jouta-salad · 2 years
soft hands
pairing; jotaro x reader
notes; @katsdni​ SHES DONE HERE U GO, 1825 words baybe!, slight angst to super fluff, slight jjba part 3 spoilers
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jouta-salad · 3 years
yes hes my comfort character, and yes he does beat the shit out of people. he multitasks idk
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jouta-salad · 3 years
My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.
Aside from this, I would like to get to know you some more. We could go for a short excursion behind the coffee shop near my house. I can assure you, dearest, that this would be an act completely harmless and would not endanger you or your gorgeous hands.
oh my god,, yes please!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
the nickname dearest >>>>
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jouta-salad · 3 years
hey ! So an anon sent me an NSFW ask,, and I’ll would be happy to make a drabble for it, but this is my SFW account. feel free to send any NSFW requests here !! :)
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jouta-salad · 3 years
someone send me an ask,, I’m dry of ideas 💀
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jouta-salad · 3 years
what piece of art are you most proud of?? also tips for getting better 😢😢
probably my most recent diavolo and trish drawing :)
for tips, I would say to just study real life references.. and make sure your practice lots (make sure to work on your weaknesses instead of avoiding them) !!
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jouta-salad · 3 years
i have a  very specific and very stupid vision in my head for how kakyoin being there for part 4 would go which i will probably never write so instead i will make a very long post about it right now
the plot is largely identical but the differences start out w joseph calling kakyoin and being like “well there is probably another stand user in japan right now just so you know. in morioh. just so you are aware. okay. goodbye” but he forgets to mention anything about his illegitimate son or that jotaro will be there or anything he only talks about the possible evil stand user. and kakyoin is like “keh this is not my business. i have had enough of seeking out stand users. -_- also i will now be taking a little spring vacation in morioh but this is not related and i do not want to see any other stand users.”
so he goes there and arrives on the same day as jotaro and they are staying in the same hotel but they don’t meet at all. jotaro’s first meeting with josuke goes the same way, but kakyoin meets josuke at the convenience store that evening while it’s being robbed. he sends hierophant down the uhh storm drain thing that aqua necklace escapes through but he gets away so hierophant just comes back right away. but josuke sees that and kakyoin also saw crazy diamond obviously so as soon as josuke is done getting harassed by the police for confronting a guy holding a woman hostage and whatnot they link up and exchange the information they have abt what just happened, which is pretty minimal
and at this point the story relies on the fact that josuke does a really awful job of describing jotaro and kakyoin to each other so its like. “oh uhh yeah i basically JUST found out what stands are from my nephew. like earlier today. and also that i have a nephew. it’s been a little crazy” “i see. well, what’s the deal with him, then? you’re young, so he must be a little kid.” “oh nah my family’s kinda messed up. my sister who i’ve never met is actually way older than me and my nephew is like 30 or something” “oh. what’s he like?” “umm… tall? really tall… he has a hat. seems mostly well-meaning but kind of serious. and he’s a stand user” and kakyoin (instantly suspicious) is like “right… so what’s his stand like?” and josuke is like “uh… big… pink and blue. strong. it has.. hair? i think he can use it to teleport or something.” and kakyoin is like well star platinum can’t teleport and he’s purple so it’s no issue :+) bc he doesn’t know about the world or that splatinum has had a change in appearance.
and then when they’re on the phone in the morning josuke mentions to jotaro that he found another guy who he asked for help and jotaro is like “you can’t just trust random stand users josuke :/ what was he like” and josuke is like “oh he seemed fine though…. well kind of weird. like i trust him but he also seemed strange i can’t put my finger on it.” and jotaro (extremely tired) is like “and you’re sure you can trust this guy.” and josuke is like “yeah well he said he’s fought a lot of evil stand users before… and also that he can possess people like aqua necklace did except his stand is like…. made of snakes or something” (he only saw hierophant unraveled) and jotaro is like “sure. whats this guy look like i wanna know what i should be looking for if we ever run into each other” bc hes like umm okay well that stand sounds like. um. and josuke is like “i don’t know he’s just like, a guy. he was wearing a jacket and his hair was brown” and jotaro’s like “that’s all?” and josuke is like “yeah i guess”
so after these interactions kakyoin leaves the conversation like “well plenty of people are tall and wear hats. that stand certainly didn’t sound like star platinum so i have nothing to worry about.” and similarly jotaro is like “well josuke didn’t mention his facial scars or that his eyes are purple or that he’s a wheelchair user or anything so it definitely can’t be kakyoin.”
