jositah-blog-blog · 4 years
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Créditos: heyloverygirl
Bufón 🃏
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
Perfomance for the @monkeylabaerialstudio party with my level 1😍❤❤ 🌳🍃🌊🔥#monkeylabaerialstudio #poledance #poledancerofinstagram #poledancenation #poledanceitaly #unitedbypole #polesport #poletricks #polefitness #fitness #workout #training #dancing #acrobatics #aerials #gymnastics #flexibility #contortion #polefitness #calistenics #yoga #movementcolture #roma #rome #laurentina #elements #fitgirl #circus #performance #trainlikeamonkey #polespin
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
Nunca fui princesa.
Sin querer, mi padre crió y creó a una feminista. Recuerdo una infancia marcada por el esfuerzo, el trabajo, el estudio y el aprendizaje. Tenía 3 años y ayudaba a mi papá en su taller, lo miraba y afirmaba los trozos de madera que él cortaba, hacía “fideos de rulitos” con las virutas sobrantes. Más grande aprendí a reparar mi bicicleta yo sola, a usar herramientas, a hacer trabajos “de hombre”. Seguí estudiando y aprendiendo. Cuando eres una pre adolescente y tu padre te dice que no tienes que ser hermosa, tu cabeza explota, me costó hacer el match entre la Revista Tú y tener que trabajar los fines de semana. Yo tenía labores en mi casa y no recibía dinero a cambio, seguía sin entenderlo. Hoy tengo 30 y lo entiendo, lo entiendo y lo agradezco, es que recibí tanto a cambio… La paciencia, la humildad, la constancia, la voluntad, el orgullo. Yo nunca fui princesa. Pero yo quería. Fui una adolescente atormentada y confundida, los medios son muy poderosos y te enseñan a ser bella, delicada, a depilarte y ejercitarte para ser más bella, más delgada. Te educan para desear ser amada por un hombre. Respondí muchos quizz para saber si yo le gustaba, si mi personalidad era normal, si era lo suficientemente femenina, cuestionando mi yo más interno. Desde niñas nos enseñan a dudar de nosotras mismas, desde la más tierna niñez, nos otorgan la belleza, la delicadeza y la feminidad como atributos propios y positivos. Cuando empezamos a menstruar, debemos seguir siendo bellas, delicadas y femeninas, nos añaden la locura (mezcla de ciclos hormonales y ser emocionales) y bajo ese concepto, el de locas, seguimos creciendo y siéndolo hasta la adultez (cuando llega la menopausia y ese es otro cuento). El amor y el desamor nos vuelven locas, o weonas locas, para la mayoría. El amor y el desamor vuelve a un hombre un “pobrecito”, o “pobrecito, qué te hizo esa weona loca”. Cualquier acto que no guste al varón será cobijado bajo la manta de la weona loca por siempre. Los mensajes que recibimos, la música, las películas, libros y la publicidad nos moldean y seguimos creyendo que estamos mal, que las críticas y comentarios de mierda constante son válidos. Justificamos el amor dañino, la manipulación. Creemos que “él puede cambiar”, que con nuestro amor lo haremos cambiar, pero sabemos que el machito opresor no cambia ni lo hará jamás. Muchos de ellos se agarran de nuestra inseguridad y nuestro deseo de amar y ser amadas (¿quién no lo desea?) para ponernos el pie encima y seguir en su posición de poder, aquella que han tenido durante tanto tiempo y que temen perder. Por eso nos atacan, nos ofenden, nos humillan… "¿Para qué cambiar si así estamos tan bien? Si ganamos más, si el sistema nos beneficia, si puedo hacer lo que se me plazca sin recibir una crítica, si tengo pene y soy un hombre heterosexual (de mariconadas no me hablen) respetable, orgulloso. Porque dios así lo quiso porque dios también es hombre." Yo y todas las mujeres hemos sido violentadas en algún momento. Nos agreden desde los 10 años, cuando comienzan a sexualizarnos. Caminamos por la calle con miedo, miedo a que nos toquen (una vez en la calle, un hombre me agarró la mano y no me la soltó por varios segundos, mientras me miraba fijamente y balbuceaba algo asqueroso) nos miren, nos digan “piropos” (¿les parece que oír “mijita, le chuparía todo el choro” o “te quiero reventar el orto” es un piropo?), nos abusen, nos agredan, nos violen y nos maten, sólo por ser mujeres. No hay otra razón. Para mi es obvio, esto no está bien, esto está como el pico, y sin embargo nos siguen acusando de cuáticas, locas y violentas cuando gritamos. Ayer compré un libro infantil que se llama, “¡Estela, grita muy fuerte!”, lo hice pensando en si algún día tengo una hija o un hijo y también para mí misma. Gritar es la única forma de ser vistas, de que nos escuchen, de llamar la atención y si nos critican por ser agresivas eso está bien, porque lo que molesta, incomoda o duele es lo que se cambia. Hoy, en pleno 2017, sigo sin ser dueña de mi cuerpo, sin ser libre y eso me emputece. Perdón/permiso, voy a seguir gritando. Soy feminista, aunque el camino que me queda por recorrer sea largo, aunque no fuese el objetivo de mi padre y mi madre al criarme. Hoy pienso en todas mis vivencias y me perdono, porque yo no tuve la culpa, porque mi ropa no justifica nada, porque ser sensible y emocional no me hace más débil, porque la ignorancia y la opresión en la que vivimos me hace cometer errores. Estoy en el camino de aceptarme tal cual soy, de seguir creciendo, aprendiendo, conociéndome, estoy en momento en que valoro y amo a mis amigas/hermanas más que nunca, en el que entiendo a mi madre y atesoro a los buenos y grandes hombres que forman parte de mi existencia. Hoy más que nunca y más que siempre, la lucha se da. Porque quizá nunca fui princesa, pero soy guerrera, y de las brígidas. Texto tomado de mi amiga Nata, texto que se va pasando de publicación en publicación.
