juggie-imagines · 7 years
Stole The Show
Jughead x Reader
Requested: anon said: 
Hello! May I please request something? So I’ve always read stories of where the reader is an amazing artist or a great writer but I’d like to read one where the reader is a dancer or something like that. I’m a dancer and I’m in my high schools color guard(not rotc). It could take place at a game during half time or a pep rally. Maybe the reader could have a solo or Something like that where jughead see them. Anything like that would be amazing 😁 please and thank you 💕
A/N: im really sorry for making you wait this long :(
Words: 1168
Warnings: 0
Today was the school’s first pep rally of the year and Cheryl had kicked me off the cheer team for the night insisting that I perform a solo at halftime. Don’t get me wrong, I love dancing but doing a solo at the first event of the year was a little nerve racking. I practiced day and night, I even ran through my routine when I got bored in class.
I was stood in front of the mirror in the locker room fixing up my face paint as Betty tied blue and yellow ribbon around my pigtails. All the cheerleaders sat around chatting, they were doing the same routine from last year so everyone was unfazed at performing because they knew the routine perfectly.
“What if I mess up?” I groaned while sponging blue and yellow stripes onto my cheeks.“
"You’ll be amazing Y/N/N!” Betty argued and pulled another strand of ribbon through my hair making me wince slightly as she tugged my hair.
“Yeah, you’ve been practicing for weeks and no one knows your routine anyways so if you mess up just freestyle it.” Ronnie commented. “Are you going to watch the first half of the game?”
“I think I might watch you two,” I said looking at her in the mirror, “then I think I’ll sit with Juggie and Kev. You guys will be off before I go on right?” I went back to fixing my face paint as they spoke.“
"Yeah, Cheryl said were all going to watch you.” Veronica said before the locker room door swung open.
“Hey, is Y/N- oh there you are.” He chuckled and stood in the door eyeing me slightly. “You look great babe.” He gushed and leant against the door frame, letting the door push against his other shoulder.
I rolled my eyes at his comment, I was wearing as little clothes as you possibly could, Cheryl had given me a pair of hot pants and a baseball style crop top to parade in, in front of the whole school, in like the middle of fall. “I look cold.” I grumbled looking at him through the mirror, his body still wedged in between the door.
“Aye! Jug, you lucky guy! Let me join!” I heard Reggie yell as he walked out the boy’s locker room.
“Fuck off Reggie.” Jug growled making him walking off in hysterics. “You’ll be fine, don’t stress.” He said gently as he turned back to me. “I’ll go find our seats, Kev said he got good ones.” He said and smiled once I had finished my makeup then stepped away letting the locker room door close completely.
I turned to face Betty and Ronnie “What?” I  blushed seeing the faces they were pulling at me.
“You two are so smitten!” Ronnie squealed then looked over to Betty who was nodding, backing up her statement.
“You’re making me more nervous.” I whined and sat between them on the bench and rested my head on Betty’s shoulder.
“Your boyfriend makes you nervous?” Betty giggled and rested her head on top of mine.
“You guys know what I mean!” I groaned, just as Cheryl burst into the room.
“We’re on in two minutes girls!” She yelled causing people to throw bags, shoes, clothes and so on into their lockers and follow her outside.
“Good luck girls.” I whispered as I hugged Betty and Veronica before they thanked me and rushed out joining the rest of the team. I got up from the bench and checked my myself once more before leaving the locker room and making my way to the football field.
“Well here she is!” Jug cheered as I slid past the people to my seat between him and Kev, which had food piled on it. I gave him an uneasy smile while I stood back brushing my arms up and down trying to keep warm as the slight breeze nipped at my skin. “You must be freezing.” Jug commented once they had moved the food and I had sat down.
He pulled his jacket off and handed it to me, “Cheryl might as well put me out there in a set of underwear.” I grumbled as I pulled on the heavy denim jacket. “Thanks though.” I gave him a grateful smile before kissing his cheek. The jacket only reached my mid thighs making my legs start to shiver but I couldn’t really tell if it was from the cold or from nerves.
He took my hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly before turning back to the game, only really concentrating on Archie. The game was going pretty well but the crowd wasn’t really cheering them on as much as I would have hoped which made me more anxious for my performance, what if nobody cheered for me? I got more and more antsy the closer half time came.
“Holy cow, I’m up in like ten minutes.” I said after watching the game for a while, I got up and pulled Jug’s jacket off, “I’m going to head down to the field so long.” “Okay, good luck baby,” He said before pressing a kiss to my cheek, “you’re going to do so well.” A bright smile spread across his face as he pulled back. “Oh my word, you’re making me blushy,” I cooed, “but I got to go.” I chuckled.
“Break a leg!” Betty yelled as I run past them as the team made their way onto the side lines, I smiled back and waved while they all cheered me on. I stood in the middle of the field looking out at the crowd while I waited for the music to start, I had no time to get nervous though because the music started almost immediately. I counted down when I heard the first beat and started my routine once I had got to three, the whole school went crazy, cheering, whistling, you name it.
I kept looking for Jug in the crowd when I had the chance but I had no luck in finding him. Everyone cheered as I started finishing, a huge smile spread across my face once I had ended the dance. I gave them a playful bow before I was tackled into a group hug from the cheer team. “You did so well Y/N/N!” veronica squealed as she pushed her way closer to me and gave me a big squeeze. Before I could say anything, I was lifted up into the air by Archie before he placed me on his shoulder as the whole football team joined us on the field. I looked around in amazement, everyone was jumping in celebration around me and the whole school was still cheering. A huge smile spread across my face when I finally spotted Jug in the bleachers he was cheering loudly with an insanely adorable smile plastered on his face too. When he saw that I was looking at him we blew each other a kiss simultaneously  making the school go even more crazy.
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
The New Girl || Part 2
Jughead x Reader
Requested:  Anonymous said: Part two of the new girl
Tag list: @castiella-rose24 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @superhero-lover101
A/N: its been um… a while… 
Words: 1693
Warnings: it’s fluffy
I got out of bed and threw on clothes from the top of the pile in my cupboard, I then had breakfast and brushed my teeth before grabbing my back pack and stepping out the door bumping into Jug who was on his way inside. “Good morning.” I chuckled and took his arm pulling him down the stairs and onto the sidewalk.“Morning, you look cute today.” He smiled and started walking towards school.“Thanks,” I said looking down at my outfit, “I just threw on the first thing I got my hands on.” I chuckled and took his hand in mine.
We walked hand in hand to school talking about the classes we had that day. Once we got to school there were only a few kids in the hallway, Archie was standing by his locker and waved us over when he saw us. “Hey Arch!” I said cheerfully as he greeted us both, “where the girls?” I asked while I looked around trying to spot them.
“They just went to get a page from the student lounge they should be back in a second.” He said while pulling books out his locker and stuffing them in his backpack.
I let go of Jug’s hand and rested my head on his shoulder as he spoke to Archie, his arm brushing up my back reassuringly for a second before he dropped it back to his side. I lifted my head when I saw the girls walking behind Archie, a huge smile spread over my face making Jug squeeze my arm and then greet them.
“Morning you two.” Veronica chuckled and stood with Betty as we all surrounded Archie who was still digging around in his locker.
“Hi guys!” I smiled then stepped forward, “I need to pee.” I announced which made them without a second thought follow behind me. “You two will not believe me.” I said once we were quite a bit away from the boys making them look up from the magazine they were paging through.
“What?” Ronnie said eagerly, “Is it about you and Jug?” I nodded making them both squeal and push me into the bathroom.
“Okay relax,” I chuckled and walked over to the counter and sitting on the edge giving them the chance to stand around me.
“Did you hook up?” Veronica gasped as she started guessing.
“Well it depends-”
“What do you mean it depends? Either you hooked up or you didn’t.” She groaned becoming impatient.
“I was going to say it depends on what your definition for a hookup is.” I chuckled as she rolled her eyes.
“Just say it!” Betty whined.
I looked up defeated, “I’m trying!” I chuckled, “We kissed yesterday-”
“Oh my word! How? How did it come up? Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?” Veronica exclaimed excitedly as she held onto my arm keenly.
“Shush, let me finish.” I said laughing, “So we were walking home and he kissed me and then this morning we held hands all the way here and all that mushy stuff but what does it mean.” I groaned looking at both of them who were listening intently.
“Haven’t you two talked?” Betty frowned and walked over to a basin to wash her hands.
“Well we haven’t talked about this. All he said was that he wished we had kissed and stuff sooner but does that mean he only wanted a kiss or what?” I furrowed my brows trying to think of answers, “I mean he hasn’t opposed to any affection today so I mean he must be liking it?”
“He’s Jughead, he’s not the type to have a onetime thing.” Betty said as she walked back over to us with Veronica nodding in agreement to her statement.
“I would just roll with it Y/N/N and you can talk about it after school or something.” Ronnie shrugged and checked her makeup in the mirror before we left the bathroom.
We walked down the hall not seeing the boys by Archie’s locker anymore so Betty lead us to the student lounge saying that they most probably there with Kevin. She wasn’t wrong, Archie was laying across a one seater while Kevin sat on the largest couch facing Jug. Betty and Veronica made sure that they got the last two seats next to Kevin, forcing me to sit next to Jug.
“Morning Kev,” I sighed and flopped down next to Jug causing him to look over concerned but I ignored him, acknowledging Kevin’s hello. I watched as Ronnie filled Kevin in, whispering in his ear as Archie decided to tell everyone about his new song.
