journeywithburgess · 11 months
Reflections on the Artist's Way Weeks 1-2
The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron, is a 12 week self-study program. Each week there is the reading, working through exercises, tasks, and then a check in. Each time I’ve gone through the program I’ve learned a great deal about myself as an artist (and person), and experienced a considerable change in my creative process. The course has also helped me claim…
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journeywithburgess · 1 year
Currently working on… It’s been a busy, and semi-productive week, but a good one. I managed to go on my artist date (this time to the park to read and journal), as well as write morning pages everyday. I have completed a few of the tasks, but not as many as I had hoped. I’ve still got the weekend to work on a task or three, but I am not pushing myself too hard, just taking my time going through…
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journeywithburgess · 1 year
The Artist's Way, Intro September 2023
The Artist’s Way is part self-help, part workbook, and definitely a process for getting creatively unstuck. It’s premise is that the Universe wants us to be creative. Creativity dwells within us, and in order to get into a creative flow state we really just need to get out of our own way–that’s how we free out inner artist. According to Elizabeth Glibert, “there would be no “Eat, Pray, Love”…
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journeywithburgess · 1 year
Day 2 Camp NaNo; Chronic Pain
Hey Y’all! It’s Day 2 of Camp NaNoAWriMo and I’m having one of those days. A Chronic Pain, I’m hurting all over, but my left shoulder, usually it’s the right shoulder, and my left elbow (tennis elbow). I have an appointment with the Orthopedic Doctor tomorrow, which I’m hoping will be informative and all me some relief. So I am having a bed day, orders from Mr. Rockstar Taylor. I have a video to…
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journeywithburgess · 1 year
Day 1 Camp NaNo; Why I Journal
I am participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, but I’m doing my own thing–A blog post each day in April, so 30 Days of Blog Posts. When I was six or seven years old my daddy bought me a pink diary. I dabbled in it, writing an entry here or there, until April of 1975, when I was seven years old. My daddy died on April 4, 1975, and within days of his funeral I was writing in that pink diary every day. I…
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journeywithburgess · 3 years
I'm Back! With some changes and new ideas...
I’m Back! With some changes and new ideas…
I’ve been on an extended Hiatus here, and a short Hiatus on YouTube… Life. Life Happens. Things happen. Loss. Death. Illness (mental and/or physical). Sometimes we need a break. Time to heal. To grieve. I am back. I’m still grieving, more than the loss of one person now. I’m still healing, more than the physical–the COVID variant really kicked my ass. However, arthritis is still haunting me but…
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journeywithburgess · 3 years
Self Care Sunday Introduction
Self Care Sunday Introduction
Hey Y’all! I hope this finds you well. I’ve been thinking about self-care quite a bit the past seventeen-eighteen months. (It’s been on my mind longer than that, but I don’t think I was really ready then. Life stuff like the Pandemic, family stuff, personal health stuff, etc has changed that, now it’s a need not a want–that changes things.) Let’s start with what self-care is: Activities,…
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journeywithburgess · 3 years
Benefits of the Bullet Journal
Benefits of the Bullet Journal
Quite a few years ago I started the (official) bullet journal method, which you can find in Ryder Carroll’s book, The Bullet Journal Method. When I first heard about Bullet Journaling it seemed like a fancy way of writing to do list’s but it’s more than that, more than a planner or a journal, or both. The core system intrigued me, after watching a few videos by Boho Berry on Youtube. I love…
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journeywithburgess · 3 years
One Book July 2021
One Book July 2021
It’s that time of year again. Yep! Time for the #onebookjuly2021 Challenge. It’s also Viktor’s (my grandson) birthday month, my birthday month, #campnanowrimo, and #sharkweek month. WoW! We might need a bigger calendar… Benjamin Franklin started his day out by asking himself, “What good shall I do today?” Part of this year’s focus for #onebookjuly are Routines and Habits. I’ll be reading, along…
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journeywithburgess · 3 years
Creative Flow
Creative Flow is “what you experience when in the zone, when you’re fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of an activity; or the mental state of being completely present and fully immersed in a task–when you become one–outside distractions recede from your consciousness and your mind is fully open and attuned to the act of…
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journeywithburgess · 3 years
You and Your Creativity Matter
You and Your Creativity Matter
Hello! Welcome to the (Barn) Studio. Today’s video, that will be linked below, is about how you and your creativity matter, as well as an introduction to me and my creative journey. We’ll talk a bit about that in a moment. “The biggest lie we fall for is that it doesn’t matter. Your opinion doesn’t matter. Your choices don’t matter. Your influence doesn’t matter. Your existence doesn’t matter.…
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journeywithburgess · 3 years
If we were having coffee
If we were having coffee
Grab yourself a cuppa and make yourself comfortable. C.S. Lewis said, “We must stop regarding unpleasant or unexpected things as interruptions of real life. The truth is that interruptions are real life.” For the past year many of our lives have been interrupted. So much so that this new (ab)normal real life does and doesn’t feel as odd as it once did, though it still feels like I’m living in…
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journeywithburgess · 3 years
Getting back your mojo after loss
Getting back your mojo after loss
“Creativity is not always meant to express something happy or good.” On the 25th of March, my son and I found my brother (who had just turned 50 in January) passed away in my mom’s home. We’d gone to check on him because he hadn’t been returning my mom or his girl friend’s phone calls, which was not the norm. Our family has been devastated by this. A bit of back story… when my father (daddy)…
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journeywithburgess · 4 years
Using Creativity to Cope
Using Creativity to Cope
Last year started out well. I had my goals set, knew the things I wanted to focus on, and had those written out as well. I had created my vision board. I was working on said goals. Focusing on the important things and working towards manifesting what I envisioned for myself. And then, MARCH and the RONA happened. WTH? And the beginning of this year, same. This year hasn’t been much better. As a…
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journeywithburgess · 4 years
Listening to your "self"
Listening to your “self”
I often write “Notes to Self” down in my planner/journal instead of Tasks, or To Do’s, or Intentions. There’s something about the phrase that resonates with me. Notes. To. Self. I’ve often started a bit of brainstorming, or mind spilling, or morning pages. with the thought of future me looking back and either wondering how brilliant and productive I was, or how silly and unproductive I was. But…
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journeywithburgess · 4 years
Creative Flow, Self Care, and Listening to my Inner Creative Voice
Creative Flow, Self Care, and Listening to my Inner Creative Voice
You ever feel like your creativity has gone on strike? I have. For a while things were a mess. My creativity was coming in waves, and some times I was peaking, and other times I was crashing. Speaking of crashing, after burning the candle at both ends, for way too long, especially last year, I finally took some time for me, for self care, and had a bit of a stay-cation, and then a bit of a…
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journeywithburgess · 4 years
Creative Life During a Pandemic
Creative Life During a Pandemic
From the middle of March until about two weeks ago my anxiety and stress levels were crazy high thanks to COVID-19…the Pandemic—there’s nothing like a Pandemic to really make you question your life, your life goals, your creativity and your creative life, as well as your purpose. Not that I need a Pandemic to make me questions things, but when all of your squirrels are screaming “Pandemic” it’s…
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