journalgurl · 7 years
Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me ‘old’, when I would NEVER call him 'short and fat?’ Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!
Donald Trump (and yes…this is real)
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journalgurl · 7 years
literally the most BASIC holocaust/sociology class will teach you that jokes targeted at a specific group of people are one of the base steps of oppression and eventual genocide because it dehumanizes a group and once a group is seen less than human it’s easier for people not to care as things get worse and worse for them so please fuck off with that ‘this person’s antisemitism was just a JOKE!!’ bullshit
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journalgurl · 7 years
part of the reason we are afraid to talk about sex is because we're fed stories that insists sex should be effortless and wordless.
dawn serra
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journalgurl · 7 years
normalize women not wearing makeup. normalize scars and acne marks and blemishes. normalize cellulite and stretch marks and folds of skin. destroy the concept of beauty.
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journalgurl · 7 years
do not believe that your anger has to be polite. that you need to be liked. they tell you how ‘proper’ women should interact & react. that anger is mere emotion. as if anger has not changed laws, as if anger is not needed to disrupt what hurts us. as if anger can not be righteous
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journalgurl · 7 years
drunk girls in bathrooms are most empowering and supportive people one the planet and we should all be more like drunk girls in bathrooms
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journalgurl · 7 years
and for people 'so tired' of hearing about racism, imagine how TIRED the folks actually experiencing are. imagine that
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journalgurl · 7 years
the most significant gun control we've seen in America was when Apple changed the gun emoji to a water gun
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journalgurl · 7 years
Male privilege is oversexualising a normal part of a woman’s body to the point where she is punished for wearing a pair of shorts at school. They are legs and they get me where I need to go. I don’t ‘display’ them for your enjoyment, I just made a mistake by assuming that partially exposing an appropriate part of my body on a 26 degree day wouldn’t land me in getting sent home.
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journalgurl · 7 years
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btw this is him
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journalgurl · 7 years
Keith Stankley, 46, claims people from the world over should accept that he and his white brotherhood have vastly superior genetics.
his parents are siblings, his tits are bigger than mine, i’m pretty sure he doesn’t wipe good, and his last name suits him PERFECTLY
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journalgurl · 7 years
fuck kevin spacey fuck woody allen fuck harvey weinstein fuck johnny depp fuck bill cosby fuck trump fuck men who abuse people and get away with it because the system helps them fuck them all
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journalgurl · 7 years
Women may face the decision to terminate a pregnancy for many reasons, and in today’s society, abortion affects a numerous amount of people. When it comes to this topic, emotions run very high, whatever side of the fence you sit on.
An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, and in England, abortion is legal up until 24 weeks unless it’s a therapeutic or eugenic abortion, according to the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act.
A eugenic abortion will be granted if the fetus is Rubella-damaged, or if the fetus has a genetic disease, such as Huntington’s Disease, or if the fetus will be still-born, or die soon after birth and have no quality of life.
A therapeutic abortion will be granted if the mother has an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the fetus is developing in the Fallopian tubes. If the woman is likely to die during the pregnancy from kidney or heart failure.
A humanitarian abortion will be granted if:
-the pregnancy has occurred through rape or incestuous sex
-if the mother is a very young teenager and can’t physically or mentally cope with bringing up the baby
-if the woman has suffered severe postnatal depression and has previously attempted suicide.
Many people confuse abortion with infanticide. Abortion is the killing and removal of the UNBORN fetus from the woman’s uterus. Infanticide is the killing of a child who has been born and left the uterus already.
Personally, I’m pro-choice, and pro-choice means that it should be the woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion or not.
After all, it is the woman’s body, not the father’s that has to undergo the strains and stress of a pregnancy and labour. it’s the woman whose life may be threatened by a possibly lethal pregnancy.
Only in his first week of presidency, Donald Trump signed an order in defunding International Planned Parenthood. Many pro-life Americans are anxiously awaiting Congress to pass a bill to defund Planned Parenthood completely, mainly due to abortion laws.
After looking at a study, it turns out that only 3% of Planned Parenthood’s funding was used for abortions in 2016. it upsets and angers me to think that a misogynistic, straight, white man believes that he has the choice to decide waht a woman can and can’t do to her own body. it’s 2017 for crying out loud.
A man that has no compassion and passes this sentiment of anti-compassion onto his pro-life supporters, makes me confused at how such a beautiful, liberal and intelligent country can have such rigid beliefs towards abortion.
So, to conclude, I am pro-choice, because I believe that I and every other woman on the planet has the right to decide what she wants to do with her own uterus.
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journalgurl · 7 years
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ghd Limited Edition Purple IV
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journalgurl · 7 years
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Nike Running Air Max 2017 Trainers
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journalgurl · 7 years
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ASOS Stirrup Ankle Socks
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journalgurl · 7 years
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Whistles Cactus Print Jumpsuit
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