kig98 · 2 years
Animal Crossing ૮ • ﻌ - ა
Animal Crossing on the Switch, was, and I think everyone can agree, a lifesaver during the pandemic. While we were all locked indoors, we were still able to fish, garden, shop, and talk to our neighbors in this little world. With customizable options, I could spend hours tweaking and changing anything on my character or island! So being locked inside for weeks wasn't as terrible as it could've been.
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The villagers on my island made it really cozy and warm for me to constantly come back to check on them. Wade, the penguin pictured above, became my favorite villager as he was just chill and offered me bugs! Moments and interactions like these make these virtual worlds more human, even though I'm aware they're preprogrammed characters. However, that didn't stop me from hunting bugs for Wade as he was a true bug lover, and any positive interaction I can make would be rewarding!
Plus, the new updates that would drop were always monumental. I remember everyone lost their heads when swimming into the ocean was a thing. The seasonal items also were a hit- I'm still hunting for mushrooms! ACNH has truly brought together society when were all cooped up and anxious. I think that it's user-friendly nature and slow-paced nature made it accessible to everyone. Even as a non-gamer, I still managed to navigate very quickly the buttons and actions; and it was worth it to make my island very cute!
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stephonline · 10 months
Assignment 1
The between of living and the restlessness of the search for original comfort.
Unfortunately, this piece wasn’t filmed for its full 11 minutes, but in snippets the sensory aesthetics are visible.
This piece used my body and fabric to create an experience based on the idea of putting on and shedding layers of identity through life. These layers being born from the search for the feeling of at home-ness and unconditional love.
The figure, being born into the world of impressions and identifications, is born and dies with only one layer of fabric on, it’s identification as a body being in this world.
During the mid-point, there is the search, the suffering from dissatisfaction of the veil that they were originally given. They try putting on many many different ones, but remain lost in false identity, which makes them lose sight of their selves. (Their own bodily figure gets lost in the shapelessness of the fabric).
Towards the end, there is a shift, and the layers begin coming off. A light lights in their heart, and they search for the source. The shedding of all the layers that came from the feeling of lacking of love, towards the naked yearning of the love of the true self.
That being (the self), free from any need to amend itself with world comforts, is seen more clearly, as death comes, and the layers between the essence of the self subtly exposed.
At least for now, that is my interpretation of this piece. Over time I know the meaning will change for me, as the meaning is reliant on the individual.
Loved making this, but it was really intense!
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jacobsgamedesign · 2 years
IGB220 Assignment 3 - Playtesting
My role within the group was that of conducting the playtests. I found this to be an overall enjoyable and informative experience that further adds to the appeal of playtesting, as well as giving me extra experience within it, conducting playtesting in a more professional manner. I believe this will be a very valuable skill and look forward to utilizing it further in the future. Our testers were all experienced and generally had a similar testing outcome. Found the same bugs, hit the same snags etc. We were able to quite easily identify problems within the game, including some that we hadn't noticed ourselves during early look overs we did ourselves.
Overall it was a good experience and our group conducted the tests well.
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visualskills2 · 2 years
List of Post
Assignment 1
1. Research 1.1: where do good ideas come from?
2. Exercise 1: Think about your work space
3. Exercise 1: Thinking about your workspace
4. Research 1.2: 365 projects part 1
5. Exercise 1. 2: Good working Habits
6. Research 1.2: 365 Project part 2
7. Researh 1.3: play and flow
8. Assignment 1: Option 1
9. Assignment 1: Ink and paint automatic drawing
Assignment 2
10. Assignment 1: Feedback- Self-reflection.
11. Exercise 2.2 Multi dimentional thinking
12. Exercise 2.1 Getting into the zones
13. Exercise 2.3: Words in pictures Part I
14. Exercise 2.3: Words in pictures Part II. Correcting some issues on the analogical piece.
15. Exercise 2.4: Word association. The brain map
16 Exercise 2.4: Word association part II
17. Exercise 2.5: Word Processing part I (the process and the final sketchs)
18. Exercise 2.5: Word Processing part II (final work)
19. Research 2.1: Process art
20. Exercise 2.6: Cut ups
21. Exercise 2.7: Composing pictures
22. Research 2.2: Collage approaches
23. Assignment 2: Sketchbook presentation
24. Assignment 2: Concertina book
25. Assignment 2: Tic tok.
26. Assignment 2: Final pieces. I am not sure it upload so I am going to sent it by email with the presentation.
27. Critical Review: Personal identity
Learning log entries Assigment 2
2.1. Learning log. Yayoi Kusama: Personal research
2.2. Learning log book review: Infinity Net. The Autobiography of Yayoi Kusama
2.3. Learning log: Apple by Ken Miki: Personal research
2.4. Learning log: What Are the Stages of the Creative Process? (journal article)
2.5. Learnign log: What Are the Stages of the Creative Process? (jurnal article)
2.6. Behind the Scenes: The Restoration of Isabella de' Medici
2.7. Book: Do you remember, when
2.8. Illustration symposium: Bodies in Spaces
Assigment 3 post
Exercise 3.1: Fast
Research 3.2 Comic books and graphic novels
Research 3.3: Slow TV
Exercise 3.2 Slow: Option 3
Exercise 3.2 Slow: Option 3 (Practice): This was a extra work base on this exercise.