Jug shifted in his seat and put an arm casually around my shoulder, I looked up at the three sat opposite us knowing his actions would spark an outburst, which was right, I had three of my weirdo friends winking, smirking and making kissy faces at me while Jug and Archie seemed oblivious.
About halfway through the day, when I had got more kisses blown at me from my friends than anyone I’d ever dated in my life, I walked up to Jug in the hall just before he had English and I had Physics. “Jug, can we talk?” I said pulling him aside out of the slight crowd, I saw our friends part between classes, each one of them sending me smirks.
“Yeah, what’s up? You seem annoyed, is everything okay?” He said concerned as his eyes raked over me.
“I’m fine, really, but Jug, what are we?” I whispered quietly and looked down at the ground nervously.
He put his hand under my chin and lifted it so I was looking at him, “You are adorable and I’m taking you for a milkshake after school.” He grinned and cupped my face before pressing a small kiss on my lips, “but I really need to get to English so I’ll talk to you later okay?” He grinned and brushed his hands down my arms before reaching my hands and giving them a squeeze before he rushed off to his class.
“Okay.” I sighed once he had walked into his class and left me standing in the hall. I walked to Physics and spent the whole lesson telling Betty and Kevin about Jug, making them coo over us and occasionally mock us.
At lunch Jug decided to pull me down next to him even though there was a whole two empty seats next to Archie and Veronica. He grabbed my waist just as I walked past and yanked me back causing me to fall onto his lap, “hiya gorgeous.” He smirked and snaked his arms around me tightly not letting me get off him. I felt my cheeks burn as a blush rose onto my face from Betty and Veronica giving me teasing glances, he soon let me go allowing me to sit between him and Betty.
“Y/N you should come to cheer practice after school, Cheryl might even consider putting you on the team.” Betty said as she picked at her sandwich.
“Oh no, Y/N/N is busy after school, Bets.” Jug nonchalantly replied. “I am?” I retorted looking over at him. “Yip.” He said looking down at his food, making me raise my eyebrows. “Okay B, my PA here tells me I’m busy? So I’ll come next practice, if that’s fine with my assistant. Is that okay?” I asked him leaning over making Ronnie scoff as he rolled his eyes.
The bell rang meaning lunch was over and I still hadn’t had the time to talk to Jug. I was going to have to suffer through three more lessons before I could actually find out if he was being serious or if what we had was just a onetime thing. It also meant three more lessons of our friends teasing me.
Going out the last lesson of the day felt like I had successfully walked through a war zone, even though I felt completely drained Betty and I still raced out the class giggling about some kid asking if mountains were trees. I stumbled out the class bumping into someone still laughing at Betty’s joke, “Sorry, didn’t see you.” I said to the person between laughs. “No problem babe.” An oh so familiar voice said and pulled me even closer into his chest. “Come on, lets get out of here.” He whispered and guided me out before we could say goodbye to everyone. “How was the rest of your day?” He said once we had walked past the school. “Good.” I mumbled as I leant against him, tired from the hectic day, he said nothing but held my hand as we kept walking.
When we got to Pop’s his usual booth was empty waiting for us, I rushed over and slid into it eagerly waiting for him to sit down so we could have our drinks. He ordered at the counter before making his way to me, a smug grin plastered his face as he watched me. “You are adorable.” He said pressing quick kisses all over my face.
He cooed as I buried my face into his chest, trying to hide the blush rising on my cheeks, “I want to talk to you but you’re making me embarrassed.” “Aww, my tough little Serpent has gone all mushy on me.” He chuckled and brushed the hair out my face. “Stop,” I whined, “this is serious.” “Okay, I’m being serious,” he pulled a straight face making me roll my eyes as he faced me. “Stop being so annoying.” I chuckled and waited for his laughter to settle. “Do you like me? Like, like me like me?” He laughed as I waited for his answer, “Oh, you’re being serious. Yeah, I do like you like you.” He teased then started laughing at me again. “It’s not funny.” I groaned trying to suppress my own giggles. “Its totally not funny.” He said trying to be serious but failed as he kept laughing. “You’re adorable.” “You’ve mentioned,” I rolled my eyes and hugged him closer, “but I like it, so continue.” “Sure thing.” He chuckled and pressed kisses on the top of my head.
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
My Messy Artist
Jughead x Reader
Requested: Anonymous-  Can you do an imagine where jughead is fond of a art student?? And he's kinda shy about it?
A/N: okay so I’m thinking of posting twice a week now because I liked posting on Wednesday idk, what do you guys think?
Words: 3027
Warnings: N/A 
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I sat alone in the art class swirling one of my paint brushes in a clean glass of water trying to think of something to paint for my last portfolio piece. I had to come back after school to paint and draw for my portfolio because it was considered an outside project by the school because I was only a sophmore so most days I stayed after school and spent my afternoons painting and drawing.
 Usually I start right away but today I had run out of ideas so I sat in front of my easel mixing paint colors and stirring the water in my glass, trying to think of something to paint. I suddenly jumped at the sound of the door slamming open, "Geez," I said before turning in my seat to see who had caused the huge commotion, "Want to pick up the door there buddy?" I chuckled as the boy stood there looking quite sheepish.
 "Sorry, I didn't think anyone would be in here." He chuckled nervously, "Do you know if I can find tape in here?" He said quickly before I could answer his first sentence.
 "Depends, you're not going to use it for anything kinky are you?" I smirked and hopped off my seat in search for tape.
 "Oh with who?" He smirked and followed behind me, "You and I are the only ones here, everyone has left." He said watching me pull boxes off the shelves and rummage through them.
"So what do you need it for?" I said after a few moments of silence as I concentrated on trying to find the tape so he could leave and I could start my painting.
 "Don't freak out," he pulled a box out and peered into it, "but it's for a murder board in the school's newspaper room."
 I looked up slowly and eyed him carefully, "So you're the guy that is constantly writing about that Jason kid and not actually addressing the tragic shortage of tater tots in the cafeteria!"
 "Yes and yes." He said nervously then started to smile when looked up and saw me smiling.
 "I don't think there's tape," I huffed and put my box back on the shelf, "it honestly doesn't surprise me, it's end of term, we barely have pencils left. I can bring you tape tomorrow if you're really desperate?" I watched as he slid the box he was busy with back on the shelf.
 "No it's fine, I'll get some from home." He sighed, "Sorry about earlier..." he grimaced as he looked over at the door remembering the embarrassing moment, "Didn't mean to distract you from your..."
 "Painting." I finished his sentence as he chuckled and made to leave, "Wait, don't go, please. It gets really boring and lonely in here." I said just before he got to the door.
 He turned and smiled "I thought you'd never ask." He took a stool from one of the other easels and pulled it next to mine, "Well aren't you going to join me?" He chuckled and motioned for me to sit in my seat.
 A huge smile broke onto my face as an idea sparked in my head, "Actually, no." I said with a wide grin which made him cock an eyebrow at me. I walked over to the easel and moved it slightly to the side. Once I finished adjusting the easel I held out a hand for him which he took almost too willingly, I pulled him into the centre of the room and smiled, liking how my plan was working so far. "Where's you stool?" I frowned suddenly then looked behind me and sighed as I turned to fetch it for him.
 "Thought you wanted me to keep you company?" He said with a frown as I walked back to him and passed over his seat, he sat down and watched me at I examined how the light fell on him.
 "Yes, but then I decided you can be my first model for a portrait in my portfolio." I smiled and put my finger under his chin making him look up slightly which made the light from the window catch every fine detail. "I know it's intimidating," I chuckled and walked to the light switch and flipped it so the window provided the only light in the room, "but try keep that position, you can move but when I look at you, sit exactly like that." He nodded then chuckled once I had sat down. "What?" I said with another smile breaking onto my face.
 "I just thought all my life that I would be the guy staring at the naked woman laying there as I pretended to paint," He laughed as he spoke, "this is very different from my expectations."
 Well, wait, what's your name?" I said at I looked back at him as I sketched a rough outline.
 "Uh, Jughead." He said and went back to his position as I studied him further.
 "Well Jughead, can I enlighten you on how art really is?" I said with amusement lacing my words.
 "If you have to," he groaned playfully and rolled his eyes, "I mean you've already in prisoned me in here, so why don't you ruin my art room fantasies too." I looked at him again to see if he was being serious but he had a huge smirk playing on his face.
 I chuckled and shook my head before carrying on, “The only reason all the guys are staring at the model’s boobs is because they are trying to get their shading right, the model is probably wondering when she can take another bathroom break and some weirdo is staring her right in the face because they’ve done one eye and now the pressure on.” I finished off sketching the basic shapes and leant to the side grabbing a thick brush to start off the background. “I also have nude painting is not that common in high schools, as you could probably guess.” I said trying to stifle a giggle causing Jughead to laugh.
 “Well I guess that’s a good thing because I can barely draw a stickman.” He chuckled which made the corners of his eyes crease and his smile grow even wider.
 I spent the next hour explaining different techniques and styles to him and teaching hi the names of different shades of colours in exchange for his never ending knowledge of old movies and comics. I had finished the background and started painting his shirt and jacket by the time the sun started moving behind the building. I finished painting his collar before sitting back and examining my work as Jug fiddled with one of the screws on a nearby easel while he kept jabbering about his favourite film. I looked up at him and sighed in satisfaction causing a curiosity to spark in him, he climbed off his high stool and rushed eagerly to my side to see the work for himself.
