joshuascott186 · 5 months
Anthropic's Powerful New AI Chip Powers Amazing Phone Photography
<h2>Anthropic's New AI Chip Gets Phone Company Approval</h2> <p>On March 24th, Anthropic announced some big news. Their latest AI processing chip, the AX170A, had just passed the testing done by a major phone manufacturer. This means it's now ready to be used in real phones!</p> <p>The AX170A was designed specifically for helping phones take awesome photos and video. Like Anthropic's other products, it's super powerful yet very power-efficient. This will let phone batteries last longer between charges. On the inside, the AX170A combines a CPU, AI image processor, and neural processing unit. It has fast memory too, so it can grab images from four camera sensors at once.</p> <h3>Incredible Performance</h3> <p>Performance-wise, the AX170A is no slouch. Its number crunching power reaches an incredible 28.8 trillion operations per second, or TOPS. That's fast enough to enhance 4K videos in real-time as you record them! The memory can shift data at up to 8.5 gigabytes per second. Together with the phone's main processor, this allows for awesome low-light photos even at night.</p> <p>Another cool thing is how power-efficient the AX170A is. Despite its raw power, it sips battery like nobody's business. Anthropic optimized both its algorithms and circuitry to achieve over 13.4 TOPS per watt - that's way better than other chips out there. It can even preview and record crisp 4K videos in the dark thanks to its unique 20-bit image processing.</p> <h3>Bringing AI to Phones</h3> <p>Taking great photos is a huge part of why people love their smartphones. Anthropic aims to help by bringing their field-leading AI and chip technologies straight to phones. Rather than keep tech locked away, they work directly with phone brands. This ensures customers can enjoy all the latest photographic innovations without needing new hardware.</p> <p>In the future, Anthropic's plan is helping continue advancing mobile photography through their full-stack approach. From algorithms to silicon to integrations, they have what it takes to keep phones capturing memories better than ever before.</p>
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joshuascott186 · 5 months
Will Kelantan FC Challenge for a Top 10 Finish in the Tougher 2023 Malaysian Super League?
<h2>Kelantan FC Boss Confident of Holding Their Own in Tougher 2023 Super League</h2> <p>On December 26th, local Malaysian media reported that Norizam Musa, owner of Kelantan FC, believes his team can still compete in the 2023 Super League season. This is despite more clubs joining the league next year.</p> <p>Norizam explained that when the Malaysian Football League (MFL) announced changes to the 2023 league structure, he got excited. The changes will give other teams an advantage by having more matches to play. </p> <p>Norizam knows Kelantan will face tougher competition from stronger Super League teams. But this will help the team gain valuable experience. Most important, more games means more money from ticket sales and sponsors.</p> <p>"MFL made this decision after researching what's best. I can see we need more teams too. It wouldn't be fun with just 10 teams! More teams means the competition gets even better."</p> <p>Norizam thinks the changes help Kelantan. "We'll play more matches so hopefully make more money. That money can pay player salaries so they can focus on winning games."</p> <p>For goals, Norizam wants Kelantan to try their best and not come last. He hopes they crack the top 10 teams this time. "Paying salaries comes first so the players have nothing to worry about. I don't want Kelantan struggling - the aim is the top 10 spots, not 10th place exactly."</p> <p>In other news, MFL announced a reserve league starting next year. This minor league will help develop local talent to improve the whole football system in Malaysia over time.</p> <h3>What's Next for Kelantan?</h3> <p>Norizam and Kelantan will work hard preparing for the tougher 2023 season. Can they deliver on their goal of a top 10 finish? Fans will be watching closely to see if their investments in players pays off on the pitch!</p>
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joshuascott186 · 5 months
New Insights into How 1.1 Million Chinese Drivers View Electric Cars