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
A veces no decimos lo que sentimos, no porque no queremos decirlo, sino porque no sabemos cómo.
(via murallamuerta)
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
Jajaja me meo
what will future historians do with this 
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
Pra quem não sabe bem como funciona o nosso treinamento masculino na barra vertical… ta aí um pedaço bem pequeno! Aulas toda ter e qui as 17h Informações: (21) 35592719 #UpDanceStudio #polesport #Gymnastics #acrobacia #BreakYourLimits (em Up Dance Studio)
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
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Un caluroso día!!! Echaba de menos esa sensación de truco nuevo en pleno verano... Me falta n para el 180 pero vamos, segunda clase... Osea hellouuuu :P #gettingBack #poleLover #vamosQueSePuede!!!
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
American Horror Story Characters Based On Real People
Season 1: Elizabeth Short aka The Black Dahlia - Mena Suvari guest-starred on the very first season of American Horror Story as Elizabeth Short, the woman who would become infamously known as The Black Dahlia. Though parts of her story were fabricated for the show, The Black Dahlia murder is very much real. Short was a 22-year-old aspiring actress who was brutally murdered in 1947. Her body was chopped in half, and her killer carved up the sides of her mouth, giving her what’s known as a “Glasgow smile.” Her murderer was never identified. 
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Season 1: The Nurse Murders and the Richard Speck Case - One of the story lines from the first season revolves around a couple of nurses who are killed in the Murder House. Though the nurses on the show (played by guest stars Rosa Salazar and Celia Finkelstein) aren’t based on individuals, Ryan Murphy has said their murders are inspired by the Richard Speck massacre in 1966. Speck, a seaman from Texas, broke into a Chicago dorm filled with nurses and viciously tortured, raped, and killed eight of them in one night. The sequence in the show is light compared to what actually happened. 
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Asylum: Kit and Alma Walker and Barney and Betty Hill - Remember Asylum’s Kit and Alma Walker? According to producers, they were inspired by a couple named Barney and Betty Hill, some of the first people to ever claim to have been abducted by aliens in 1961. Their experience was widely publicized and became a bestselling book called The Interrupted Journey and a 1975 TV movie The UFO Incident. Just like Kit and Alma, Barney and Betty were a mixed-race couple, an integral part of the story line on Asylum. 
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Asylum: Anne Frank - Franka Potente starred on several episodes of Asylum as a mental patient who insists that she is Anne Frank, the 15-year-old girl who famously documented her horrific experience during the Holocaust before her death. It’s not conclusive whether or not Charlotte truly is Frank, but she does make a pretty compelling case. The American Horror Story character remains one of the most tragic and puzzling parts of the series to this day. 
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Coven: Madame Delphine LaLaurie - A handful of main characters from Coven were based on real people, but none as chilling as Madame Delphine LaLaurie. Portrayed by Kathy Bates on the show, LaLarie was a prominent New Orleans socialite in the 1800s. She was discovered to have tortured and killed many of her slaves in her “Chamber of Horrors,” and her house is still said to be haunted. 
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Coven: Papa Legba - Whether Papa Legba is “real” or not is up for interpretation, but the Coven character, played by guest star Lance Reddick, is based on a popular legend. In voodoo culture, he is the intermediary between the living and the dead. Papa Legba is both a good and bad figure, controlling who communicates between the worlds, and in American Horror Story’s case, sentencing some to live in their own personal hells. 
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Coven: Marie Laveau - Angela Bassett came aboard Coven as Marie Laveau, the ancient voodoo queen of New Orleans. In reality, Laveau was a revered woman in the city between the 1820s and 1860s. She practiced black magic, and just as she is on the show, she was a hairdresser on the side. She was known for being a nurse and a healer, and people still visit her grave to see if she’ll grant them wishes. 
