julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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Potential labelling ideas hopefully to be discussed before it's finalised
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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This is an image of the lens looking down onto the microfiche. The lens zoom isn't strong enough for it to work properly and even if it was, I haven’t used real microfiche, that is a tiny masked out silver spray painted rectangle. 
This by no means a functional piece but strongly represents how i would want it to work. 
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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I’m very happy with how it’s come together at this stage. It is a little bit of a struggle to put together and there are still a few details to attend to; Gluing components together, making a couple of swivels for attaching some components and painting it to a worn out Bauhaus. 
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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After drilling the holes for the pins and housing, I took a these couple of images so I could document some of it coming together. 
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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A pair of tweezers I made alongside the rest of the piece. My tutor and I discused the function and the step by step process of it’s theoretical use. This is how we realised there was not way to move the microfische from the storage to the viewing window so made up these out of tin and annealed them.
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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This is a fairly accurate image to show the form of the lens and how it sits over the camera component. 
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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Using the telescopic idea and the wanting to make the lens set into metal, the tutor and I came up with this. This is a practice to learn the process of silver soldering and understanding the process of setting the lens 
The setting ring itself wasn't actually the right size so i was taught how to stretch the metal with a stretching bar and a polishing hammer.
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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An idea for aiding the portability with telescopic components. 3 sized of brass tube that fit into each other.  
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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Some of the Bauhaus inspiration which is informing the design and overall look of the piece
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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This is something i was told to look into. as the context of my piece has evolved into something along the lines of a past relic found in the modern day, I was recommended that is should be from the era of Bauhaus as i features clean lines and circular and rectangular form 
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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This has also evolved somewhat further from this but this is something like what i plan to make. the suspended lens will be set into a ring and have an arm, like this but curved, which will dis-attach and clip onto the box somewhere. 
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
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This is an idea for displaying the piece. 
There will be a picture similar to this but the magnigied area of the lens will be a photoshopped image of a magnified document, hopefully helping explain the function aided by a simple paper tag.
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
Function and Context
“to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly”
As my function is to hide something and my context is a world reacting to a lack of privacy, I need to consider the vagueness of the future this all takes place in.
Moores law is a theory on progress projection with regards to technology and the speed at which it will become more powerful. The original projection (1965) was estimated to be processing power doubling every year. Decades later (1975) he revised the original theory to doubling every two years and this year the CEO of Intel has once again revised the projection to doubling once every two and a half years. A clear slowing in the law shows that soon it will be obsolete due to physical constraints. 
Does this mean we can apply this theory to everything that the future might hold? Will comuters plateu with power? Will screens stop getting smaller?
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
What should my object do?
The plan for my object is to hide something. A lot of the museum items I looked and and thought about were adaptive items of ingenuity or beauty for a practical or social environment. I thought I can stretch this a bit and make my environment, although futuristic and physically vague, fully of ethical questions around technology and privacy. 
I therefore think people of the future would be finding ways to be more covert and appreciative of privacy where they can control it. I think given the choice, people would choose private life and my object should allow them that and allow the people of the future another more private option.
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
What is a lock?
1. a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like in position when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc.
another definition I paraphrased
mechanical or electronic fastening device that releases when supplied with secret information
Basically, stopping something moving. At the time I thought of it more as keeping something or someone in or out of somewhere but this is a much more broad defintion that is more widely applicable. But because of the context of my project, an electric lock would be ironic.
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
Reactions to Pitt Rivers
When it came to our trip to the Pitt Rivers, we were shown around some of the more interesting and relevant items for our brief. After, we were given some free time to explore ourself and look at all of the other items displayed. 
At the time I was interested in the tools; nothing is more of an instant and physical adaptation to an environment as a tool for a job. I looked at weapons and thought about adaptation to an unsafe environment or for hunting and survival. Items such as snow goggles to ease living in difficult climates or lamps to give light or warmth; “necassity is the mother of all invention”.
I found everything I thought about had a sliding scale; Survive or Thrive. Some items couldn't be lived without but were still decorated or have some social resonance. Others like games or grooming items, though not strictly for immediate survival, held such a social importance, they became necessary to survive. 
I toyed around with ideas of what is needed for survival and how it is obtained, pure necessity. However I found myself always at the same point of just not being all that excited by it because it’s been done. After struggling I found the cabinets with locks in and something clicked into place. After some thought and working on where on my theoretical Survive or Thrive scale locks would sit, I decided I should persist.
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julietvictors-blog · 9 years
What is my “Environment”?
The future. 
Since I briefly looked at a couple of articles about technology and the privacy debate, I have been having advertising related to this targeted directly to me on the advertising panels of websites. These could be more links to other articles on the website, more vaguely related “tag word” adverts or even just things I can buy to give me more privacy. 
Targeted advertising continuing at the rate it is going might eventually be so sophisticated it is dangerous and we don’t know how that is going to affect our immediate surroundings. How much real choice will consumers or citizens have in the future? 
I wan’t to play around with the idea of privacy and the future grasp we may, or may not, have on it.
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