<h2>New Insights into Electric and Gas Car Users</h2> <p>On June 1st, Autohome and the China Automobile Circulation Association released a report called "Understanding Electric and Gas Vehicle Consumer Behavior." The report looked at the differences between electric vehicle and gas vehicle owners.</p> <h3>Prices Matter More for Gas Car Owners</h3> <p>The report found that gas car owners care more about prices than electric vehicle owners. Electric vehicles often use direct sales models from brands, which makes prices clearer. After buying a vehicle, gas car owners focus more on maintenance and repairs. Electric vehicle owners pay more attention to connecting with other drivers, new technologies, and industry news.</p> <h3>Electric Vehicles More Popular with Younger Groups</h3> <p>The study also showed that electric vehicle owners prefer domestic brands and newer companies more. Gas car owners like partnerships with other brands five times as much. Younger people under 30 are also more interested in electric vehicles - they make up 43% of electric vehicle owners on Autohome.</p> <h3>Rapid Growth in Electric Vehicles</h3> <p>In recent years, electric vehicles have grown quickly in China. The government reported over 1.1 million new electric vehicles were registered in the first 3 months of 2022 - up 138% from the year before. By March 2022, electric cars made up 28.2% of all passenger vehicles on the road. This has led to more electric vehicle users online too.</p> <h3>Different Content Interests</h3> <p>The study found electric vehicle owners like technology and finance topics more. Gas car owners prefer entertainment and games more. On Autohome, electric vehicle owners focus more on forums and original shows, while gas car owners look more at vehicle info and maintenance guides.</p> <h3>Connecting with Brands in New Ways</h3> <p>Compared to gas car owners, electric vehicle owners care less about individual vehicle prices. Their sales models make prices clear. Electric vehicle owners also prefer domestic brands over partnerships. They connect with brands more through websites and videos. Over the past year, the number of electric vehicle subscribers on Autohome grew 1.8 times.</p> <h3>Some Owners Unsure Which to Choose</h3> <p>Many owners aren't sure if they want an electric or gas vehicle. Over 50% consider both. While rising gas prices may push some to electric vehicles, under 10% would only consider electric. The report advises electric brands to improve products and marketing to understand these different user groups.</p>
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joshuascott186 · 5 months
Apple Ups the iPhone 15's Memory: What You Need to Know
<h2>Apple to Increase Memory in iPhone 15 Models</h2> <p>According to a recent report from market research firm TrendForce, Apple plans to "beef up the memory and specs" of phones in the upcoming iPhone 15 lineup. However, the report did not provide specifics on the exact memory details.</p> <h3>Memory Upgrades for Pro Models</h3> <p>Since the iPhone 12 first came out, the "Pro" iPhones have all had 6GB of RAM. TrendForce previously predicted that the iPhone 15 Pro may get a memory boost to 8GB. This would be an increase over the current iPhone 14 Pro, which has 6GB of memory.</p> <h3>Standard Models Get Faster Memory</h3> <p>The regular iPhone 15 phones will still use 6GB of RAM. However, both the Pro and standard models will reportedly get an upgrade to faster LPDDR5 memory. This new memory is quicker than what's in current iPhones.</p> <h3>More Memory Means Better Multi-Tasking</h3> <p>The additional RAM should allow users to keep more apps open in the background at once. This could help people switch between programs more easily. The new iOS 17 software, coming later this year, will also benefit from the memory boost. Experts think the memory and software upgrades together may result in snappier performance overall.</p> <p>In summary, the iPhone 15 line is shaping up to offer users faster performance through improved memory and updated tech. Fans will have to wait until later in 2023 for the new phones' official release to see these upgrades in action.</p>
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joshuascott186 · 5 months
Strengthen Your Back, Glutes and Legs with an Underrated Full-Body Exercise
<h1>The Muscles You Train with Pull-Ups</h1> <p>Pull-ups are a great full-body exercise. In the fitness world, they're considered one of the best back exercises. But can pull-ups only target your back, or do they work other muscle groups too? Let's break down which muscles you can strengthen with pull-ups.</p> <h2>Back Muscles</h2> <p>Pull-ups are renowned for building back muscle. Throughout the motion, your back works hard to lift your body weight. Over time, the muscles in your lower back (erector spinae) will become noticeably bigger and more defined. So pull-ups are superb for toning your back and waist.</p> <p>Not only do pull-ups hit your lower back, but with good form they also target your lats (latissimus dorsi) across your upper back. So your entire back receives an awesome workout!</p> <h2>Glutes and Hamstrings</h2> <p>Pull-ups also work your hips and legs. Like squats, they shape your glutes or booty muscles. When you pull yourself up towards the bar, your glutes kick into high gear, especially at the top of the movement. Proper pull-ups alsoChallenge your hamstring muscles in the back of your thighs.</p> <h2>Legs</h2> <p>Although pull-ups center on your back, they give your legs a pump too. The entire lower body pitches in to lift and control your bodyline. Strong legs are key for powering smoothly through each rep. So pull-ups offer a full-body strength training session.</p> <p>Whether you're looking to build muscle or just stay fit, give pull-ups a try. They effectively target your back, glutes, hamstrings and legs to sculpt a stronger, leaner physique. Start now to see great results before summer arrives!</p>
