judaikyun · 1 month
No.6 Insert Song Translation: Kirameku Mono-tachi
Umi wa soko no shinju to 
Yozora ni matataku hoshi to
Watashi no inochi no tomoshibi to
Anata ni sasageru kirameku mono-tachi
Umi wa are shinju wa kudakeru
Sora wa are hoshi wa kieru
Watasni no omoi dake wa kawaranai
Ikuyo no toki wo hete
Eikyuu ni kirameku mono wa tada
The pearls in the depths of the sea,
The twinkling stars in the night sky,
And the torch of my life
Of all the sparkling things laid before you
Pearls in raging seas will crumble
Stars in storming skies will fade
My feelings alone are unchanging
Simply that which glitters in eternity
Throughout the ages
(I took some poetic liberty with the translation - for example, “sasageru” is “to offer” but I translated it as “laying something before someone in offering” because I thought it sounded better … Also, translated “kirameku” as “sparkling” on one line and “glittering” on another [and swapped out one “stormy” for “raging” since it conveyed the same meaning] to avoid repetition - but it’s otherwise literal.)
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judaikyun · 4 months
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A prequel to my previous sonadow comic featuring the night Shadow drunkenly decided to let Sonic spend the night at his apartment (and was never able to get rid of him). Both had a bit too much to drink at a party in their honor celebrating a recent victory, and one thing lead to another. At this point, they'd been messing around on the down low for a while, unbeknownst to any of their friends.
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Original comic(s): Link 1 Link 2
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judaikyun · 6 months
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leon kennedy icons // resident evil 4
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judaikyun · 10 months
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If you love No. 6 more than your future first born clap your hands CLAP CLAP If you need No. 6 more than you need air to breathe clap your hands CLAP CLAP If you’re fucking obsessed with No. 6 and your life is officially ruined by these precious angel characters if you love No. 6 clap your hands CLAP CLAP Can you tell I love No. 6? Because I fucking love No. 6. Fun fact, I even have a headcanons blog for this shit because I am a huge fucking loser when it comes to this god damn precious show.
Don’t lie, you are too. The adorable emotionally damaged homos, the fabulous genderqueer person raised by dogs, the radical mom who’s a radical baker? True perfection.
One thing that’s pretty awesome about the show is their fucking food, so I attempted to make a recipe similar to Nezumi’s Macbeth Soup, and I came up with something really similar to a Japanese Milk Stew. So hold on to your panties because we gon’ make some Macbeth Soup.
~ Nezumi’s Macbeth Soup (servings- 2, one for your and one for the life size cut out of Shion that you have in your closet)
1 chicken thigh, cut into one inch chunks with the skin off
1 carrot, peeled and cut into bite size pieces
1 onion, sliced into ¼ inch thick
3 cloves of fresh garlic, smashed and minced
2 potatoes, peeled and cut into bite size pieces
2 ½ cups water
2 chicken consomme cubes
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp flour
2 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp cream cheese
1 bee parasite (optional, not really recommended)
Cry over the fact that you’ll never have a relationship like Nezumi and Shion’s like the fuckin fujoshi weeaboo you are.
Season chicken with salt and pepper. Heat a little bit of oil in a deep pan and saute the chicken on medium high heat until browned.
Add onion and saute on medium heat until translucent. Afterwards, add the carrot, garlic and potatoes and stir-fry that biz about as fast as Nezumi was when he cut that random fuckin bee thing out of Shion’s neck. 
Pour 2 ½ cup of water in the pan and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat to low and add consomme cubes. Simmer until carrots and potatoes are softened.
Meanwhile, make white sauce in a sauce pan. Melt butter on low heat and stir in flour to make a little roux. Cook the flour until bubbles, mixing well.
Pour milk and cook on medium heat, stirring quickly until it begins to thicken. Lower the heat and continue to stir until the mixture is thickened even further.
Stop the heat and set aside. Take some of the soup from the stew and mix with cream cheese in a small cup. Stir the cream cheese mixture in the stew.