Research 3.4: Fast and slow
Research 3.5: Larch Scale Image Making
Exercise 3: Big
Exercise 4: Small (option 3) Part I
Exercise 4: Small (option 3) Part II
Assignment 3 Thomas Demand (research)
Assigment 3: Dioramas for a book (research)
Assigment 3: Inspiration and research
Assignment 3: Process
Assignment 3: Reflection 500w
Assignment 3: A zine or small book
Learning log entries
Learning log 3.2: Mount Fuji 360 Book
Book Review: Un jardín y cuaderno de vacaciones Illustrated by Isidro Ferrer.
Assignment 4
Assignment 3:Tutor’s feedback reaction
Assignment 4: Secundary Research Power Paola and José Antonio Suárez Londoño
Assignment 4: Where to start?: Idea origen
Assignment 4: Research
Assignment 4:# Caligraphy
Assignment 4: (initial ideas and research)
Independent research
Crative writting applied to illustration (Part I)
Progresing a visual project: How to develop a story visually?
Pablo picasso: Sculptures
Secondary research: Serge Bloch
Research: Experimental Caligraphy (cola pens)
Assignment 5
List of Post
Assignment 5: Objective for the next assignment.
Exercise 5.1:​ Creative Audit
Exercise 5.2: Monoprints
See the final pieces on Behand
Assignment 5: Presentation as a book (It is just the link to the page)
Assignment5: Sketchbook
Research 5.1: Portrait and Ink
Research 5.2: From Botanical Drawings to Narrative Illustration
Research 5.3: Experimental illustration
Independent research
Marika Maijala: Writer's block and how all of us struggle with self-doubt.
Harriet van Reek: 3d work
Assignment 6
List of post
Assignment 6.1: Political embroidery
Assignment 6.2: Embroiderers: Using embroidery to create illustrations
Assignment 6.3: CAYCE ZAVAGLIA
Assignment 6.4: Feminism and Embroidery
Self assesment 6
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iloveparrots-forever · 7 months
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Practice shoot
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plkiart · 8 months
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Assignment1: Redressing the Figure
Tools: clip studio paint, iPad
Desc: A redressing of the model Eve with concept of a mixing of Tiefling/devil/oni/vampire in anime style
Feedback: The original description of the model intended Eve to flank the gates of hell, a resemble of remorse. So I thought it would be cool to use some elements of hell, like maybe features of a Tiefling, but in artstyles that I’m used to. I wanted to redress with fancy outfit that I like, but I also just really like the body parts of the original model. And I like used purple for skin because I like this color. Points for improvement: 1. I don’t like how the hair is distributed, feels unnatural. I should have planned it better in the beginning but I’m bad at it. The overall flow feels awkward. 2. I don’t like how I drew the line art. The lines don’t look neat enough and kind of don’t fit into the drawing. 3. The use of color turns out weird and inconsistent, with not so clear shadowing and lighting. Feels like the color just mixed together awkwardly and makes my eyes hurt. 4. The texturing for different material is not accurate. 5. Could have simplified some parts with stronger contrast instead of using a lot of color randomly. To sum up: my art sucks in tons of ways but I don’t know how to fix them.
Link for ref: pinterest.com/yh3919/pins/
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liabilityladen · 3 months
Article 1243 of the New Civil Code
Article 1243. Payment made to the creditor by the debtor after the latter has been judicially ordered to retain the debt shall not be valid. (1165)
G.R. No. 161647             June 22, 2006
The instant case originated from a complaint for collection for a sum of money which petitioner filed against Unified Capital Management Corporation (UNICAP) with the Regional Trial Court of Makati – Branch 135. Petitioner obtained favorable judgment on May 20, 1999 but was not able to get full payment from UNICAP. Thus, he went after UNICAP’s debtors. It appears that one of the debtors, Susan Yee Soon, executed on September 17, 1997 two (2) Deeds of Relative Assignment1 to UNICAP. The Deeds assigned to UNICAP "all moneys that may be payable to [Susan Yee Soon] and [her] beneficiary/ies from the basic proceeds" of life insurance policies No. A001122766 and No. A001122777 issued by Insular.
We have held that neither an appeal nor a petition for certiorari is the proper remedy from the denial of a third-party claim. In the case of Northern Motors, Inc. v. Coquia, the petitioner filed, among others, a third-party claim which was denied by the respondent judge in the disputed resolution. Northern Motors, Inc. thereafter filed a petition for certiorari to nullify the resolution and order of the respondent judge. 
The Court further held that since the third-party claimant is not one of the parties to the action, he could not, strictly speaking, appeal from the order denying its claim, but should file a separate reivindicatory action against the execution creditor or a complaint for damages against the bond filed by the judgment creditor in favor of the sheriff. The rights of a third-party claimant should be decided in a separate action to be instituted by the third person. In fine, the appeal that should be interposed, if the term "appeal" may be properly employed, is a separate reivindicatory action against the execution creditor or complaint for damages to be charged against the bond filed by the judgment creditor in favor of the sheriff.