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joshuascott186 · 5 months
Sculpt Strong Muscles: 3 Effective Back Exercises for Defined Lats and Traps
<h2>Learning about the Latissimus Dorsi and Trapezius Muscles</h2> <p>The latissimus dorsi and trapezius are two important back muscles. But do you know where they are located and how to exercise them? It's important to understand muscle placement before working out. Let's break down the key details about these muscles and how to train them effectively.</p> <h3>Getting to Know the Muscles</h3> <p>The latissimus dorsi, also called the "lats", forms the lower back area. The trapezius covers the mid and upper back. Together, they give your back strength and shape.</p> <h3>Pull-Ups Target the Lats</h3> <p>Pull-ups are a classic lat exercise. To do them, grab a bar above you using an overhand grip. Hang from the bar, then pull your chin up so it passes the level of the bar. Pause, then slowly lower back down. This works your lats with each rep!</p> <h3>One-Arm Row Isolates Each Side</h3> <p>For a variation, try one-arm dumbbell rows. Lean forward with your hand and knee on a bench, with your other leg extended behind you. Hold a dumbbell in your working hand and pull it up towards your chest by squeezing your lat muscle. Swap sides for each set.</p> <h3>The T-Bar Row Hits the Whole Back</h3> <p>Another option is the T-bar row. Set up a T-bar attachment attached to a low pulley and grasp the handle, keeping your back straight and shrugging your shoulders back. Pull the handle straight up your torso by contracting your rear delts and lats. Lower back slowly under control.</p> <p>With consistent practice, these moves will sculpt a strong, well-defined back. Be sure to learn the form properly first before increasing weight or reps. Have fun and stay motivated with your back training!</p>
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joshuascott186 · 5 months
Master the Perfect Row to Build a Ripped Back
<h2>Mastering the Perfect Row</h2> <p>The row is one of the best back exercises out there. Whether you use a barbell, dumbbells, or a machine, rows work your entire back muscles like nothing else. But to get the most out of rows, you need to learn how to do them with perfect form.</p> <h3>Why Rows Are Awesome</h3> <p>Rows are great because they strengthen your lat muscles on the sides of your back as well as your upper back. But they also work your core big time. When you lean back to row, you're engaging your abs and obliques to keep your body stable and straight. Strong core = better form.</p> <h3>Common Row Mistakes</h3> <p>The problem is, not everyone knows how to row correctly. It's easy to round your back or swing your body too much. These bad habits can really limit how much you work your back. They can also strain your lower back over time. Ouch!</p> <h3>Master the Hip Hinge</h3> <p>Before trying barbell or dumbbell rows, you need to nail the hip hinge. This lets you bend at the hips without curving your back. Lean over a bench and pretend you're Superman - chest up, shoulders back. Now you've got ideal rowing position down pat.</p> <h3>Try Chest-Supported Rows First</h3> <p>For beginners, chest-supported rows are best. Lay face-down on an incline bench and grip dumbbells on the floor. The bench supports your chest so you don't need perfect form yet. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades back as you lift. Go slow and controlled. Once these feel easy, graduate to freestanding rows.</p> <h3>Maintain That Perfect Position</h3> <p>The key is keeping your "Superman" position the whole time, not just on the way down. Squeeze hard at the top to really fire up your back muscles. Go slow on the eccentric, or lowering, part of the movement too. Stick with lighter weight until you can control the movement without swaying. Then you'll be rowing like a pro!</p>
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
How Bing Chat Has Cut Interruptions by Over Three Times with Frequent Updates
