journey-thinspo ¡ 2 years
The period smut
My babies, thanks for your patience with this. I hope it was worth the wait. I missed writing these two in a longer piece.
A few things, before you proceed:
1) Tiger has a safe word. She says no, in this. She pushes him away. But in their dynamic, she has a safe word and until she uses it–it’s a green light. She can say no as much as she wants, it’s part of it. She knows–and so does Bill–that if she wants it to stop, she just has to say her safe word.
2) I get that this kink isn’t for everybody. It’s why I’m tagging it as appropriate, so you can blacklist it if you want to. But that being said–friends, ain’t no kink shaming in my house. Life is too short.
It hit at the worst time.
There was never a good time for your uterus to attempt to kill you, but smack in the middle of a beach vacation was less than ideal. It usually never hit you too hard, but a lack of exercise and an overabundance of alcohol, of blissful sex most nights and an avalanche of Bill’s subliminal pheromones being exuded in your general direction meant you were in for a rough, hormonal ride.
You felt it the second you woke up, a deep clenching of your lower abdomen that had you curling in more on yourself as you roused from sleep. Bill took your shrinking form as a sign you were needing more affection, so he wrapped even tighter around you as you tried to make your way out of his arms and to the bathroom. It took a few seconds, petulant whining on his part as you undid every new limb he wrapped around you until you took to just smacking him away. 
“Quit it you dick,” he mumbled sleepily, and you rolled your eyes.
“Bill I have to pee. I can do that in the bathroom, or on you,” you snapped. He smirked, his eyes still closed, but you clamped a hand over his mouth before he could speak.
“No,” you said, “Just no. Don’t even.”
He huffed, grumbling at you, as you promised him you’d be back in a second. He didn’t notice your discomfort on your way back to bed, walking gingerly with a hand pressing tightly into your lower stomach, and he was all over you again the minute you laid back down. You let him curl around you, his body heat helping soothe the deep cramps gripping your lower belly.
You thought—you hoped—it would get better the more you moved around, got some food into you, some soothing ginger tea. Advil would have been a smarter choice, but as the cramps got worse over the course of the day and started to nag at your lower back, you turned to your favourite pain relief: alcohol.
Sitting up gingerly from your towel in the sand, you stood slowly and looked for Bill out on the water. You didn’t have to look far, catching the glint off his mirrored RayBans as his long legs hung out the sides of the inflatable swan anchored in the ocean. You waved your arm up high and saw his head tilt, waving a hand back. You motioned to the hotel lobby where the best outdoor bar was—the one that had the heaviest hand when it came to the rum cocktails—and started to make your way over. You moved slowly, your back aching, your entire front doubled over in pain.
“Can I get a Pina colada, please?” You asked the bartender, folding your arms on the counter top and resting your weight on them. You hunched over as another cramp hit, the dull ache radiating to your lower back, and suppressed a groan.
You jumped slightly when a big hand rested on your back, your startled movement jarring you and you grabbed your abdomen as the tense muscles spurred another vicious cramp.
“Easy kid,” Bill soothed, crowding your space, “Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”
“I’m dying,” you groaned, “This is death for sure.”
“What’s wrong?” He tried to keep his voice even, calm, but you saw the creases of worry on his features.
“Death by cramps, this is the end for me.”
His brow pinched in concern.
“It’s your stomach?” He asked, reached his hand for it but you flinched and curled away. You winced as the dull ache from your back eased it’s way down your sciatic nerve.
“It’s not my stomach, bud,” you quirked a brow at him, arching your back to ease some of the pain.
“Oh,” you watched as realization clouded his features, “Oh.”
Keep reading
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
Burn 100 calories! (According to the internet lol)
30 jumping jacks
10 burpees
20 squats
10 push ups
30 mountain climbers
20 crunches
20 lunges
5 burpees
20 squats
30 Russian twists
15 SECONDS of high knees
15 SECONDS of butt kicks
Now I'm not 100% sure how many calories this workout burns, but it will definitely get your heartrate up!
