember the golden rule: if you wouldn’t ask The Rock a question, don’t ask a woman.
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Isn’t he such a cute little thing in his skintight $500 shirt from Barneys? He probably had a salad for lunch, he’s clearly obsessed with maintaining his figure. Gosh, what’s it like for him, being a man in the acting profession? I wonder how someone like him got into it… 
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
Preview of my limited edition INKJECTION sketchbook for Thought Bubble this weekend
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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Vader Down variant cover for Vienna Comic Con
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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Dum dum dum
You guys already saw this preview of our new arc, yess?
Here are a few pages from Pretty Deadly#6 that were first shown at this last Image Expo.
Pretty Deadly team below:
(w) Kelly Sue DeConnick
(a) yours truly
© Jordie Bellaire
(l) Clayton Cowles
Out in November and soon ready to preorder.
Stay tunned for moar and much moar, we’re on fire, finally!
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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JULY 14 2015
Several people have alerted me to the fact that I’ve been nominated in the SPECIAL AWARD FOR HUMOR IN COMICS category for this year’s HARVEY AWARDS for my work on SEX CRIMINALS. While it is an honour, of course, to be nominated, it sadly continues a trend in comics which simply cannot continue: it ignores the writer.
Comics, for the most part, is a team effort. Pencillers, inkers, writers, letterers, Jordie; all of these roles are integral to the creation of a comic book and, time after time, positions like writers are routinely ignored in reviews, news and awards. Is it the fact that they’re invisible to the process? That when you’re reading a comic you’re noticing the beautiful drawings, the vibrant colours, the well-placed and designed lettering? Possibly. But it doesn’t mean writers aren’t integral to the process, or aren’t human beings who need to be noticed a lot.
With that being said (or, more accurately, WRITTEN), I simply cannot accept this HARVEY AWARDS nomination as it stands. I urge the awards committee to change the ballot to say “Chip Zdarsky and Matt Fraption, SEX CRIMINALS, Image Comics.” If it does not get changed to exactly that wording, I will ask them to remove my name from the ballot completely, allowing the awards to replace my position with another middle-aged white man.
Comic book writers are important. They are crude storytellers—desperately describing what they wish to see yet cannot create—but storytellers nonetheless.
So, the next time you open a comic on a Wednesday and see a powerful, beautiful, full-colour rendering of Captain America punching a horse in the face, remember that it probably started with a writer, typing out the words “Panel 4: Cap pnches horse in face.”
Chip Zdarsky President Zdarsco, Inc. • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
JULY 14 2015
I thought chip (Steve) was nominated for a HARD-y award. I misheard. How did you get this number?
Matt Fraction Treasurer Milkfed Criminals Masterminds, Inc.
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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I had someone mention on twitter that I should provide a black and white version too for those who wouldn’t know how to adjust their printer. So here you go! Ready for easy printing or photocopies! 
<3 P 
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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TODAY. Convergence: Shazam! #2 is available now, at your comic shops and digitally. Check it out! More of the Marvel Family from the first issue! Gotham by Gaslight Batman gets involved! Surprise guests! Explosions probably!
I’ll probably say more at some point but I hope you all have fun with this, we certainly did.
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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@faitherinhicks tweeting a little pep talk for “older” aspiring artists/cartoonists (funny to call anyone in their late 20s “older” but that’s how it feels in comics and many other creative industries). That last tweet is important, you are not an athlete where typically your prime years are all but over by 30, if you’re consistently working on your art, you should only be improving with time and experience. 
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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My cover for GROOT #2, colours by Jordie
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
Tim O’Shea asks me some good questions and I answer ‘em! This interview is all about one of my very favorite books...MAGNETO!
EDIT: Link to the interview here!
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Honored that marvelentertainment tapped me for a new colorist interview series, Coloring the Secret Wars. This week the series launched with jordiecolorsthings (coloring Gabriel H. Walta’s Magneto on the left) and Ive Svorcina (coloring Esad Ribic’s Secret Wars on the right).
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
Oh, I miss coloring this book!
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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I’ve got some bad news, writers. In comics, the artist works harder than we do. On a simple one to one basis, they just plain work harder. A writer can easily write a script a week (or at least, should be able to.) An artist has to spend an entire month on...
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jordiecolorsthings · 9 years
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Hey guys! 
EDIT: Commission list locked down! Thank you so much for helping!
I’m taking color commissions to help out the #TorresBenefit. 65 USD, all money goes direct to the #TorresBenefit.
I have three slots left! If you have any pinups or covers for your own comics -
Commissions will be completed in May.
These are digital commissions only, they will be delivered to you in TIF format.
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