 His brows furrowed together when he stood next to me but they soon relaxed “You didn’t finish?” I looked at him and chuckled, “No Jug, it’s going to take more than one afternoon to finish.”
 He pouted playfully, “I wanted to see my gorgeous face in art form!” he whined and pretended to throw a tantrum.
 "Well I guess you'll have to keep me company tomorrow afternoon then." I said with a smirk which made a bright smile grow on his face.
 He chuckled and watched me pack my paints away "Okay, see you tomorrow..."
 "Y/N," I giggled as I walked to the sink to tip out the jar of now dark grey water.
 "Y/N." he said with a wink and waved while he slipped out the door as I washed of my pallets shaking my head at his shenanigans.
 I hadn’tseen Y/N the next day until lunch, she sat next to a girl a few tables down, straight in front of me. I couldn't stop staring, she was the most gorgeous girl I had ever met and holy fuck was she cute.  
 Betty and I were brainstorming new ideas for the paper when she sat down, I had watched her enter the room and effortlessly make her way to a table next to a few of the other cheerleaders and some kids from my English and Maths class. Her vibrant presence radiated through the cafeteria making the air feel a lot less suppressive.
 Betty looked behind her when she saw I had stopped listening to her and my concentration was elsewhere. A small smirk was plastered on her face when she turned back to me, “Checking out the cheerleaders Jug?" I shook my head slowly as I kept my eyes locked on her watching her every move. Betty frowned and watched me for a second, "Are you looking at Rachel?" She hushed not wanting tables near us to hear because Rachel had been rumors going around.
 “God no.” I groaned and looked down at my food, she watched me and raised her eyebrows questionably indicating me to carry on. “It’s Y/N…” I mumbled and brushed my hair back.
 “Y/N Y/L/N!” She squealed making Veronica look over at us suddenly very interested.
 “What’s happening?” Veronica chuckled and turned her attention to Betty and I.
 “Juggie’s got a crush!” Betty squealed, “Y/N!”
 “The art kid?” Veronica questioned and turned in her seat to see her.
 “If you two tell a soul.” I warned making Veronica cheer as she realized she was right, “Guys, I’m being serious.” I said when they wouldn’t stop giggling.
 “Oh my word! This is adorable!” Betty exclamation to Veronica who was agreeing to anything she said at that point.
 “Girls keep it down!” I hushed and glared at them in fear someone would hear.
 “Aw, Jug, are you embarrassed?” Veronica smirked and nudged Betty making her join in on her giggles.
 “You two are the definition of evil.” I groaned and carried on eating, glancing over at her every now and then.
 “Hey Y/N.” I huffed as I dropped my backpack at my feet once I had entered.
 “Hi!” She called from the sink across the room, “Are you ready?” She said with a smirk plastered on her face, “Today should be fun, a lot of sitting still.”
 “Oh, my favorite.” I said sarcastically as I pulled one of the stools over to the spot making sure it was positioned properly, “At least I have my art room fantasy to think about.” I said with a chuckle before looking up to see her shaking her head. I walked over to see her washing brushes and palettes.”
 “I just had a lesson,” She said answering my thoughts, “I need to clean all this before I start the other painting.” She was dipping the brushes into a jar and swirling them until most of the colour had dissolved into the liquid and then she rinsed them under the tap.
 “Why don’t you just use the tap?” I grabbed a handful of brushes and walking to the other side of her so I could help.
 As I went to dip a brush in the jar she put her hand on mine, pulling it back in a panic, “Careful, that’s paint thinners, it’ll burn you.” She scolded as if I was too important to be burnt.
 “Oh,” I said and pulled my hand away before pulling my sleeve up then going ahead and cleaning the brush, “why do you use paint thinners then?”
 “Well I used oil paint in class earlier and it’s easier to use paint thinners to clean the brushes, it also ensures the paint doesn’t dry in the bristles.” She explained as she cleaned each brush with a great care in every stage of her system. “Jug, please be careful. I know you’re not eight but I really don’t want you to burn yourself.” She whined as she watched me swirling a brush in the jar of thinners.
 “Y/N I’m a strapping young man, I can handle some burns if something happens. I should be the one worrying about you anyways!” I fought back and watched as she rinsed off the last few brushes. She rolled her eyes and took the brush I had just cleaned and placed it on the side so it could dry with the rest.
 “I’m fine! I just don’t want you getting hurt.” She insisted as she wiped her hands off on a towel, finally done washing brushes. She took the jar of thinners screwing the lid on and placing it on a high shelf above the sink before making her way to the easel she had used yesterday and adjusting it slightly. “You can do whatever for now, I just need to set up.” She told me as she walked over to a table grabbing tubes of paint and a new set of brushes, she placed them on a side table by her easel then walked to the sink and filled a old pickle jar with water and took it back to her spot.
 I sat on my assigned stool watching her walk up and down the room retrieving all her things so she could start working on her painting. As my eyes followed her they caught two figures standing by the door, Betty and Veronica. My eyes widened once I had recognized them, they were giggling and making faces at me as they watched through the window in the door. “I’ll be right back Y/N/N.” I said slipping of my seat and stumbling for the door as she called out and okay. “What the hell are you two doing.” I whisper shouted and pulled them to the side so Y/N wouldn’t see us.
 “Aww Juggie, you’re so cute.” Ronnie commented, not even answering my question, “You’re going to ask her out right?” She said with hopeful eyes.
 “Please ask her to dinner at Pop’s!” Betty whined and pouted her bottom lip.
“Guys, it’s not like that.” I huffed and pulled a hand through my fringe.
 “Juggie you two look like lovesick puppies!” Ronnie argued back as Betty nodded along agreeing with her.
 “But what if she says no?” I asked quietly not wanting people around us to hear, “I mean it’s Y/N and I’m Jughead?”
 “She wouldn’t say no, she clearly enjoys having Jughead around” Ronnie said softly then paused and watched me, “Just give it a go.” I sighed and answered an okay before I made my way to the door and looked back at both of them.
 “Good luck Jug.” Betty chuckled as Veronica gave me a smile, I just shook my head and pushed the door open and slipped inside.
 “Everything okay?” Y/N said without turning to face me as she sat in front of the canvas.
 “Yeah, just checking up on my math homework.” I said quickly not having a better excuse come to mind, “Are we going to start?” I added on wanting to change the topic of conversation.
 “Yep! Just hop onto your stool there.” She pointed to the stool with the brush in her hand. “Jug today I really need you to stay in your position as much as possible because I need to get the right shades and stuff and then Monday  afternoon we can do the face detail and then we’re basically done.” She clapped at the end of her sentence with a huge smile forming on her lips.
 “No problem, I’d sit here all day if you told me to.” I chuckled and smugly grinned while watching her laugh and shake her head.
 She got of her seat bringing a pallet and brush along with her, “I need to try match your skin tone.” She informed me, “I’m really bad at trying to guess.” She giggled and mixed a bit of blue with a dull peach.
 “I can assure you I’m not blue.” I said matter of factly making her roll her eyes.
 She painted a streak of the colour she had just mixed onto the back of her and and held it next to my cheek, “It’s your undertone you idiot.” She chuckled and furrowed her eyebrows as she pulled her hand away from my cheek and added more yellow to the mix and painted another streak and comparing it to my cheek again. She compared a few streaks of paint before she walked back, satisfied with her decision.
 “So Y/N,” I said after she had sat down and started painting for a minute or two.
 “Mhm?” She hummed as she concentrated, her tongue sticking out slightly as she leaned closer to the canvas to do the edges of my face.
 “It’s Friday, do you have any plans for this weekend.” I said hoping she wouldn’t get the wrong idea but she kept concentrating on her painting.
 “No not really.” She said looking at me as she rinsed a brush off and picked up one of the thicker ones. “Why?” She said furrowing her eyebrows as she leant in again making sure she didn’t mess up.
 “Was kind of wondering if you maybe wanted to have dinner with me tonight?” I said and twirled a piece of my fringe nervously.
 She looked up and saw that I wasn’t joking, a huge smile grew on her face, “Of course!” She exclaimed and hopped off her stool and rushed over to me hugging me before I could even think about doing something. “You’re so cute.” She mumbled into my shoulder as she hugged me further, I chuckled and draped my arms around her watching the smile never leave her face. I looked up, a movement catching my attention, it was Veronica and Betty cheering and giving each other high fives from outside the class, I scolded them making them scurry off down the hallway.
 “How’s about we pack up for today so you can wash up before dinner?” I said pointing to the splotches of paint marking her arms and hands.
 She giggled then looked at me, “I’m a messy artist.”
 “You’re my messy artist.” I said pulling her in for another hug before helping her pack up all the paints and brushes.
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
Shout out to my mom
Thanks for the Capri Sun and lottery tickets mom ❤️ Guys isn't my mom awesome, I'm so happy.
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
Nothing Ice-cream Can’t Fix
Jughead x Reader
Requested: @jasminevargase8 - Could you do a jugheadxreader for when jughead gets jealous he gives the reader the silent treatment and he tells the reader to give him kisses to end it. A really cute fluff please.  You're a really good writer ♡♡
A/N: IM SO SORRY @jasminevargase8 I HOPE YOU GOT MY DM!!! 
         also hey kiddos, I know my post days are usually Sunday nights                  (South Africa time) but i was really sick over the weekend so I didn't            get chance but here’s a mid week surprise yay. I’ve also developed a            secondary infection so if you guys want drugs you know who to call            ;) being serious though there’s like 6 things i have to take.
Words: 615
Warnings: like one swear.
