josephinebye · 9 years
Well I kind of go to the other way I take the normal spiders and as well tarantulas as my pets. I mean they’re pretty much easy to take care of you know that?
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No, I didn’t know that actually.... I’m sure though. They’re smaller and whatever.
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josephinebye · 9 years
It's not that I'm scared of 'em. I just don't like them, they're annoying and bothersome. Most likely that's what happened, or they're after me. I have like, the worst luck on the planet. I'll try that.
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That … is really weird, and I’m not even scared of spiders. Either that first spider laid some eggs, or those spiders have it out for you. Maybe move your bed? 
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josephinebye · 9 years
Yeah, but, tarantulas are pets. Not regular, annoying spiders. I think if I had to I would be able to deal with an actual pet spider, but those little fuckin’ annoying ones are way different.
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Well that was sad because I really have tons of them.. but i kept them in an aquarium.. i mean a glass house so that they won’t be moving around my room. You should try that.. if you would like to make them as pets?
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josephinebye · 9 years
Oh, yeah. Maybe one did have babies... seems reasonable enough. Maybe cleaning my room would be a good idea about now, see if that helps any.
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I just had a spider problem recently too! Those evil little creature are horrible and I hate them so much. Maybe a spider had babies in your place. I think that’s what happened to me.
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josephinebye · 9 years
Know what I hate way more than this heat? Spiders. I fuckin’ hate those little things. And for some reason, every night at like three in the morning, on the fuckin’ dot, there’s always this one spider that crawls around right above my head on the ceiling. And I kill it and the next night another one comes. Why do they have to be so invasive?
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josephinebye · 9 years
Mm, maybe a little bit. Y’got the same build maybe. Tall and that. Yeah, no. Sorry.
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Seriously? Nothing? God damn maybe I’m the delusional one.
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josephinebye · 9 years
Y'know what ya can do for that? I think ya may need to just sing it out. Once or twice and it'll be out of your system. That's what I usually do anyway. It helps some.
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I’ve have the most annoying children’s song stuck in my head and it’s been there all day. I even found myself doing the hand movements to it when I was sitting in the coffee shop. I’m sure people must think I’m insane by now.
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josephinebye · 9 years
Hm... the newer season right? Mm, nope. I don’t see it.
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So I was catching up on netflix and is it just me or do I look like that new chick on Orange is the New Black? Fuck’n weird right? Great tits though.
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josephinebye · 9 years
and also my laptop broke, so i use my dads laptop. that doesnt really have anything to do with my activity though bc it’s always available to me usually. and i’ll be on tomorrow bc i felt a lot better today
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josephinebye · 9 years
"I... I uh, no? I don't know. Maybe it is. Thanks, um, no the rambling is okay. It's alright. I do it all the time. Why haven't ya gotten any sleep the past few days? Maybe a nap will do ya good."
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“… that’s quite a nice shirt. It’s just, wow, is that velour? That’s so soft. I’m rambling, aren’t I? I’ve been awake on coffee for three straight days. Did I just see a cat over there?”
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josephinebye · 9 years
Cornelius and Pandora. Um, very different names I came up with... ha. I don’t think they do. I feel like they’d try to eat the frog or somethin’. Maybe you could find a dog sitter. They have those, right? That could work out possibly.
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Ohhh~ What are the little angels’s names? Do cats get along with frogs? Your cats might try to attack your new buddy if they see him. Yeah they’re cute but they’re a handful. I wonder what I’m going to do with Parks once classes start up again, honestly. I’m afraid of what will happen to my apartment if I leave him by himself. 
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josephinebye · 9 years
Suit y’self. That’s alright, it doesn’t really bother me.. I mean, yeah. Whatever. I have two kittens. Well, they’re not really babies anymore. They’re very cute. Dogs are cute. I’ve never had one though.
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Well I’m not going to touch the little guy in my bathtub to figure out if he’s slimy or rough. Oh, sorrry, love, I didn’t mean to assume that your roommate was female. Oh, neat, what kind of pets do you have? I just recently got a pup and he’s the cutest thing ever. 
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josephinebye · 9 years
Oh, thanks. I definitely plan on finishin’ the side tattoo. I think I’ve got enough to finish it soon, too. Just need to make the appointment and everythin’. You’ll be the first to see it when it’s done.
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Wow, they sound brilliant –– all of ‘em. D’you plan to, uh… finish the side tattoo? I’d love to see the end result.
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josephinebye · 9 years
Is everythin’ a’right?
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Oh, fuck…hey, Jo.
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josephinebye · 9 years
You’re not a fan of cats then, I’m guessin’.
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I left the doors to my back porch open today and this tiny little dirty creature called a kitten walked in and I don’t know what to do with it so anyone interested in coming to pick it up?
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josephinebye · 9 years
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Jared.... Hey, what’s wrong?
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Ooh, okay, okay…I’m good. I’m good. I am good.
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josephinebye · 9 years
And what’s the positive to living alone?
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There’s a positive to living alone and a negative as well. Houses make too many creepy noises at night when you are trying to sleep.
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