judg333ment · 1 year
i realized recently i didn’t know how to talk about autism in japanese, so here’s some vocab!
自閉症(じへいしょう) = autism
自閉スペクトラム症 = autism spectrum disorder
対人(たいじん)関係(かんけい) = interpersonal relations
こだわり = obsession; in this context: special interest
ひとりごと = talking to oneself
オウム返し(がえし) = parroting words; in this context: echolalia
好き嫌い(すききらい) = pickiness (about food)
感触(かんしょく) = texture
療育(りょういく) = education and support of disabled children
i gathered most of these from this webpage. if anyone has others, please feel free to add :)
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judg333ment · 1 year
ok yeah. his name is tarot he’s a paralegal. he’s from overseas but he’s studying law and working as a paralegal probably for kitaoka? but i dont think he’d like kitaoka at all. and he’s in a reiko sort of role where he’s investigating shit going on with the mirror world in the monsters but from a position where he’s close to figuring out the RIDERS i think but always on the verge of getting snatched still. and he looks like this
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(twice for size. picrew again 👍🏻)
considering making an insert oc for kr ryuki…. thinking abt it…..
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judg333ment · 1 year
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speaking of fourze cain ve looks like this ^_^ ve’s based off a bluejay in this au because in different aus ve’s been based off of different types of corvids so i thought it would be fun to make this one a bluejay. ve was a switcher vis monster was corvus. picrew
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judg333ment · 1 year
considering making an insert oc for kr ryuki…. thinking abt it…..
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judg333ment · 1 year
thinking about my pkmn white trainersona and hys service pokemon juno (a houdour) and what N would think of her again because i think because he’s being horrifically manipulated he wouldn’t understand the purpose of service pokemon and the relationship between that pokemon and their handler and to him juno WOULD seem like just a tool for humans to use for their own needs you know. because to him it’d probably look like juno’s whole purpose is to take care of humans (shale) and he wouldn’t think that’s fair. but that’s not how it actually is and juno loves and trusts shale a lot and is VERY proud of and happy with her job. so after skyla’s gym instead of talking to the ‘mon actually in the front of shale’s party i think N would talk to juno and it would literally be like
N: houndour. what kind of trainer is shale?
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judg333ment · 1 year
talking about my trainersona and hys friends today ^_^
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judg333ment · 1 year
made a fuck ton of my ocs in this picrew ^_^
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in order: nadya, shale, misumi,celeste, cain, yivian, april, rylee, fiadh
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judg333ment · 1 year
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headshot of cain when ve was 28 ^_^
[id: art of my oc cain. they have slightly tan skin and dark brown hair and eyes. their hair is tied into two braids. they face slightly to the side, and have a worried smile on their face. they have several moles — two below their eye, one to the side of their nose, and one below their lip. they wear a black turtleneck with a barely-visible green shirt over it, covered by a dark blue feathered cloak. ve has a small golden earring and a matching nose piercing. the background is light green. end id]
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judg333ment · 1 year
most of the information about excess has yet to be revealed in-campaign. here’s what the players know about xir.
gender unknown; he/him, they/them, and xe/xir pronouns often used
alignment unkown
5ft10in (177 cm), weight unknown
a masked thief that’s been terrorizing creset for several years. seems to have a lot of hatred for the city and the people in charge, as well as for the “heroes” protecting it. this included silver wing — and celeste. the other side to silver wing’s coin. the darkness to her light.
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judg333ment · 1 year
celeste oliviera
notes: celeste is a DMPC in a campaign im running! she’s a homebrew character that plays mostly like an aasimar stats/features wise, but more accurately she is the daughter of an angel and an elf.
players in the campaign, do not read this full post. there will be spoilers.
content warning for religious (catholic) themes / imagery and family death
about celeste:
homebrewed half-deva, half moon elf
paladin, 19 years old
girl, uses she/her pronouns
lawful good alignment
5ft11in (180cm), 185lbs (84kg)
friendly and cheerful. has a sort of radiance.
likes: flowers (her favorites are forget me nots); tea; books, particularly legends, myths, and fables; animals, specifically birds; tactile work. she especially loves embroidery, crochet, and hand-weaving; her family; her city
dislikes: the rich <3; bullies; spicy foods
read her story under the cut!
Celeste, along with her twin Aurora, was born of an angel and an moon elf. Before the two of them, it was believed that angels were incapable of reproduction, so the two were considered miracles — especially in the eyes of their mother, Babylon.
