julierjones · 5 years
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julierjones · 6 years
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Julie Jones
Exercise #1
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julierjones · 6 years
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julierjones · 6 years
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Assignment #1
Julie Jones
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julierjones · 6 years
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Hi this is me!
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julierjones · 7 years
Color Photography II: Week 5, 02/14 Expanded
Both VAP402 students will present independently; presentations should last for approximately 10 minutes; visual aides are required and should include personal work, as well as work from another photographer (at least when addressing point #3)
After re-reading Exploring Color Photography, Chapter 5 - Seeing the Light prepare a ~10 minute presentation, addressing these key concepts/questions:
What is Visual Literacy? What does it mean to you and your practice? Why is it important?
Visual or Haptic: which are you? 
Give a detailed break-down on which style of photographic practice fits you best, use personal work for visual example and to describe your working methods
Personal work examples does not have to come from VAP402, but can come from a multitude of classes students have produced work for over the years
Color & Composition Keys
What are yours? Use personal work for discussing, addressing and defending your conclusions
Personal work examples should be different than imagery selected to discuss point #2
5-10 images of personal work are needed to effectively talk about color/composition keys
Find a body of work by a photographer that you find personally meaningful and discuss their color/compositional keys
5-10 images of chosen photographer are needed to effectively talk about color/composition keys
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julierjones · 7 years
Week 5, 02/12 - 02/14
Color Photo I:
DISCUSSION Chapter 4 - Filtering The Light
CRITIQUE Assignment #1 - Color Strategies
5 final prints for critique
Write color coordinating color concept/strategy on back of prints
Two contact sheets (printed from Bizhub) for critique
Digital files of final, edited imagery (show your work) & contact sheets to Server - TIFF/PSD, JPG
Written #1 (see handout)
The DSLR Camera
Metering, White Balance, AF-modes
Electronic flash
Lightroom basics
Creating & managing LR catalogs 
Library: Organizing your files
Develop: Basics
Print: Contact Sheets
Photoshop: Creating Contact Sheets
Color Photo II:
CRITIQUE Assignment #1 Revisited - Color & Tableau
3 final mural prints of 3 unique tableau scenes, for critique
Larger than 17″ on the shortest side
3 contact sheets (printed from Bizhub) for critique
Digital files of final, edited tableau imagery (show your work) & contact sheets to Server - TIFF/PSD, JPG
REVIEW: Stay for Electronic flash review, dismissed after unless interested in refresher on existing technical material
Color Photo I:
READ Chapter 5 - Seeing The Light
SHOOT Assignment #2
Color Photo II:
READ Exploring Color Photography, Chapter 5 - Seeing The Light (same as VAP 302) [handout]
VAP 402 students will present on Visual/Haptic - A Photographer’s Keys using personal work on 12/14 (see handout)
SHOOT/RESEARCH Semester Project
Color Photo I:
DISCUSSION/PRESENTATION Visual Literacy & A Photographer’s Keys (presentation by VAP402 students)
REVIEW Light, Color, Time & Weather
Creating & managing LR catalogs 
Library: Organizing your files
Develop: Basics
Print: Contact Sheets
Photoshop: Contact Sheets
Speedlight (electronic) flash in-class testing
Color Photo II:
PRESENT Visual/Haptic - A Photographer’s Keys
Using personal work
[Dismissed after]
Color Photo I:
SHOOT Assignment #2 - due 02/21!
Color Photo II:
READ In, Around, and Afterthoughts (On Documentary Photography) by Martha Rosler [handout]
SHOOT/RESEARCH Semester Project - first Progress Critique: 02/21!!
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julierjones · 7 years
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Exercise #1 - Final 5
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julierjones · 7 years
What’s Up: Week 15
Tuesday November 28
DISCUSSION Chapter 10, “The Quantum Leap” - Jesse presents
LECTURE/DEMO Basic Editing, manipulating clip speed, and basic color correction
Thursday November 30
Meet @ Front Street Index Gallery @ 2:30 PM to begin Dayton Dessert Chronicles Exhibit installation
To Do (Weekend)
WATCH & DEMO Lynda recordings: Working with titles (43 & 44), Exporting (45 & 46)
SHOOT & EDIT Final Project footage - second rough cut review on 12/04
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julierjones · 7 years
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Exercise #1 - Julie Jones
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julierjones · 7 years
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Exercise #8
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julierjones · 8 years
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Joel Meyerowitz, Cape Light
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julierjones · 8 years
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Over the course of the next week I will be posting inspiration for Assignment #1: Place - One Square Mile. The artists I share with you work under similar conceptual parameters that I asked you all to make work under....stay tuned!
John Gossage, 32-inch Ruler
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julierjones · 8 years
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julierjones · 8 years
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julierjones · 8 years
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julierjones · 8 years
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