judestfrancisirl · 9 months
the lake
friends fall through my fingers like grains of sand, but you were the shell i’ve kept on my nightstand
for as long as i can remember
seafoam freckles frozen, rosy, ruddy cheeks
bitter breezes bite, but your hand in mine, sitting and watching the foam and the brine finally alive
i see a glimpse of a future,
the first in a long time
favorite song on the radio frozen purple pinky promise christmas sweater, cherry slurpee stars, satellites, and comets secrets slip out with foggy breath
ask again laters and it’s no big deals
linger in your driveway yellowy mix of moon shine and headlights car engine lullaby (i love yous) and goodnights
but i have to go
sand stuck in our shoes stuck like a promise
see you tomorrow
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judestfrancisirl · 1 year
i will never stop thinking about this poem my greek professor showed us
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judestfrancisirl · 3 years
deancas have an oddly beautiful hand aesthetic
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judestfrancisirl · 3 years
will and control.
will isn’t submissive. his illness, jack’s dominance and hannibal’s psychological manipulation in s1 really distorted everyone’s perceptions of will’s character. his vulnerability in the earlier episodes contrasts with his true personality.
in season 1 he bites back, he’s sarcastic and mean to most people, but it’s overshadowed not just by his own vulnerability but by the dominant characters of those around him. this is especially clear before the enciphilitis becomes bad. jack and alana are worried for his safety and hannibal coerces him. being constantly under supervision makes him seem weak - even he begins to think he is. will’s illness makes him vulnerable to others - and especially to their manipulation. thus his character is seen by the audience and by those around him as “unstable” “weak” and “in need of protection” - a fragile little teacup.
that isn’t who he is.
will is hilarious because he hates authority. he’s cruel. he’s manipulative. he’s snarky. he wants to be in control.
hannibal knows this. you’re the mongoose I want under the house when the snakes slither by. immediately he recognises will’s rejection of dominant characters and his inner viciousness. his thought process goes like this - I need to break him down so that he can see how strong he is. he had to show me the negative so that I could see the positive. this is why hannibal alienated will from jack, for example. he wanted will to think for himself, in his own strange way.
and once will is reassured of his own sanity, he does.
when you watch season 1 and season 2 together you notice a MASSIVE contrast in how will behaves. before he is cured of enciphilitis he shakes, cries, lets people take care of him... season 2 will is never in this position. he manipulates everyone around him and is completely closed off - apart from several vulnerable moments (hannibal cleaning his knuckles, his dreams) we never know what he’s thinking. it’s because he’s in control. I think you’re more in control than you’ve ever been. everyone is under will’s thumb after season 1 because he knows he’s sane and he’s assured of his own beliefs. he wants to hurt hannibal (and be close to him), and he hurts so many other people while trying.
will is interesting because his empathy doesn’t make him kind - it makes him cruel. he’s sarcastic and distant with everyone. he calls out alana, makes fun of hannibal, despises freddie and snarks back at jack, and that’s just in the first few episodes!! he alienates everyone he meets despite being able to know them in their entirety. the only person he is remotely kind to is abigail, because she’s vulnerable. that’s why he so readily rejects the idea she could have killed anyone. he enjoys being the dominant one - the person in control. and everyone else in his life denies him this, except her. with abigail he can be a father, a caregiver, a steady presence instead of relying on someone else. thus empathy does not equal kindness.
to be clear: will’s empathy makes him powerful. most humans use empathy as a driver for kindness - because we can understand others, we want to take care of them. this makes will the most terrifying character because even though he knows how people work better than most of us, he hurts them anyway. manipulates them because he knows how they feel. and he enjoys it. sure, it takes a hard nudge from hannibal for him to really accept it, but even before he arrived will was like this. it’s his core trait.
wind him up, watch him go. isn’t this what will does to other people, too? in the second half of season 2 he watches jack and hannibal dance around each other, neutrally, not knowing what side he’s on. in the second half of season 3 he puts everyone into their positions the way he wants them - chilton, mutilated. bedelia, in fear. jack and alana, thinking they’re at an advantage. hannibal, free. everything happens the way will wants it to, after he’s escaped from his vulnerability. funny how he chooses molly, who’s a more dominant character, as a wife. he regresses to how he was before in an attempt to save himself.