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myprogrammingsolver · 5 months
Assignment1:WikiRacer Solution
One interesting place to fnd interesting patterns is Wikipedia. For example, we can play a game called WikiRacer, where we try to move from one article to another with the fewest number of clicks. Try a round online before you move on! For your frst assignment, you will build a standard C++ program that plays WikiRacer! Specifcally, it will fnd a path between two given Wikipedia articles in the…
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View On WordPress
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daixiepython · 6 months
CSCI 2122 Assignment 4
CSCI 2122 Assignment 4 Due date: 11:59pm, Friday, March 22, 2024, submitted via git Objectives The purpose of this assignment is to practice your coding in C, and to reinforce the concepts discussed in class on program representation. In this assignment1 you will implement a binary translator2 like Rosetta3. Your program will translate from a simple instruction set (much simpler than x86) to x86 and generate x86 assembly code. The code will then be tested by assembling and running it. This assignment is divided into two parts to make it simpler. In the first part, you will implement the loader and a simple translator, which代做CSCI 2122、代写 Python/c++程序语言 translates the simpler in- structions. In the second part, you will extend the translator to translate more complex instructions. Preparation:
Complete Assignment 0 or ensure that the tools you would need to complete it are installed.
Clone your assignment repository: https://git.cs.dal.ca/courses/2024-winter/csci-2122/assignment-4/????.git where ???? is your CSID. Please see instructions in Assignment 0 and the tutorials on Brightspace if you are not sure how. Inside the repository there is one directory: xtra, where code is to be written. Inside the directory is a tests directory that contains tests that will be executed each time you submit your code. Please do not modifythetestsdirectoryorthe.gitlab-ci.ymlfilethatisfoundintherootdirectory. Modifying these files may break the tests. These files will be replaced with originals when the assignments are graded. You are provided with sample Makefile files that can be used to build your program. If you are using CLion, a Makefile will be generated from the CMakeLists.txt file generated by CLion. Background: For this assignment you will translate a binary in a simplified RISC-based 16-bit instruction set to x86-64 assembly. Specifically, the X instruction set comprises a small number (approximately 30) instructions, most of which are two bytes (one word) in size. The X Architecture has a 16-bit word-size and 16 general purpose 16-bit registers (r0 . . . r15 ). Nearly all instructions operate on 16-bit chunks of data. Thus, all values and addresses are 16 bits in size. All 16-bit values are also encoded in big-endian format, meaning that the most-significant byte comes first. Apart from the 16 general purpose registers, the architecture has two special 16-bit registers: a program counter (PC), which stores the address of the next instruction that will be executed, and the status (F), which stores bit-flags representing the CPU state. The least significant bit of the status register (F) is the condition flag, which represents the truth value of the last logical test operation. The bit is set to true if the condition was true, and to false otherwise. 1 The idea for this assignment came indirectly from Kyle Smith. 2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_translation 3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_(software)
Additionally, the CPU uses the last general-purpose register, r15, to store the pointer to the program stack. This register is incremented by two when an item is popped off the stack and decremented by two when an item is pushed on the stack. The program stack is used to store temporary values, arguments to a function, and the return address of a function call. The X Instruction Set The instruction set comprises approximately 30 instructions that perform arithmetic and logic, data move- ment, stack manipulation, and flow control. Most instructions take registers as their operands and store the result of the operation in a register. However, some instructions also take immediate values as oper- ands. Thus, there are four classes of instructions: 0-operand instructions, 1-operand instructions, 2-oper- and instructions, and extended instructions, which take two words (4 bytes) instead of one word. All but the extended instructions are encoded as a single word (16 bits). The extended instructions are also one word but are followed by an additional one-word operand. Thus, if the instruction is an extended instruction, the PC needs an additional increment of 2 during the instruction’s execution. As mentioned previously, most instructions are encoded as a single word. The most significant two bits of the word indicates whether the instruction is a 0-operand instruction (00), a 1-operand instruction (01), a 2-operand instruction (10), or an extended instruction (11). For a 0-operand instruction encoding, the two most sig- nificant bits are 00 and the next six bits represent the instruction identifier. The second byte of the instruction is 0. For a 1-operand instruction encoding, the two most significant bits are 01, the next bit indicates whether the operand is an immediate or a register, and the next five bits represent the instruction identifier. If the third most significant bit is 0, then the four most significant bits of the second byte encode the register that is to be operated on (0… 15). Otherwise, if the third most significant bit is 1, then the second byte encodes the immediate value. For a 2-operand instruction encoding, the two most significant bits are 10, and the next