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
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I’ve lost 10 pounds in about a week all thanks to fasting at least 20 hours inbetween each small meal!
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
if you’ve just binged, read this
(this is information i have taken from a forum!)
so you just binged and you’re probably feeling devastated right now but i’m here to shed a little light on the situation in hopes to make you feel a little bit better about what happened!
(little disclaimer, i’m no expert so feel free to add anything on or let me know about anything)
~ first things first, weighing in the same day/day after there’s a few things you should know ~
– you probably know what water weight is and know that it’s extra water retained in cells and it’s most definitely not equal to weight from fat but i think it’s helpful to know the actual extent to which water weight can actually affect what the scale says after a binge so i’m gonna break it down.
∙ water weight from carbs – i know when i binge, i hit bread, pastas, and anything sweet + made with flour hard (pancakes are a true weakness) your body needs 3-4 grams of water to process each gram of carb that you eat. to give you an example of how much this can add up, let’s say during your binge you ate 2 cups of oatmeal (54 carbs), one large cookie (in my example i’m going to use a Lenny and Larry’s), (34 carbs), one hersheys chocolate bar (26 carbs) and 3 slices of 14” pizza (110 carbs), that’s 224 grams of carbs. 224 grams of carbs x 3 grams of water per carb (i like to go on the lower end just to be safe) = 672 grams of water weight. this translates to about 1.5 pounds / .67 kilograms of water weight just from carbs. this will usually effect you the day of and the day after.
∙ sodium weight – another effect carbs can have on your water weight if the sodium they carry with them many times. your body reacts to sodium by storing excess water throughout the body to help handle it. this translate to extra weight on top of the carb weight.
∙ periods – ayone who gets a period knows the havoc it can cause on your body and your weight is no exception. not only do you gain water weight/excess weight (gas, bloating etc.) while on your period, you can gain 2-10 pounds / .9-4.5 kilos of water weight the week leading up to your period before it starts as well.
∙ muscle recovery – your muscles use a lot of water to repair and recover themselves, and this is especially true when you get back into strenuous exercise after a period of time off. if you’re feeling sore after a workout and are up in weight, you can probably attribute at least some to your muscles recovering.
additionally, water weight isn’t invisible on the body. many times when you carry excessive amounts of water weight (like after a binge) all around your body and it’s usually most noticeable in places like your ankles, wrists and hands. so if you measure yourself after a binge, you should take into account swelling from water weight.
– water weight is definitely not the only source of non-fat weight gain after a binge. other sources can include:
∙ food weight – the food you ate weighs something, the weight can’t disappear. however much the food weighed from your binge adds to the number on the scale and will remain there until you have a BM.
∙ BMs / Your Bladder – as i mentioned in my last point, the weight from the food has to go somewhere. take into consideration the last time you had a BM and make sure to empty your bladder before you weigh yourself, this can (grossly enough) add up weight very quickly.
~ calorie math ~
– if you’re unaware of how basic calorie math (usually) breaks down, you need to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound (1 lb = .45 kilos). the same goes for gaining weight. you need to eat 3500 calories more than you burn (if you don’t know yours, it’s super helpful to know, you can find out here) to gain 1 lb / .45 kilos. this means your RMR + your daily activities + any exercise you do + 3500 calories to gain 1 lb / .45 kilos in a day. granted there are some exceptions to this like i said. if your metabolism is damaged or you’re coming of off a longer fast, your body will put on weight much easier than a healthy metabolism. additionally, calorie math gets tricky around mono dieting and fasting where factors such as ketosis and muscle mass are involved, but i’m just going to stick to the basics. to give you an example of how this would look, my RMR is about 1400, i burn about 450 calories walking around the house and doing my daily activities, burn about 500 when i go to the gym and about 100 walking my dog. so 1400 + 450 + 600 = 2,450 calories burned. 2,450 + 3500 = 5,950. i would need to eat almost 6,000 calories to gain one pound of fat in a day when my metabolism is doing well.