Add the white sauce into the stew and stir that shit till it’s totally combined.
Add some salt and pepper to season to your liking.
Think about how much better the No. 6 novels were compared to the manga and weep furiously over the inadequates Bones Original Anime Ending.
~ HOLY FUCKING BALLS YOU JUST MADE SOME MACBETH SOUP. I mean sure, you’re never going to destroy a corrupted government or climb a mountair of dead bodies, but at least you succeeded in making soup, so I guess that’s worth something, maybe.
Go enjoy your Macbeth soup with some of Karan’s Cherry Cake and a loaf of mini french bread you piece of trash, you deserve it after all the suffering you had to endure without any updates to this fabulous series. Later, weebs. Try not to cry when you realize how truly unproductive you’ve been the whole day. And no, doodling fanart of your shitty OTP is not ‘being productive’ but nice try. LOVE YOU, BYE~ 
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judaikyun · 11 months
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“Listen up! Don’t you dare give me a good-bye kiss ever again! Never ever again!” “Swear it.”
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judaikyun · 11 months
No.6 Novel translation(Volume 1; Volume 5 Chapter 1, 2, 3)
No.6 Novel translation(Volume 1; Volume 2 Chapter 1; [dropped])
No.6 Manga (in English)
No.6 Manga (in Chinese)
No.6 Anime Episodes
No.6 Novel Volume 2 Summary
No.6 Novel Volume 3 Summary
No.6 Novel Volume 4 Summary
No.6 Novel Volume 4, various translations
No.6 Novel Volume 5 Summary
No.6 Novel Volume 6 Summary
No.6 Novel Volume 7 Summary
No.6 Novel Volume 8 Chapter 1 translation
No.6 Novel Volume 8 Summary
No.6 Novel Volume 9 Summary
No.6 Novel Spoilers
No.6 Novel (kissing scene)
Random excerpts from NO.6 light novels
Random excerpts from NO.6 light novels
Random excerpts from NO.6 light novels
Manga - part skipped in episode 4
No.6 Novel Volume 9 final scenes
No.6 Anime Official Website
No.6 Anime Twitter
Ishino’s(No.6 chief animation director) Twitter
No.6 FAQ post by hiriajuu
[Translation] Asano Atsuko interview from the No.6 guidebook
‘Audio commentary from episode 1’ (DOWNLOAD)
No.6 Drama CD translation (part 1)
No.6 Drama CD 2 translation
Dystopia Radio No.6 - Episodes
Toi8 Twitter
Toi8 Pixiv
Aria (magazine) Official Website
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judaikyun · 11 months
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judaikyun · 11 months
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“This rough draft was also a possibility”
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judaikyun · 11 months
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artwork by Nic (Kevin)
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judaikyun · 11 months
[Translation] Asano Atsuko interview from the No.6 guidebook
The state*, the individual and No. 6 [*The “state” (国家) that Asano-sensei is referring to here isn’t something like e.g. the state of California, but rather the governing apparatus of a country, i.e. the politicians, parliament and the bureaucracy that implements all the laws and policies.]  ーWhat was behind the birth of “No.6”?  After the terrorist attacks in America on September 11, 2001, I did a lot of thinking about the relationship between the state and the individual. America is a big country where countless people live. And yet, in that large country, a small number of terrorists appeared and brought about such a huge disaster (lit: incident). Whilst I was thinking about the meaning of that revelation, the following question came to mind: what can individuals achieve against something so large as a state? I wanted to try asking myself that question by writing a novel (series). And just at that time, I was invited to create a work under the YA! Entertainment label. On the one hand, I had this heavy theme - but I also wanted to write an interesting story, and I thought I’d be able to do that for an audience of young adult readers. ーWhat was the first thing that came to your mind?  In most cases, when starting a story, the first thing I think about is what kind of characters I want to write about. From that, I start to see the themes and the story that those characters set in motion. But for “No.6”, I started with the theme of “the state and the individual”, which was slightly different from (how I began) all my other works. Expanding on that theme, I decided to write a story about an autocratic state crumbling and moving towards rebirth. ーWhy did you set it in the near future?  With that setting, I thought that I’d be able to write what I intended.You might say that it’s a sci-fi story set in the near future, but I didn’t intend to write it as sci-fi. ーWas there a model for the utopic city of No.6?  