six bits represent the instruction identifier. The second byte encodes the two register operands in two four-bit chunks. Each of the 4-bit chunks identifies a register (r0 … r15). For an extended instruction encoding, the two most significant bits are 11, the next bit indicates whether a second register operand is used, and the next five bits represent the instruction identifier. If the third most significant bit is 0, then the instruction only uses the one-word immedi- ate operand that follows the instruction. Otherwise, if the third most significant bit is 1, then the four most significant bits of the second byte encode a register (1 … 15) that is the second operand. The instruction set is described in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each description includes the mnemonic (and syntax), the encoding of the instruction, the instruction’s description, and function. For example, the add, loadi, and push instructions have the following descriptions: loadi V, rD 11100001 D 0 Load immediate value or address V into rD ← memory[PC] register rD. PC ← PC + 2 Mnemonic Encoding Description Function add rS, rD 10000001 S D Add register rS to register rD. rD ← rD + rS push rS 01000011 S 0 Push register rS onto program stack. r15 ← r15 - 2 memory[r15 ] ← rS
First, observe that the add instruction takes two register operands and adds the first register to the sec- ond. All 2-operand instructions operate only on registers and the second register is both a source and destination, while the first is the source. It is a 2-operand instruction; hence the first two bits are 10, its instruction identifier is 000001 hence the first byte of the instruction is 0x81. Second, the loadi instruction is an extended instruction that takes a 16-bit immediate and stores it in a register. Hence, the first two bits are 11, the register bit is set to 1, and the instruction identifier is 00001. Hence, the first byte is encoded as 0xE1. Third, the push instruction is a 1-operand instruction, taking a single register operand. Hence, the first two bits are 01, the immediate bit is 0, and the instruction identifier is 00011. Hence, the first byte is encoded as 0x43. Note that S and D are 4-bit vectors representing S and D. Table 1: 0-Operand Instructions Mnemonic Encoding Description Function ret 00000001 0 Return from a procedure call. P C ← memory[r15 ] r15 ← r15 + 2 cld 00000010 0 Table 1: 1-Operand Instructions Stop debug mode Logically negate register rD . Decrement rD . Pop value from stack into register rD. Branch relative to label L if condition bit is true. Subtract register rS from register rD. And register rS with register rD . Xor register rS with register rD . See Debug Mode below. rD ←!rD rD ← rD – 1 rD ← memory[r15 ] r15 ← r15 + 2 if F & 0x0001 == 0x001: PC ← PC + L – 2 rD ← rD - rS rD ← rD & rS rD ← rD ^ rS std 00000011 S 0 Start debug mode See Debug Mode below. Mnemonic Encoding Description Function neg rD 01000001 D 0 Negate register rD . rD ← −rD not rD dec rD pop rD br L 01000010 D 0 01001001 D 0 01000100 D 0 01100001 L inc rD 01001000 D 0 Increment rD . rD ← rD + 1 push rS 01000011 S 0 Push register rS onto the pro- gram stack. r15 ← r15 – 2 memory[r15] ← rS out rS 01000111 S 0 Output character in rS to std- out. output ← rS (see below) jr L 01100010 L Jump relative to label L. PC ← PC + L – 2 Table 3: 2-Operand Instructions Mnemonic Encoding Description Function add rS , rD 10000001 S D Add register rS to register rD . rD ← rD + rS sub rS , rD and rS , rD xor rS , rD 10000010 S D 10000101 S D 10000111 S D mul rS , rD 10000011 S D Multiply register rD by register rS. rD ← rD * rS or rS , rD 10000110 S D Or register rS with register rD . rD ← rD | rStest rS1, rS2
10001010 S D Set condition flag to true if and only if rS1 ∧ rS2 is not 0. ifrS1 &rS2 !=0: F ← F | 0x0001 else: F ← F & 0xFFFE cmp rS1, rS2 10001011 S D Set condition flag to true if and only If rS1 < rS2. if rS1 < rS2: F ← F | 0x0001 else: F ← F & 0xFFFE equ rS1, rS2 10001100 S D Set condition flag to true if and only if rS1 == rS2. if rS1 == rS2: F ← F | 0x0001 else: F ← F & 0xFFFE mov rS , rD stor rS , rD 10001101 S D 10001111 S D 10010001 S D Table 3: Extended Instructions Copy register rS to register rD . Store word from register rS to memory at address in register rD. Store byte from register rS to memory at address in register rD. rD ← rS memory[rD] ← rS (byte)memory[rD] ← rS load rS , rD 10001110 S D Load word into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS. rD ← memory[rS] loadb rS , rD 10010000 S D Load byte into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS. rD ← (byte)memory[rS] storb rS , rD Mnemonic Encoding Description Function jmp L 11000001 0 Absolute jump to label L. PC ← memory[PC] call L 11000010 0 Absolute call to label L.. r15 ← r15 – 2 memory[r15] ← PC + 2 PC ← memory[PC] loadi V, rD 11100001 D 0 Load immediate value or address V into register rD. rD ← memory[PC] PC ← PC + 2 Note that in the case of extended instructions, the label L or value V are encoded as a single word (16-bit value) following the word containing the instruction. The 0 in the encodings above represents a 4-bit 0 vector. An assembler is provided for you to use (if needed). Please see the manual at the end of the assignment. The Xtra Translation Specification (IMPORTANT) The binary translation is conducted in the following manner. The translator
Opens the specified file containing the X binary code.
Outputs a prologue (see below), which will be the same for all translations. 3. It then enters a loop that a. Reads the next instruction from the binary b. Decodes the instruction, and c. Outputs the corresponding x86 assembly instruction(s). If the instruction is an extended, an additional two bytes will need to be read. d. The loop exits when the instruction composed of two 0 bytes is read.
Outputs an epilogue.