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“You’re the one that was flirting with Reggie the whole night!” Jug whined as he sat in the passenger seat of my car.
 “It was his birthday! I said thanks for inviting us and I gave him a hug?” I said with a shocked laugh interrupting me, “Should I go inside and demand he give back the gift too?” I cocked an eyebrow at him as he crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. “So now you’re not talking to me either.” I shook my head and started the car, driving towards my house. Jug had pulled me out the party about an hour after we got there, telling everyone he felt sick, he then pulled me outside to tell me we’re going home because he “can’t stand to see me flirting with Reggie.” I just rolled my eyes and planned to drop him off and go back to Veronica and Betty once he was home.
 “You missed the turn.” He muttered still looking out the window as we began driving, I ignored him and kept driving past my neighborhood.
 “Maybe if you apologize I’ll take you home.” I sighed then put on the radio letting it play softly as I drove. “Unless you’re still not talking to me?” I chuckled making him glare at me. I came to a red light and stopped giving me the chance to watch him as he frowned and looked back out the window. “Holy crap Jug. Calm your tits.” He whipped around again shooting daggers at me. “The thing is I can also look through the window and ignore you if you’re not going to talk to me because I mean how will you get my attention and then I’ll be like-”
 “Leave me alone.” He grumbled interrupting me, making me scream which gave him a fright, “What the actual Fuck?”
 “Sorry I thought there was a ghost in the car.” I chuckled and pulled off as the light turned green again.
 “You are so annoying.” He rolled his eyes and leaned against the window watching me. “Just take me home.”
 “Nope.” I said cheerfully and pulled into a ice cream shop parking lot. “I’m taking my boyfriend for ice cream.”
 “Oh, where’s Reggie? I think you forgot him at the party.” Jug grumbled and stayed in his seat as he watched me dig around for my purse.
 “Oh my word! Get over it! I wasn’t flirting with him!” I groaned and hit my head on the steering wheel in defeat. “Are your hormone levels okay?” I said lifting my head and looking at him.
 “Leave me alone. Go get ice cream.” He whined and crossed his arms over his chest again.
 “Babeee.” I leant into his chest groaning, “Just get over it. I wasn’t flirting.”
 “No,” he huffed and tried to shimmy me off his chest but gave up once I had held on his shoulders and buried myself into the crook of his neck, “give me a kiss.” He said angrily with a deep frown still playing on his face.
 “Only if you stop being so grumpy.” I said mad crossed my arms mocking him which made him roll his eyes at me and drop his arms to his side. I leant over pressing a small kiss on his lips then peppering ones all over his face before he cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately. I pulled away and chuckled, “Let’s go get some ice cream and go back to the party, gorgeous.”
 “Okay.” He said with a smile spreading over his face before he jumped out the car and held me against him by the waist the whole time we had ice cream.
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
Meeting The ‘Rents
Jughead x Reader
Requested: Anonymous said: can you please do something like jughead meets your parents for the first time and gets super freaked out and lots of fluff bc u love him?? thanks :))
Words: 1426
Warnings: N/A 
“You’ll be fine Jug, just be you, they’ll love you.” I said while adjusting his hat and ruffling the hair falling forward.
 "How do you know.“ He complained nervously as he watched me.
 "Because it’s impossible to not like you.” I sighed and stepped back examining his hair again. “They know how much I like you, they already think positively of you so stop stressing.“ I giggled and pressed a kiss on his lips as he pouted in annoyance.
 "Can we sit next to each other though?” He asked softly while standing up and pulling me into a tight hug.
 "Only if you don’t try anything funny.“ I chuckled and he looked at me then rolled his eyes.
 "You mustn’t try anything funny! I know your tendencies.” He smirked and pressed kisses all over my face making me groan as he pinned me against the dresser near his bed, trapping me so he could kiss me all over.
 "Juggie! Stop!“ I squealed which made him place his hands at my sides and start tickling me, "Stop! We have to go!” I tried to push him away but pressed all his weight onto me so I couldn’t get away. He laughed in amusement as he stopped and pulled away which made me sprint to the other side of the rooms for grab Archie’s hockey stick in the corner for defence.
 "Come then, lets go.“ He chuckled and gave me a smirk as I held the stick up as warning. I rolled my eyes and dropped the hockey stick and took his hand following him out Archie’s place as he was staying there. We walked down only a few houses, past Betty’s then two more.
 To be honest I was kind of nervous too, what if they disapproved of Jug? My whole world would crumble is I had to leave him. I tried to stay positive as we walked up my drive way to the house. I opened the door and stepped inside pulling Jug by his hand, “We’re here!” I called through the house until we made it into the kitchen where everyone but my dad was. My little siblings cheered as they tackled me in hugs as my mom turned from the counter and gave us a cheery grin. Once the little kids had found out Jug was my boyfriend they ran off chanting “Y/N and Jug have cooties!” causing us to chuckle.
 My mom stepped forward and hugged Jug and I together which made us groan as we squished against each other. “Nice to finally meet you Jughead.” My mom said with a huge grin on  her face.
“Good to meet you too.” Jug said whilst he chuckled, my mom nodded and turned around again continuing to cut potatoes.
 As I went to lead him out the kitchen my dad walked in, a soda in one hand and game controller in the other, he never really grew out of his video game phase. “Aye! This must be Romeo!” he teased and nudged Jug making him laugh.
 “I sure hope not Mr. Y/L/N, don’t plan on losing all three lives just yet.” Jug chuckled as my dad dug through the fridge to find a soda to offer him.
 My dad turned holding a can of Coke out while laughing, “I think if you’re around Y/N for long enough the only thing keeping you in the game would be power ups,” My dad said between laughs finding his joke quite hilarious, “and please, I’m not that old, call me Y/D/N.” he said patting Jug on the back. “Do you play?” my dad asked as he waved the controller in his hand, Jug nodded and followed my dad through to the living room and sat on the couch with him as they set up a game together.
 “Oh nice dad,” I sassed and rolled my eyes, “You just met him and he gets to play? No one in this house gets to play those games but you meet Jug once and he gets to play.” I commented as I watched them.
 “Jug doesn’t whine about never getting to play though.” He retorted making me scoff and make my way to the kitchen to get my own soda.
 “Mom I think dad is cheating on you.” I said loudly so they could hear me, she just chuckled and carried on wiping the counter down. I grabbed a soda out the fridge and made my way into the living room again, I sat on the two-seater on the left of jug and watched as they payed full attention to the video game.
 “Y/N/N, stop sulking, it’s affecting my aiming.” My dad grinned then cheered Jug on as he was evidently winning.
 “Sorry dad, didn’t mean to,” I smirked, “I can leave? I’ll give you and your boyfriend some privacy?” I sassed but they were only half listening as they kept cheering every time they killed someone.
 Once dinner was ready the little kids had already set the table and were seated at their favourite spots waiting to eat. “Boys dinner!” my mom called as she set the food down on the table.
 “We’ll be there in a second!” My dad called as I sat in my chair opposite my mom, she rolled her eyes as she was used to that comment meaning “We’ll only really get there in ten minutes when we finish the level instead of just pausing the game.” She started dishing dinner for the little kids while we waited for them.
 Once the little ones started eating I dished for Jug and I as my mom did the same for herself and my dad. They came to the table once we had finished, “Hi guys! It’s so nice to have you join us for dinner!” I said with sarcasm lacing my words causing them to chuckle and sit down.
 “Thanks cutie,” Jug said taking my hand and squeezing it when he saw I had his dinner ready for him which caused my younger siblings to scoff in disgust. “and thanks for dinner Mrs. Y/L/N.” He exclaimed grinning widely.
 “Only a pleasure Jughead.” She said as finally sat down to eat.
 Dinner consisted of my dad and Jug talking about more video games, my siblings groaning and chanting about cooties every time Jug and I even looked at each other. My mom then found out Jug liked to write so she didn’t shut up for about twenty minutes about how she used to love writing but ‘the kids never give me time to do it anymore.’ I rolled my eyes and took another bite of food.
 We didn’t get much time after dinner to talk because my siblings sat at the table with empty plates demanding ice cream so once my mom and dad finished eating they got up together to pack up and get ice cream.
 “I think they like you more than they like me.” I chuckled and leaned my head on his shoulder, he ran his fingers through my hair and hummed in agreement which made me laugh more.
 “I love you,” He whispered softly so my siblings wouldn’t hear “so, so, so much.” He grinned and looked down at me making me smile and take his hand and squeezing it.
 When everyone had finished their dessert Jug and I decided we should get going before it got too late because we had school the next day. My dad told Jug he should spend the weekend at ours so they could play video games and my mom hugged him goodbye as he told her how delicious dinner was. He said goodbye to my siblings ruffling their hair and givig them a big group hug before we stepped out the door and walked back to Archie’s house.
 “You know, I got worried you were going to leave me for my dad for a second there.” I giggled and leaned into him as he wrapped an arm around me and kissed my forehead.
 “Oh, whatever,” He groaned then chuckled as he squeezed my side, “I’ll tell you though, it’d be the exact same with you and my mom, she’d love you.” He sighed contently I looked up at him and grinned brightly.
 “I can’t wait.” I sighed and took his hand as he let go of my side as we walked up the stairs outside Archie’s house.
 “Bye gorgeous,” He said with a smirk playing on his lips before leaning down and kissing me, “See you this weekend.” He said pulling away and winking at me before going inside.  
