jubilousday · 2 months
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jubilousday · 2 months
reminder that 30 isn’t old, it’s very normal to not accomplish everything in your 20s, and that it is never too late to learn that thing you’ve always wanted to learn. you’re always growing. that’s a good thing. 
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jubilousday · 3 months
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jubilousday · 1 year
dog: for dog ? :)
me: not for dogs!!!
dog: ...
dog: for dog ? :)
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jubilousday · 1 year
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-ˋˏ ✧ ° ✩ Kingdom Hearts : Keyblades + Locations ✩ ° ✧ ˎˊ-
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jubilousday · 1 year
bro stop chanting in dead languages you’re scaring the hoes
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jubilousday · 1 year
On My Way - Fic rough draft
This is a scene of a fic that has lived in my head rent free for the past 2 weeks now and needed to write it out.  PLEASE NOTE: This is a very rough draft, I have not written in YEARS. I was totally NOT drinking whiskey as I needed to write this scene out into existence. I refuse to provide context. Deal with it.  Fandom: Tales Of Symphonia
Characters: Zelos Wilder, Yuan Ka Fai
Summary: Yuan unintentionally meets Zelos right after Mylene’s death and obtains a son that he never asked for.
The sounds of clashing swords rang so loud in Zelos’ ears that it took his mind off how fast his heart was beating. His focus was solely on the blue haired man in front of him. It didn’t even occur to him that his shoulders were starting to give out on him, or how his limbs felt heavier than the sword in his hand. Adrenaline fueled his every move. The people around him were nonexistent, Zelos was out for blood and needed to hit, hit, hit.
The fact that his opponent wasn’t even fighting back and out right refusing to was pissing him off even more.
“You liar!” Zelos yelled as he swung hard. Emotions were never his forte’, but Zelos allowed the cloud to control his movements like a moth to a flame. He didn’t care that his movements weren’t as fluid or well constructed as he normally would.
“I hate you! I hate you! IhateyouIhateyouIhateyou!” He growled as his sword slammed faster, and faster. His moves were getting sloppier, the filter between his brain and mouth becoming more deteriorated with every movement. 
“Dammit, you bastard! Fight me!” Zelos beckoned. His voice didn’t feel like his own, but at the same time he didn’t feel like himself at all. He didn’t feel like a person at all. His entire life was a lie. At this point he was getting so frustrated at the lack of response, he did everything he could to get some kind of reaction.
“Oh what, you’re not gonna say anything?” He paused, almost a chuckle.  “Or is there nothing left to say now that the truth is out?” His brain didn’t know what to do. While his innermost vulnerability was being triggered, his mask was challenged. Zelos had pride, he made it appoint to never be a fool to another’s game at the expense of his own. Yet here he was, a mere pawn since the dawn of time when he was the most vulnerable. How did he not see this coming?
“At least tell me why!” Demon Fang! “Why did you lie to me?” Demon Fang! “Why didn’t you tell me the truth?” Demon Fang!  “You didn’t have to go so far to pretend to want to be my…” He didn’t want to say the word, because now he felt stupid. He didn’t want to admit how he misinterpreted what their relationship was. “My…” 
“Father?” Yuan croaked, his deep voice suddenly vibrating through all sound and movement. To him, the word felt like it had more gravity and meaning than mana itself. Although he was uncomfortable with being this vulnerable, his words were fluid and clear. Zelos merely stopped on instinct. For someone who was baiting on a reaction, he was at an impasse in this moment.
“You have and will always be my son.” Withdrawing his weapon, his gaze remained on Zelos the entire time. He hasn’t felt this level of vulnerability since Martel was alive. Nonetheless, his words rang true no matter how much his brain was telling him to remain guarded.
Yuan’s a soldier at heart and always will be. When he feels emotions arise, he just disregards it and turns it off like a light switch. But because he’s so fact-natured, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything that he thought and felt were untrue. Zelos was his son, whether he wanted to believe it or not.
Zelos suddenly felt very small, like he was a small child all over again. The age when he forgot what his birth name was. The age when people cared more about their beloved Chosen, no matter how their status came to be. He was Chosen before he was a child. A child that never asked to have the fate of the world on their shoulders. A child that had everything taken from them for the very same reason why they were brought there in the first place.
Zelos asked questions that he never got the answers for, yet somehow he knew the answers all along. He tried to speak but all that came out was a coughed sob. When did his face get wet? When did he drop his sword and surrender? The only thing Zelos could feel was an arm on his shoulder in order to be pulled in a tight embrace. The combination was like yin and yang. Where Zelos’ body felt heavy, Yuan stood his ground and was there to support him.
“I’m here, and I’m not leaving.”
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jubilousday · 2 years
Is anyone active on here? I would love to reconnect with y'all but I don't know how to reach out anymore on what platform. I haven't touched plurk in ages.
If you see this and would be like to reconnect with an old friend, please DM me!
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jubilousday · 3 years
If you see this on your dash, don't give up. You got this! ❤🌸
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jubilousday · 3 years
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happy birthday sailor venus 💫💓
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jubilousday · 3 years
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jubilousday · 3 years
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Summer or Summer - Hyolyn & Dasom (2021)
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jubilousday · 3 years
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hyolyn & dasom: summer or summer
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jubilousday · 3 years
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HYOLYN x DASOM ♡ Summer or Summer
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jubilousday · 3 years
If you’re anxious interacting with other people, especially strangers, I’ve got a tip for you: Focus on being kind. Not nice, kind.
“Nice” means acting in a manner that others might deem acceptable and … nice. It enforces a mindset that is already strong when you’re an anxious person: The focus lies outside of yourself, worrying what others might think, seeing yourself through the (imagined) eyes of other people. Therefore it is best avoided.
“Kind” means behaving in a manner that you think aligns with your values. You decide if you are showing the other person the respect they deserve. Which might be none, if they’re an asshole. The magical thing is, if you focus on being kind during an interaction, you stay anchored in your own experience instead of anxiously wondering about the other person’s perspective.
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jubilousday · 3 years
Things You May Need to Hear
"it'll be okay" and "you can do it" are phrases that sometimes fall flat. here's some things you may need to hear:
you're good enough
sometimes it's okay to not try so hard
it's okay to not always be strong
you don't have to be anything for anybody
don't be so hard on yourself
you're worth it
it doesn't make you weak to ask for help
let yourself cry
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jubilousday · 3 years
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