Prologue The translator first outputs a simple prologue that is the same for all translations. The prologue is shown on the right. Epilogue After the translator finishes translating, it outputs a simple ep- ilogue that is the same for all translations. The epilogue is shown on the right. Translation Each X instruction will need to be translated into the corresponding instruction or instructions in x86-64 assembly. See table on right for examples. Most instructions will have a direct corresponding instruction in x86 assembly so the translation will beeasy. Someinstructions,liketheequ,test,andcmp,instructions may require multiple x86 instructions for a single X instruction. Note: The translator will need to perform a register mapping. Register Mapping The X architecture has 16 general and the F status register. In x86-64 there are also 16 general purpose registers. The register mapping on the right must be used when translating from X to x86-64. Note that for this exercise register r13 will not be used by the X executables. In- stead of r13 (X) being mapped to r15 (x86), the F register (X) is mapped to register r15 (x86). Note: for this assignment, It is ok to map 16-bit registers to 64-bit registers. r9 Debug mode STD and CLD .globl test test: push %rbp mov %rsp, %rbp pop %rbp ret mov $42, %rax add %rax, %rdi %rbx %rdx %rdi %r9 %r11 %r13 %r15 %rsp call debug X Instruction Output x86 Assembly mov r0, r1 mov %rax, %rdi loadi 42, r0 add r0, r1 push r0 push %rax X Registers x86 Registers r0 %rax r1 r3 r5 r7 r2 %rcx r4 %rsi r6 %r8 r8 %r10 r10 %r12 The std and cld X instructions enable and disable debug mode on the X architecture. However, debug mode does not exist in x86-64. Instead, when a std instruction is encountered, the translator should set an internal debug flag in the translator and, clear the debug flag when it encounters the cld instruction. When the debug flag is true, the translator should output the assembly code on the right before translating each X instruction. Output and the OUT Instruction (For Task 2) r11 F r15 r12 %r14 r14 %rbp On the X architecture, the out rN instruction outputs to the screen the character stored in register rN. However, no such instruction exists in x86-64. Instead, the out instruction is translated to a call to the function outchar(char c), which performs this function. Recall that the first argument is passed in register %rdi. Consequently, the corresponding translation code will need to save the current value of %rdi on the stack, move the byte to be printed into %rdi, call outchar, and restore %rdi. Your task will be to implement the Xtra binary translator which is used to translate into x86 assembly programs assembled with the X assembler.
Task 1: Implement the Simple Xtra Your first task is to implement a simple version of the translator that works for the simple instructions. The source file main.c should contain the main() function. The translator should:
Take one (1) argument on the command line: The argument is the object/executable file of the program to translate. For example, the invocation ./xtra hello.xo instructs the translator to translate the program hello.xo into x86-64 assembly.
Open for reading the file specified on the command-line.
Output (to stdout) the prologue.
In a loop, a. Read in instruction. b. If the instruction is 0x00 0x00, break out of the loop. c. Translate the instruction and output (to stdout) the x86-64 assembly.
Output (to stdout) the epilogue. Input The input to the program is via the command line. The program takes one argument, the name of the file containing the assembled X code. Processing All input shall be correct. All program files shall be at most 65536 bytes (64KB). The translator must be able to translate all instructions except: Instruction Description ret Return from a procedure call. br L jmp L load rS , rD loadb rS , rD out rS Branch relative to label L if condition bit is true. Absolute jump to label L. Load word into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS. Load byte into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS. Output character in rS to stdout. jr L Jump relative to label L. call L Absolute call to label L. stor rS , rD Store word from register rS to memory at address in register rD. storb rS , rD Store byte from register rS to memory at address in register rD. Recommendation: While no error checking is required, it may be helpful to still do error checking, e.g., make sure files are properly opened because it will help with debugging as well. Output Output should be to stdout. The output is the translated assembly code. The format should ATT style assembly. The exact formatting of the assembly is up to you, but the assembly code will be passed through the standard assembler (as) on timberlea. See next section for how to test your code. (See example) Testing To test your translator, the test scripts will assembler, link, and run the translated code! J A runit.sh script is provided. The script takes an X assembly file as an argument: ./runit.sh foo.xas The script:
Assembles the .xas file with the provided (xas) to create a .xo file.
Runs xtra on the .xo file, to create a corresponding x86 .s assembly file.
Assembles, compiles, and links the generated assembly file with some runner code, creating an executable. Therunneriscomposedofrunner.c,regsdump.s,andthetranslated.sfile. Please DO NOT delete the first two files.
Runs the executable. This script is used by the test scripts and is also useful for you to test your code. Most of the tests use the std instruction to turn on debugging and output the state of the registers after each instruction is executed. For most of the tests the output being compared are the register values. Example Original X assembly code Translated x86 code loadi 2, r0 loadi 3, r1 loadi 4, r2 loadi 5, r3 loadi 7, r5 std # turn debugging on add r2, r3 mul r2, r1 cld # turn debugging off neg r0 inc r5 .literal 0 .globl test test: push %rbp mov %rsp, %rbp mov $2, %rax mov $3, %rbx mov $4, %rcx mov $5, %rdx mov $7, %rdi call debug add %rcx, %rdx call debug imul %rcx, %rbx call debug neg %rax inc %rdi pop %rbp ret Task 2: The Full Translator Your second task is to extend xtra to translate the instructions exempted in Task 1. lation for the following instructions. Implement trans- Instruction Description ret Return from a procedure call. br L jmp L load rS , rD loadb rS , rD out rS Branch relative to label L if condition bit is true. Absolute jump to label L. Load word into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS. Load byte into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS. Output character in rS to stdout. jr L Jump relative to label L. call L Absolute call to label L. stor rS , rD Store word from register rS to memory at address in register rD. storb rS , rD Store byte from register rS to memory at address in register rD.
