Cardenas Cuba...The Insiders List of Tasty Travels
The Insiders List of Tasty Travels Until recent years, running a legal restaurant in Cuba wasn’t heard of. Since the 1960s, the only choice for eating out of the home was state-run restaurants. The kind that offered the same choices with the same ingredients. They were ran by the people for the people but they did as they were instructed by the state. They did not offer the innovation or the quality that the new generation lingered for. So underground restaurants started opening up in family homes, behind closed doors – and for those who knew where to look, these so-called hidden Paladars in Cuba were the place to grab a quick bite and enjoy a little taste of Cuban freedom. These days things have started to change, the government rules surrounding business in general has relaxed in fact even encouraged and the Paladars that were hidden away are opening brick and mortar storefronts offering some of the finest food on the island. We have added below our top choices for Cardenas. The hardest thing is going to be how to decide where to start.... Whenever I start to plan a trip the first thing I think about is where are we going to dine. I quickly pop open the internet to narrow down my options. But wait...it is not quite that easy with Cuba. Of course there is always trip-advisor and that I refer to often. But even they don't know about the hidden gems....and how could they, if you can't find it you can't review it. So here we will highlight our Favorite big guys as well as the little not so known places. With economics on a rise in this workers town new places are popping up on every corner of Cardenas. I think it will be a hard job eating are way through the city but heck someone has to do it. So for now here is what we have and as soon as we put down that fork we will be back with some more tasty travel reviews..... Studio 55 Studio 55 is located two blocks from city centre right smack dab in front of the Wifi Park. This area is quickly working itself up to the entertainment district of Cardenas. One of the first on the scene was Studio 55. The vibrant decoration and the quirky reuse and recycle method makes for endless conversation pieces. We have tried almost everything on this small menu and although we like it all we tend to choose burgers when at Studio 55. The Hamburguesa Especial is our pic. The buns always seem a little nicer here and the burger is loaded with all the fixins and cuban bacon. Pair this up with a cristal or 3 or 4 and the afternoon hours seem to melt away! Burgers or Sandwiches 1.50 - 4.00 cuc Cristal 1.50 - 2.00 cuc Yuma Carta* Yes Plaza Plaza restaurant is one of the most modern. The owners of Studio 55 actually opened a second venue two doors down to the right. After what seemed like a few years the restaurant opened with force and quickly gained its spot as one of the top eating spots. Thier well thought out menu is not huge but they do what they do very well. Our Favorite choice's on the menu are the ribs and the chicken tacos. They cook over fire in the open air kitchen where you can watch the chefs do there culinary magic. The ribs come out juicy and tender and the presentation and service was second to none. The second floor is the hot spot to sit, with comfy molded seats where you can gather with friends and enjoy the fare while overlooking the park, the only wifi spot in Cardenas. I must add if I wasn't presented with a Yuma Carta I could eat here every day! Bon-bon....best in town! Meal Price Range 3.50 -7.00 cuc Cristal 1.50 - 2.00 cuc Yuma Carta* Yes Paladar La Casona del Chino Pons The new Chinese restaurant in town....yep ya heard me! I always say "you should eat the cuisine of the country that you visit" but I just could not pass by Chinese food in Cuba and I must say that I was pleasantly suprised. The restaurant is located kitty corner to Plaza & 55. Two story building with air conditioning on the upper floor. The decor is authentic Chinese and I was told the owner has come from Oriental decent. The food was so good we had to go back for a second taste. The Chicken Chop Suey tastes like you stepped into China Town, paired with Special Fried Rice and Cordon Blue....all that was missing was some chop sticks! Main Dishes 3.00 - 6.50 cuc Cristal 1.40 Yuma Carta* No Las Delicias Birthday, Anniversary or just a special night out for a fancy dinner....Las Delicias is where you want to be. This gem on the outskirts of the city centre is decked out with fine linens, tablecloths & cloth napkins. You might think you just walked into the dining room at the Waldorf. The chef is rumoured to have cooked for Casto and if this is true the big guy ate well. We have spent many family events there and I tried most of the menu. Our favs are Ensalada Frio (cold creamy pasta salad) for a