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
The New Girl
Jughead x reader 
Requested: Anonymous said: I need some good Juggie writing in my life. That boy is just on my mind and here's what I'm thinking. Maybe like your from the Southside and you've met Juggie before and his dad jokes around saying that you and his boy would be perfect and then like your family or just like you move from the south side to Riverdale and you really start to know Juggie better. Maybe under that tough outside she's a huge fluff and loves to hug and cuddle
A/N: So willing to do a part two if you guys want!!!
Words: 3634
Warnings: Mentions of bulling
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Jug and I had been friends since I could remember which made everyone speculated our relationship but we always remained friends. It was only until recently that I had started developing feelings for Jughead but I kept them suppressed in fear of ruining our friendship, I mean who wants to lose their best friend over some stupid emotions.
 Today I left school and went straight to the trailer park and turned a right going towards Jug’s trailer instead of mine. I climbed the stairs and knocked on the door but my expression dulled as Fp opened the door. “Hey Mr. Jones.” I grinned and stepped inside as he motioned for me to come in.
 “Hi Y/N, Jug will be home in a few seconds, I was actually just heading out, so no funny business while I'm gone okay?” He chuckled and pulled on his coat.
 “It's not like that Mr. Jones.” I groaned as he laughed at me.
 “Well it could easily be like that with you two, you never leave each other alone.” He chuckled and shook his head. Jughead walked in just as Fp reached for the door to leave which made Fp laugh again, “Bye you love birds,” he said between laughs, “remember, no funny business.” He called as he closed the door behind him.
 Jughead turned to face me with a confused look washed over his face I shrugged and stepped towards him enveloping him in a hug. “How was school?” He mumbled into my shoulder then pulled away to my expression, I shrugged again and sighed which made him frown and push back the hair falling in my face. “That bad?” He sighed and dropped his bag to the floor.
 I had always gone to South Side High and Jug had always gone to Riverdale High which didn't really matter but lately these kids in my class kept tormenting me, writing disgusting notes all over my locker, books and desks. Sometimes they would try physically hurt me and one group of boys often tried to corner me and have their way. I was moving to Riverdale High tomorrow and to say I was excited was an understatement, I was so glad that I was escaping the torture.
 “Don't worry, with me around tomorrow no one will hurt you.” He grinned and pulled me into another hug.
 I rolled my eyes and huffed, “I don't need you to be my bodyguard.” He chuckled and pulled my arm making me stumble into him. “I'm a big girl I can take care of myself.” Muttered and poked his chest to emphasise my statement.
 “Okay.” He chuckled and let go of me making his way in to the kitchen to find food.
 “I can!” I called as I followed behind him trying to prove my point.
 “I know you can.” He said as he turned and smiled smugly at me. I rolled my eyes and stormed off into his room and collapsed on to his bed not so subtly because his bed springs made sure that he heard me on his bed. “I just want to make sure you have a good day tomorrow that's all.” He said as he stepped into the doorway with a mouthful of food, he leaned against the doorframe as he finished off his sandwich and watched me frown in annoyance.
 “You just want me to be in your sight constantly," I groaned and burrowed further into his pillows "and I don't enjoy your presence that much." I lifted my head and smirked towards him.
 "Oh, shut up." He chuckled and rolled his eyes as he walked over to the bed and flopped down on it making my side lift. "You're probably going to flash that serpent jacket and make them quiver at their knees." He smirked and poked my cheek.
 I lifted my head and shot daggers at him, the only real reason he would want me to wear my serpents jacket is so that he can show me off. I only became a serpent a few years ago as Fp had trusted me so much and I was constantly at the Whyte Wyrm after school anyways helping with odd jobs trying to earn some money. When Fp made me serpent I had a safe place to go to because everyone looked out for each other and soon after Fp made me his second in command which made all the other serpents even more protective of me. Jug often suggested that I tell them about the kids at school but I never did in fear that it would cause even more harm and I mean these kids weren’t just at school they were my neighbours and some of their parents were even serpents so the repercussions could be endless.
I just kept quiet and tried to go on with life as if they weren’t there but when my mom saw the things written on my books she took me out of South Side High and transferred me to Riverdale High. I was so glad that she had found out by herself because I don’t I could have handled it much longer, I was so ecstatic that I went over to Jug’s place that evening after dinner so I could tell him. He was so happy, he hated me coming over every day because I would always be upset, “You always end up crying when you visit.” He would say almost every night as we lay in silence after I told him what had happened that day.
 “What.” He chuckled then sighed and settled down next to me, his face inches away from mine. “What are you thinking about?”
 “That your breath smells really bad.” I giggled as he rolled his eyes and shoved me playfully. Jug never really minded when I teased him like this, probably because he knew he was one of the only ones to ever get to see my playful side. 
 I left just as it was getting dark because I knew my mom would have dinner ready by the time I got home. Jug and I never left his bed which was fantastic because I was not up for anything else other than lazing around all afternoon but that meant that I had grown too lazy to even walk home so I kept delaying leaving until it was getting dark because my mom would have started worrying by then. I gathered my bag and shoes and sat on the bed trying to pull on my socks while Jug told me for the third time that he would meet me at my house so we could walk to school together. I nodded as he spoke then stood up and pecked his cheek before leaving his place and walking down the street to my house.
 I didn’t really get up that morning I just kind of stayed awake because I kept falling in and out of sleep from being too excited. I dragged myself out of bed just as my alarm went off and got dressed, I seriously did not know what to wear, what if I dressed up like a dog’s dinner? although frumpy isn’t a look for good first impressions either. I just decided to put on jeans and a plain grey sweater, nothing could really go wrong with that.
Jug burst through the front door just as I sat down for breakfast, “What are you doing?” he exclaimed while waving his arms around like it meant something.
 “Well… I mean, I was having breakfast,” I frowned slightly trying to understand him, “it’s only seven thirty?” I chuckled as I double checked the time.
 “Yeah, come on, we have to be there in fifteen minutes because I need to read over a page Betty wrote for the Blue and Gold.” He spoke while dragging me out the house. “I’ll buy you something to eat when we get there, don’t worry. Where is your coat? You’re going to freeze your ass off.” He grabbed the first item of clothing off the hanger without even looking as I stood on the porch tying my shoelace. “Here.” He said throwing me the coat then taking my hand and puling me down the front stairs making me stumble into him once we got onto the side walk.  
 I pulled the mystery coat off my shoulder, my eyes widened as I realized that Jug had grabbed my serpent jacket instead of my usual coat. “I’m going back but don’t wait for me, I’ll be fine walking by myself.” I said with nervousness lacing my words.
 “What? Why?” Jug said suddenly looking up from his phone, “Oh my god. You’ll be fine, if you go back now you’re not going to find me when you get there.” He groaned and pulled me more as we got nearer and nearer to school.
 I muttered and okay and pulled my backpack off before slipping into the jacket. “I guess it’s not that bad if I wear my backpack.” I sighed and smiled a little when he grinned at me, happy that I had finally accepted that I was going to be wearing the jacket all day.
 When we got through the doors of school we were basically the only kids there except for the distant sound of voices on the other end of the hallway, Jug ignored it so I did too as I followed him down the hallway into a small room. A smell of dust and books hit me as I stepped in but Jug stood in front of me blocking the view of the room. I turned and shut the door behind me as he stepped forward greeting who could only be Betty. I turned and waved as our eyes met, her smile was bright as she waved back.
“So, you’re the famous Y/N.” She said as I crossed the room and stood next to Jug.
“Yeah,” I chuckled, “you must be Betty?”
 “Yip!” she said the laughed and took my hand shaking it, “It’s good to actually see you, I mean Jug never shuts up about you.” She giggled as Jug rolled his eyes at her.
 I chuckled and watched as they read over the article together agreeing over sections, suggesting different ideas and changing sentences. “If you guys want.” I said after a few minutes making them look up suddenly as if they forgot I was there. “I could um… read over it… maybe provide an outside opinion?” I muttered and darted my eyes between them. Betty looked as if she just she just got hit by a bus, “I’m sorry, that was a stupid idea.” I muttered while fiddling with the hem of my sweater,
 “Y/N that is the most genius thing anyone has ever said in this school.” Betty grinned and rushed over to me basically throwing the article at me she was so eager.
 “Y/N/N, you’re too cute.” Jug chuckled and made his way over to Betty and I and wrapping and arm around my shoulder casually as he read over the article with me.
 “If I can suggest something,” I said holding up a finger then grabbing a pen off the table next to us, “I would move this whole paragraph,” I said and circled the text, “To here.” I said and drew and arrow pointing to where I thought the paragraph should go. “I think the rest is perfect actually.” I grinned and handed the page back.
 Jug and Betty looked up at each other in amazement, “where the hell has Juggie been hiding you!” Betty squealed as she held the page to her chest and rushed over to the desk to start making changes to it.
 “I’m so proud of you.” Jug said squeezing my arm as he beamed down at me, I just smiled back and turned my attention back to Betty as he pulled away from me and went to join her.
 “Hey bitches.” A raven-haired girl called as she suddenly entered the room in fits of giggles with a coffee in one hand and a red head holding onto her waist.”
 “Nice to meet you too.” I muttered a little too loud causing Betty and Jug to look over at me before laughing hysterically.
 “What?” The girl said suddenly once she had heard them laughing, she looked up at them and finally spotted me standing on the other side of the room. “I’M SO SORRY!” she yelled and rushed over to me, “I’m veronica.” She said holding out a hand which I took and shook as she stumbled over her words embarrassed from earlier.