The suffocating atmosphere of No.6 is, I think, similar to that of Japan. (From the outside), Japan may seem like an ideal country: it has water and sewerage systems, public transport runs on time, you can get anything you want as long as you have money, and it even has social security. But despite all that, there are people around me complaining that “it’s sometimes hard to breathe”. I myself felt something chaining me down when I was a teenager, and I find myself wondering why, in this country, roughly 30,000 people take their own lives every year. Even though we are so blessed, why is living so difficult? To face that question, I needed a city that was extremely repressed. ーSo that suffocating atmosphere you felt was the model for No.6?  I think you can say that, because with September 11, I felt a sense of suffocation as well. Wasn’t there an atmosphere that made it difficult to say things like “I want to know what the terrorists are thinking”, or “Are they really evil?” Even if you wanted to discuss it, I think there were many people who detached themselves from the problem, as if saying that “terrorists are different from us”, or “it’s something from another world”. But I want to think about it without that detachment. (In the end), the struggle to prevent myself from being swept along by the thinking of those around me became the strength I needed to develop this story. Shion and Nezumi ーHow were the two main characters born? Because it was to be a “YA Entertainment” series, I decided that I would have boys as my protagonists. Once I expanded my image of a world in the near future, two boys came to my mind: one who lived within the state, and another who lived alone. One that knew nothing, and another that knew everything. Something like ‘light and dark’, you could say, that’s how Shion and Nezumi were born as such contrasts. But even though they are complete opposites of each other, rather than regarding each other with hostility, they’re drawn to each other. But from that relationship, it turned into me just wanting to write about the two of them. ーFrom an adult’s perspective, their relationship is rather mysterious. It’s not just restricted to male characters - I rather like writing about relationships between people of the same sex. When you write about opposite sexes who are drawn to each other, you typically end up with them falling in love, or (becoming) husband and wife… To a certain extent, there is a fixed ‘template’. But if you write about people of the same sex, a relationship that you can’t express with words like friendship, comradery, love or hate is born. I think that there is great value in writing relationships where you can’t draw lines like that. Between Shion and Nezumi is a ‘unique relationship’ born of particular conditions and particular experiences, something that only they have. I wanted to write it because I wanted to know what that relationship would be. Of course, such ‘unique relationships’ can be formed between people of the opposite sexes too. It’s not like we get ‘mass-produced’ feelings whenever two people meet. But I really feel that what’s really interesting to write about are the ‘original’ feelings that come from relationships between people of the same sex. Karan and Safu and their impact on the story ーNext, I’d like to ask you about Karan’s parental feelings and Safu’s love.  I was able to write about relationships between (guys) because its something I don’t know, but for the heart of a parent or of a young girl in love - they’re feelings I can write about from my own experience. Especially in Karan’s case, I think a part of myself really came through. The feelings that Karan feels towards Shion and Lili, rather than a process of creation, it was like I was simply bringing out what was in my own heart. ーWhat do you think of Karan as a woman? She’s a very mysterious woman. At first, even I felt that she was “a foolish mother”. Although she felt that something wasn’t quite right in the life she was leading, because she was able to live without any loss of freedom, she didn’t try to find anything out, and didn’t even know what she didn’t know. A part of me is like that too, so I ended up putting my own feelings into her - at times, I put too much of myself in. But even she, who had been “a foolish mother”, started to fight. Relying on her own feelings and on her brains, she came to value a way of life that protected the people you care about with an illogical love. ーSafu, too, loves illogically, doesn’t she? I wrote/introduced Safu into this story, a story dominated by boys, because I wanted to add the essence of girls to it. I wanted to write about a girl with a strong/dignified presence, a girl who loved straightforwardly. However, at the start, I didn’t think that she’d be so deeply involved. I assumed that I understood how a girl would act. But Safu sometimes does things contrary to my expectations. For example, at the correctional facility in the 9th volume, when she cried in front of Shion, it shook me to the core - I was like “Aah…she ended up crying”. What happened