starter. The main course is hard to choose. The Lasagna is out of this world, rich creamy and very meaty. The carbonara and chinese fried rice are top notch as well. With so many choices we usually leave there bursting at the seams. Oh wait 2 people with starters, main, dessert, wine & cafe....Waldorf $250.... Las Delicias $25 Main Dishes 3.00 - 6.50 cuc Cristal 1.50 Yuma Carta* No Hard Rock D porti This is our go-to. The Hard Rock D porti is a stone throw from Hostal Angelos. We have tried it all. The Hard Rock was one of the first of the new restaurants on the scene, in my mind the one that has tried to be a little different. I will admit that depending on who is cooking the meals might differ, but it's kinda refreshing to know that they are always looking for new and innovative foods to cook. The kitchen has all been remodeled and the new commercial deepfryer is a luxury in a country that usually cooks over carbon with open flames and a pot of hot oil. Great job guys, we know its not easy to obtain this equipment on the island, Being cooks we know how much better the food tastes when it is cooked at the proper heat. We usually start with a selection of Pan con Tomate y Atun, the cuban take on Bruscetta with tomato or tuna. The mains are easy Ribs with all the sides or Briochettes (skewers of chicken & pork). The portions are grande and presented well on large platters with great sides. If your looking for a late night snack the Chicken Fingers (Dedos de Pollo) will not disapoint. Just make sure you leave enough room for the beer can flan! Awesome Main Dishes 3.50 - 5.50 cuc Cristal 1.50 cuc Beer Can Flan....Priceless Yuma Carta* No Bon Appetite, Bolo Ocho, D'Livio and more coming soon..... *Yuma Carta. I think one day I might do a post on this bad practice that makes my blood boil. But for now just know that there is 2 menus. One for locals and one for "Yumas".....tourists. Please remember that even the Yuma Carta will be crazy cheap compared to any other location on this beautiful earth...but it doesn't make it right!
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Cuba Never Tasted so Good!
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3 Things Cuba did wrong....Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. I have no idea who started this rumour or where the heck they ate. But I bet they never left the resort or even staggered away from the buffet I like to call a feeding through. Although I have had some fair meals on resort depending on the resort complex. But please be fair people....have you ever had a decadent or awesome meal at any buffet line cuban or not that is feeding 300+ demanding guests 3 times a day? No es facil! Yes you should have tasty & fresh dishes at all resorts but don't expect much more than that.
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Enough already about resorts, let's take a walk down a side street. Paladars and locally owned cafés are everywhere, but how do you know if it's a government restaurant or locally owned. First thing first if your in Varadero or another populated tourist spot the government restaurants will always occupy all the corners and high profile locations. So walk 2 doors down. There often can be a waiter or waitress standing on the corner holding a menu trying to Vi for your attention....saying were only 2 doors down. This is where you want to be! Or better yet in Varadero follow the cubans, supper appears a little later that you will be used to in Canada (so you should have afternoon snacks) but after the heat starts to fizzle itself out the locals walk towards their favorite spots, many will even bring their own dishes. The location will not be fancy, there will not be many seats, there will be a line up that moves slow. Take the time to see what the locals are ordering. Chances are you will see plates of (Lomo) Pork chops, (Congris) Rice and Black Beans and (Yucca) a delicious root veggie. All will be smothered in Mojo which is a garlicky & sour orange motherload of sauce. It should be sold by the bottle full. I guarantee it will rival Havana Club in sales. If you feel a little intimated by the language you shouldn't cause if your close enough to the tourist spot they all speak a little english...but if you are shy just point they will serve you up a heaping portion of satisfying "write home about" goodness even if you didn't bring your own plate.
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Now one step further actually go off the beaten path and head to Cardenas, Matanzas, Cienfuegos or any city you choose and the tables have turned almost all restaurants will be Paladars. It will be easy to figure out. The food will change from night to day. The flavours of each region will change with their proximity to the sea. The dishes seem to be much more flavourful and ingenious.