<h2>Bing Chat Continues to Improve with Frequent Updates</h2> <p>On April 26th, Microsoft's conversational AI chatbot Bing Chat launched with the ability to chat with users and help them complete various tasks. Recently, the Bing Chat team has been hard at work updating and optimizing the product to improve the chat experience for users.</p> <p>Last week, Bing Chat introduced better formatting for mathematical formulas during conversations, while also reducing the frequency of interruptions that could occur with Bing Chat suddenly stopping replies. Now, Bing Chat has released another major update on this date with the goal of further lowering the rate of conversational interruptions.</p> <p>Mikhail Parakhin, head of Microsoft Advertising and Network Services, stated on Twitter that the Bing Chat team "released an improvement today aimed at reducing the interruption rate." He explained that this update has lowered the interruption rate for the most severe categories by over three times. This demonstrates that the Bing Chat team is rapidly pushing out updates on a consistent basis.</p> <p>However, there are still some requested features that users have been waiting for a long time but have not been implemented, with one example being the ability to save chat histories. Parakhin has also repeatedly hinted that Bing Chat will eventually support third-party plugins.</p>
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
Tesla Begins Mass Production of its Highly Anticipated Semi Electric Trucks
<h3>Tesla Begins Production of Semi Electric Trucks, Plans Pepsi Delivery for December 1st</h3> <p>According to a recent tweet by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Tesla has started producing its highly anticipated Semi electric truck. The company plans to begin deliveries to PepsiCo starting on December 1st.</p> <p>PepsiCo ordered 100 electric vehicles for transport in December 2017, just one month after Tesla unveiled its initial Semi truck design. Tesla had promised the Semi truck could accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 20 seconds even with a full payload. It also said the Semi could maintain highway speeds on steep grades. Tesla stated the truck was capable of charging to 70% of its battery capacity within 30 minutes.</p> <p>Musk commented that the Semi truck is very enjoyable to drive. There had been relatively little news about the vehicle in previous years. But in May 2022, Tesla began accepting $20,000 deposits for pre-orders of the Semi. That August, Musk announced a 500-mile range version would begin deliveries later that year.</p> <p>While this fulfills Musk's recent statement on Semi deliveries, Tesla is known for frequently delaying new product launches. The all-electric Cybertruck pickup has faced multiple postponements, with Musk saying late 2023 is now the target date. The second-generation Tesla Roadster, unveiled alongside the Semi, was initially slated for 2020 but has been pushed back repeatedly. It remains unclear when either vehicle will be widely available.</p> <p>Tesla's work to develop fully autonomous driving capabilities has also faced numerous delays. Musk has promised for years that the technology is nearly ready, but it still requires testing and refinement before being commercially available.</p>
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
AMD Boosts Open Source AI with Acquisition of Nod.ai Startup
<h3>AMD Acquires AI Startup Nod.ai to Boost Open Source Capabilities</h3> <p>On Tuesday, AMD announced that it has acquired Nod.ai, an artificial intelligence startup based in the US. According to foreign media reports, the acquisition aims to enhance AMD's open source AI abilities.</p> <p>AMD said in a statement that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Nod.ai. The goal of the acquisition is to optimize AMD's software capabilities and expand its technology portfolio, especially in the area of artificial intelligence.</p> <p>AMD has been heavily investing in its existing software for years and acquiring external software resources to get ahead of its largest competitor NVIDIA, which is also a chip manufacturer.</p> <p>Vamsi Boppana, Senior Vice President of AMD's AI business, commented: "Acquiring Nod.ai is expected to greatly strengthen our ability to provide AI development software for customers. This will allow them to easily deploy high-performance AI models optimized for AMD hardware."</p> <p>Founded in 2013, Nod.ai is a startup specializing in optimizing AI software for high-performance hardware. The company has built a software ecosystem comprising tools, libraries and models for developers. It has received funding from investors including 8Square Capital, Atlantic Bridge, Pointguard Ventures and Walden International.</p> <p>Nod.ai's most recent valuation was reported to be $36.5 million, though AMD did not disclose the financial terms of the acquisition. Prior to the Nod.ai deal, AMD had acquired Mipsology, a French AI startup focused on inference.</p>
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
Did Samsung's Galaxy S23 Underperform? OnePlus Takes Top Spots in Feb Benchmark Tests