 “I’m Y/N,” I smirked as I still shook her hand. “Who’s your friend?” I said glancing over her shoulder and looking at the red head that was busy rambling on to Jug.
 “Oh, he’s Archie.” She said turning to look over at him. “Arch! Come say hi!” she called and turned back to me. “It’s nice to meet you!” she grinned at me again.
 “You too, I liked your entrance.” I commented making her cheeks go rosy again.
 Once Archie had walked over to us his arm instinctively wrapped around Veronica, “Hey, I’m Archie.” He grinned, he seemed almost too happy for my liking. “You’re Y/N right? Jug’s friend?” I nodded and glanced over at Jug who was still with Betty, my heart sank a little because he looked so content with her but I switched my attention back to Archie and Veronica as we spoke about which classes we had together.
 Once the first bell had rung Jug and Betty looked like they had finished off the article and Veronica, Archie and I had figured out that we all had biology together for our first lesson. I walked towards the desk Jug and Betty were working at while Archie and Veronica left so I could walk with Jug to class, he smiled at me as he gathered his stuff and threw it into his backpack before taking my arm and leading Betty and I out of the room and into the crowded hallway.
 “If it’s this crowded all the time I don’t think I’d ever find my classes.” I commented to Betty making her giggle and hold onto my arm so we wouldn’t lose each other as we squeezed through a group of jocks.
“You get used to it.” She let go of my arm and adjusted her ponytail once we got past the group. “Sit next to Ronnie and me in biology?” I looked up and nodded eagerly making her giggle, “Great! We needed and extra partner anyway, Ronnie doesn’t like dissecting stuff but she kills at pop quizzes so I think we’ll make an amazing trio!” Betty said grinning widely.
 We entered the class just as Jug walked past the desk Ronnie was sat at and made his way to Archie who was right behind her. I walked over to Ronnie and sat in the middle, between her and Betty “So do you know what we’re doing today?” I said pulling out a notebook.
 “Well you’re a keen learner,” Ronnie teased which made me blush, “don’t stress, the teacher is always late and we probably not doing much today because he goes to bingo on a Monday night so Tuesdays consist of him telling us what he won and then he tells us to keep ourselves busy while he sips on his ‘coffee’ which Bets and I are convinced is Red Bull with a double shot of expresso.” She whispered so we could only hear as Betty laughed continuously.
 “That sounds awful.” I said between laughs making Ronnie nod in agreement. The teacher walked in a second after causing the whole class to become silent except for the three of us who only laughed harder, he looked exactly like what you’d expect which only made it funnier. Once he greeted us and told us that he had won nothing but a coupon for ramen noodles we went back to our conversation.
 “So you and lover boy?” Ronnie singsonged as she wiggled her eyebrows.
 “Yeah! How long have you and Jug been... ya know?” Betty interrupted making weird hand movements as she spoke.
 “What the hell are those hand gestures?” I said mimicking her, “And I thought you and Jug had a thing going on?” I cocked an eyebrow towards Betty.
 “Nah uh, the kid never shuts up about you!” Betty shot back, “I mean if you even tried to flirt with him he would somehow bring you up.” Betty said glancing over at him and turning back at us rolling her eyes.
 “Yeah, it’s actually quite amazing.” Ronnie nodded while she inspected her freshly manicured nails. “Not that Betty has a thing for him, I think she has a thing for number four on the football team.” She said smirking over at Betty who was rolling her eyes again.
 My eyes lit up at the realisation that there was nothing going on between Betty an Jug and hearing that he might have feelings for me too only made me happier.
 “Hey Y/N.” Jug said from behind me, I turned and smiled when I saw his smug expression, “I got my denim jacket out my locker for you before we got to class.” He smiled and handed it to me. I forgot I was wearing my serpent jacket luckily, we sat in the second to last row and only Archie and Jug sat behind us. “Not that that jacket looks bad on you.” He smirked and turned back to Archie.
 “Oh my god Y/N,” Ronnie whispered as I turned away from Jug, “I swear that boy is in love with you! B! Did you see that too?” Betty nodded her head slowly in shock as I tried to hide the blush rising onto my cheeks. “And you!” Ronnie exclaimed smirking at me, “You’re just as smitten as he is!” She pointed out making me blush even harder.
 “You do like him!” Betty whisper shouted in excitement making me shush her so Jug wouldn’t hear. “Wait until Kevin hears about this!” Betty sassed back between laughing.
 “Why did he give you his jacket?” Ronnie questioned once they had finished telling each other that they knew there was something happening between Jug and I.  I looked down at the denim jacket that lay on my lap, long forgotten.
 “Oh um…” I said not knowing how to explain myself so I just turned in my seat showing them the jacket which made them both stare at the logo in shock.
 Ronnie reached out and traced a finger over the embroidery “Girl, I would so kill to wear that around here,” Betty looked up at her and nodded in agreement, “Show them that you aren’t messing around.” She smirked as I sat facing forward again. “Jug seems to like it a lot too.” She said and winked making me turn to see him eyeing me up and down, I turned around before he spotted me looking at him.
 For the rest of the day Bets and Ronnie spent most lessons passing notes or whispering about wedding plans and baby names which made me roll my eyes very, very often which encouraged them to go into more detail, in the end I joined their theorising as I grew tired of denying it all day. It didn’t help that Jug and I had almost all of our classes together and we somehow were always sat next to each other which was horrible because he stared at me constantly, his eyes racked over my jacket every time I looked at him.
 At lunch Betty and Veronica sat next to their friend Kevin, “Sorry Y/N, you can’t sit with us, too crowded.” V said with a smirk plastered on her face which made me roll me eyes and stand there for a second glaring at her as she whispered something to Kevin which made him look up at me and smirk too. I recognised Kevin after a few seconds, he was Joaquin’s boyfriend, I had seen him a few times but never really met him.
 “Y/N come sit here.” Jug said from the other side of the table, I sent more glares towards the three of them as I made my way behind the bench before stepping over and sitting next to Jug.
 “I’d be careful who you tease Kevin.” I smirked back making him blush, “Wouldn’t want to mess with one of Fp’s favourite serpents if I was you.” I said and winked at him causing him to chuckle and the girls to cheer me on.
 “Tease?” Jug whispered at me as the conversation moved on.
 I looked up at him unable to explain what I had said to Kevin, “It’s an inside joke, don’t worry.” I said and gave him a nervous smile, he frowned at me but turned back to the conversation when he didn’t get anything else out me.
 After lunch we had two classes and at the end of the day we all met outside saying our goodbyes for the day and going our separate ways. Jug and I decided to skip Pop’s today and walk our route home.
 “So did you enjoy your first day?” he grinned and nudged me, “Looks like you, Bets and Ronnie have been best friends for years.”
 “It was fantastic! I know right! They are so sweet.” I gushed causing Jug to chuckle.
“I’m glad you kept the jacket on,” He smirked, “it looks gorgeous on you.” I looked up at him, our eyes met and he took my arm pulling me closer as he leaned down and pressed his lips onto mine. “Holy crap, why didn’t I do that ages ago.” He said once he had pulled away.
 “I don’t know but kiss me again you idiot.” I giggled and kissed him again.  
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
Bitter Sweet
Jughead x Reader 
Requested: - Anonymous said: Hey um... I don't know if you do requests... but I'll just request and see what happens I guess? Okay, I really enjoy your writings and I was wondering if you could do a Jugheadxreader story where the reader is kinda depressed2 
can you do a jughead/riverdale imagine where jughead breaks up with the reader, and the whole "squad" leaves the reader, so in despair she goes to the river to kill herself ( like what Cheryl did ) and Jughead saves her?
Words: 2752
Warnings: self harm; depression; suicide attempt; suicidal thoughts.
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"I'm sorry Y/N, I still love you but-"
"Then why are you leaving me! This isn't fair." I sobbed and gripped his shirt in my hands trying to stop keep him close.
"Y/N please. You're making this harder for both of us. I promise you're not losing me or anyone else." He sighed and carefully pried my hands off of him and wiped my tears before walking me the rest of the way home.
I tried to go to bed but my thoughts kept me up as well as my constant crying and pain. I didn't get any sleep that night despite how hard I tried to calm down and try get a few hours of rest. When my alarm went off in the morning I was already up, I pulled myself out of bed after convincing myself that it would be the best thing to do. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a huge baggy sweater from my cupboard and put them on before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I looked in the mirror and only then could I see how badly I needed to rest, my eyes were puffy, red and had dark circles around them and tears stains ran down my cheeks with the general paleness of my face topping it all off. I left my face alone, make up can't cover all this up so I just did my hair and went to my room fetching my bag and stepping outside.
I waited outside for two minutes out of habit which made nearly cry again, Jug always walked me to school, even before we were dating but I guess he doesn't need me anymore even if we were just friends. So I walked to school all by myself with tears threatening to fall the whole way there. Once I got to school I cheered up a little when I saw Betty at her locker which is a few paces from mine, I strolled over to her and greeted her with a sigh which made her turn around quickly in curiosity.
"Oh hey Y/N... I've got to go." She said bluntly and basically ran off in the other direction as I laughed which wasn't a happy laugh it was a sad laugh at the crushing realization of the reality of my new world.
I spent the rest of the day trying to confront the people I used to call best friends but they all made up an excuse to leave before I even got my first sentence out. Even Archie ignored me, Archie Andrews, we had known each other since first grade and now it's like we had never met. I blame Jug for all of this, he's turned the people closest to me against me and what pisses me off even more is that I haven't seen him all day, I thought I wasn't going to "lose him or anyone else."