∙ on top of this, it’s relatively easy to estimate how much weight you will lose/gain in one day. the formula looks like this:
(# of calories burned - # of calories eaten) / 3500 calories = weight gain/loss for the day.
i find this to be super helpful when i freak out over eating 500 calories over my maintenance because i realize 500 calories over translates to just .14 pounds / .06 kilos. even a larger binge, say 1,000 over how much i burn is just .29 pounds / .13 kilos.
another disclaimer that i should just mention again: this is assuming you have a healthy average metabolism. some people have faster ones, some slower and binging after fasting, monoing definitely effects this.
~ to close this out i just want to mention 2 things i tell myself that are actually positives of binges ~
∙ revs up your metabolism – after eating too little for too long, your metabolism will eventually slow down to protect your body. when you binge, it says to your body, “hey, you’re getting enough/more than enough, speed that metabolism back up we’re good to go!” and once you go back to restricting/fasting/etc. your reinvigorated metabolism will help you lose weight faster.
∙ muscle recovery/building – to build muscle, your body needs nutrients, you need protein and calories to get toned up / get muscle. this is why professional body builders do what are called bulks. they eat an excess amount of calories for a period of time which causes their muscles to grow exponentially. now while i think very few of us on this on this site are aiming to look like body builders, binging the day of or after an intense strength training session contributes to muscle recovery and growth. this does not mean getting big muscles, it’s not that easy, don’t worry, you won’t look bulky. what it does mean is that you’ll, 1. improve your performance as an athlete 2. look just that extra bit more toned and skinny once you lose weight again.
so take a deep breath in, tomorrow is a new day, a new chance, focus on that and forgive yourself. hope this helped y’all 🖤
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
seeing people also 5’3 with their starting weight being a goal weight hurts
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
it’s so hard to not feel like a failure when you literally don’t make anyone happy and realize that at this point you’re just wasting space and oxygen
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
"But I can't have an eating disorder BECAUSE..."
“I eat too much!” There is no maximum calorie limit for eating disorders. An eating disorder is not about what you eat, but how you eat- your feelings/thoughts about your body and your intake.
“I’m not underweight!” The majority of people who develop an eating disorder will never become underweight. The only disorder that is diagnosed based partially on weight is anorexia- and for that, if you’re an average weight but meet every other criteria, you’ll still be diagnosed with ‘atypical anorexia nervosa’. It doesn’t mean you aren’t sick or that you don’t need help.
“I don’t meet the anorexia/bulimia guidelines!” OSFED (formerly known as EDNOS) is not a ‘failed’ eating disorder. It is every bit as serious as anorexia or bulimia. It is also the most commonly diagnosed eating disorder, meaning more people have this than anorexia or bulimia.
“I don’t make myself sick!” Vomiting is only one form of purging. You can have bulimia, anorexia or OSFED/ARFID and not make yourself sick.
“I still eat!” So does everybody else. You can’t photosynthesise, after all. Even people with eating disorders eat.
“I feel like a fake/ a fraud!” So does basically every single other eating disordered person. This is a really, really, really, really common feeling. You might feel guilty for ‘misleading’ other people into believing the problem is more serious than it is, or feel like you’re overblowing things. That’s totally normal and it is not true. You are not a fake or a fraud.
“I eat things that no real anorexic would eat!” I have known eating disordered patients with these safe foods: chocolate, frozen meat pizza, fruit, ice cream cones, potatoes, granola I have known eating disordered patients with these fear foods: : chocolate, frozen meat pizza, fruit, ice cream cones, potatoes, granola Safe/fear foods are not based on logic or reason. They are individualised. There are even people who don’t have any fear foods- they’ll eat anything, they’ll just feel crappy and purge it/ restrict afterwards. All of the experiences described here are those of a person with an eating disorder.
“I’ve never been inpatient!” Neither have most eating disorder sufferers.
“I’ve never been tube fed!” Neither have most eating disorder sufferers.