but then the morning that josuke’s grandfather dies he’s told them both to meet him at his house and jotaro gets there first and is the one to open the door when kakyoin arrives and they make eye contact and they’re both completely fucking horrified and an abba song starts playing in jotaro’s head (waterloo) and another different abba song starts playing in kakyoin’s head (mamma mia) but kakyoin is still extremely severely lethally pissed off at jotaro for ghosting him for a decade so most of the rest of the part that involves the two of them being in the same room is just extremely tense and awkward and every time jotaro very weakly tries to get kakyoin to open up to him again and rekindle their friendship kakyoin is like “i would say you’re a stupid son of a bitch but i would never insult holly-san like that just because you’re such an utter disappointment of a man. you are the worst person i’ve ever met and if you died i would laugh and clap. i can’t wait for you to go to hell. fuck you.” but then jotaro does almost die that one time and kakyoin does not laugh or clap :/
and well i guess eventually after that there’s some sort of reconciliation. and also at some point kakyoin runs out of funds for renting his own hotel room because he’s not being funded by the speedwagon foundation to do so and hotels are expensive so he just moves into jotaro’s room and forces him to sleep on the couch. you get the picture
also there’s a scene where josuke and okuyasu and yukako are all hanging out (Without Koichi) chatting at the outdoor seating of that cafe or something maybe. and josuke is like “man what is it with kakyoin-san and jotaro-san? kakyoin-san really hates him and i can’t figure out why” because neither of them thought to mention to josuke that their meeting at his house was not the first time they ever met, like, as far as any of the kids know they do not know each other from anywhere else. and yukako is like “well jotaro is divorced. so obviously kakyoin is his ex husband.” and okuyasu is like “what? no way…. jotaro-san was never married…” and josuke is like “yeah come on yukako where did you hear that from :/” and yukako is like “he is. he told koichi. he has a kid and everything. and the tension between him and kakyoin is obviously beyond that of two strangers who don’t get along. you boys really should be more observant about these things.” and they’re like “but jotaro-san isn’t gay…. right??” (they also still think they themselves are straight at this point) and yukako’s like “are you fucking serious” and it takes a while but eventually she does have them fully convinced that kakyoin and jotaro used to be married and are now divorced even though they never even actually dated
that’s it
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jouta-salad · 3 years
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sorry for being dead for so long,, my mental health wasnt doing so well :((
I’ve been feeling better though so expect more content !
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jouta-salad · 3 years
Just out of curiosity, would you ever consider doing matchups?😏😏
maybe !!! They sound fun, but I don’t know if I’ll be very good at them :)
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jouta-salad · 3 years
imagine jotaro when he gets mad at you. the slightest things set him off as it is, but when it comes to you, he seems to switch into a different person when you say or do the wrong thing that really gets underneath skin. like, you'll be calling after him like "jotaro! jojo! babe!" and he'll keep walking without even sparing you a glance as if you don't exist. when you try to grab his hand to hold it, he simply eludes it from your grasp by sticking it in his pocket. when you tug at his school uniform, he only picks up his pace. the only time he'll really break from his silent treatment is if you start crying or form a genuine apology for whatever you've done to wrong him. even after, it takes him a while to get over it but by the night falls he is like a cuddly puppy who is desperate for your doting attention.
written and released 11-10-21 by outofthiszawarudo.
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jouta-salad · 3 years
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father and daughter ^^
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jouta-salad · 3 years
there’s a trish and diavolo drawing WIP Im doing rn ^^
it’ll be out soon !
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jouta-salad · 3 years
with the tags and search officially being completely broken on all platforms (no new posts are showing up in them anymore), now feels like a good time to remind everyone that the only way to help creators is to reblog their stuff. even before the tags were busted most people found new creators through their content being rebloged onto their dash, and now, at least for the time being, that will be the Only way to find and spread things.
Fast reblog is a thing, you dont have to leave comments, you dont have to leave tags, just reblog stuff if you want to keep seeing new content being posted to this site.
and as a final note, with this change likes are officially completely pointless for content creators. up till now they served to boost a posts placement in the tag searches (a post tagged #girl with 40 likes would show up higher in the search than a post tagged #girl with only 10 likes,)
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jouta-salad · 3 years
any New Years resolutions or stuff like that for you❓❓
ahh not really tbh (;^ ^)
maybe to start studying Japanese and improve at art !
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jouta-salad · 3 years
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Don’t forget our time honored tradition - change your underwear tonight so you too can start the New Year feeling completely refreshed.
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jouta-salad · 3 years
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jouta-salad · 3 years
do y'all ever think about your f/o but you don't have the energy to go all keysmash over them so you just sit there all soft like :)
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