julietteaugerhamelin · 5 months
when I created this project, I based myself on a random photographer I found in the library. His photos were dark and very abstract for anyone to understand. They are also really large shots that make the photo seem endless. I first thought of recreating this project back home, in the lonely countryside. As my best friend walked around the field, he felt like he was in a place where time and space didn't exist. It felt like the backrooms he said.Moreover, I wanted my photos to just not make sense. Why is my subject lying down in the middle of the field looking dead? Why is my subject running away? Why is he hiding himself? those are for the viewer to answer in their own way.
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julietteaugerhamelin · 5 months
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The Backrooms part one
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julietteaugerhamelin · 5 months
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julietteaugerhamelin · 5 months
When I got this project last week, I was overwhelmed. I had no idea what to do or what to think of. The project was so large, I was lost in my thoughts. So, I went to the library like we did last time to inspire myself. Then I found a really large book. It was called “Cathedral of the Pines” by a photographer named Gregory Crewdson. Once I opened the book, the first photo I saw was beautiful. All of his photos are really zoomed out with a very high shallow depth of field. The photographs have a really beautiful landscape that really connects with nature. It makes us forget about the creepy aspect of his photos. He uses that to his advantage to make his photo seem less “gore”. His subject are so small compared to the rest of the photos. But as I turned the pages, the photos became really weird. On each photograph, something was off. You see, the audience when looking at something will always try to find logic or understanding why things are place the way they are. But when you are looking at this photo, absolutely nothing makes sense. Each time I showed the book to someone, I would notice something new in each photo I didn’t see before. Gregory photograph’s are surreal. But they also tell a story. When analyzing a photo, you can depict a storyline. Needless to say, his photographs are really creepy and have a lot of nudity. Which is not what I want to recreate. I was to inspire myself from this project, but without the nudity part.
Now, for what I will be doing in this project. I want to recreate the beautiful landscape that he used. For that project, he was mostly either in a forest or in an old cabin. Where I live, I live more on the country side. We have beautiful landscapes, old building and lots of forest I could inspire myself with. I would like to take a series of photographs for this project. The more photos, the more concept the viewer has. I also want to experiment a style of photography I’ve never done before. Most of my project would consist of portraits. But now I really want to go deeper in my creativity. The mise en scène in my photographs will be very important. It is what tells the viewer what happened or what they can understand. My regular lens in my camera would not be enough. I would probably borrow one from the photo lab that can take the most content in one photo. His photos are so large and the quality is exactly what I would like to recreate. For my photo book, all the photos would be extremely large. In the book “Cathedral Of The Pines” the photographs are 92.35 by 127 cm. Which is huge. But if my photos would be small, the viewer would be able to analyze the photo and look for elements that stands out to them. When the photo is large, it is possible to have a deep analysis.
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julietteaugerhamelin · 5 months
Collective themes: The Happening.
This project is about creating your own mind and ideas. Your own aesthetic. You become your own mentor. As I have previously said, this project is about nostalgia and memories told by a series of photos. I wanted you to feel the nostalgia. That's why I took the paraloid effect. Paraloid photos are old moments captured by an old camera. They both blend perfectly together in context. I took my photos on my camera and then would photoshop them into paraloid photos with a frame big enough to write a title. It gives the illusion that it is a paraloid photo. But the fact that it's a replica compliments the fact that I'm trying to bring old memories back.
The series of photos can help you understand my theme, but you can always see it as storytelling. The subject in my photos is my childhood best friend. We've been friends for the past 13 years. It all started at the location where I took the photos. Our elementary school. Each photo that I took is a memory core. His old room, the PS3 controller, the playground, the forest, his backyard, etc. The title of the photos explains what I'm trying for the viewer to see. "Quarry Of Silence" This photo was taken at a rock quarry we used to go to all the time, the two of us. You had to sneak in at the front. Nowadays, it is abandoned, not a single soul even knows about this place. The entire quarry is empty. All you hear is silence. "A Glimpse" My subject is taking a glimpse of his school. A glimpse into his younger self. He sees his 8-year-old self walking around the halls. He is peeking through his childhood. "The Back Hand" is a shot of my subject with a hand behind him. A hand creeping into him. Crawling on his back just like the thought of adulthood. "Consoling The Past" was a word trick for the world console. He is holding a PS3 controller. We used to play on it all the time together. Playing it nowadays heals our inner childhood. We console our past. "Beyond Limits" As we were kids, we were never allowed to go on top of the structures. But now as adults, we can do whatever we want. We are breaking the rules we weren't allowed in the past. We are beyond the limits.