Input The input is the same as Task 1. Processing The processing is the same as for Task 1. The challenge is that translation is a bit more challenging. First, for many of the additional instructions you will need to emit more than one assembly instruction. This is particularly true for the conditional branching and output instructions. Second, for the branching instructions you will need to compute the labels where to branch to. The easy solution is to create a label for each instruction being translated. The label should encode the address in the name. For example, L1234 would be the label for the X instruction at address 1234. By doing this, you will not need to keep a list or database of labels. Third, the addresses used by the load and store are full 64-bit values. Output The output is the same as Task 1. Example Original X assembly code Translated x86 code loadi 1, r0 jmp j1 j2: loadi 3, r0 jmp j3 j1: loadi 2, r0 jmp j2 j3: std # turn debugging on loadi 4, r0 .literal 0 .globl test test: push %rbp mov %rsp, %rbp .L0000: mov $1, %rax .L0004: jmp .L0010 .L0008: mov $3, %rax .L000c: jmp .L0018 .L0010: mov $2, %rax .L0014: jmp .L0008 .L0018: .L001a: call debug mov $4, %rax .L001e: call debug pop %rbp ret Hints and Suggestions
Use the unsigned short type for all registers and indices.
Use two files: one the main program and one for the translator loop.
Start early, this is the hardest assignment of the term and there is a lot to digest in the assignment specifications.
Assignment Submission Submission and testing are done using Git, Gitlab, and Gitlab CI/CD. You can submit as many times as you wish, up to the deadline. Every time a submission occurs, functional tests are executed, and you can view the results of the tests. To submit use the same procedure as Assignment 0. Grading If your program does not compile, it is considered non-functional and of extremely poor quality, mean- ing you will receive 0 for the solution. The assignment will be graded based on three criteria: Functionality: “Does it work according to specifications?”. This is determined in an automated fashion by running your program on several inputs and ensuring that the outputs match the expected outputs. The score is determined based on the number of tests that your program passes. So, if your program passes t/T tests, you will receive that proportion of the marks. Quality of Solution: “Is it a good solution?” This considers whether the approach and algorithm in your solution is correct. This is determined by visual inspection of the code. It is possible to get a good grade on this part even if you have bugs that cause your code to fail some of the tests. Code Clarity: “Is it well written?” This considers whether the solution is properly formatted, well docu- mented, and follows coding style guidelines. A single overall mark will be assigned for clarity. Please see the Style Guide in the Assignment section of the course in Brightspace. The following grading scheme will be used: Task 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Functionality (20 marks) Equal to the number of tests passed. Solution Quality Task 1 (15 marks) Implemented correctly. Code is robust. Implemented cor- rectly. Code is not robust. Some minor bugs. Major flaws in implementation An attempt has been made. Solution Quality Task 2 (5 marks) Implemented correctly. Code is robust. Implemented cor- rectly. Code is not robust. Some minor bugs. Major flaws in implementation An attempt has been made Code Clarity (10 marks) Indentation, for- matting, naming, comments Code looks pro- fessional and fol- lows all style guidelines Code looks good and mostly fol- lows style guide- lines. Code is mostly readable and mostly follows some of the style guidelines Code is hard to read and fol- lows few of the style guidelines Code is not legible No code submitted or code does not compile
Assignment Testing without Submission Testing via submission can take some time, especially if the server is loaded. You can run the tests without submittingyourcodebyusingtheprovidedruntests.shscript. Runningthescriptwithnoarguments will run all the tests. Running the script with the test number, i.e., 00, 01, 02, 03, … 09, will run that specific test. Please see below for how run the script. Get your program ready to run If you are developing directly on the unix server,
SSH into the remote server and be sure you are in the xtra directory. 2. Be sure the program is compiled by running make. If you are using CLion
Run your program on the remote server as described in the CLion tutorials. 2. Open a remote host terminal via Tools → Open Remote Host Terminal If you are using VSCode
Run your program on the remote server as described in VSCode tutorials.
Click on the Terminal pane in the bottom half of the window or via Terminal → New Terminal Run the script
Run the script in the terminal by using the command: ./runtest.sh to run all the tests, or specify the test number to run a specific test, e.g. : ./runtest.sh 07 You will see the test run in the terminal window. The X Assembler (xas) An assembler (xas) is provided to allow you to write and compile programs for the X Architecture. To make the assembler, simply run “make xas” in the xtra directory. To run the assembler, specify the assembly and executable file on the command-line. For example, ./xas example.xas example.xo Assembles the X assembly file example.xas into an X executable example.xo. The format of the assembly files is simple.
