juice-box-addict · 2 days
filtering down ao3 results from 14000 to 6 based on a single tag is foul. im sorry none of you are as enlightened as me ig.
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juice-box-addict · 2 days
reblog if the first musical you listened to was not Hamilton
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juice-box-addict · 2 days
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juice-box-addict · 2 days
Vimes and 71 hour Ahmed just really have.... something in jingo. The conversations he has with Ahmed where they're comparing their approaches to policing and Ahmed points out that vimes experience in the city is very different from his own.... the way they both struggle with the scope of what they can do vs what Ahmed calls being part of a big crime..... the way vimes's conversation with Ahmed changes him/reveals himself to himself, his dream that he can chase the big crimes and do something about the bigger more systemic crimes.... I don't think vimes really has a relationship like his one with Ahmed elsewhere in the series. Ahmed is his peer and an established officer on his own right. It's just interesting
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juice-box-addict · 2 days
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getting back into the swing of it
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juice-box-addict · 3 days
Reblog if you ARE a woman in STEM, SUPPORT women in STEM, or ARE STILL BITTER about Rosalind Franklin not getting credit for discovering the structure of DNA and the Nobel prize going to Watson and Crick instead.
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juice-box-addict · 3 days
i believe it’s just kinda how nouns and adjectives and stuff all kinda flow into eachother and words can change their role in the sentence based on what particles you’re using around the word which i think overall is 💯 a principle we should have in nomnomnom
apparently one of the ways to say "shaved my head" in Japanese is "頭を坊主にした" which is literally something like "did the monk thing to my head"
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juice-box-addict · 4 days
if your weird enough with the homies you can break all boundaries of platonic/romantic love and make a third, more evil thing
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juice-box-addict · 4 days
I just layed my right leg on my left leg (currently laying in that one twisty position in case that makes anything clearer) and one of my legs is really warm??? But why??? I know tgat this is a very useless and uninteresting post but its so weird to have one completely warm leg while the other is just at a normal temperature??
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juice-box-addict · 4 days
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juice-box-addict · 4 days
Today Crowley and Aziraphale tried sweet tea. Crowley didn’t mind it, but Aziraphale wrinkled his nose in distaste and promptly made himself a cup of “the real thing.”
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juice-box-addict · 4 days
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juice-box-addict · 4 days
well, son, i deeply misunderstood your birthday request for COD but we still need to eat all this fish
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juice-box-addict · 5 days
I find it greatly amusing that Lord Vetinari can't seem to stop. Put him in prison? He'll advise one pest on how to eliminate the others, putting him in a position of power amongst the dungeon dwellers. Put him on a train? Oh, no, that's not Vetinari that's just a coal shoveler. And a vicious one at that, when they have a fight he always wins.
And as a sidenote/addition: I don't think his age for that second example was specified, but it's established by that point that he's getting on in years, uses a cane, and his beloved dog Wuffles has passed, so he can't be a spring chicken.
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juice-box-addict · 5 days
Had to unfollow this one person on here cause they just would not stop making posts about how transfems on e getting periods is just made up symptoms and like, I don't have definitive proof I only have my and others experience but like how do you, as someone who is not on e, who has access to the same amount of studies looking into this with decent sample sizes as I do (none), feel so confident to say it's all just placebo and made up ? What makes you so confident ? Cause I gotta say after almost two years of nearly right on the dot once a month suddenly feeling nausea all week, taking the most unbelievable shits, feeling all my organs cramp, and having mood swings out the ass which always just so happens to line up with when the two people with uteruses in my house also get their periods, I feel like I have more data to work off of than you do
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juice-box-addict · 5 days
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juice-box-addict · 5 days
Give your characters fun character traits, such as deep hatred for a famous English musician.
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