Just from a few photos, you have an overall understatement of what I'm trying to give out as a message. Photos aren't just a juxtaposition of layers, they are stories that are told by deceiving it. Nostalgia is a very powerful feeling, that can have so many different meanings from different people. Paraloid photos are stuck in the past and they are the perfect fit for nostalgia.
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julietteaugerhamelin · 5 months
Print photos
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julietteaugerhamelin · 5 months
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top 5 photos
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julietteaugerhamelin · 5 months
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contact sheet: Collective themes
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julietteaugerhamelin · 6 months
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julietteaugerhamelin · 6 months
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julietteaugerhamelin · 6 months
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julietteaugerhamelin · 6 months
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julietteaugerhamelin · 6 months
Collective Theme (work in progress)
During our session at the library, I had no idea on what I wanted to do for this project. What aesthetic do I want to approach? After looking at multiple different books, none of them caught my interest. Yes, they were pretty photos, but is it what I wanted to do? Not really. Then, I came across a book talking about paraloid photos. I’ve always loved these types of photos. Small little photographs that you can fit in your pockets. The colours are always very vivid and warm. They capture memories for people to remember forever. You can even label them on the bottom part of your photos. Now, this is what U want to do for this project. I want to take the photos like usual with the Canon camera. But, throughout the editing process on Photoshop, that's how I'm going to make them into polaroid photos.
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Idea #1:
I would want my photos to be memories. Not just for me, the artist of the photo, but the viewer. In a way, I want them to evoke a sense of nostalgia. Paraloid photos are special because they have a unique old-fashioned style that makes them look like they're from the past. When you see these photos, they can make you feel nostalgic, like remembering old times. They're not just pictures, they're like time machines that bring back memories and make you feel a lot of emotions. I want them to reach not a specific audience but for everybody.
Idea #2:
I would like for my photos to tell stories. I don’t want them to just be a beautiful photo to look at that ends there. I want them to go deeper into meaning. Yes, they can be pretty, but they could do both at the same time. Photos can tell stories and share messages in simple ways. When you look at a photo, it's like reading a short story or getting a quick message. For example, a picture of a family reunion can tell you about love and togetherness, while a photo of a polluted beach can show the importance of taking care of the environment. Just like how words can tell stories, photos can too, but with visuals instead of text.
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julietteaugerhamelin · 6 months
part 3, print photo
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I took this photo at my friend's house. I mean I don't think we still are friends at this moment. People drift apart. Their mindset and priorities change. I lost this friend due to a situation that happened to us. She wants to protect herself by having a break between us. I took this photo when we were close. But I thought to use this photo for printing because it is the best opportunity to show sorrow.
First, Brassai's art is very dark and sad. His photos are monochrome, which adds to the depth of the sadness. The black and white captures this happy moment as a sad memory. The monochrome colour is a contrast. White is pure light and black is the absence of light. The large amount of black can be seen as a void or emptiness that the viewer will feel from the moment captured. We see a lot of textures with our eyes that we can feel on our hands just by looking. We can imagine the bedsheets and the softness of them. We could also imagine the hard cold wood floor. Those two elements that I brought up are contrast. It can be understood as a rough change in someone's attitude towards you. One minute you feel comfy and soft and the other you feel cold.
Second, what I love about this photo is how everything is well-balanced. The photo was taken at the center of the room. You can see the whole bedframe, there's a light on each side of the room, there are posters on both walls, we see 3 flower bouquets hung on the ceiling, etc. Most of the photo is balanced and it is pleasing to our eyes. It could also be understood as stability that needs to be founded in a friendship. We notice an emphasis on the girl and the bedframe. They are the center of the shot. There's a movement that our eyes take through the work of art. We start from the girl to the bed, on the walls, on the poster, on the types of furniture, etc. Our eyes start from the center and end there. The photo is proportioned evenly. It is not empty nor too crowded. There's a variety of elements present in this moment. Our eyes notice all different things, but we realize they are there for a reason. We also feel a sense of unity between all the parts of the work of art. It creates the viewer a feeling of completeness.
To conclude, this photo represents the loss of a friendship. Brassai's dark art, which was inspired for this assignment, emphasizes the sadness with a monochrome image. It turned a happy moment into a sorrowful souvenir.
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julietteaugerhamelin · 6 months
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part 2, 5 new photos
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julietteaugerhamelin · 6 months
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top 5 photos (part 1)
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julietteaugerhamelin · 6 months
Part 1: the first 24 photos and the top 5 indicated
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