annegrey · 7 days
barty crouch jr lighting his cigarettes with a taser. reblog if you agree
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annegrey · 7 days
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annegrey · 13 days
So, as my life is quite stressful right now, I need PURE FLUFF. THE FLUFFIEST FLUFF YOU KNOW. WITH THE BEST HAPPY END EVER!!!
I‘m sure a lot of you know that feeling, so what is your go-to happy serotonin dose of a Jegulus or Wolfstar fanfic out there?
I NEED FLUFF!! I NEED HAPPINESS!! (But I never say no to smut 😂)
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annegrey · 13 days
I love Tumblr so much 😂
what if every Tumblr user suddenly looses their mouse?
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annegrey · 14 days
The black brothers have so much potential in an assassin au.
Where they're from the assassin organisation run by their parents, Sirius is probably around 6/7 years older so he ends up raising Reg most of the time as their parents are busy. Sirius manages to get away and hide from them all, then Regulus ends up taking over when their parents die. He dedicates years to finding his brother out of a weird place of both care and resentment for the boy that raised him then fucked off and abandoned the legacy. He finds him but just sits on the info for a while.
Regulus sending someone to kill his brother completely unprovoked (because sending someone else is cold, professional, and detached- it sends a message) then stepping in at the last minute to save him by killing the employee he sent.
Sirius who knew what was happening and could've fought back at any moment but he wanted to see how far it would go so he just let it happen. Laughing a little when Reg comes out of nowhere and kills someone's they've known for decades. They're silent for a while then, because it's been a decade since they've seen each other, they go into autopilot and hug it out for about 3 minutes before Sirius tries to plunge a knife into his leg as payback. They fight for a bit then Reg just steals the knife and leaves all bitter.
It starts an odd pattern of them almost killing each other but it's just their way of showing affection and understanding that they've learnt from their upbringing. I'm talking Sirius tipping poison in Reg's drink so he ends up holding him as he struggles to breathe and shushing him gently while the ambulance arrives as if he's a worried parent.
Sirius' friends are VERY confused and EXTREMELY concerned. Especially Peter who has a sister and can't imagine hurting her. (Bonus points if there's Jegulus and james is extremely conflicted about his morals bc this is a murderer but also he's perfect)
They're essentially taking out their anger surrounding their parents on each other but they both understand the line, even if it looks to others as if there isn't one
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annegrey · 14 days
Thanks, didn’t want to be happy today anyways…
Imagine if the first time Sirius meets Draco, his first though is to tease his brother about dying his hair blonde because that’s how much, Draco and regulus look alike.
Sirius almost had a heart attack because he thought it was the ghost of Regulus and only then noticed Narcissa smiling sadly at him, stroking Draco's head.
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annegrey · 15 days
„Hate me“ by Eurielle
I‘m not sure if it gives more starchaser or wolfstar angst, but both ways it could be absolutely gut wrenching and heart breaking.
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annegrey · 15 days
I feel weirdly called out…
There is always this stupid spiral, and two out of four weeks my mind is sabotaging me so bad that not even my pills are helping.
I know it will get better, and I can be proud of every single step, but sometimes it still sucks.
a quick “why is my life so bad” checklist
how’s your sleep schedule
have you eaten or drank anything besides sugar and caffeine
how long have you been sitting in one spot
have you gone out in public recently
have you taken a shower/brushed your teeth/groomed yourself properly
have you spent time doing an activity that doesn’t involve a screen
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annegrey · 17 days
Fanfic reader's prayer: may my favorite author's hyperfixation on this fandom last longer than mine 🙏
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annegrey · 17 days
I am a bit torn right now. It’s September, Kinktober starts soon, and I’m not sure what I should write.
Help me out guys!
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annegrey · 19 days
Imagine waking up with your phone vibrating and having no idea why. Until you log in to your twitter account and saw you became viral due to your drunken simping over your celebrity crush. How will James Potter face the world especially when Actor Regulus Black comments on the said viral post?
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annegrey · 23 days
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This is the official calendar with the prompts for each day, starting from October 1st. You are free to join with fics, art, threads, micro-fics, socmed aus or anything you can think of!
Each day has one or more alternatives, to give everyone a choice. You can choose just one prompt or every single one, put them together, join just for a day or for the whole month. Use the hashtag #jeguluskinktober or tag us here/on Twitter and we will repost everything.
The only requirement is that everyone joining has to be 18 or older. No minors! The characters must be consensual adults; you can genderbend, make them sapphic, and use all the headcanons you prefer, but keep the daily prompt in mind.
This is the link for the ao3 collection that will be in the infos of our accounts too
Here are the various prompts in list form, to make things easier. We’re really excited to see what you think and what you all will make!
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Thank you for reading! We are available for any questions or concerns, please contact us, our ask is always open.
Happy jegulus kinktober!
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annegrey · 23 days
I noticed something.
I quickly love my friends, but if you betray me, hurt me, make me feel unloved, you are dead to me. There are hardly any second chances with me.
Truly falling in love with someone on the other hand happens rarely for me, but once I do, you can be the worst person, push me away, break my heart, but I won’t stop loving you, even months, (in one case YEARS), after breaking up.
What the fuck heart??
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annegrey · 24 days
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i did NOT need to see this thanks.
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annegrey · 24 days
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annegrey · 27 days
save me twitch streamer max save me
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annegrey · 1 month
And: oh my god, imagine having Max‘ boobs accessible, I would go CRAZY for them
this is kind of my favorite genre of image ever. like THIS is what the internet is for
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