to Safu in the end may be rather bitter, but it was really important for the story. From September 11 to March 11: Speaking of Miracles ーWhen you were writing the final volume, the Touhoku Earthquake occurred. I was actually meant to finish the manuscript by February, but my struggle with that delayed it into March, and (we) met with the earthquake. The quake itself was a natural disaster, but the response to the later issues at the nuclear power plants had me once again thinking about “the state”, just like September 11. ーThat’s a pretty big coincidence, isn’t it? I did wonder about the timing. I even thought that, if there was some kind of meaning to the coincidence, it was because I’d written a half-baked answer (to my question). From the time I started writing the story, I had an image that “No.6” was a story that I’d end with ‘destruction and rebirth’. But because of the March 11 quake, the reality that there are many different paths to rebirth was brought home to me. Within the world of “No.6”, for example, the ways that Shion, Nezumi and Yoming see rebirth are all different, and it’s impossible to pick any one way as “the way things should be”. However, in order for the story to end, it was essential for some kind of rebirth to start. Two questions - how to end the story properly, and what kind of rebirth should I write about in the end - these two weights were hanging over me at the same time, so I was doubly restrained. ーBecause of the Touhoku earth quake, what readers take from “No.6” will certain be different.  With a great danger in front of you, when you are confronted with difficult individual decisions, I wonder if writing the following kind of story to contemplate the world is an appropriate response. You could make the story the end of your questioning as well, right? With sayings like “let’s all do our best”, or “let’s support each other”, taking each others hands and standing up - as long as you do that, a happy renaissance is waiting for you. I think it’s possible to take heart from a story like that. However, I think that another kind of story is necessary. ーYou mean something asking about how rebirth should be carried out, right? No matter how may tens or hundreds or years I take, I don’t think I could pick out “the one best way” for rebirth. However, precisely because it’s impossible to do so, I think there’s value in writing (this kind of story). In the last volume, I suggested what the present me could do with all my might. Destruction, Rebirth, and… ーWas there anything you were thinking about as you finished the last volume?  I was surprised that No.6 (the state), which was that fearsome, was so fragile. With just a little internal pressure, it was easily destroyed. Until I wrote the 9th volume, I thought that No.6 would not disappear as long as Fennec and the doctor (the man-in-white), the two tyrants controlling No.6, were defeated. However, as I was writing, I realised that what had to be defeated wasn’t either of them. They were just a small part of the state - it wasn’t them alone that was holding No.6 up. ーIn that case, who was holding No.6 up?  The people who didn’t even try to find anything out, who didn’t even try to find out why they felt suffocated. As a result, they thought of themselves as victims, but in reality, they are intimately involved. It’s the ignorance and indifference of the citizens that gave the rulers their power. If the citizens don’t change, No.6 will never disappear. in the end, I realised that the thing known as “the state” is not something different from “the individual”, but rather the collective of “the individual”. ーIs this the answer to the question you posed at the start, about the relationship between the state and the individual? I don’t know if you can say that I’ve given an answer. Even now, I am not confident that I really brought the story to an end. However, I am glad that I had the story of “No.6” within me.
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judaikyun · 11 months
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385 notes · View notes
judaikyun · 11 months
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judaikyun · 11 months
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judaikyun · 11 months
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“I am the spirit that denies. Yes, I am all things which you call Sin, Destruction, or Evil.”
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judaikyun · 11 months
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judaikyun · 11 months
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Sorry to have kept you waiting, my liege.
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judaikyun · 11 months
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« Nothing scares me more than the thought of losing you You're the one person I couldn't bare to lose »
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