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Ok, who’s bet is it.
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the five babes of Hit The Floor
(Jude and Noah’s gifs by @thegayfleet )
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I think Noah is just perfect for Jude? His laid back attitude actually complements Jude's seriously messy personality. Any other person would get the check and leave Jude, but not Noah. He knows Jude is messy, maybe even expecting him to behave this way. So he's taking all of Jude not just his hot body. But at the same time was not offended when Jude wasn't reciprocating. Ah! I got so many feelings about Noude. And that line about people leaving Jude when his messiness was showing really hits me. Makes me want to protect and cuddle Jude close. 😭
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a new normal
its funny, really, how something as simple as noah caring enough to take note of jude’s ridiculous coffee order meant so much. or, @robertisbisexual put this idea in my head and i couldn’t shake it.
Jude had always wanted to be a part of the Devil’s Nation. He’d grown up craving it, needing to be a part of the empire his father had built, wanting to sit behind a desk in the Devils Arena and be a part of it all. He had that, now - in a way he’d never have imagined, with his name on the deeds and in full control of the team, his father nowhere to be seen.
Not even thirty yet, and he owned his own basketball team.
It was more than Jude could ever have dreamed of, and he loved it, he did - he thrived under pressure, loved the challenge of being a leader, of having the responsibility that came with being owner.
He’d just imagined it all happening in a different way, that’s all - with a ring on his finger, and a husband by his side, and a house of his own. Jude had always been a fantasist, the kind of person who believed in a happy ending, because you didn’t survive growing up like he did without desperately dreaming of your happy ever after.
Still, Jude knew more than anyone that life didn’t always work out like you’d planned it too, and so he could hold his head high, and get on with it. Jude had a team to run, after all, and he’d rather be sitting in his office, going through paperwork, than sitting in a quiet apartment on his own.
He was moving on, he was - but it was slow, and Jude sometimes just craved the stability of a relationship, of having someone to come home to every night.
Silence was deafening, sometimes.
Pulling at his tie, Jude leaned back in his chair, eyes blurry as he tried to take in every word on all the paperwork strewn across the desk.
It had been a long day.
“Knock knock.”
Jude looked up to see Noah standing in the doorway of his office, coffees in hand. He was clearly on the way out of the arena, wearing a sweatshirt and looking the polar opposite to the stylish, boundlessly energetic man he’d been on the court after the game, giving the Devils all the coverage and headlines they needed.
In a way, Jude sort of appreciated how comfortable Noah seemed to be around him. It was easy, sleeping with Noah - the other man seemed to know exactly what buttons of Jude’s to push, to have Jude melting in his hands. It wasn’t complicated (yet, at least) and it was fun.
It had felt like a while since Jude had fun, real fun.
“I brought you a coffee,” Noah explained, taking Jude’s smile as a ‘come in.’ It had been, if Jude was being honest. “Low fat latte with two extra shots and sugar free vanilla, right?”
Jude’s heart, embarrassingly, started thumping in his chest. He and Noah had been for coffee together all of about twice, in the past few weeks, yet here he was, able to reel off Jude’s ridiculous coffee order without a problem. “Uh, yeah - how did you remember?” he couldn’t help but ask, sitting up a little taller, gratefully accepting the coffee Noah was offering him.
Noah simply grinned, settling himself on the couch in Jude’s office. There was an unspoken agreement between them, now, that Noah tended to stay away from Jude’s desk. Noah couldn’t spill secrets if he didn’t know them, could he?
“Did you ask the barista?” Jude questioned teasingly, pulling his tie off the rest of the way and moving to join Noah on the couch, sipping at the piping hot coffee. It was exactly what he needed, if he was being honest - a caffeine hit, and a ten minute distraction from the mountain of work he needed to do now Jelena was gone, a new EVP top of his list.
“I remember the things that are worth remembering,” Noah said, leaning in closer, close enough that Jude could study every inch of his face, every freckle and line, the tiny scar above Noah’s lip Jude knew nothing about.
Noah was new. He was new, and unfamiliar, and unchartered territory, and before, it would have scared Jude, because he was a control freak - he needed to be able to map out his every move, be able to be the one in control in order to feel comfortable.
(That’s why things had been so hard with Zero sometimes, he supposed - he’d never been able to be in control when it came to him, and maybe that had been what had broken them in the end. Jude had wanted control, stability and Zero had never so much as entertained the thought.)