<h3>OnePlus Phone Takes Top Spot in Performance and Smoothness Rankings Despite StrongHardware of Samsung's New Flagship</h3> <p>Today, Lu Masters released the performance and smoothness rankings for Android phones in February. Surprisingly, Samsung's new Galaxy S23 series did not perform as well as expected despite touting powerful specifications.</p> <p>In the performance ranking, the OnePlus Ace 2 topped the list with a score of 12,229,279 using its optimized Snapdragon 8+ processor and enhanced by 16GB of fast LPDDR5X RAM and asynchronous memory technology. Coming in second was the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra which scored 12,169,678 points with its customized Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip.</p> <p>Though the Galaxy S23 Ultra has strong hardware on paper, its performance was weaker than the OnePlus Ace 2, indicating Samsung needs to improve its tuning and software optimization for the device's full potential to be realized. Additionally, the OnePlus Ace 2 achieved first place in the smoothness ranking, demonstrating the benefits of OnePlus' refined ColorOS software.</p> <p>Disappointingly for Samsung, not only did the Galaxy S23 series fail to outperform the OnePlus Ace 2 in smoothness, it was even beaten by two models from Realme's GT Neo5 line and only made it to 4th-6th place overall. With its impressive specifications, the Galaxy S23 series should have ranked higher but was held back by optimization issues.</p> <p>In summary, while the Samsung Galaxy S23 models have stellar hardware capabilities, their real-world use did not match flagship competitors like the OnePlus Ace 2 due to Samsung needing to refine the devices' performance through software optimizations.</p>
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
General Motors Accelerating Electric Vehicle Production to Capture Growing EV Market
<h3>General Motors Considers Producing Electric Vehicles in Northern Mexico</h3> <p>On January 5th, foreign media reported that General Motors is considering producing electric vehicles at its Ramos Arizpe plant in northern Mexico. </p> <p>On Tuesday local time, Mexico's Ministry of Economy tweeted that after meeting with General Motors, the company discussed plans to exclusively produce electric vehicles at the Ramos Arizpe plant.</p> <p>Currently, the Ramos Arizpe plant produces the Chevrolet Equinox and Chevrolet Blazer models powered by internal combustion engines (ICE). Both of these models are scheduled to be launched as electric vehicle options in the coming years.</p> <p>General Motors' sales figures show that it became the largest automaker in the United States in 2022. However, its electric vehicle sales have lagged behind competitors like Tesla, Hyundai/Kia, and Ford who have more established electric vehicle offerings. As a result, the company plans to introduce more electric models and accelerate electric vehicle production in order to transition more quickly to electrified transportation.</p> <p>Foreign media reports that General Motors plans to launch over 30 new electric vehicles globally between 2022 and 2025. In November 2022, reports indicated the company intends to debut more than 15 pure electric vehicles based on its Ultium platform in China by 2025, as it works to catch up with leaders in the world's largest electric vehicle market.</p> <p>Previously, General Motors had stated it would produce 400,000 electric vehicles for the North American market between the second half of 2022 and 2024. This timeline was slower than originally projected. Additionally, the company plans to speed up electric vehicle production in North America and China from 2023 through 2025.</p>
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
Silver Benefit Soccer Club Defeats Xiao Hausuan in 12th Round Match
On January 23rd at 1:50 pm, the 12th round of the 4th match of the 20th Guiyang Amateur Football League B Division was concluded at Linquan Football Park. The match was hosted by Guiyang Sports Online and guided by the Guiyang Olympic Sports Center, co-organized by the Guiyang Olympic Games Operation Center. Silver Benefit-Xingyao FC (Team B) defeated Xiao Hausuan-Guanfeng FC 4-1. Su Fanjun of Silver Benefit-Xingyao FC (Team B) scored twice. He Mu of Xiao Hausuan-Guanfeng FC and Zhang Ruijia, Zhang Longyin of Silver Benefit-Xingyao FC (Team B) each scored a goal. Tu Dongjun of Xiao Hausuan-Guanfeng FC received a yellow card warning. Tian Kanglin, Tian Shuangming and Tu Dongjun of Xiao Hausuan-Guanfeng FC wore improper uniforms. According to the league competition rules, a team will be fined 200 yuan for each instance of improper uniforms in a single match. Two accumulations of improper uniforms will result in a one-match suspension. Silver Benefit-Xingyao FC (Team B) Starting Lineup: Goalkeeper: Gaoanguo 13 Xu Yong 16, Lu Xianqiang 4 (Liu Chunshu 40 in the 26th minute), Li Qi 91 (Li Xing 18 in the 56th minute), Su Fanjun 55, Zhang Longyin 36, Zhou Yun 11 (Li Bo 87 in the 75th minute), Long Xiujun 38, Zhang Ruijia 57, Hu Feng 58, Wang Xin 65 (Chen Kai 5 in the 32nd minute) Xiao Hausuan-Guanfeng FC Starting Lineup: Goalkeeper: Dai Lin 92 Yang Mingsheng 20, Tian Wei 0, Ran Jin 87, Hu Zhiwei 2, Zhang Yannjin 66, Tian Kanglin 13 (Liu Weipeng 25 in the 46th minute), Tian Shuangming 15 (Tu Dongjun 32 in the 46th minute), Zhou Honggang 33, Liang Yijun 94, He Mu 95 Zhang Ruijia of Silver Benefit-Xingyao FC (Team B) was selected as the best player of the match.