At lunch I walked into the court yard and looked over to our table but when Veronica caught my eyes and quickly looked away I sighed and stalked off to the bathroom with tears welling at my eyes. I sat in a stall crying again because I was now left with no one but why? Had I done something? Had Jug told them something? I tried to call him, I didn't even have a reason why but when he didn't answer it caused my tears to fall even harder. I skipped the lesson after lunch and stayed in my stall, staring blankly at the wall once I had no more tears left to cry. Why did he leave? He knows I not stable for this. I've been having a bad time and he knows I've been struggling through it just for him.
I went home eventually, I could only hope it was going to be better tomorrow. If it was my choice I would be staying in bed all day tomorrow and the next day and the next but if my mom found out she would send me to the therapist again and that just makes my depression worse. I drew a bath and stripped down before I even went up to my room because if I went in there I would never leave my bed. I soaked in the bath for hours which made my mind go to places I hated but the thoughts consumed me as I lay there. The razor is right there, just lean forward. Your painkillers are in the cabinet two steps away. Do it. Do something. Make him regret what he did. All I did was cry because Jug taught me I was much more than these thoughts, I was much more than another suicide case.
After a while it became too overwhelming and I leant forward taking the razor in my hand and examining it with a slightly blurred vision as the tears filled my eyes again. I pulled the blades out and placed them on the side of the bath. I stared at them for a moment then picked one up and bringing it to my wrist and pressing down as I cut a horizontal line from one side of my arm to the other. I watched the blood bead up from the wound. When I started cutting Jug was the one who convinced me to stop and he always told me he would be there for me if I needed him and he always helped me through the toughest times but now I was left to face them alone. I took the blade in my hand again loving the way it felt as it sliced through my thin skin. The newly cut line was contrasting against the finer pink-purple scars and even more with the white ones and as I dragged the blade over my skin there was a subtle pattern of red, pink and white scars. Each one of them held a meaning, it might not be a good one but there was still a story to them.
I had got out the bath when the cuts stopped bleeding and the water had turned a light pink. I wrapped a towel around me and traipsed upstairs to my room before pulling on a hoodie and going to sleep.
I woke up to my phone alarm and hoped that this was all a horrible dream but when I pulled my sleeve back the  cuts running all the way up to my mid forearm proved otherwise. I lay in bed for twenty more minutes before attempting to get up which left me with ten minutes to get ready for school. When I did get up I put no effort into looking good, I pulled a pair of joggers on, left the hoodie on that I had slept in and wrapped my hair into a messy bun. I walked out the house and looked up and down the street but there was no sign of Jughead, he has erased himself from my life completely. My day was much like yesterday's, no one talked to me, everyone I confronted blew me off and I was physically exhausted from all the emotional baggage. I stayed in The Bathroom Stall for most of the day too which made matters worse because it gave me a place and time to think and that usually brought negativity along with it. 
As the week progressed it got worse and worse, my fatigue and depression consumed me and my thoughts and it had taken sever physical effects, my whole face was constantly swollen, pale and was bruising a little by my eyes due to me rubbing my eyes from all the tears, my eyes were red and irritated with dark bags surrounding them and lastly my body was now riddled with cuts from my razor. There were slits all the way up to my mid forarm on both arms, all over both my thighs and some on my hips. I spent basically my whole day in The Bathroom Stall now because I firstly couldn't handle the stress of class over the fact that I have lost everything I ever had and secondly I was surviving on one cup of coffee and cereal bar every day which doesn't have enough nutrients in it to keep me going for the school day along with my cuts trying to heal.
I saw him for the first time on Thursday when I left The Stall at lunch to get a bottle of water out my locker. We made eye contact in the hall and his eyes widened in concern, I quickly turned and went to my locker but I heard him following me and when I got to my locker my weak hands battled to open it up because of the faulty hinges. He stood behind me in silence before stepping forward and helping me, I let him because I was to exhausted to protest against him. I took my water and thanked him quietly as I tried to step away but he put an arm out and examined me, his face dropped because he could see how hurt I was.  
“Y/N…” He whispered not finding the words to fix all this.
“Why?” I laughed as tears filled my eyes again and after a few moments I walked off because I could tell he was keeping something from me and he wouldn't tell me, the something that probably stole my whole life from me.
Once I made it to The Stall again my brain started conjuring sickening thoughts, if he did love you he would have helped you more than opening a stupid locker. He doesn't care anymore. No one cares. You have no one anyway. Just end it all. One simple plan can end all this suffering. That's when my demons had convinced me there was no point and once I had excepted it I started brainstorming revolting ways that I could escape this torture.
That afternoon I left school and went home writing a note to my family, the only people who actually deserved one. The note read “I'm sorry mom and dad, I'm sorry everyone, I'm sorry I kept this from you, I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. I love you all so much, but it had to end. I hope Sweet Water River doesn't become as bitter as my soul once I'm gone. Love Y/N.” my tears wet the page as my hand sprawled untidy handwriting all over it. I got up once writing the note and headed out the house towards Sweet Water River.
It took me about fifteen minutes because the snow had fallen heavily last night which made my walk that more difficult but when I got there I stood in awe at how peaceful my death was going to be. I sighed and sat on a rock reflecting for a moments but as I thought back to these recent events it reminded me why I was doing this. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks but this had become so familiar over the past few days I didn't even think anything of it as I stood up and took the first paces down to the river bank. Everything slowed down as I walked further over the iced river, I heard  nothing but my heart thumping loudly and my breaths soft and deep as I stepped as lightly as possible trying to get to the center.
“Y/N!” I heard someone shriek behind me just as I got a few meters from my desired spot, I turned around and looked up only to see Jug half climbing and jogging down the riverbank.I  heard the small sound the ice fracturing as I watched Jug run towards me and when he was about thirty feet away I felt the ice around me give in. I shrieked in surprise and grabbed on to the surface quickly, Jug had sprinted over to me and took my hand forcefully before pulling me up withinn seconds. I held onto him and sobbed the hardest I've ever before and he just stood there holding me tightly against him for a moment before he picked me up and took me his truck just off the river’s edge.
He put me in the passenger side before jogging around to the drivers side and starting the truck trying to put the heater on full blast to try warm me. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he undressed me, my body was shaking from the cold and my lips had turned blue. He held back sobs as he discovered more and more cuts covering my starved body. Once he got my clothes of he shrugged his denim jacket off and pulled his wool sweater over his head before putting it on me and covering my legs with his jacket and driving off to my house.
He speeded down the main road and took two lefts into my street before parking in front of my house and coming back around to my side of the car and carrying me inside. He took me upstairs to my room and placed me in the bed then he went downstairs for a minute and returned with a cup of instant soup and a mug of coffe in each hand, he put them down on the night stand and climbed into bed with me pulling me close to him. We both broke down into ugly, choking, sobbing as we clung onto each other too afraid we will lose one another again.
“I'm sorry!” I screamed into his chest while he shook his head and combed his fingers through my hair.
“I'm so fucking sorry Y/N.” He whispered and rubbed my arms trying to warm me up. I shushed him and kissed his shoulder.
“Why?” I asked for the millionth time this week and finally I was going to get an answer.
“I was forced to break up with you, a gang had come into the White Whyrm on Sunday when I was trying to ask the other Serpents about my dad and they knew my dad and Kevin were close to me which made me a close connection to the murder, so they took me and they drove me to Thornhill. They told me to break up with you, tell all my friends to ignore you and I as well or else they would come for you guys too and after the stuff I lived through that night I knew I had to protect you guys.” He took a shaky breath and pulled his shirt up revealing blue and black branding all over his torso, I drew in a sharp breath and traced a finger over a piece which made him wince in pain I pulled back my hand and motioned for him to go on. “So on Monday I was sent to school with a spy and I was forced to tell you all to keep quiet and leave you and I alone but I couldn't warn you about anything because if it was to suspicious they said they would take you guys to Thornhill, that's why I was so blunt.” He sighed and I wrapped myself around him as I cried again.
“What did they want from you?” I asked quietly.
“They wanted to know what I knew and I told them everything in the first hour but they kept me there all week determined to get more out of me.” He sighed and rubbed his temples, I snuggled closer into him, glad that everything was better now and that we could figure the situation out together.
“I'm sorry I broke the promise.” I said lifting his sweater that was covering my body revealing the cuts once again.” His hand traced them gently, he pressed kisses on to them carefully trying not to hurt me further.
“I told everyone what I just told you now, everything is going to be much better I promise.” He sighed, “I'm so glad I found your note in time, I don't know what I  would have done without you in my life.” He said holding back a sob. “Hell, I couldn't even believe my eyes when I saw you at school earlier, my heart literally broke.” He said with tears trailing down his cheeks I wiped them away and kissed him before laying next to him and pulling us closer together and falling into a peaceful slumber for the first time this week.
@savvythetommo because I know how much you wanted this 😂😏 didn't want you to miss out ❤️❤️
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
Thursday's going to be lit asf cause I get paid PLUS YOU ARE POSTING A NEW IMAGINE FUCK Y. E S
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
I'm crying I love your writing so much I can't wait to read more 😭😭😭
You're in luck 😉😉 only got two more exams left then I'm free 🙌🏼 you guys don't understand how bad I've been wanting to write 😫 got a good post for Thursday though 💪🏼❤️
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
I just binge read all your imagines and holy fuck you are so good at writing! I love all your stories, thanks for posting!