Anything to the right of a # mark, including the #, is considered a comment and ignored.
Blank lines are ignored.
Each line in the assembly file that is not blank must contains a directive, a label and/or an instruc- tion. If the line contains both a label and an instruction, the label must come first. 4. A label is of the form identifier: where identifier consists of any sequence of letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9), or underscores ( ) as long the first character is not a digit. A colon (:) must terminate the label. A label represents the corre- sponding location in the program and may be used to jump to that location in the code.
An instruction consists of a mnemonic, such as add, loadi, push, etc., followed by zero or more operands. The operand must be separated from the mnemonic by one or more white spaces. Multiple operands are separated by a comma.
If an operand is a register, then it must be in the form r# where # ranges between 0 and 15 inclu- sively. E.g., r13.
If the instruction is an immediate, then the argument may either be a label, or an integer. Note: labels are case-sensitive. If a label is specified, no colon should follow the label.
Directives instruct the assembler to perform a specific function or behave in a specific manner. All directives begin with a period and are followed by a keyword. There are three directives: .lit- eral, .words and .glob, each of which takes an operand. (a) The .literal directive encodes a null terminated string or an integer at the present location in the program. E.g., mystring: .literal "Hello World!" myvalue: .literal 42 encodes a nil-terminated string followed by a 16-bit (1 word) value representing the dec- imal value 42. In this example, there are labels preceding each of the encodings so that it is easy to access these literals. That is, the label mystring represents the address (rel- ative to the start of the program) where the string is encoded, and the label myvalue represents the address (relative to the start of the program) of the value. This is used in the hello.xas example. (b) The.wordsdirectivesetsasideaspecifiednumberofwordsofmemoryatthepresent location in the program. E.g., myspace: .words 6 allocates 6 words of memory at the present point in the program. This space is not initial- ized to any specific value. Just as before, the label preceding the directive represents the address of the first word, relative to the start of the program. This is used in xrt0.xas to set aside space for the program stack. (c) The .glob directive exports the specified symbol (label) if it is defined in the file and imports the specified symbol (label) if it is used but not defined in the file. E.g., .glob foo .glob bar … loadi bar, r0 … foo: .literal "Hello World!" declares two symbols (labels) foo and bar. Symbol foo is declared in this file, so it will be exported (can be accessed) in other files. The latter symbol, bar, is used but not defined. When this file is linked, the linker looks for the symbol (label) definition in other files makes all references to the symbol refer to where it is defined. Note: it is recommended that you place literals and all space allocations at the end of your program, so that they will not interfere with program itself. If you do place literals in the middle of your program, you will need to ensure that your code jumps around these allocations. There are several example assembly files provided (ending in .xas). You can assemble them by invoking the assembler, for example: ./xas example.xas example.xo This invocation will cause the assembler to read in the file example.xas and generate an output file example.xo. Feel free weixin: codehelp
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phdguides · 8 months
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Get Free University Formats And Samples
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marshand123 · 1 year
In this work, I want to use dream space to evoke people’s true inner thoughts and feelings and to establish a specific dream narrative.
The main content revolves around the dream story after deep sleep, from snoring to natural environment sounds to dream scene sounds. Returning to the snoring process makes the work from reality to dream and then to reality.
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artleaguemdcnorth · 1 year
2D Summer Semester First Day of Class - 5/8/2023
Students, Welcome to the 2023 Summer Semester for 2D.
An email will be sent on Friday with the class instructions and other information including a link to the course blog and a second email with the invitation to the virtual first day meeting Via TEAMS.
The meet and greet on Monday morning via TEAMS will begin at 8:30 AM . 
Accept the link to the meet  immediately.
Check your mymdc.net email.
On the first day all students who have not done so, will create their own portfolio blog using the Tumblr platform and they will create a twitter  handle to follow additional instructions during the semester.
FIRST DAY INFO and class assignments for today after our meet and greet will be as follows:
1)Create your Twitter handle. 2)Find my twitter handle and follow me on Twitter. (@Prof_AFresquet )
3)Create your own Tumblr handle.
4)Follow class blog ONLY nothing else.
I will post  assignments to be completed  weekly, you will check the information that I post here in the class blog.
You will follow instructions for weekly assignments here.
On the day new assignments are added, I usually open the class on Twitter with a welcome daily tweet.
This happens before our Virtual meet and inperson.
I like to give tips and ideas for doing class assignments during these days.
Additionaly , I am available for questions from  8:30 - 10:30 am on M/W via the twitter feed.
Anytime you need help, use the DM to communicate with me back and forth.
I am available via Twitter at @Prof_AFresquet .
I note those in attendance by the work completed each day and the interaction via twitter.
Pay attention as I post suggestions and information there.
You can ask me question on Twitter and I will respond quickly during class time. For general questions use the open feed. For private information use the DM.
I will also show photos with examples and or additional instructions there.
All work to be done in class will be done on the Bristol pad except when otherwise noted (Homework assignments are done on the sketchbook).  
All work needs to be framed within the picture plane as stated during class meets.
Work completed during class will be posted on your Tumblr (portfolio page) by end of class t ime.