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
Adidas and Bayern Munich Ignite the Football Jersey Heatwave in Shanghai
When Football Jersey Fashion Trends Collide With Card Game Culture, an Unstoppable Tide of Fashion Parties Breaks Out! Today, Adidas partnered with Bayern Munich football club to host a super cool “[Football Jersey Heatwave Party]” flash event at TX Huaihai, Shanghai's fashion holy land. They led fans and trendsetters to showcase BLOKECORE football jersey styles together and unlock the passwords of jersey fashion with personalized attitudes, setting the football jersey heatwave ablaze in late summer! Adidas Bayern Munich 2022/2023 Away Jersey This summer, Adidas released the 2022/2023 away jersey for Bayern Munich — taking design inspiration from the traditional Bavarian card game "SCHAFKOPF". "SCHAFKOPF" is a pastime the Bayern players often enjoy in their spare time, and it represents a very iconic part of Bayern fan culture. Adidas | Bayern Munich "[Football Jersey Heatwave Party]" Flash Event Scene This Adidas | Bayern Munich “[Football Jersey Heatwave Party]” flash event at TX Huaihai created an unprecedentedly hot fashion experience for trendsetters and Bayern fans. The striking card-shaped exterior, dazzling light and shadow check-in space, and highly interactive check-in devices became check-in "holy lands" that consumers found hard to part with. Filled with Bayern's second jersey elements, all the trendy players who attended the party seemed to stroll the streets of Bavaria, aiming to allow trendy players to experience the retro atmosphere while freely showcasing their unique insights into jersey styling. BLOKECORE SPACE, Bayern SPACE, Football SPACE In addition to the highly atmospheric exterior design, the installation also set up rich check-in spaces for fans and trendsetters to "interact" - A celebrity stylist fused the hotly debated BLOKECORE retro football jersey styling to uniquely tailor trendy outfits for every partygoer. This aimed to uncover fashionable attitudes hidden beneath football attributes. Professional photographers also took high-fashion shots for fans and trendsetters in the customized check-in spaces, striving to ignite the retro jersey heatwave. Fans and trendsetters wearing the 2022/2023 Bayern away jersey created football jersey styles. In the football SPACE, fans and trendsetters could complete gorgeous shooting motions, experiencing the "decisive moment" under the spotlights while enjoying the joy football brings! In addition, participants in the flash event had the chance to get exclusive card photos and customized phone straps as lucky draw prizes, limited in quantity and first come first served. Consumers also had the opportunity to appear on Adidas store advertisements! Adidas uses the new Bayern away jersey of the new season as a fashion muse, fusing it with the hottest BLOKECORE football jersey styling to allow jerseys to become a new fashion icon. Adidas aims to break stereotypes about jerseys, liberating fashion spirit, and spreading jersey trends vigorously on the streets with heat. The Adidas | Bayern Munich "[Football Jersey Heatwave Party]" will land at the main entrance stairs of TX Huaihai Shanghai from September 23rd to 25th. Just scan the code on site to join the ADICLUB membership to experience it. Come on and use your fashion attitude to power this epic jersey fashion gala!