Babylon was an angel and Champion of Destiny, created by a goddess known as the Will of Destiny to protect the free will and choice of mortals while still preserving the fated timeline of the world. Destiny is to be determined by the choice of the individual, not by some predetermined fate. She, along with her dear friend Credence, were tasked to help protect this choice, when Credence began to doubt their mission. He began to believe that destiny, though determined by the choices of the people, was unfair. Good people still suffered, didn't they? Bad people still prospered. And so, he plucked a feather from one of his own wings, and by dipping it in ink, used it to try and rewrite people's destinies to be "fair". But by doing so, he removed peoples' ability to chose. Because of this, Babylon was sent to retrieve the feather. Credence did not survive the altercation, and the feather was left in Babylon's protection.
She ended up dying for it, too. Their city, Creset, was ruled by a power-hungry man who wanted the feather. He ordered an arson on Celeste's family home, disguising it as an accident. Celeste was the only one found in the wreckage, face burned by the flames that consumed everything she had ever known, but not touching the one who saved her. Cain, the one who was to become her new father, was a powerful Archdruid who had known Babylon before her death. Cain raised Celeste as his own child after that, but as she was also supposed to have died in the fire, disguised her with the help of a powerful fey they had befriended long ago. No one would recognize her as Babylon's child. She would be safe.
Celeste grew up under Cain's protection, and began to call them her Daddy before long. Because of the immense power Cain had accumulated over the years, both due to them being an Archdruid as well as the champion of a lesser goddess, their home and the cafe they ran from it became the safest place in the entire city. Despite the circumstances that put here there, Celeste quickly grew to love the life and family she had there. However, she still had a purpose. She was a Champion of Destiny by birth, and made the decision to carry on her mother's work. As soon as she was able, she began training to take that feather back.
Not long before the fire, the use of magic was criminalized in Creset. Those who were caught using magic were to be severely punished. However, without Babylon's protection the city, there was a drastic rise in crime. A brave group of women began to disguise themselves to fight crime in the city themselves, as the city's government was failing to do so, and many of them took the risk to use magic as they did so. These masked, magic-using women were nicknamed the Magical Girls by the city, and became an inspiration to Celeste. Cain often traveled outside the city to carry out tasks for their goddess, and began taking Celeste with them so she could safely practice magic and fighting outside the city's walls. Before long, she became a relatively powerful spell caster, as well as adept with a rapier.
When Celeste was seventeen, a new strange thing began to happen in Creset. Undead creatures began to stalk the streets at night, terrorizing the city's people. Cain's goddess, being a goddess of natural Life and Death, had asked Cain to fight undead creatures that preyed on the living, but as Cain could not use their magic outside of their home, they were unable to do anything about those just outside their door. To help her father, Celeste took on their mission as well, disguising herself and fighting just like the Magical Girls had done before, going by the alias Silver Wing. She made quite the name for herself then as a hero of the city, quickly rising in popularity among the city's common folk, and animosity among the higher members of the city's council.
She is still trying to win back the feather from Creset's leader.
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judg333ment · 1 year
cain oliviera (children of orcus campaign)
some notes before we get started!
major content warnings for cult activity and parental manipulation.
also a bit of a disclaimer! cain was originally a dnd character for a campaign that was being run by a dm who’s special interest at the time was the first season of critical role! i’ve never actually seen or listened to critrole though so anything from critrole involved in this character is probably vastly different than how it was in the show because i took what my dm gave me and RAN. so if you see anything that seems like a critrole thing. no you dont.
one final note: i have a ton of aus regarding cain, one of which i consider just as mainline as his original universe! those aus are also linked
about cain
half sun elf, half human
druid, circle of the shepherd. was 26 at the beginning of the campaign (28 at the end)
agender; uses he/they pronouns as well as the neopronouns set ve/ver/vis/verself
neutral good alignment
6ft2in (188 cm), 168 lbs (76 kg)
quiet, timid, gentle. Sometimes seems stand-offish, but is really just anxious.
likes: hydrangeas, wine, fields, trees, pigs, ravens and crows, having their hair braided by someone else
dislikes: most social interaction (unless he’s comfortable with you), conflict / confrontation in a social setting (he’s a veteran adventurer but will avoid social conflict at any cost), those who trample others for personal gain, those who purposely cheat death at the expense of others, loud and crowded spaces, not getting enough sleep
read vis story under the cut!
Cain was born into a circle of druids that worked as shepherds and was mostly made up of elves and dwarves. Vis mother, a sun elf, was the leader of that circle, but ve did not know vis father, a human, who left not long after Cain’s mother became pregnant.