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Look for things that are truly Cuban such as....Papa Rienas which are delicate balls of Potatoes stuffed with Piccadillo (tomato & meat mixture) all lightly breaded and fried to golden brown or Ropa Viejo (Torn Clothes) always my choice, Tender Shredded Beef served over a bed of rice....or once again just ask your server what the best dish is, it will not disapoint. I have a saying that I have said over and over....if one visits Las Vegas and never even leaves the strip they can hardly say that they have seen America. While the resorts and the beach have lots to offer you have to leave them to see the real cuba and have delicious Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner! Buen Provecho! But don't take my word for it....give us a shout and book the vacation of your dreams! www.hostalangelos.com
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Nightlife in Cardenas Cuba
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Nightlife in Cardenas....where shall I start? First an foremost let me say that there must be something in the night air cause Cubans know how to party and they certainly know how to dance. Most evenings after the sun goes down the doors open up and the people spill out on the streets for friendly chatting, heated discussions of baseball, rival games of dominos and to feel the night air breeze. Music flows out of every house and the rhythm starts to roll throughout the narrow streets. The sounds of Gente De Zona and Marc Anthony are everywhere in Cardenas.. The sight of seeing horse drawn coches full vibrant young Latinos heading out into the night to the bars and clubs, decked out in the newest and brightest fashion from the Island makes for a truly unique experience. The Cubans, irregardless of their economic conditions, have never lost their passion for partying. The happiness and kind of "I am right where I want to be" seems to be everywhere. It is amazing that in a town of 70+ thousand people, it seems everyone knows everyone. We will try and highlight a few of the best bars they do seem to cross over with our best food pics as most of the restaurants turn to the hotspots after dusk!
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Our suggestion is to try them all...but if you want the real cuban experience don't be shy. Head on over to Oro Negro (the local 7/11 across the street) or Rapido and pick up a 6 pack of Cristal or Bucanero and find a friend. Cubans love to talk to tourists and even more would love to join you for a cool one! But beware you will soon become familia! Studio 55 Location- Entertainment District across from Parque Jose Antonio Hecheveria Best Drink- Michelada Best Servers- Sonia! Expect line up to get it on weekends. Great evening atmosphere with low music, lots of laughing & cuban culture. They do the odd DJ night, maybe you will be lucky! Low to Mid on the craziness!
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Hard Rock porti (Our Favorite)! Located on Spiru right across from Hostal Angelos Best Drink- Daquiri Roof top patio gets hoping on Friday nights Swimming pool if you dare! Great Rock Music- you can expect music videos on large screen t.v.'s. Lots of variety between Spanish and English. Perfect distance to stumble home....just watch those stairs! Mid craziness
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Plaza Location Entertainment District- 2 doors down from Studio 55 Best Drink- Mojito Best Bartender- Oscar....the mojito is even better when made by Oscar! Yummy...The drink too! Expect line ups on weekends, second floor seating is the hot spot. Low music with plenty of locals mingling. Low to Mid Craziness Cafe Cárdenas The Disco spot of Cardenas Best Drink- Cristal Cover Charge will vary for tourists, roughly 5cuc. Bring your passport, tourists do need I.D. To get in. Lots & Lots of Dancing Loud music and bright lights Opens at 11, be there on time to avoid line up.
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There is always a good mix of young and not so young! I always say that Cuba is the safest place on earth, but I must advise that the disco gets a little rocking! Stay safe....but don't worry too much, go out have fun, let loose and dance the night away. Just leave your thousands of dollars at the casa....trust me you can't spend more than 30cuc a person....if you do you are in trouble! More to come....Infact we are out having a drink or 3 as you read.....when I sober up I will write more!
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www.hostalangelos.com./a>. We don't travel to escape life, we travel so that life does not escape us!