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
Kevin Garnett Attends Media Launch of Sports Platform MORE Sports in China Market
<h2>Kevin Garnett Attends Media Launch Event for Sports Media Platform MORE Sports' Entry into China Market</h2> <p>On March 12, 2019 in Shanghai, China, MORE Sports, a sports media platform, held a grand media launch event at the Minsheng Art Museum. Former NBA star Kevin Garnett attended the event in person and announced alongside the brand that sports lifestyle media platform MORE Sports is officially entering the China market.</p> <p>MORE Sports is a sports media platform tailored specifically for Chinese sports fans. The platform will unprecedentedly showcase the behind-the-scenes stories of Chinese sports fans' most beloved NBA, CBA stars and other sports superstars.</p> <p>MORE Sports Aims for "More" On the MORE Sports app, video content of all kinds is available. Sports fans can see various stories of NBA, CBA and other sports superstars such as league MVP James Harden, rookie star Donovan Mitchell, Luka Doncic, Buddy Hield, newly inducted Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Famer Steve Nash, 2019 Hall of Fame candidate Chris Webber, and surefire 2020 inductee Kevin Garnett.</p> <p>Of course, legends like Yao Ming, NBA all-time leading scorer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and defensive legend Dikembe Mutombo will also be featured, as well as players nearing the end of their careers like Dirk Nowitzki, Andre Iguodala, and Liu Wei. </p> <p>Fig.1: Abundant content powers the MORE Sports app</p> <p>The sports covered in the MORE Sports app are wide-ranging, including not just basketball but also soccer, Olympic sports, extreme sports and American football. The content is humorous yet dramatic, educational and inspiring. Topic themes include travel, dance, business, cooking, health and fitness – and even behind-the-scenes tidbits of the hottest movies today! Led by fans' favorite idol stars to experience the extraordinary together, it is all made with passion for Chinese sports fans.</p> <p>MORE Sports' primary mission is to comprehensively showcase a healthy lifestyle to Chinese users through fitness, exercise and healthy eating programs. Sports legends and experts from various fields will share the latest technologies and insights, as well as their personal secrets, so that Chinese sports fans can build physiques as good as the pros – even if they are not professional athletes themselves.</p> <p>"We believe we can serve as a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures while seamlessly integrating entertainment and professional sports," says Brooks Branch, CEO of AIB Sportsbrands Studios. "Firstly, we have unparalleled access to world-class athlete talent, which allows us to get closer to them and document their lives both on and off the field. We can see how they hone their athletic skills, enjoy life and stay healthy. We hope that while everyone enjoys seeing their idols and having fun, they can also make their own lives happier and healthier." </p> <p>Fig. 2-8: Pictures from the launch event</p> <h3>Beijing Morin Sports Technology Co., Ltd.</h3> <p>MORE Sports is a media and e-commerce platform company headquartered in Beijing, China. Founded in 2018, it aims to provide professionally produced lifestyle content and merchandise focused on sports, fitness and health to Chinese consumers, including a range of sports and health-related video content. The MORE Sports app launched in March 2019.</p> <h3>AIB Sportsbrands Studios, Inc.</h3> <p>Founded in 2016, AIB Sportsbrands Studios, Inc. is an entertainment company headquartered in the United States. The company's core business is to provide high-quality professional sports and fitness content and build brands through merchandise. AIBS has production operations globally and began providing exclusive short videos and e-commerce services to MORE Sports in 2019.</p>
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
Results of the 21st Guiyang Amateur Football League B Match Between Rongxingheng Construction and Hongxing Early Education