Work that was not completed during class , needs to be completed during lab hours (Thursdays is your make up day).
1) Today you will watch three short videos.
You will be  looking at the work of two artist,
Franz Kline
Agnes Martin.
Throughout the semester we are going to be looking at work from different artists who work in the following genre:
Non Objective , Abstract , Modern Art.
2) As you watch the videos posted below, take notes  regarding the three videos (two about Franz Kline and One from Agnes Martin).
See if you can answer the questions below:
a) Pay attention to how they create art and why if that is so stated. b) What inspires them?
Brief statement of what you understand about how FRANZ KLINE creates art.
How does he divide the page ?
How is line changing from one stroke to the next?
Is it the same kind of line, thick , bold or thin and light?
Is space painted first (white), before line (black) or the reverse?
One you have finished the videos and written your statement, proceed to your sketchbook to sketch some ideas of your own version of a
C) Franz Kline inspired work.
Start out by playing with line as it divides the composition.
These are preliminary ideas known as sketches
How would  you do it?
D) Next, using  three pages in your sketchbook create THREE Franz Kline inspired compositions.
You will be using black and white paint.
E) Post VIDEO work with notes on Monday by 5pm. (This is your first tumblr blog )
F ) Sketches and final product to your class blog by tomorrow at 5 pm
For the first few weeks , the materials listed below are essential to complete class assignments.
BRISTOL PAD 100lbs. ( 9x 12  )
Sketchbook bound 8 x 11 or bigger
Black ink or Black acrylic paint (mars black)
White paint Acrylic Titanium White
Beginners acrylic paint set assortment of brushes
Painters tape (blue tape from Home Depot or Lowes)
Black assortment of sharpies different sizes (thick, thin etc )
RULER Scissors Glue sticks
We will begin class by learning vocabulary related to art. I will show a PowerPoint with the information below.
Elements and Principles of Art.
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BRISTOL PAD 100 LBS (9 X 12 )
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starter set acrylics ( CAN BE GOLDEN , WINSOR NEWTON BRANDS  6 or 8 colors )
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Variety of brush set or something similar - different sizes
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Higgins black ink
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small tube of Mars ink
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small tube of Titanium white
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Bound Sketchbook  
Note: Students who have taken drawing classes with me have most of these items. 
Additional Materials list will be  discussed on the first day of class.
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programmingsolver · 2 years
Order Programming Assignment1
Project Goals The goal of this project is to: Familiarize students with **variables** Familiarize students with the **printf** and **scanf** functions. Important Notes: **Formatting**: Make sure that you follow the precise recommendations for the output content and formatting. Your assignment will be auto-graded and any changes in formatting will result in a loss in the grade. **Comments**:…
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zishuowang · 2 years
week1– some idea about assignment1
I refer to the mv of a South Korean women's group, called NUDE. In this mv, it refers to the story of Marilyn Monroe. Monroe is always sexy in the eyes of the world, which leads many people to see her with colored glasses, and even have obscene fantasies about her.
Although modern society should be more open, some people in today's society also maintain this idea. So this mv expresses that we are born naked, and only "you" with obscene thoughts is abnormal.
I will refer to this mv and divide it into different paragraphs. Compile different female stories in these paragraphs and use my own animation characters to interpret them
The role I created is also a part of myself. In my freshman year, I accidentally learned about women's rights, so I also learned about the world's prejudice against women. I don't want people to look at the world with stereotypes.
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essaycode1 · 2 years
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shadowyfirekitten · 2 years
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week3 assignment1
In this left portrait, the girl is staring into the distance and is lost in thought. Also, he is wearing the school uniform, so we can imagine that she is a school student. These elements succeed to tell the audience the message that she is thinking about her future. In short, It makes us image how she become adult.
At the same time as being, it makes adults feel nostalgic when they were young. In Japan, we express the youth using the Japanese “青春(seisyun)” which means blue spring. This picture background is based on blue color. This connects with the people’s image of youth, feel something special.
Also, there are a lot of water drops in this picture. They look like her tears or sweat. People may be impressed with fresh and want something drink. Actually, this picture is an advertisement of soft drink. Photographer’s intension to sell the merchandise is doing well.
Contrary to left(first) one, I feel that this picture doesn’t succeed in communicating a message of this person. It was taken by Seibu Sogou.
There is a woman filled her face with cream. Her hair is messed up, cream spills out on her cloth. Cream hide her face and we cannot see what her face looks like. However, I feel her sadness, humiliation and suffering from her incomplete opened mouse.
The same as first one, this picture is also an advertisement. The photographer criticizes society that females are discriminated and asks questions about this society to audience. I think that this picture makes gap between the photographer and audience.
When you argue the gender problem, especially discrimination against female, not only female but also male should participate in discussion. So, the message should be subjecting regardless gender. However, this picture aimed for just female. It leads to the idea that force female to make more effort. As the result, it causes a misunderstanding. Photographer’s intension doesn’t work.
 Compared these pictures, I focus on the photographer’s intension. I noticed that it is important to try to audience straightly and simply. Of course, it is important to make audience consider about the pictures, but it leads to misinterpretation. Especially, like advertisement, in the case of being the clear intension, photographers should take care of.
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