I can't tell you how genuinely motivating and relieving these messages are!! Thank you so much ❤️❤️
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
It's so cool you're South African. I'm from RSA too!!🤗
Dude this is awesome!! There needs to be more of us!!
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
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GUYS 1000!!! Love you all so much and I'm sooo grateful for every single one of you little nuggets ❤️❤️❤️
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
Shirt Snatching
Jughead x Reader 
Requested: -Anonymous said: "we bumped into each other in the street and you were grinning like a cocky asshole the whole time so i stalked off only to realise i’m wearing your shirt au" pretty, pretty please?
A/N: THIS CONCEPT IS SOOO CUTE!!! I really enjoyed writing this.
Words: 1194
Warnings: none
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I ran out the house pulling on a shirt I picked up from my floor and juggling a bowl of cereal, my backpack and shoes in my hands. I rushed to my mom’s car because I was too late to walk to school, my mom got in the car and rolled her eyes when she saw me putting on socks and eating a bowl of cereal which made me flash her a cheeky grin. We got to school just in time for first lesson which I was glad about as I had English first and I would have been stabbed with a thesaurus if I was late.
After my chaotic morning nothing else really happened, I had class and at lunch I was called to a meeting and then I studied for a while in my free lesson so I hadn't really seen anyone today which made it totally worse because it just dragged my day out and felt as if it would never end. I decided about half way through the day I need a milkshake at Pop's to reward myself for being such a level headed student, this was just before I screamed in the bathroom because I had at least two hours of homework to do.
I sat in Biology counting down the seconds and when the bell rang I shot up and made my way out the class and to my locker to put my books away before leaving school and walking to Pop's. I liked this walk more than the one to my house because it was in the center of town so I could look through all the windows of the small street front stores. I strolled down the sidewalk and turned the corner while trying to tuck my shoes laces  in so I wouldn't trip on them but as I got around the counter I lost my step and stumbled into the person walking in front of me, making us both fall.
"Shit, I'm so sorry." I said standing and wiping a bit of dirt off my leg. I looked over  and quickly realized that the person I knocked over was Jughead Jones, the guy that sits next to me in English, the guy I don't particularly want to fall because I tripped him. "Oh my word Jug, I'm so so sorry." I blushed and held out a hand.
He chuckled and took my hand pulling himself up "It's okay." He said looking me up and down smirking.
"Are you going to Pop's?" I asked as we started walking alongside each other.
"Yeah." He purred with a cheeky grin still playing on his lips.
"Why're you looking at me like that!" I giggled while trying to hide my very evident blushing.
"What?" He chuckled and stepped forward as we reached Pop’s he held the door open motioning for me to go in. I stepped in and walked to the table Jug was usually sat and slid into the booth. Jug walked up to the table and slid in next to me which is very out of sorts for him, he is usually one to sit opposite you and try talk to you as little as possible. I ordered us both a milkshake once the waitress had come over to us.
"I like your shirt Y/N/N." he gave me another cheeky grin once she had left and for the first time today I looked down examining what shirt I was wearing. "It looks good on you." He winked and put a hand on my leg.
"Thanks, I think it's my brother's though, I picked it up off the floor this morning because I was late. I like the colour though, I think it suits me but the shirt is a bit big." I rambled on until I looked up from the shirt and saw his slightly shocked expression, "What's wrong." I questioned taking his hand that had retracted from my knee.
"You don't remember?" He asked softly while his brow furrowed as he studied my face trying to figure out if I was being serious.
"Remember what Jug?" I squeezed his hand for reassurance, "Did I say something?" I said quickly worrying if I had offended him.
"No! No, you didn't do anything wrong." His eyes widened and he leaned back a bit as our milkshakes arrived, we watched the waitress put them down and walk away before we carried on with the conversation.
"Can you tell me what I don't remember then." I chuckled slightly and watched his lips purse as he looked to his left stuck in thought. "Juggie." I pleaded causing him to look back at me.
"Remember Cheryl's party on Saturday." He sighed and laced his fingers through mine again.
"For the most part, yes." I chuckled remembering all the shots Reggie and I took trying to see who could out do each other.
"Well Veronica and Betty told me to take you home before Reggie did something." He looked right at me as he spoke making sure I understood everything he said.
"I remember that! We walked the long way because you wanted to sober me up before we got to my house because you thought I was lying about my parents being out." I laughed and watched his face light up again as he laughed with me.
"Well I'm not going to believe the drunk girl, telling me how much she loves ducks, that her parents aren't home." He laughed.
"But they weren't!" I laughed, "We got to my house and I was the only one home so you said you'd stay with me because you didn't want me to be alone in the house so late at night." I carried on putting the puzzle together and Jug's brow stayed furrowed as he concentrated on everything I said.
"Then we went inside." He said trying to get me to figure out what happened next.
My eyes widened as the realization struck me, "Then I kissed you." I muttered softly with a small smile forming on my face which made his face light up. "Then we went to my room and we, ah, ya now." I chuckled as he started laughing with me.
"Yea, I do know." He laughed and squeezed my hand, "I was there." He winked at me which made me become all flustered again. "I'm glad you remember." He sighed and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.
"Why did you leave without a shirt?” I blurted after a peaceful silence causing him to smile brightly again.
“Well Archie's house is only two doors down from yours!” He laughed.
“Exactly why you should have taken your shirt.” He fell into my shoulder as he laughed at the pathetic excuse he had given me. I took the last few sips of my milkshake while watching him in amusement, “Come on, we have English homework, we can do it at my house.” I winked which made him look up at me wide eyed then scramble out the booth paying for our drinks and taking my hand as we rushed off to my house hand in hand with giddy laughs escaping both of us.
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
how many requests do u have currently?
Eight... but I'm done with 3 of them and some of them are joint requests so almost there. I'm really sorry if your request hasn't been done, I'm busy writing exams so it's a bit stressful but I'm working on it ❤️❤️
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
I just went through your entire blog and holy ITS SO GOOD!!
Thank you so much ❤️❤️
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
Jughead x Reader (twins)
Requested: -Anonymous said: Hey! I really love your writing <3 And I was wondering If I could request something? I’m kinda thinking like Jughead has a twin sister but they’re basically polar opposites like she’s part of the southside serpents because they look after her and protect her. And maybe something happens, but basically the gang end up figuring out who she is and she’s super badass and it’s angsty. I’m sorry it’s so vague hahaha.
Words: 647
Warnings: I don’t think there’s any
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I went back to the trailer today for the first time in a year. I heard the news from the other Serpents, that Keller had searched the trailer and arrested my dad, so I stopped by to check if Jug was okay. I climbed the trailer stairs and braced myself for what it was going to look like inside after Keller searched it. I opened the door b Crossing my arms over my chest,I leaned into the couch, “You know why I left Jughead, you know I wasn’t safe here when mom and dad were together nor when mom left.”
“And it was safe to leave Jellybean and I behind?” He shot back, his voice quivered and Betty squeezed his arm. I got up to leave, it was evident he didn’t want me there but he pulled me back by my arm before I could get out the door. “I’m sorry Y/N/N, please, don’t go.” His brow furrowed.
“I came here for you Jug, I wanted to make sure you still had a roof over your head, but this is what I get in return?” I looked between the two and sighed while dropping my bag to the floor, “I’m not here to patch things up Jug, I’ll come back but if I have to deal with the fighting again I’m going.” He nodded vigorously and clambered towards me wanting a hug.
“I missed you so much.” He wrapped his arms around me, I never let people hug me but for his sake I let him. “Please just stay for now at least.” He let out a shaky breath and pulled back.
I nodded, “Then come on kids, let’s have dinner then, I’m famished.” I picked up a my jacket and slipped it on and turned to the two behind me, Betty stared at Jug in disgust as he eyed it up and down.
“You joined the Serpents?” He blurted and turned me around tracing a finger over the logo, I nodded. “You can’t wear that out to Pop’s.”
“I thought we were going to the Whyte Wyrm?” I smirked.
Betty’s eyes widened as Jug looked down to her, “I’m not going.” He took her hand, his face still in a constant subtle frown.
“I know.” I chuckled. “You guys wouldn’t last a minute in there.” I winked and walked out the door causing them to stumble out trying to catch up to me.
“Hey! Jug! Betty!” A red haired guy waved us over to the table, with him was a raven haired girl. We caught each other’s eye as I walked behind Betty.
“Who is this beautiful lady.” The girl asked Jug as we reached the table, he looked away nervously.
I smirked and held out a hand which she took almost instantly, “I’m Y/N, Jughead’s twin, I’m older by the way.” I chuckled.
“Okay! Really, you don’t even know them and you throw in the ‘I’m older card’.” He joked.
The other two looked between us in pure amazement, “Twins! Omg! Jug! Why have you never said anything?” The girl squealed, “Oh I’m Veronica and this is Archie.” She chuckled when she realized she hadn’t introduced herself yet. We filtered into our seats, “So Y/N where has Jug been hiding you?” Veronica carried on.
“The South Side, usually the White Wyrm.” I said bluntly, Archie let out and awkward cough as Veronica lost her words and Jug dropped his head into his arms.
“She’s thinking of moving back home though.” Jug said, I shot him a questioning look and went to protest but he pulled a face which probably meant ‘don’t you dare.’ So I just smiled and nodded as they all cheered which actually made me feel quite good about it. Jug smiled at me once the conversation had subsided and I gave him a reassuring smile back before he turned back to Archie.
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