Jude just - well, he felt like he had nothing to worry about with Noah, really, because it was easy, it was simple. It was sex, with a gorgeous man, who happened to know his overly complicated coffee order.
Jude could embrace this as the new normal, he really could - because maybe life wasn’t working out according to plan, and there was no ring on his finger, but there was a man who was interested, a man who cared enough to take note of Jude’s likes, sitting on his couch, smiling at Jude like he was here to stay, and well - it felt good.
It felt like it could be something good.
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I’m on a date here…
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You can quote me on that.
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he doesn’t kiss like me you did
noah kisses differently to anyone jude has ever been with. jude needs that, he decides.
Jude could count on one hand, the amount of people he’s been with in his life. In college, he was too focused on his career, too deep in the closet to date all that much - and when he had, it was always the girls Jude had imagined Oscar would have approved off, the kind of woman he’d have been able to have on his arm when he finally got his fathers approval.
Even when he’d come out, even after that - well, it had always been Zero, hadn’t it?
The point was, well, Jude didn’t have a whole lot of experience.
But he knew enough to know Noah was different.
Kissing Zero, it had always been desperate, on some level. Desperate to keep it a secret, desperate to hide whatever they had between them. Desperately in love, desperately clinging to a man who wasn’t ready for the kind of commitment Jude craved. Every kiss, every touch, it had come with an element of desperation.
Jude hadn’t minded at the time - really, he hadn’t minded at all, because Zero had loved him, in ways Jude had never known in his life before. Desperately, messily, infinitely.
Zero had broken his heart in the end, though. He’d broken all sorts of promises, and he’d left Jude alone - left with a sorry, and a desperate kiss.
Desperate, desperate, desperate. Desperate to hold onto what they had, desperate to say he was sorry, desperate to make up for all the ways he still managed to hurt Jude. Poor, sad, vulnerable Jude - he’d always been an easy target for the wrong people, easy to manipulate, easy to get onside, easy to make fall in love with you.
No - no, that was the anger, talking. Zero had loved him, really loved him - he just hadn’t loved him enough, in the end. Desperate kisses, no matter what kind of desperation they were tinged with, didn’t make for a happy ending.
Jude had to learn that the hard way.
Noah was different from Zero in every single way. He was open, and funny, and kind, and completely unfiltered in ways that shocked Jude - completely himself, completely out, completely proud.
He even kissed differently.
Noah kissed Jude like he wanted him. Like - like he wasn’t ashamed of it, like he couldn’t care less about who knew, or didn’t know. Noah kissed him like he wanted it, like kissing Jude was something he craved unapologetically, hands on Jude’s hips and confident, wanting lips on Jude’s own as Jude pushed Noah back onto the couch in the ISN office, bracketed in by Noah’s thighs, their hips pressed together in a way that was making Jude’s eyes roll back into his head.
Noah kissed like they had all the time in the world. Like - like he didn’t care who walked in, as though he was happy to stay like this all day, lips moving against Jude’s, warm hands caressing the warm skin of Jude’s lower back.
It wasn’t the kind of desperate Jude was used to. Desperate with a time limit, desperate tinged with fear, fear someone might catch them.
No, it was hardly desperate at all, Jude decided, pressing his face into Noah’s neck, huffing out breathless pants against the other man’s skin as Noah unbuckled Jude’s trousers, pushing the material down as far as he could, still unfamiliar fingers playing at the waistband of Jude’s underwear.
It was wanting. The kind of wanting that had Jude’s stomach doing somersaults, his heart thumping in his chest as every unfamiliar part of Noah became slightly more familiar, the newness of it all thrilling.
Kissing Noah was different -
But different was what Jude needed, he decided.
(Zero wasn’t coming back, was he? And Jude - Jude, he deserved to be wanted, he deserved this.)
It was about time he embraced different.
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Jude being with somebody who is living a carefree and not tortured life? That is such a new concept! I love it!
jude kinkade deserves to be unapologetically and unashamedly wanted by all of the gorgeous men and that is the tea
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Jude being there for Lionel
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Jude x Noah + smashing the owner of The Devils.
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Jude Kinkade is literal LOML and deserves to have banging sex with a ripped reporter 25/8 and I will cut anyone who even breathes wrong in his vicinity so jot that down.
listen this is the biggest mood ever
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So Noah + Jude = Noude. Noude it is.
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Jude x Noah + it’s either a fire you’re willing to play with or it’s not. 
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A Look™
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I’m not asking you to date, I am asking you to bone, something, anything, this plant
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