and what’s the most interesting is that hannibal submits to will’s manipulation. when will points a gun to his head he turns his face away. when will says he wants to kill hannibal, hannibal is excited by it, and brings up the fantasy over and over again. when will says please hannibal smiles and does what he wishes. when will rejects him hannibal gives himself in. when hannibal is shot by francis he lies on the floor and waits for will to attack first. when will puts his hand on his waist on the clifftop hannibal keeps it there. he lets will manipulate him. when you see how readily hannibal lets himself be pulled off the cliff, it’s almost tender. oh, sure, he lashes back on occasion when will particularly hurts him (disemboweling him and trying to cut open will’s skull comes to mind...) but I think hannibal finds no greater pleasure than in seeing will take control.
that’s why will craves hannibal’s presence. he knows will. he’s aware of all of his strength and viciousness, and not only recognises it but loves will for it. he submits to will’s power, cultivates it, and watches will manipulative people’s lives as if life is a game of chess.
there’s a quote that always reminds me of hannibal’s love for will. I love your freedom, as much as mine. I think that hannibal would willingly die if it meant will could come into his “true form.” from the beginning hannibal saw will’s true nature and watched it come to the surface with delight. what is love but that?
what a cunning boy you are, hannibal says. and will, who lies and hurts without blinking and eye, secretly knows just how true that is. that’s why they’re perfect for each other.
people often discuss hannibal as a psychological thriller, wherein hannibal manipulates will and breaks him down. but it’s not quite true, once you make it past season one. once will is free of the influences that made him vulnerable, well, he’s far more terrifying than hannibal could ever be.
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judestfrancisirl · 3 years
will graham is a resident of thirst trap, virginia
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
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homemade easy vegan nutella rolls
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
mike’s completely normal lemonade
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
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PROPAGANDA - AP/d.h. 2019
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
i just hope all of my black followers, mutuals, etc know that your voice matters and that your voice needs to be heard. you matter and should always matter. im so sorry people are gross. and im so sorry this is still happening in 2020.
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
UK political scandals are like:
Prime Minister fucked a pig
Prime minister with the surname Johnson and the initials BJ defends his friend with the surname Cummings spreading plague in a scandal named cumgate
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
why don’t you plant some lavender and when it blooms you can squeeze a leaf or two between your fingers and the smell will calm you down. how about you do that. bitch
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
Chill lofi beats to rot and decay to
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
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uh huh honey 🍯
(recipes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8 ,9 ,10)
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
How and with what did you make your snufkin hat?
Thanks for asking! Sorry for the late response. Really proud of my snufkin hat and I will explain but it’s probably important to note I am NOT experienced in making any sort of clothing so I was kinda just winging it.
Step 1:
Take two pieces of paper/a large piece of paper and form it into a cone that fits the wearer’s head (in this case, me)
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Step 2:
Take fabric (I used green fleece (??? dont quote me on that) from joann fabrics) and drape it over paper cone. Shape it, pull it so that it has the correct form (snufkin’s hat has a lil bump on the top) and then sew it tight. cut away excess fabric, set the cone aside. 
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Step 3:
Now for the brim. So this gets kinda complicated so bear with me. My head is about 6 ½ inches in diameter so i chose to do 7 inches on either side of the head hole. 
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now I sew this to the cone, but the issue is of course that this is just gonna flop down. 
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(the paper is still inside the cone) So what I did was I made a skeleton out of wooden sticks/straws, and then made a second circle. I taped the skeleton to the bottom.
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I have also made little cuts matching on the brim to imitate snufkin’s hat. then I sewed the bottom and the top together with the skeleton still inside
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And then finally, the decor! You could do whatever, but I had some felt flowers, so I used those. 
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Gotta be honest, this hat was made cheaply and quickly. But I’m still pretty proud of it, and I like to think I’m emulating snufkin by doing something by hand than with a machine and special fabric. Thanks again for the ask!
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judestfrancisirl · 4 years
someone: hey are you interested in the paranorm-
me, standing up so fast i knock over a table: the first ever recorded sighting of mothman was in west virginia, november 12th, 1966, seen by five men who were digging a grave in a cemetary near clenedin, he was seen again only two days later wh
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