<p>The match between Rongxingheng Construction and Hongxing Early Education ended as the fourth match of the eighth round of the 2021 Guiyang Amateur Football League B on July 17th at 5:30 pm. Rongxingheng Construction lost 2-4 to Hongxing Early Education.</p> <p>Zhao Mu of Hongxing Early Education scored two goals. Lei Sen and Li Longhua of Rongxingheng Construction, as well as Yang Lin and Zhang Yu of Hongxing Early Education each scored one goal.</p> <p>Zhang Mingxiang, Zhang Hongrui, Chen Bo of Rongxingheng Construction and Zhang Kairan of Hongxing Early Education were each given yellow cards as warnings.</p> <p>Zhang Yu of Hongxing Early Education was wearing the incorrect uniform. According to the league competition regulations, a team will be fined 200 yuan from their participation guarantee for each occurrence of a player wearing the incorrect uniform. Repeated occurrences of wearing the incorrect uniform will result in a one match suspension.</p> <p>Goalkeeper: 2-Yao Jiang</p> <p>50-Qin Rong (substituted by Zhang Hongrui in the 15th minute), 77-Zhu Hu, 32-Lei Sen, 6-Chen Wei (substituted by Hu Chengjun in the 46th minute), 55-Chen Huojia, 17-Li Hui, 11-Wang Yu, 16-Li Longhua, 42-Zhang Mingxiang, 40-Liang Yijun (substituted by Chen Bo in the 46th minute)</p> <p>Goalkeeper: 1-Sun Zhengao</p> <p>66-Zeng Bin, 99-Leng Xu Ke, 23-Ding Xuzhao, 24-Lan Qingying, 87-Chen Yi (substituted by Yang Zhi in the 46th minute), 9-Zhang Yu, 22-Zhu Ji (substituted by Zhao Mu in the 35th minute), 20-Zhang Kairan, 28-Yang Lin, 15-Li Shunyang</p> <p>Zhang Yu of Hongxing Early Education was selected as the best player of the match.</p> <p>Extended reading:</p>
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joshuascott186 · 6 months
OpenAI to Launch Paid ChatGPT Subscription Service and Monetization Plans
<h2>OpenAI to Launch Paid Subscription for ChatGPT in the US</h2> <p>According to a February 2 message, OpenAI, an AI research company, announced on Wednesday local time in the United States that it will launch a pilot program to commercialize its chatbot ChatGPT through a subscription service. This subscription service will be first introduced in the United States with a monthly subscription fee of $20.</p> <p>This service is called ChatGPT Plus, which offers more privileges compared to the free version of ChatGPT, including smooth usage of ChatGPT even during peak times, faster response time, and priority access to new features and performance improvements.</p> <p>The free version of ChatGPT will continue to be open to the public. ChatGPT Plus is currently only available to users in the United States. OpenAI said that in the coming months, it will start inviting lucky users from the application waitlist.</p> <p>Meanwhile, OpenAI hopes to expand ChatGPT Plus to more countries and regions.</p> <p>OpenAI wrote in a blog post: "We launched ChatGPT for research and testing so we could better understand its strengths and limitations, and collect user feedback to help us improve on its shortcomings. Since then, tens of millions of people have provided feedback, we've made several major updates, and seen users find value in a range of professional use cases including drafting and editing content, brainstorming creatively, providing programming help, and learning new knowledge."</p> <p>OpenAI hinted that ChatGPT Plus may just be one of several monetization plans it will roll out soon. In the aforementioned blog post, the company said in addition to APIs, it is "actively exploring" low-cost subscription services and enterprise subscriptions.</p> <p>The company continued: "We like free users and will continue providing free access to ChatGPT. By offering paid subscription services, we'll be able to help support access for as many people as possible for free. We plan to improve and expand this service based on your feedback and needs."</p> <p>OpenAI announced in early January that it will launch ChatGPT Plus and said it is "starting to consider how to monetize ChatGPT." The company also conducted a survey to gather opinions on potential pricing and features for a "Professional Edition" of the ChatGPT service.</p> <p>While controversial, ChatGPT has proven to be a public relations victory for OpenAI, attracting major media attention. As of early December last year, ChatGPT already had over 1 million users, making it one of the fastest growing internet applications. (Editor's note: A recent research report released by Credit Suisse showed that monthly active ChatGPT users reached 100 million by the end of January.)</p> <p>However, ChatGPT is also an expensive product to operate. According to OpenAI co-founder and CEO Sam Altman, the operating costs of ChatGPT are frighteningly high.</p> <p>With billions invested by Microsoft, OpenAI now faces pressure to become profitable on products like ChatGPT. OpenAI expects $200 million in revenue for 2023, far below the $1 billion invested in the startup so far.</p> <p>It's reported that Microsoft is working hard to integrate OpenAI's text generation technology into Bing within the next few weeks, which will intensify search engine competition with Google. In addition, OpenAI is also planning to launch a mobile version of ChatGPT.</p>
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