One night, Cain’s circle was attacked by a hill giant settled in the area. Cain was part of the group sent to try and fight the giant off, but the group ended up being utterly wiped out. Cain was the only survivor, but was injured and rendered unconscious until the following morning. When ve returned to the circle’s settlement, ve found it entirely abandoned. Unsure of vis mother and other loved ones’ fates — and terrified of the possibilities — Cain was devastated, and no longer had a home. Ve wandered aimlessly around the Coast, lost, afraid, and terribly saddened, until ve was found by a brave (and very loud) red dragonborn named Cormack, who took ver under his wing. Cormack, a cleric and soldier, was well aware of the growing threat the Giants inhabiting the Sword Coast were becoming to the smallfolk that inhabited there was well, and decided to start a company of adventurers to help protect the smallfolk from this threat. Not wanting to leave the person ve had begun to trust, Cain reluctantly decided to join them, but was slow to trust the new members. and was often too afraid to confront the Giants.
As time went on, though, Cain not only began to trust the other members of the company, but began to consider them vis new family. Ve went from having nothing to do with them to protecting them with vis very life, often at vis own detriment. Ve was still often anxious and afraid, but worked very hard to push past those fears in order to protect the people ve had grown to love.
The company ended up working with the Giant’s Royal Family in Faerun to put an end to the conflict that had been endangering the smallfolk. During this conflict, Cain had begun developing feelings on the shopkeep of the magic items shop the company frequented. One day, after completing a mission for the Royal Family, the party went to the shop to find it under attack by a lich claiming to be Cain’s father. He revealed he had plans to have Cain come with him and join his faith, but the company fought him off. They didn’t see him for a while after that, and not long after, Cain and the shopkeep started dating. Not long after that, while trying to resolve conflict with Ice Giants, a little gnome girl named Keira joined the company after running away from her stifling noble family. Cain ended up adopting Keira, and she stayed with ver for the rest of her life.
There was peace for a few years after finally helping the Giants solve their conflict, during which Cain and his boyfriend got engaged. However, the peace could not last forever, and before long the company was alerted to cult activity popping up around the Sword Coast. Pretty quickly, they learned that this cult was Cain’s father’s ‘faith’ — a cult that worshipped the Demon Lord of the Undead, Orcus. At this point, Cain had become quite the powerful druid, but vis father — a still more powerful mage than Cain, and also a lich — still intended on forcing ver to join him, no matter what. Not only that, but the main goal of the cult was to bring the Demon Lord into the Material Plane, ending the world as they knew it. Because of vis own personal connection to the situation, as well as vis respect for the natural circle of life and desire to protect others, Cain vowed to do everything within vis power to stop vis father and the cult.
Several times during their pursuit for information to stop a cult made of liches and aspiring liches, the company would commune with and visit the Raven Queen, who took a liking to Cain and vis respect of the natural circle of life. Because of this, she offered vee her blessing so ve could continue to carry out this mission, and ve dedicated vis life (and afterlife) to serving her.
The company soon learned that the best way to put and end to this cult was to collect a series of powerful magical items and use them to destroy the cult. They spent a long time gathering these items, and nearly (permanently) died several times in the process — and in order to obtain the final weapon, they had to fight an Ancient red dragon. It was quite a while before they succeeded in defeating the dragon, and they took their time after that before returning to the city. They returned to calamity, The cult had already begun the ritual to bring Orcus into the Material Plane, and it was too far along to be stopped. Most of the people in the city had already been killed and brought back as mindless undead hordes, ready to swarm all those who approached. Orcus was here, and he already had an army. The end, at this point, was nearly inevitable.
But all hope wasn’t lost quite yet. Keira, who had become quite the great bard (she canonically events the kazoo in this universe!) knew of one thing that could potentially save the world. She cast a Wish spell that sent the company back in time with the knowledge of what was about to come, allowing them to prevent the worst. They arrived in the city just barely too late to stop the ritual from beginning, but were able to stop Cain’s father from finishing the ritual and shoving Orcus back into the Abyss themselves, stopping the end of the world.
Peace lasted after that. Cain and vis fiancee got married, and later, so did Cormack. Cain, their husband, and Keira ran their shop and lived happily together. Cain, however, never entirely gave up adventuring, and continued vis work for vis goddess — traveling the world to protect the lord against malicious undead, helping villages with burial rites, and fostering nature and life. Vis power grew until ve became an Arch Druid, and with the extended lifespan achieved for Arch Druids as well as the blessing from vis goddess, ve essentially stopped aging — gaining the lifespan of a Sequoia tree. Through the magic and power of nature and the forces that protect it, Cain would live for another 3,000 years.
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judg333ment · 1 year
hi im true and this is my oc sideblog 👍🏻 you can find all the info about my ocs here! my main blog is @popfever
mobile links: about me, oc masterlist, other links
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