“I’ve never been near death!” Neither have most eating disorder sufferers.
“My blood work/ blood pressure is fine! Eating disorders affect different bodies in different ways. Some people find their blood work suffers; others find their blood pressure or pulse dips; others find that, whilst they’re suffering hugely mentally, their bodies hold up well. This is not a measure of how ‘sick’ you are. All of these things- weight, bp, pulse etc- are just symptoms of the sickness. The sickness is in your head.
“I don’t feel sick enough.” You never will. Sorry. “I’m not sick enough!” is one of the most common ED thoughts there is; please don’t listen to it. It is a lie. Do not compare your misery to someone else’s; nobody with stage I cancer says ‘yeah, but that person is a stage III, so I’m not really that bad and I won’t get any treatment yet’.
“I still get my period!” ‘Period loss’ has been removed from the DSM as necessary for a diagnosis of anorexia, and no other eating disorder requires it. It was viewed as a flawed measure of illness, and so it has been removed. Whether or not you get your period is not an indication of how ill you are.
“But I binge eat without throwing up” Binge eating disorder is a newly added eating disorder in the DSM, where people eat large amounts of food in an ‘out of control’ manner but then do not compensate inappropriately for it. It is very much a real eating disorder.
“I don’t calorie count/ weigh myself!” I know many people with eating disorders- including anorexia- who have never calorie counted, or who don’t own a pair of scales. It’s not required for diagnosis.
“I think about food all the time!” This is a symptom of an eating disorder. Malnutrition causes the brain to focus 100% of its attention on food- finding it, getting it, eating it. Daydreaming or fantasizing about food does not mean you are not sick; quite the opposite, in fact.
“But I enjoy eating!” Most people do. Eating is enjoyable. Even in the depths of my restriction, the food I ate brought me great pleasure. It’s linked to the previous point, to a certain extent. Enjoying food does not mean you don’t have an ED.
“But this is just how I am!” Eating disorders often start in early childhood, and it can be hard to break out of a pattern that well-entrenched. It’s not impossible, though. Chronic eating disorders can be harder to beat, but they can be beaten.
(part of Mental Health Awareness week)
For more information on eating disorders and what to do if you think you have one, visit
NHS- overcoming eating disorders
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
getting your protein (eating disorder style)
this post aims to educate on how much protein a person needs, why it’s important to have enough, what low-calorie foods to eat for protein, and a few simple recipes for each food.
the average person needs a minimum of .8 grams of protein per kg of weight (or .36 grams of protein per pound) so as not to have a protein deficiency.
a 45kg/100lb person needs at least 36 grams of protein per day
a 54.5kg/120lb person needs at least 43.2 grams of protein per day
a 63.5kg/140lb person needs at least 50.8 grams of protein per day
a 72.5kg/160lb person needs at least 58 grams of protein per day
a 81.5kg/180lb person needs at least 65.2 grams of protein per day
a 90.75kg/200lb person needs at least 72.6 grams of protein per day
a 113.3kg/250lb person needs at least 90.6 grams of protein per day
a 136kg/300lb person needs at least 108.8 grams of protein per day
signs of protein deficiency include:
Sluggish metabolism
Trouble losing weight
Low energy levels and fatigue
Poor concentration and trouble learning
Moodiness and mood swings
Muscle, bone and joint pain
Blood sugar changes that can lead to diabetes
Slow wound healing
Low immunity
and since the vast majority of people on here do not seem to be getting their protein (myself included), here are some high-protein, low-calorie foods (with a recipe to make it!)
