joss-arduin ¡ 28 days
absolutely hilarious that in chapter 18 emma decided to defend a point she doesn't even believe in about frank churchill's character just to disagree with mr knightley. and what's even funnier is that knightley's opinions - that if frank churchil really did want to come to highbury he already would've instead of making excuses - were emma's actual opinions of him as well (as she said to mrs weston in the previous chapter or two). so she's arguing against a point she completely agrees with. when i tell you i laughed so much
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joss-arduin ¡ 5 months
I found this quote from Diana Wynne Jones (Author of novels Howl's Moving Castle and Castle in the Air) on her time at Oxford when she had C.S. Lewis and Tolkien as professors and I thought I couldn't relate to Jrrt any more than I already did but I've been proven wrong.
"[C. S. Lewis] was just a marvelous lecturer: he made the dullest topics absolutely shine. He lectured in the very largest of lecture halls, which was a huge “L” shape, and it was packed, with people standing in the aisles, even early in the morning. Everybody drank it in. Obviously a whole lot of people took this away and thought about it, and began writing - mostly for children because in those days you couldn’t write fantasy for anyone else.     Tolkien was a different matter. He was just a kind of eminence grise and a legend. You couldn’t hear him lecture. He worked at not letting you hear, because he wanted to go away and finish writing The Lord of the Rings. So he had the very smallest lecture room. First of all it was packed out, so he spoke with his back to the audience and mumbling. Unfortunately he was talking about - meditating on, really - what a plot is like and how it mutates into other plots, and this I found so fascinating that I went back the next week as did one other person. And this meant that he couldn’t stop lecturing and still get the money, which apparently in those days you could if no one turned up - it was a dreadful racket, really. He could have given just the one lecture and then been paid for a term if we’d all stayed away. But this other person and I attended diligently week after week, so he was forced to go on meditating about plots mutating, and what I could hear was fascinating, because he was busy with the really large orchestration of the latter part of The Lord of the Rings at the time. But all I retain is a sense of how marvelous the way plots work is. That was all I got out of it, but I kept going in case I might understand a bit more next week - let alone hear a bit more."
    (Quoted from “Interview with Diana Wynne Jones, 22 March 2001, conducted by Charles Butler.”)
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joss-arduin ¡ 5 months
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Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, a collector's edition from The Folio Society, illustrated by Marie-Alice Harel
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joss-arduin ¡ 5 months
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But what if … the movie adaption was more faithful to the book 🤔🤔?
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joss-arduin ¡ 5 months
Your church-going, God-worshipping sister adopted a small child and you’re excited to see them. But when you do, the child is a menace. They’re throwing things everywhere, setting furniture on fire with seemingly nothing, chanting in Latin to summon demons, but the weirdest thing is that your sister doesn’t seem to mind.
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joss-arduin ¡ 5 months
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joss-arduin ¡ 5 months
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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joss-arduin ¡ 5 months
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Why do I find this absolutely hilarious
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joss-arduin ¡ 5 months
I have rarely felt so ashamed in my life (Which says something about either my innate levels of drama or my inability to feel shame, but that's a whole nother post) as this afternon, when I discovered that Diana Wynne Jones had a final, unfinished book which her sister completed, and which was published in 2014, and I never knew!
So thank you local library for having this on the shelf.
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joss-arduin ¡ 6 months
hello google chrome refugees
don't use any of these browsers, they're also chrome
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Here are my favorite firefox plugins for security/anti-tracking/anti-ad that I recommend you get
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please get off chrome google is currently being investigated for being an Illegal Monopoly so get outta there okay love you bye
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joss-arduin ¡ 6 months
Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, it is up to I, the only fucking cishet on tumblr, to drag this out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
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joss-arduin ¡ 7 months
Fellas, fellas
In all seriousness though, authors on AO3 have begun to pull their works off of the site to avoid getting sued by people stealing their works to make a pretty bound book for profit. Entire accounts could be shut down as well.
Listen, I’m all for saving favorite works by printing them out and putting them in a binder, or learning how to make a book for a fanfic, but seeking them is where I draw the line.
Literally the entire point of AO3 is that you can read it FOR FREE.
It is DISRESPECTFUL for people to make money off of hardbound copies because guess what, the original creators of these fics get nothing. We are literally only writing fanfiction for our own pleasure.
Buying and selling book-bound fanfiction is also ILLEGAL YOU DUMB SHITS. It’s an immediate violation of copyright law. The original fan work will get erased from the internet.
Fanfiction is already a legal grey zone since they are works being written about are protected by copyright. Copyright holders can in fact go after writers as well as the person who sold the fanfiction.
This also goes for people who steal fanart and, claim it as theirs, and put a price on it.
Don’t make it worse.
Bookbinding fanfiction for profit is literally ruining things for everyone. DON’T.
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joss-arduin ¡ 8 months
not to sound old fashioned or whatever but getting rid of payphones is a mistake, and the only reason we should do it is if we're replacing them with free, public use phones. Having the ability to reach out to others in every place of public congress and transit is an important safety feature and the advent and adoption of smartphones does not negate their utility.
I know i've already lost this battle, so it's somewhat pointless to say, but smartphones die. chargers aren't always there. smartphones break. some people don't have them. Being able to call someone and ask for help, to get in touch with friends and family, without relying on something you yourself own, is a societal good.
Furthermore, expecting everybody to have a single piece of fragile technology on them at all times to the point that critical services are not available without them is truly mind-boggling to me. This goes for things like restaurant menus and transit maps as well. you should be able to navigate the world without a brick made by Apple or Samsung, and if you can't, then something is fundamentally broken. It's one thing for new technology to augment an existing real-world experience, it's another thing to usurp it entirely.
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joss-arduin ¡ 8 months
What’s the best editing tip you have?
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joss-arduin ¡ 9 months
Does anyone have any fic recommendations for Spiderman, in which spidey is sassy little shit and maybe possibly stands up against the avengers while never revealing his identity.
Also looking for danny phantom fics in which he is also a sassy little bitch but he is homeless or in a shitty living situation, if it's a crossover even better :) and I love concerned adults or people in general.
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joss-arduin ¡ 11 months
its been rly heartening to see big tumblr accounts with a specific theme (or bit) take a moment to raise awareness for palestine. in many ways being vocally pro-palestine is far, far more important than donations right now. palestinians have said so too. if it weren't it wouldn't be so risky for people to speak out. its a war on human life but it's also a war on the very memory, culture and history of the palestinian people. we can help them fight the second one just by posting. solidarity matters more than anything in this moment.
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joss-arduin ¡ 1 year
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