julia-writes-fanfic · 4 years
An Angel’s Choice
Something struck me recently when I was re-watching Good Omens. Cleverer people than I have probably already remarked on it, but whatever.  When Aziraphale goes up to Heaven in episode 3, he lies to Gabriel and co., saying that he doesn’t know where the Antichrist is. By that point, he’s already long since figured out exactly who and where the Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Lord of Darkness etc. etc. is. He literally knows his name, address, and phone number. But he doesn’t tell his bosses. Why not?  I think it’s because he’s starting to figure out that they don’t want what he wants. They’re not on his side. Granted later on, at the bandstand, he lies to Crowley, but he lied to Heaven too, about the same thing. He still hasn’t picked his side. 
In the next episode, though, he makes his choice. He contacts Heaven, but doesn’t give them any pertinent information because he finally understands what Crowley has been trying to tell him all along: that Heaven has no interest in stopping the war. And what does he do after that? He calls Crowley, intent on telling him where the Antichrist is. Crowley’s side is ultimately the one he wants to be on, and he’s finally ready to embrace that. 
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
My students: *doing some grammar exercise*
Me, a teacher, thinking: "I wonder if Crowley prefers Aziraphale to bite his neck or suck on it."
Basically Good Omens took over my life several months ago and has yet to relinquish it.
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
do people who leave chapter-by-chapter comments on fics know that we would go to war for then?
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
New fanfic!
Rating is M. Basically about Crowley getting inappropriately aroused and Aziraphale helping him out.
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
Every. Day.
It’s been almost six months and nearly every day I still think about that angel and demon being ridiculously in love.
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
hi! just read your fic "envy" and i really really liked it! and it seems you're considering suggestions, so may i suggest you write something similar but from aziraphale's perspective? maybe having shared fantasies with crowley?
Aw, thank you so much! It didn't get a lot of attention, so I'm glad to hear that someone liked it! I'll definitely think about that; it might be fun to delve into Aziraphale's craving for Crowley too...
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
16-year-old Julia, reading Good Omens: "Wow. Crowley has holy water! Cool. He must've had that for a long time. Only sensible, I suppose. Wonder where he got it. Eh, guess it doesn't really matter.
26-year-old Julia, watching that scene: WAIT YOU'RE TELLING ME HE GOT IT FROM AZIRAPHALE HOLY SH-
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
Dude Sandalphon really went ahead and punched Aziraphale, huh?
Like, how do you punch a cinnamon roll like that and live with yourself? What did that cinnamon roll ever do to you?
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
*some random human asks Crowley on a date* 
Crowley: “Oh, I’m taken, actually.”  
Human: “Ah, I see. Sorry, I didn’t know you were in a relationship.” 
Crowley: “Not in a relationship. Just in love.” 
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
[On their wedding night]
Aziraphale:”Dear,what’s wrong?”
Crowley:”I just can’t believe you actually like me”
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
One of my favorite little moments in Good Omens is the way Aziraphale corrects himself when he accidentally calls Crowley "Crawley" upon seeing him in Rome. He's not used to it yet, and it's not the last time he makes the mistake, but he remembers, and that means he cares, even all the way back then.
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
I like the idea of Crowley teaching Aziraphale how to sleep.
Aziraphale: So, what do I do? 
Crowley: You just lay back, relax, and close your eyes, angel. 
Aziraphale: And then what? 
Crowley: And then you wait to fall asleep. 
Aziraphale: How will I know when it’s happened? 
Crowley: You won’t. You won’t know anything. That’s the point. 
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
I can't possibly survive such cuteness
If Crowley hadn't known any better, he would have thought that Aziraphale was in love with him. It was in the way the angel's hand sought his out when they went on their afternoon stroll, the way he pressed his mouth against his own, as if he were something beautiful to be worshipped, the way he said his name, his eyes shining with more light and joy than Crowley had ever seen there.
It wasn't as though he thought that Aziraphale didn't like him; he knew that he did. But loving him? That was out of the question.
Only, when he said as much to Aziraphale one morning, when he awoke to find him gently stroking his hair and looking at him with a strange sort of awe, and he had thrown out a 'careful, or I'll think you're in love with me' in a gently teasing tone, Aziraphale had blinked at him in confusion and said, "I am."
Crowley laughed. "Don't be ridiculous, Angel, you can't be."
"Crowley, I've told you I love you far more times than I can conceivably count."
"Yeah, but you love all things," Crowley countered.
"We're married." Aziraphale spoke slowly, like he was talking to someone incredibly stupid.
"...People do that," Crowley mumbled as his brain finally started to catch up with the events of the last ten years. "...Oh sweet baby Jesus, you love me."
"Yes," Aziraphale said simply, ignoring the blasphemy.
"You love me," Crowley repeated.
"I can see you need a moment." Aziraphale sat up and opened the book that had been laying on the bedside table.
"You love me."
"Mmhmm," Aziraphale hummed with the tone of someone who had infinite patience and had married the world's most ridiculous demon.
"You love me." Crowley was smiling now, and had he been someone with less dignity, he would have squealed in joy. Which is to say, he squealed with joy at volumes high enough that only angels and dogs could hear him.
Aziraphale smirked and flipped the page. "Cateful, dear, or I might think you're in love with me."
"I do love you!" Crowley protested.
Aziraphale laughed and patted him on the head. "I know, darling."
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
Good Omens thought of the day: at the airbase, when Anathema realises that Crowley was the one driving the Bentley that hit her, she says "you stole my book!" even though Crowley didn't actually steal anything; Anathema was the one who lost it. She was even beating herself up over losing it in an earlier episode. And yet Crowley doesn't object to the accusation, doesn't even defend himself, he just gives the book back to her. I know he had other things on his mind with Armageddon being imminent and everything, but could it also be because he's simply used to being blamed for things he didn't do? Think the Spanish Inquisition (in bookverse, at least), or the commendation he got for the Reign of Terror, or Aziraphale replying "you're a demon, that's what you do" when Crowley asks "would I lie to you?" Maybe Crowley has just been on the wrong end of these little assumptions for so long, even from the being he loves most in the universe, that he doesn't even notice it anymore, and that breaks my heart a little.
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
If you ever see me staring off into space, chances are I'm thinking about Good Omens.
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julia-writes-fanfic · 5 years
Right, I'm dead now
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— Annelyse Gelman, from “The Pillowcase” in Everyone I Love is a Stranger to Someone
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