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Coven: The Axeman of New Orleans - Danny Huston’s Coven character, The Axeman, was a real person - though we still don’t know his identity. Between 1818 and 1819, a series of murders were committed around the New Orleans area. The killer used axes or straight razors owned by the residents of the houses he broke into, and, as seen on the show, he even threatened to kill anyone not playing jazz music on one particular night. 
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Freak Show: Pepper and Schlitze Surtees - One of the many Freak Show characters to have been inspired by a real person, Pepper (and her husband, Salty) was inspired by Schlitze Surtees. Known as Schlitzie the Pinhead, he was an early 1990s sideshow performer with microcephaly, a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes an unusually small brain and skull. He had the cognisance of a 3-year-old and could only speak in single-syllable words. He is mostly known now because of his part in the 1932 film Freaks. 
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Freak Show: Edward Mordrake - Wes Bentley appears int he two-part Halloween episode of Freak Show as Edward Mordrake, a man with an evil face on the back of his head. Mordrake was a real person who lived in the 1800s. According to books, he had an unusual deformity: a small face on the back of his head. Mordrake committed suicide at 23, and unlike on the show, he probably doesn’t go around to freak shows on Halloween, killing its performers. 
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Freak Show: Jimmy Darling and Grady Franklin Stiles, Jr - Though many performers with ectrodactyly, aka Lobster Claw Syndrome, were prevalent throughout freak-show history, Grady Franklin Stiles, Jr. is clearly a large influence for Jimmy Darling. Born in Pittsburgh in 1937, Stiles was part of a whole family of people who had the condition. He was forced to become a sideshow act at a young age and became an abusive alcoholic - which seems to be the direction Jimmy is headed. He murdered his daughter’s fiancé in 1978, and then Grady himself was gunned down by a neighbor in 1993. 
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Freak Show: Twisty the Clown and John Wayne Gacy - There have been a lot of clown killers throughout history, but none as infamous as John Wayne Gacy. At heart, Twisty the Clown is just an extremely confused and misguided murderer, but Gacy was cold-blooded. His stage name was Pogo the Clown, and between 1972 and 1978, he raped and killed at least 33 young men. He died by lethal injection in 1994, leaving behind a series of haunting self portraits. 
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Freak Show: Dot and Bette Tattler and Violet and Daisy Hilton - Though conjoined twins Dot and Bette are quite unique, they’re probably based on a pair of sisters by the name of Violet and Daisy Hilton. Born in England in 1908, the twins were fused at the pelvis. They came to San Francisco in 1915, and by the ‘20s, they were successfully performing in vaudeville shows alongside Charlie Chaplin. Following success on stage, their professional lives took a downturn, and they eventually ended up working at a grocery store. Their lives are the subject of a documentary called Bound by Flesh: The Story of Violet and Daisy Hilton. 
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Hotel: Mr. March and H.H. Holmes - H.H. Holmes is often referred to as America’s first serial killer. He was profiled in the bestseller The Devil in the White City, which tells of Holmes’s technique of hiding his victims in the walls of the building he was constructing. While Mr. March isn’t a direct portrayal, he’s certainly inspired by the killer. 
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Hotel: Aileen Wuornos - Series veteran Lily Rabe guest starred as Aileen Wuornos, the serial killer who was portrayed by Charlize Theron in the 2003 drama Monster. Wuornos killed seven men while working as a prostitute between 1989 and 1990. She was convicted and later executed by lethal injection in 2002. 
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Hotel: Richard Ramirez - Also known as the Night Stalker, Ramirez (played by Anthony Ruivivar) went on a two-year rampage in California in the ‘80s. He killed at least 13 people and tortured many more. 
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Hotel: Jeffrey Dahmer - Seth Gabel played the notorious Jeffrey Dahmer for the “Devil’s Night” episode of Hotel. Dahmer is one of the most well-known serial killers in American history, having murdered at least 17 boys and men. He was also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, as he raped, dismembered, and eventually ate his victims. 
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Hotel: John Wayne Gacy - While Gacy inspired Twisty the Clown, John Carroll Lynch returned to American Horror Story to play the real deal on Hotel. 
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
Variation 1 of 2 from special grip to shoulder grip #pole #dance #fitness #shouldermount #pdchopper #poledance #polefitness
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
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Lo mejor de volver es el cariño recibido... Vuelvo a mi pole-hogar... Con la apañadora, mi waxis ange, team 100% fuerza- 0% flex XD TKM!! Gracias mi adorado @cambrestudio por mi regreso, por la vuelta a los #ViernesDeGloria :D (en Cambré Studio)
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
Puta la wea... Típico
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
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Feliz año nuevooooo!!!!! 2017 :D
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
Truly Astonishing 😍 @marioncrampe @lupitpole
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
Compatibilidad entre un capri y un libra?:c
mucho amorsh
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jositah-blog-blog · 8 years
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