juiceboxvillain · 7 years
☼ tag yourself: greek gods ☼
athena: unsatisfied with a 99 test grade, could probably commit the perfect murder, underestimated, likes french bakeries, early riser
poseidon: chill, likes beaches, doesn’t try in school but still does fine, filled notebooks, kinda a dick sometimes, sleeps a lot, environmentalist, collects seashells
aphrodite: really good looking and knows it, acts sweet but will legit kill you if you get on their bad side, perfect makeup, fancy starbucks drinks, intimidating
zeus: says they can burp the alphabet but just burps twenty six times, gives zero shits about others, an asshole, rapist, get off my blog if you’re a zeus
hestia: warm coffee shops, has a sweet smile, journals, kinda sad inside, a bit of a loner, messy hair, easily likeable but doesn’t know it
hades: listens to emo music, spends 96% of their time on tumblr, hopeless romantic, looks like they can kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll, pretty stressed
( minor gods: ☾ )
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
psa @ nonblack ppl who have seen black panther
Be mindful of what kind of posts you’re making, memes or not.
If you’re white, it is absolutely not your place to joke about colonialism or disrespecting white people like that’s your kin LMAO
If you’re a nonblack poc, don’t get too comfortable either. no one wants to see your thinkpieces on the exploitation of african resources. in fact, yall reallly shouldn’t be speaking nor joking on colonialism in relation to africa point blank.
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
“you’re gay/bi? I’m sorry but like… how do I know you won’t have a crush on me?” because you just said that
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
Local Dumbasss Knew What They Were Getting Themselves Into and Did It Anyways
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
Fuck yes, I'm so glad this is a thing and I hope it means some actual goddamn change
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These Florida kids are not fucking around. 
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
Bloop doopety dear
Just gonna drop the right here
Things I wish I knew when I started drawing
My experiences with traditional art have been challenging to say the least, mostly because I didn’t really *get* some of the more obvious tips and tricks. Some of it was definitely jealousy of people with tablets, though. If someone had reminded me about a couple of these things, I wouldn’t have gotten frustrated enough to give up on art for a year. Hopefully they can help prevent others from doing the same. 
It can take a painfully long time to learn new or unfamiliar techniques. If they don’t come naturally, your intuition isn’t going to help you. 
The time it takes to draw something decreases drastically once you really start practicing it. Ever heard of ‘muscle memory’? It’s real. Your hands have it. Even after just a couple tries, you’ll be surprised at how much easier it gets. 
Don’t force yourself to try and copy someone else’s style, or learn a bunch of complicated techniques. It’s time consuming and will end up costing you more in the long run. 
Adding more lines isn’t going to make it look better. It’s good to trace the outline of what you have in mind before filling it in, but adding a bunch of dark lines in close proximity to each other just makes it look messier. 
Avoid sketching and making lineart with a dark pencil. The easiest pencils to find in a school store are almost definitely HB pencils, which are a middle ground. You’ll have better luck erasing those extra lines if you use a(n) H pencil (2H, 4H, H). 
WAIT UNTIL YOUR INK DRIES BEFORE YOU START TO COLOR OR ERASE ANYTHING. Inking is a delicate process and one wrong move can distort how your drawing looks overall. Wait a good 1-2 minutes before checking with a piece of paper or fingernail to see if it’s finished drying.
Unless it’s a really special marker, don’t color using a light marker over a dark marker. A mark will stay on the tip of your marker and stain everything you try to draw with it afterwards.
STOP COMPARING YOUR ART TO STUFF OTHER PEOPLE DRAW! When you look at some of the fantastic artwork online, it can feel intimidating. What you need to remember, is that you’re seeing the finished product of what was a long process of trials and errors leading up to a culmination of the artist’s strongest efforts. 
And, last but not least, the tools don’t make the artist or the art. YOU, the artist, are the one with the vision to achieve a final result. Even if you don’t have that fancy white marker that shows up on top of black, you can still demonstrate good technique and a sense of style. 
Thanks for coming to my TED talk! Now get out there and go make something beautiful!
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
6. Phantom of the opera, both original cast as well as the 2004 film soundtrack/movie are amazing
7. Sound of Music (Julie Andrews is a goddess, watch the movie now)
8. Prom (I haven't listened myself yet but I've heard only good things because... Like... Its about lesbians going to prom dude)
9. Les Mis (I'm not a fan of the film, but the soundtrack for it was beautiful)
10. Book of Mormon (Turn It Off gives me a giggle when I'm feeling down)
Ok so do you recommend any other musicals besides Hamilton?
1. Wicked
2. Heathers
3. Dear Evan Hansen
4. The lion king on broadway
5. Be More Chill
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
my personal fav anxiety is “i’m in the wrong place” anxiety that isn’t alleviated until u see someone that u know should also be in the same place as u
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
This is lit and I love it
the common rooms ¼
the slytherin common room: it’s always naturally cold down there so they always have a roaring (magical) fire. and if that doesn’t work, the half-blood and muggleborn slytherins purchase space heaters and just place them around the common room and the dorms. i imagine that it’s actually somewhat comfy? like on the leather couches there are just quilts and pillows and blankets spewed across the room. there is also this huge grand piano that everyone takes turns playing and like? they don’t have to be cold or rigid because they are with people that are also constantly accused of being evil or a deatheater. and like there are just housemates lounging around in sweatpants and comfy sweaters and they are just teenagers. they are just talking about how boring history of magic is and how excited they are for the quidditch season. they are dating each other to tell their crushes that they like them. some kids are having a conversation with the giant squid (who they have lovingly named fido).
and there is a small group of first years with some older slytherins, maybe in their sixth year or fifth. and they reassure the younger ones that they are not evil. slytherin is not an evil house, despite older gryffindors literally hissing at newly sorted slytherins. in both the girl dorms and the boy dorms, the bed frames are dark brown and the comforters are dark green.the bedsheets and pillow cases are a light grey. the green light from the lake lights up the dorms and everyone wraps themselves under the blankets falls asleep to the sound of someone, most likely a ghost, quietly playing the piano.
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
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uhh a redraw 
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
Can you believe music was invented 10 years ago today?? My boys Phineas and Ferb dropped “Gitchee Gitchee Goo” on February 1, 2008 and the world’s never been the same since 😩👌
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
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Shayne! Hes actually a hybrid, his mother was a human and his father was a dragon~
Which OC is a dragon?
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
if i were someone from the hamilton musical who would you think i was
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
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Shayne! Hes actually a hybrid, his mother was a human and his father was a dragon~
Which OC is a dragon?
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
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MY GOLLY GOSH IM PROUD OF THIS Characters are original and belong to my friend and I and a book series we’re planning to write!
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
Petition to get mush to post all their smut in one place for our enjoyment~
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juiceboxvillain · 7 years
The new anti drunk driving slogan should be: Don’t Drink and Drive, your dog won’t understand why you never came home…and your cat either hates you or wants to kill you so don’t give that asshole the satisfaction.
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