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Face Value of the Cuban Pesos
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Let's talk about money. In fact let's talk about the face value of money. My first time visiting this Island a very smart cookie once told me that face value is bad.....and this I have always remembered. You see there money is the same greenish bank note both labeled "Banco Central de Cuba". The 5 spots are both labelled Cinco Pesos, now one of them says pesos convertibles but how am I going to remember which is the good one. Well one has a large face of a Latino looking (handsome I might add) fellow on it, the man on this bill in fact is named Antonio Maceo. But then I remember face value is bad. All local money has a face and all "tourist money" has monuments. Yes the heads of the monuments might have little faces but they are not just a face. Now down to the gritty of the money....1 local dollar or some like to call them CUP's is worth 25cents of the "tourist money" or most like to call them CUC's. You see the people get paid from the government in CUP's this is what the ration products and local goods are priced in. The government likes to think this is the money that the locals use. This is what always confuses me slightly cause the government is the people. That same government guy stops on his way home from work and buys black market fuel, black market potatoes and maybe even some black market milk for his little one, you know what he pays in? He pays in CUC's. That same "tourist dollar" that you are going to exchange your country dollars for. Without a doubt the islands economy is run on CUC's. They talk about amalgamating the two one-day but in my opinion there will need to be a lot of changes before this happens. So now you know the difference what can you buy with these bank notes.....well here is a few examples. Tourist Beer like Cristal or Bucanero 1-1.50 CUC Local Beer my fav is Mayabe 60 cents CUC Chicken Dinner Tourist Area like Varadero 13-15 CUC Rib Dinner with all the sides off the beaten path (Cardenas, Santa Clara etc....) 4.25 CUC or 110 CUP Taxi Ride downtown Varadero 10-15 CUC Coche Ride in Cardenas anywhere you would like to go 1CUC If you would like to see more take a peak at a few of the menus in my restaurant section here.... Now a little common sense goes along way, if you walk in a see a cola for $1 it's going to be in CUC's if it's $25 it's going to be in CUP's which unless your a little adventurous your not going to posess. If your not sure ask a local, I am sure that as with any corner of the earth there might be an un honest one but dead honest I have not met one. Bottom line is you must change your money there is no using Canadian, Euros or Yankee dollars on the street. Be smart change your money at a resort, airport, cadeca or bank. Take a few minutes look at it and understand it! And do not even think about using debit or credit cards.
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www.hostalangelos.com. Let us show you the real cuba.....beyond the resort!
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Face Value of the Cuban Pesos
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Let's talk about money. In fact let's talk about the face value of money. My first time visiting this Island a very smart cookie once told me that face value is bad.....and this I have always remembered. You see there money is the same greenish bank note both labeled "Banco Central de Cuba". The 5 spots are both labelled Cinco Pesos, now one of them says pesos convertibles but how am I going to remember which is the good one. Well one has a large face of a Latino looking (handsome I might add) fellow on it, the man on this bill in fact is named Antonio Maceo. But then I remember face value is bad. All local money has a face and all "tourist money" has monuments. Yes the heads of the monuments might have little faces but they are not just a face. Now down to the gritty of the money....1 local dollar or some like to call them CUP's is worth 25cents of the "tourist money" or most like to call them CUC's. You see the people get paid from the government in CUP's this is what the ration products and local goods are priced in. The government likes to think this is the money that the locals use. This is what always confuses me slightly cause the government is the people. That same government guy stops on his way home from work and buys black market fuel, black market potatoes and maybe even some black market milk for his little one, you know what he pays in? He pays in CUC's. That same "tourist dollar" that you are going to exchange your country dollars for. Without a doubt the islands economy is run on CUC's. They talk about amalgamating the two one-day but in my opinion there will need to be a lot of changes before this happens. So now you know the difference what can you buy with these bank notes.....well here is a few examples. Tourist Beer like Cristal or Bucanero 1-1.50 CUC Local Beer my fav is Mayabe 60 cents CUC Chicken Dinner Tourist Area like Varadero 13-15 CUC Rib Dinner with all the sides off the beaten path (Cardenas, Santa Clara etc....) 4.25 CUC or 110 CUP Taxi Ride downtown Varadero 10-15 CUC Coche Ride in Cardenas anywhere you would like to go 1CUC If you would like to see more take a peak at a few of the menus in my restaurant section here.... Now a little common sense goes along way, if you walk in a see a cola for $1 it's going to be in CUC's if it's $25 it's going to be in CUP's which unless your a little adventurous your not going to posess. If your not sure ask a local, I am sure that as with any corner of the earth there might be an un honest one but dead honest I have not met one. Bottom line is you must change your money there is no using Canadian, Euros or Yankee dollars on the street. Be smart change your money at a resort, airport, cadeca or bank. Take a few minutes look at it and understand it! And do not even think about using debit or credit cards.
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