🥕 in 1 cup of unshelled soybeans, there is: 107 calories, 10 grams of protein, 8 grams of fiber, 13 milligrams of sodium, and 2 grams of fat      to cook: boil until the soybean pods start to float, drain, then add salt (107 calories)
🥕 in 6 ounces of firm tofu, there is: 140 calories, 16 grams of protein, 0 grams of fiber, 0 grams of sodium, and 8 grams of fat      to cook: slice into small cubes and stir-fry with spray-oil, soy sauce, and vegetables (broccoli and carrots work good and are both super low-cal! the whole meal is 200 calories if you use 1 cup of each vegetable)
🧀 in 4 egg whites, there is: 68 calories, 14 grams of protein, 0 grams of fiber, 219 milligrams of sodium, and 0 grams of fat     to cook: preheat small pan with a little spray oil. separate the egg whites and yolks with your fingers, then discard the yolks (or use for someone else’s meal). cook the egg whites on medium heat until firm, scrambling occasionally. add salt and pepper to taste, and eat on 1 slice of bread (158 calories with a 90 calorie slice of whole wheat bread)
🧀 in 1 cup of skim milk, there is: 90 calories, 8 grams of protein, 0 grams of fiber, 130 milligrams of sodium, and 0 grams of fat     to cook: eat with 1 cup of plain cheerios and 1 packet of sugar substitute for a 190 calorie breakfast!
🧀 in 5.3 ounces of low-fat greek yogurt, there is: 150 calories, 12 grams of protein, 0 grams of fiber, 60 milligrams of sodium, and 4.5 grams of fat     to cook: put plain yogurt in a bowl with ½ cup of any berry and one packet of sugar substitute. stir and enjoy (200 calories or less)
🍖 in 4 ounces of baked chicken breast (boneless and skinless), there is: 110 calories, 23 grams of protein, 0 grams of fiber, 180 milligrams of sodium, and 3 grams of fat      to cook: preheat oven to 190C/375F. spray baking pan with spray oil. rub chicken with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. put the chicken in the pan and cover with a piece of tin foil. bake for 40 minutes (110 calories)
🍖 in 3 ounces of yellowfin tuna canned in water, there is: 99 calories, 22 grams of protein, 0 grams of fiber, 288 milligrams of sodium, and 1 gram of fat      to cook: drain can, then add low-fat greek yogurt, lemon juice, low-fat mayo, apples, pickle juice, or cucumber (there’s a million different things you can add, so experiment! 150 calories or less)
so there we go! make sure you’re eating enough goddamn protein, for faster weight loss, and a healthier body!
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
i binged so bad today i would like to pass away please
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
some of my fave thinspo
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((none of these are mine! pm me for credit/taken down))
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
Low Calorie at home iced matcha latte
- First you’re gonna wanna make a “simple syrup” and achieve the lowest calories with 3 stevia packets with around 3-4 table spoons of water
-add a handful of ice
-then add about 8fl oz of ur choice of milk (usually unsweetened soy milk has the least kcals and that’s what i use)
-then add 1tsp of matcha powder (11kcal) of your choice
-shake it all up and you’re done :)
TOTAL KCAL: 80-180 kcal depending on the sweetner,milk, and matcha powered you use !
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
it’s always such a stab to myself when i see ppl the same height and ppls starting weight is like three lbs from my ugw 🤣😹😹🤣😹😹🤣 i’m so fat 😹😹😹😹🤣😭🤣🤣
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
It's pretty simple
You either want it or you don't
Either complete that fast or you don't
Say no to that food or don't
Do that work out or don't
Put in the work or don't
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
i want to be thin so fucking bad. i just want my fingers to touch when i wrap them around my arms. i want to be able to fit my thigh in between both hands. god i hate feeling my back fat. i want to be able to put on a two piece bathing suit and not feel awful about myself. i just wanna be skinny. please. i don’t know who to pray to ask this from anymore cause i can’t do it. i really can’t. i just want to be pretty. i want to feel good when i look at myself and not wake up in the morning and look at myself and start pinching the fat on my body. i don’t wan stomach rolls anymore. i want my boyfriend to be able to slide his hands down my waist and not touch anything gross. i want his hand to look good when he holds dainty fingers. not stupid chubby ones.
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journey-thinspo ¡ 4 years
words cannot describe how much i hate feeling after eating. i wanna stick my fingers down my throat
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